Sensei of Shambala Read online

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‘Birds and stone’ by Anastasia Novykh

  Three captivating short stories “Night duty”, “Everything is so simple”, and “Birds and stone” anyway are connected with a legendary person of Sensei.

  “Night duty” relates an unusual day of major Rebrov, an ordinary man, burdened with everyday concerns, but who always acts with humanity, making a matter of conscience, without stopping to think, risking his life for the sake of coming to help others. During this fateful night duty in the time of mortal danger, suddenly he encountered a phenomenon, unusual to this world, owing to which Rebrov was able not only to save other people’s lives, but also struggle out of this situation alive. Starting from this moment he began to see the world with completely different eyes...

  “Everything is so simple” – a story about an old man, fishing at a river-side, when an uncommon young neighbor-fisherman joined him. In their conversation, the old man imparted his uneasy destiny to him, including a striking incident that had happened to him during the war and his postwar life. And since his companion proved to be a good com pany, the old man shared his thoughts, tormenting him, doubts about himself and the spent life, which arise in any person, living to an old age. In reply his occasional acquaintance told him a wise ancient eastern parable...

  “Birds and stone” is the most vivid and impressive in its information story of this triad. The narration goes about a curious meeting of Sensei with Max, who had once been a long time near Sensei. But now this man appeared before Sensei in a somewhat different look of a... girl, in whose body his soul entered after a car accident. Unusual heart-to-heart talk about the past life, values reappraisal of Max due to the past life and the present – the story leaves an indelible impression and enables to look differently at one’s own life and adjust its course. Besides that, the book contains much remarkable knowledge on the human in the light of science and understanding of the ancient of where thoughts are ‘born’ as well as ways of controlling them. There is also information on the ‘Jesus Prayer’, being one of the most sacramental and effective spiritual practices of Christianity, about Saint Agapit, a resounded for ages healer monk of Kiev-Pechersky Monastery, about the present-day spiritual elder Antony. And much more information for those, who follow the spiritual path and who aspire to be Human!

  ‘Crossroads’ by Anastasia Novykh

  A dynamic and fascinating detective story, relating a secret project realization via intelligence service by a clandestine Slavic organization, originating from the legendary secret service officers of the early XXth century, seeking for Shambala. The action takes place in 1994-1995. For the realization of this project, which played a crucial role in subsequent succession of events throughout the Slavic countries, the main character of the book “Sensei of Shambala” is set in motion. Owing to his professionalism and personal world-view, extraordinary powers and talent of a universal analyst – a dangerous threat, supervised by the criminal world, and menacing the project realization, was eliminated.

  Along with the exciting dynamic action, the book contains a lot of fascinating information: about secret service work, about the true story of the occurred events, echoing in the present; useful informative facts on human and his phenomenal abilities; mysterious prophecies and unusual vision on problems of the mankind from a completely different universal view. And, of course, the golden thread of Anastasia Novykh works, expressed in words and acts of the central character, Sensei: regardless of the situation first and foremost – be a Human and carry this title across the life with Honor and Virtue.

  Dear readers!

  Being guided by the spirit of the new times, when there begin to appear such masterpieces as books by Anastasia Novykh, containing a depository of remarkable knowledge, not only supporting and helping people, but also assisting in spreading of harmony and good in the world,

  Sensei Publishing House is determined to make its contribution to such a noble cause

  and grants to all those, who have not yet been able to look through the books by Anastasia Novykh, a free access to full-text electronic versions of these books

  at Sensei Publishing House web-site

  Owing to this, dear readers, you will be able not only to evaluate the degree of spiritual necessity in these books at this point of your journey, but also obtain these uncommon masterpieces in the form of quality printed books with design, made by the author.

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  Sensei Newspaper

  The main purpose of Sensei newspaper is

  - thorough study of topics, touched upon in the books by Anastasia Novykh,

  - dissemination of knowledge on the world and human,

  - topical information on self-development, spiritual development,

  - entire spectrum of various knowledge on micro- and macro-world,

  - science, culture, history, and literature news,

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