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- Schmidt, Esther E.
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“You know the drill, missy. You ramble while I get my hands busy. And when we’re done, we will sit down, have a drink, and discuss it. Now, let me get my knife while you fire up that sexy mouth of yours,” Sona says and shoots me a grin.
I start to pace and think about where I should start but Sona draws my attention by pointing the knife in the direction of my socks. “Oh, fluffy bacon socks for comfort. This tells me your issues are catastrophic. Okay, let’s have it.”
She knows me all too well, probably the only person alive who does, since I share more secrets with her than with anyone else in my life.
I clench my hands into fists. “You don’t even know the half of it. Mr. Asshole got me benched and even wrote a full report about me being incapable and a liability. Me!” I seethe.
Sona is scooping out the pink flesh of the watermelon and softly asks, “I’m guessing this is the same asshole you grabbed to be a human shield in an effort to protect the baby you were saving?”
“Yes. This whole case went to shit the second those SEALs from Cole Security Forces interfered with—”
The knife is pointed in my direction again. “Didn’t you tell me they weren’t SEALs?”
“Former SEALs, but those guys never stop being what they are; skilled and trained to handle any situation. These guys work for Cole Security Forces, but the asshole I’m talking about—who is questioning my capabilities—isn’t working for them. He’s CIA. His daddy owns half of Cole Security Forces. Freaking hypocrite. Maybe I should write a report about him myself to blabber about moonlighting right next to his CI-freaking-A job.”
The knife clatters against the counter and Sona keeps staring at me. I never hold back with her. Like I said, she’s my best friend and knows me better than anyone. The first time we met we were stuck in the elevator. After spending over an hour talking, I was tired of waiting for help and I got the both of us out of there.
I had to explain why I knew and could do things. I spilled some and asked her not to mention it to anyone. Obviously, she didn’t and over the years I started trusting her more since she’s the type of person who locks secrets away deep in her soul and treasures our friendship.
She’s my one in a million bestie, that’s for sure. And I always return the favor. I’m her person and she’s mine. But this also means we keep it real and won’t ever lie or shy away from telling each other the truth right to their face.
“What’s going to happen now?” she questions.
I grab a barstool and shove it slightly back before I plant my ass on it. “I’m benched for the next few weeks for sure. And this might just guarantee my father won’t let me take another high-profile case ever again with the freaking CIA pointing me out in a freaking report. I’m the reason all legal eyes are locked on Broken Deeds MC. I guess now is the time to get drunk and not think for a few hours because I have a headache building and it won’t do me any good thinking about any of it. And really…what else can I do?”
“Get drunk?” Sona snorts and hits the button to turn on the mixer. She turns it off and pours the liquid inside the empty melon. “You mean stop after three drinks instead of two?”
“You’d do best to grab another melon from your apartment because this one is mine, Sona. I mean it. Even if you put the whole bottle of vodka in there, I’m going to sit here and drink until I’m too drunk to grab another glass.”
She shoots me a grin and shoves two glasses along with the melon my way and points at the plastic tap. “You’re in charge of pouring the drinks while I go grab the other melon and clear my schedule, because you and I are gonna be at it alllll night long.”
Right. All night long for sure. I’ll give it an hour before I’m passed out drunk, ‘cause like I said, I never drink more than two, maybe three. But I’m absolutely not keeping count now.
The groan ripping from my mouth instantly dies when I realize I’m making too much noise for my pounding headache. Why oh-freaking-why did I have to drink so much? I rub my eyes and temples and turn slightly, becoming aware someone is lying right next to me.
Red curls. Sona. The corner of my mouth twitches to see her lying next to me. Either she was too drunk to go to her own apartment next door or didn’t think it was safe to leave me on my own. Then I notice she’s holding Rat and I reach out to snag it away from her. The woman is dead to the world and isn’t aware of anything that just happened and keeps snoring peacefully.
I glance down at my one eared stuffed rat and safely place it underneath my pillow. It’s the one thing I can’t sleep without. My dad gave it to me when I was five years old and I’ve had it ever since. Even if it’s all ragged and missing an ear since my annoying brother ripped it off.
I stretch and roll my shoulders. Glancing at the clock I notice it’s almost noon, and normally I would be awake before dawn to start my morning routine. Yet, the way my head is pounding, there’s no way I’m hitting the floor for some pushups followed by a run through the park and hitting the gym later in the afternoon. Instead I slowly make my way toward the bathroom and take a long hot shower.
While I’m getting dressed, I think about what I’m going to do today. Other than maybe hitting the gym tonight. The need to punch something is high, and there’s only one way for me to get rid of all the anger still flowing through my body; a long workout followed by some sparring in the ring.
I glance at my arms and the thought of a new tattoo hits me. Even if I have little space left since most of my body is covered with either lines or geometric tattoos. My mother used to be a tattoo artist. She still inks from time to time, but only for friends and family. She used to pierce too. Needless to say, she’s the one who pierced my belly button, tongue, and did all of my ink.
I don’t like to cover my body with flashy colors. Every line on my body is black and I don’t do make-up or a dress and heels. Well, I do have exceptions when it comes to dressing like a lady when it’s needed to get a job done, but that’s really not by choice.
The only things bright, shiny, and colorful are my piercings. They are all white gold along with shiny rubies. I mentioned the belly button and the tongue piercing, but I also have a vertical clit hood piercing. I had to go out of state to get the clit hood piercing. Needless to say, it’s not the kind of piercing you let your mom do.
I also have to add the fact I haven’t had sex since I got it. But getting that piercing is the best decision I ever made. Talk about sensitive and extra stimulation. If my life wasn’t so insane, I would get out, find myself a suitable guy and go for a test run. Come to think of it, I have all the time in the world now. Maybe I should go find one to get my rocks off, another fine way to get rid of some of the tension flowing through my body.
I brush my long hair and pull it back into a tight braid. I might have long, dirty blonde hair but it’s always up in a braid or a ponytail. I debate putting on my fluffy socks underneath my black ripped jeans but decide against it. I’m not one to keep soaking in misery.
The aspirin I took before hitting the shower is slowly doing its job. Getting some new ink will have to wait since I don’t feel like talking to my mom. Hell, I’m not up to facing any of them. I want to sulk, and yet what I really want to do is dive into a case where I need to put my brain through hell. It’s how I function best, what I’m used to, and what I crave the most.
I grab my laptop and get comfortable on the couch. Maybe I’ll hack into the system and glance through my father’s email to see what cases landed on Broken Deeds MC’s lap. Yeah, that would really piss him off and I’ll end up getting cozy on the bench because my father will add more weeks of not being allowed to work.
Opening my email, I notice one my dad has seemed to have sent me last night. Clicking on it I see the attachment and instantly my anger fades. I might be benched but not completely kicked off the team. My father wants me to research a case and it’s just what I need.
One thing is strange, though. There’s a line at the bottom i
n caps, warning me not to mention it to anyone. He knows I would never share any details about open cases, so it’s pointless to mention it.
Unless…unless this one is totally off the books and he gave it to me to solve on my own, mainly because I’m benched and Broken Deeds MC is under investigation. Which means I’m not allowed to touch or do anything Broken Deeds MC or case related business.
My father knows me all too well; I need to keep my mind busy or I’ll go insane. Not to mention he believed me instantly when I gave him a rundown of what went down when we extracted the baby. None of it was my fault and I had no other choice than to handle it the way I did.
There’s even a video of the whole incident only my father has. This because it involved a guy who had diplomatic immunity which means we need everything to be kept under wraps and no one else can have knowledge of this video.
I do admit it might have been weird for the CIA guy to be grabbed by me and used as a human shield, the video clearly shows I have no other choice and I’m doing it to save his life too.
I close my eyes and give a little shake of my head. I need to stop thinking about it and put everything behind me. Luckily my father gave me something to focus on. With a few keystrokes I fire up the printer and I shoot a short reply to my dad to let him know I’m going to take the case.
“What are you smiling about?” Sona grumbles and heads into the kitchen to make herself a steaming cup of coffee.
I head for the printer and take the pile of papers and grab a folder from the drawer of the desk underneath and stash them in there. I have all the time in the world, and I just obtained the serenity back in my bones to breathe and occupy my brain with a new case. So, I’m going to drink some coffee, and when Sona leaves, I will grab my notebook, computer, and the file to distract myself.
I grab a mug and place it on the counter while I wait for Sona to step aside so I can fix myself some coffee too. I bump my shoulder lightly against hers. “You. I’m smiling because of you.”
I can hardly mention the case my father gave me. He instructed me not to tell anyone, and I might mention some details to Sona every once in a while, but it’s always about closed cases and not active ones. Well, and obviously the personal shit I’m currently wrapped in, but I don’t consider myself a freaking case.
Sona raises her eyebrow in suspicion, knowing very well I’m not giving her a straight answer. At times she’s too observant for her own good, but I also like that about her. Another thing I won’t ever do is lie to her.
“Thanks for last night,” I simply say and give her another smile.
“Geez, thanks for making it sound dirty.” She snickers and rolls her eyes. “Yes, good sex, lovely. Shame you don’t remember any of it because you passed out.”
I snort a laugh and so does she. Like I said, we can be ourselves around each other, crack jokes, no lies, and no obligations or judgement.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, keep it up and I might like you.” Sona shoots me a wink and raises her steaming cup of coffee. “You’ll get this back, I’m off to do some work. Call me if you need me.”
“Thanks, babe,” I tell her as she strolls out of the kitchen and heads for the door.
I grab my coffee and head for the living room. Benched due to a freaking report my ass. If this CIA asshole could see me now. My cheeks hurt from the satisfied smile spreading on my face as I reach for the file and start to dive into my new case.
Chapter Two
“It won’t work,” I sigh and place the file I was going through back on my desk. “I’m the one who wrote a report about her, she won’t trust me enough to get close. And why did this land in my lap?”
Lex Dennetts, a friend but also my superior, shrugs and rubs a hand over his clean-shaven jaw. “They picked you because of what happened and the report you filed. They specifically asked for you, and if you asked me, I think you’re the right man for the job too. Even more because of what happened, it’s an opportunity. Besides, I’ve heard the rumor how the two of you were wrapped in heated arguments a couple of times after the successful extraction. The way I see it, you can use this to your advantage. Accidentally run into her and apologize, offer to take her out, whatever you need to get close.”
I’m not buying it, everything seems fishy. The way Cole Security Forces was pulled into this last-minute extraction of a baby held hostage. Me receiving the order it was mandatory I go in with them. Everything about this put me on full alert.
Then the run-in we had with two people of Broken Deeds MC. I’ve heard about them a few times over the years I’ve worked for the CIA. Mostly good things since they always manage to close each case that lands in their lap.
I rub a hand over my face. “She won’t buy it; this woman is too alert to fall for a simple apology when all we do is go head to head since the moment we met.”
“She will. There’s no doubt in my mind; you’ll get it done. No one in the agency is more skilled than you. Or do you suddenly have moral issues? You didn’t when you reported Harry when he used government money to hide his sexcapades with another agent. You did the right thing back then, and it’s probably the reason why you were asked to do this or why you were pulled into the last-minute extraction. You have a clear and open opinion and aren’t afraid to step up and say what’s on your mind, even if it’s about something or someone with good credentials. And why shouldn’t you be able to win her over with your pretty face? It’s a chick; charm her, lie, whatever, Cullen. It’s a big part of what we do to get the information needed to move forward. Women are the easy ones to break and control to get what you want. Though, this one seems a bit tougher, but man doesn’t that scream a nice challenge? I’m getting hard just thinking about it and believe me, I’ve tried to get this case, but they wanted your ass to handle it. So, it’s up to you, my man, to sway this chick out of her panties or thong for that matter. She looks tough as nails and she might be wearing a leather thong with all the bikers she’s surrounded with. Anyway, you should find out. I’m sure it’s a good start to get where you need to be.”
Like I said, Lex is a friend besides my superior, but the dude has a weird fascination when it comes to women. Most times when we’re in a bar and he starts to hit on a chick…they instantly hate him for his degrading jokes—which he finds hilarious.
Makes me wonder if he ever gets laid, but I guess he does since he also doesn’t shy away and tells me all about the kinky shit he likes to do in the bedroom with his conquests. He blames his twin brother, Miles—who is much worse than him if I believe the stories he tells me.
And the whole kinky sex thing makes my mind wander to Harry Fishings. Another agent and a stupid asshole who ignored the rules and laws this country is built on and only thought about his dick and not the cases he worked on.
I had no other choice but to report his misconduct after I accidentally caught him having sex while he should have been watching a live camera feed. It was little effort to expose his missteps over the last few months.
Maybe I would have written a different report about the hostage extraction if I didn’t stumble onto Harry and reported his ass, who knows. Truth is, the reports I write contain my findings and I always report truthfully without holding back.
I believe in the justice system and want what’s best for this country. I hate liars and people who don’t uphold the law or safety of others. The cases I take have my full attention and I always work my ass off.
Yet, for the first time in my damn life I have a bad feeling about the case I’m about to take. I know I only have myself to blame for this case landing in my lap, not to mention this chick rubs me the wrong way. Or the right way, depends on how you look at it since all my senses have been in overdrive from the moment I ran into her.
I know damn well she is skilled and trained for these types of missions or she wouldn’t have been in there. Except, the aspect of Broken Deeds MC and how they work is against all principles. And this chick? Her father
runs the motorcycle club who dabbles in solving cases where they are above the law and does anything in their power to get a job done. Needless to mention the body count is high along with their reputation of closing each case they take.
Some might think it’s admirable because they are able to pull criminals off the street our law system can’t capture. Yet, this MC is off the books, above the damn law, and is swinging their own scythe to obtain what the government isn’t capable of requiring by using any means possible.
But in my opinion, there’s a reason for law and order. Laws are a foundation, something needed to uphold justice, and without them there’s only anarchy and some twisted form of vigilante justice.
I glance at the file on my desk Lex brought over. My new assignment. It all revolves around Esmee, the woman—but mostly the MC she’s tied to—who I mentioned in my report. They want me to research and report to ensure Broken Deeds MC is still a valuable asset or if it’s gone off kilter with their own form of vigilante justice. And I need to infiltrate by using Esmee.
“This isn’t any chick and you know it, Lex,” I snap and point at the file. Her file. “Did you read her background? If we leave the gender box uncrossed and ask anyone in our department to guess what sex this person is, every single one would say male. And you stand there and tell me my way in is through her panties? No, wait, according to you it would be a leather thong. Well, let me tell you…if I even get that far to check? She’d eat me alive. Not to mention she will know without blinking what my intention is thanks to the report I wrote. She won’t ever trust me; a CIA agent who comes sniffing around her after what I did.”
Lex jabs a finger against my chest. “And that’s exactly the reason this job landed in your lap. She wouldn’t expect it to be a CIA investigation, it’s too obvious. Besides, the boss’ boss thinks you’re perfect for this. Now stop whining and do what you’re good at.”