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SciFan Magazine January 2017
SciFan Magazine January 2017 Read online
SciFan Magazine January 2017 Issue
About SciFan Magazine
Octav’s Rise to Ainoren: Written by Dawn Chapman
Seance on Death Row: Written by Douglas Kolacki
The Tot of Wonder: Written by John Taloni
Miss Soames: Written by Kyle Hemmings
Orlok’s Song: Written by David Castlewitz
Voices Beneath The Ice: Written by Matthew McKiernan
Secret of the Old Ones : Written by Blaise Corvin
B2B CyCon
The SciFan™ Universe: A Scientific Creationist Story: Written by Jared Fleming
Stormguard: Written by Tom Fallwell
Spacejacking, First Act: Written by Russell Hemmell
The Brat and the Other Country: Written by David Perlmutter
In the Hot Mists: Written by John A. Frochio
Occupational Hazard: Written by Lander Allen
About SciFan Magazine
Copyright (C) 2017, Dayne Edmondson and Richard Mulder (of the collection)
Copyright (C) 2017 of each work belongs to the respective author or artist.
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This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Publisher: SciFan Entertainment
Edited by Dayne Edmondson and Richard Mulder and M.L. Spencer
Cover design by Richard Mulder
SciFan Magazine is a magazine dedicated to celebrating stories in the science fantasy genre.
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COMMANDER OCTAV BROKI SHIELDED himself in a green aura, hidden in plain sight. Not all Aonise were capable of this feat, and he considered himself unique to be so able. He watched as two regular palace guards made their rounds, just as they did every night. Octav itched to get across to see Prince Kendro, time not on his side. As soon as the guards passed, Octav tucked in his head, and leapt over the wired borders.
One thing played on his mind—his latest orders. At Kendro’s request, the squadron was preparing to leave Letháo, as soon as Octav could recruit the right men for the mission. This gave him very little time, and he needed to see his prince before departing in the morning.
Octav stepped on a dry twig.
He froze, certain he would be spotted. He focussed deeper within himself, his green shield growing darker. He rotated slowly, expecting to see the guards heading his way, but they had gone safely around the next corner.
All this to see a friend…
Reaching the far side of the palace walls, Octav held out a hand, tentative for any sign of a croex shield. At this time of night, the palace was locked down. No shock. Good. He was in the clear. Opening the back door, he slid inside, and felt for the next two steps down into the lower chambers, shrouded in darkness.
It was comfortable and familiar, as he had negotiated this path many times before; yet, as he stepped forward, he caught his foot. Startled, Octav stooped down and stretched out a hand. Cloth? Discarded uniform?
Octav’s croex flickered within his shield, but the room around him stayed green. He edged forward, hearing grunts up ahead. Fighting? Sucking in a breath, he continued on, hoping not to witness something he shouldn’t, especially after hours. Friend of the Heir to House Niakrex or not, he was still expected to follow etiquette for each visit. King Valor was very strict with these protocol traditions. Following the correct procedure, this late at night, would not get him a visit with his best friend.
As he neared the games room, and the noise grew, Octav feared his first instinct had been dead on. Judging by the two male voices heard groaning and slamming within, someone inside must be locked in combat, and oblivious to his approach.
Octav decided not to interfere, and took a dive past the croex-lit room, but as he crossed the doorway, he saw a couple entwined in passion, not fighting. What?
Octav’s shield flickered, a green haze spreading out from him, listing towards the games room. He’d be spotted for sure now. Holding fast, he waited. Had they heard him? When the groans continued, so did he—heading straight for the stairs to Kendro’s private quarters.
No sooner had Octav’s foot hit the last step, when the Prince’s door opened. Kendro stood in night slacks, his dark wavy hair scuffed up from sleeping. The heir rubbed tiredly at his face. Octav grinned at him and went straight inside.
“You shouldn’t have come,” Kendro whispered, his bright, blue eyes twinkling in the dark. Octav dropped his shield as Kendro added, “I’m glad you did though.” He grasped Octav’s arm tight in a show of brotherly appreciation.
“I heard rumours,” Octav said. “I had to come.”
“First thing’s first. There’s something I must tell you—” Kendro tugged Octav towards his bedspace where he sat. Octav followed, but stood. It wasn’t often Kendro’s voice wavered, but tonight, his friend’s nerves echoed all around the room. Flickers of the Prince’s croex lit the ornate carvings and decorations with an eerie blue glow.
“You’ve seen something, haven’t you?” Octav asked. “What is it?”
Kendro continued to stare. “Don’t use Veco as your pilot on this mission.”
Confused about this vision, Octav wanted more, but knew when not to push for the truth.
“There’s a pilot you’ve drafted, Chace Monro. He’ll be your second.” These words were more like an order than advice from a friend.
Octav thought for a moment, considering each man he’d enlisted for this mission. He sought clarity when he spoke. “Monro’s the pilot I followed who’d been feeding several homeless Heiako in the area.” Octav sat down, puzzled, taking a chair before the heir. “And I must switch them?”
“Veco needs to be with Lyrik for your intercept mission to succeed,” Kendro insisted. “Replace Hanya with Veco.”
“It’s tactical,” he sighed with relief. “Nothing more?”
Kendro held his gaze, eyes flickering with emotion. “You’ll do as I ask?”
“Of course.” Octav lowered his head, but held the stare, hoping the rumours he’d come to verify were untrue after all. “And your upcoming… marriage?”
Kendro’s brow wrinkled. He turned away. “I will also do as I am asked.”
Octav was the first to hear footsteps across the hall, and the creaking of a door.
sp; “Father’s coming!”
Octav had nowhere to hide.
Kendro’s door opened, and there stood King Valor in his night slacks. “Octav, I should have known it had been you.” The King’s shimmering mark gave away his annoyance at the sight before him. He added, “Wait for me in my office. I need to speak with my son.”
Oh Ari. Octav stood. Lowering his head, he slipped past Valor to make his exit as quickly as possible. I shouldn’t have come tonight. This was my dumbest move yet. Yet, having heard Kendro receive only a few dressing-downs in the past, he waited in the corridor, just to make sure his friend was all right.
From within did not come the rumble of a royal dressing down. “You told him to change his plans?”
“Yes, Father. He’s a good soldier. He would comply, without question, with any command I issued.”
King Valor let out a sigh. This greatly worried Octav, but their conversation was never meant for his ears, and he decided not to eavesdrop any longer. He made his way to Valor’s office. Valor knew someone was there, how? I’d disabled all the alarms, the codes. So many different thoughts whirled around in his head, but more importantly, Why change my pilot?
Octav’s pacing from one side of the room to the other became tiresome. The King was obviously making him sweat things out, as he’d heard His Highness walk past, and enter another room. Though, this time, the whispers he heard in the dark were nothing he could decipher. In the end, Octav chose to sit, looking at the ornate desk and chair belonging to the Royal family.
The detailed carvings etched in ancient Lacria interested Octav the most. He ran a finger over the letters, wondering how long it had taken to create such a beautiful piece. Studying linguistics had been a hobby of his, at least until military training and defence had taken all of his time. Whispers of battles fought, treaties made. The desk had seen, and recorded, it all.
Without warning, King Valor burst through the door, and Octav jumped to attention. The King strode to his desk in huge, flowing steps, and came to rest in front of Octav. He watched Octav without a single word for a long, uneasy moment. Octav dared not move, or look away, but lowered his head just a little, avoiding eye contact. “I’m sorry, Your Highness.”
“At ease, Commander Broki.”
Octav relaxed a little, at last able to meet the King’s firm glower.
“You and my son have been friends from birth.” Valor’s words were clear and commanding. “I could no more keep you out of the Royal Palace than punish you for an after-hours visit, but these visits to the House have become extremely dangerous.” He pointed a finger to a schematic map of the Royal grounds. “The last few times, I’ve told Nax to lower the shield, and allow you inside,” he began, his fingers pointing out locations on the map on his desk with a heavy bunk, bunk, “there have been others watching.”
Dismayed it wasn’t his prowess allowing him access, but that of Kendro’s half-brother, Octav’s embarrassment flickered emerald green around the room’s tapestries.
“Sit.” Valor pointed, folding broad arms across his chest.
Octav stepped back, feeling the chair behind him. Valor moved around the desk, and perched on the corner before him. The flicker of the King’s eyes gave way to his next intentions. Valor lifted his left hand, the darkening blue croex around him igniting.
In his seat, Octav swallowed.
“There are some very important things of which I have to inform you.” The King’s croex reached forward, a living entity growing from within his soul aimed at Octav. “Please, if you would?”
Contact of croex was forbidden except for mates, however, Octav had never heard the King say ‘please’ before. This must be of great importance! With a shaking hand, he reached up, as the King reassured, “I will not hurt you, but there is something you must see.”
Octav allowed his own green croex forward, connecting his with the King’s. Of course, Valor meant him no harm; he was their protector and leader. The King proceeded to lift his hand. Octav felt bile rising in his throat; he’d never connected in a full scrie before. Seeing his King raise his sacred right hand that way, suddenly seemed terrifying, but the flow of energy he felt from Valor had already pushed him forward.
Dark blue met with green, and a crack of light energy burst free, books and ornaments rocked where they lay. Octav feared the whole House would have felt this. Guards would come running, thinking assassination attempt!
Octav’s instinct to pull back was strong, but Valor held steady.
A knock at the door, Ainoren Demil spoke clear. “Sire, are you all right?”
Valor called, “I will see you shortly, Demil.”
Valor turned his attention back to Octav. “Allow me to direct this.”
Much later than planned, as dawn approached, Octav left the King’s office with a heavy heart. His need strong to see Kendro once more, but with what he’d just experienced, the young Commander had to walk away.
Tapping his comms, Octav called for Lyrik, turning to exit the Royal Palace this time through the front door. “Ships ready?”
Lyrik’s cool voice returned, “All set, Commander.”
This was it. Without another glance, Octav walked away. He had the overwhelming feeling that Kendro’s eyes watched as he exited the grounds, piercing the back of his head. It hurt him deeply that his friend’s life would change so much. When Octav returned, the heir would be King, and life as Octav knew it, changed forever.
Meeting Chace
Octav hadn’t flown with Chace as pilot before. He’d only observed some of the young soldier’s mission logs, and felt curious enough to follow him as Chace had left the base one night. But, seeing that he’d only walked to a local Heiako food bank to distribute some of his rations, Octav had turned back, satisfied he wasn’t causing any trouble.
When greeting the squadrons on the flight deck, Octav felt uncomfortable, the churning in his stomach grated his nerves. He couldn’t escape this part of his destiny, and talking with Valor about it in depth proved the King’s decisions on their paths were right. Orders or not, Octav would do as requested.
Lyrik and Hanya saluted as Octav strode towards them, and he returned the salute. Octav looked out toward the soldiers, lined in formation, in pristine fighting condition. Two squadrons, each detailing sixteen platoons. These were the best from each and every flight academy on Letháo. Their leaders were the highest marked soldiers through training. Octav stood straight, proud. “At ease,” he called.
With a nod to Lyrik, the Commander spoke clearly, even though the tangle at the pit of his stomach squirmed within. “A few small tactical changes to the mission, Sergeant.”
Lyrik raised an eyebrow. “Sir?”
Octav knew all eyes were on him. “Sergeant Veco, Private Chace Monro, step forward.”
Chace’s dark-cropped head rose in the ranks of his platoon. His birthmark never wavered as he approached the commanding officers. Stopping to salute before them, alongside Veco, Chace’s cool blue eyes and his mark glittered once, and settled on Octav. “Yes, Sir.”
“Private, you’re with me. Hanya replace him with Drel on Rit’s platoon,” Octav ordered. “Veco you’re with Lyrik.”
Octav ignored Veco’s look of defeat, which was obvious to everyone, as he stood firm and saluted even so.
“Prep for launch,” Octav finished.
Lyrik ordered the men on, and the soldiers synchronised as one unit, turning to launch. As they departed, Octav caught the whispers of several. Why the last minute changes? I hope he knows what he’s doing. This had better work out. Octav sighed, even though he trusted Kendro implicitly, this change had him worried.
Fleeting images from his last several missions with Veco filled Octav’s thoughts. He was always glad Veco stuck by his side, looking out for him. Having known each other through their academy days, they’d become fast friends, the rapport between them making them a dynamic tandem; there was no guessing when out in the midst of battle. Octav felt bad for changing plans on
this mission, albeit for good reason.
The Heir’s warnings for a switch, and the King’s scrie, weren’t to be taken lightly. Kendro’s ability to see the future had already proved more than useful in their latest endeavours against the warring Houses, and the recent Zefron incursions.
Octav stood and waited for both squadrons to file out. Chace waited by his side, not moving, but also not taking his eyes off Octav. He cast Chace a glance or two, not sure about the reactive vibes he felt. The Chief of the Watch approached them, saluting.
“Commander, your ship’s designs were updated as specified.”
Octav threw Chace a nod. “You’ll find the ship’s modifications interesting.” Finally meeting the pilot’s eyes, Octav felt more discomfort in his stomach. What did I eat? “Shall we?” Octav strode off in the direction of his personal flight deck, hoping the unease consuming him might dissipate once in space.
Approaching the Ras fighter, Octav knew the additions. He wondered if Monro would see them. Unlike what any other pilot would, or should do, Monro dropped his stance and whistled. Stepping forward and reaching down into the recessed bay where Ras sat, he ran his hands down the side of the large croex cannon straddling the Ras’s left flank. The young pilot turned to face Octav; his birthmark flickered blue around his smile.
Octav held in the laugh wanting to escape. The younger soldier had no control, and Octav couldn’t help but ask the pilot, “You like it?”
Chace’s twinkling eyes said it all. “Twin croex cannons linked into the Sietev, Sir? It’s experimental, though. Am I right, Sir?”
Octav nodded. “Designed by our greatest, tested in the field over our last several missions.”
Monro placed his palm on the key panel, his croex mingling with the computer, and the cockpit shaft slid open. Chace jumped straight in. Octav admired his enthusiasm, even if his protocol training had seemingly vanished.
Watching from the wing, Octav noted, pleased, as Chace expertly started systems without prompting for codes. He was good, a hacker, too.