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- Schleicher, D Harrison
Dead Life Page 2
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Page 2
It seemed like there was nothing unusual coming out of the European countries. Third world nations were a different story. Either there was absolutely nothing or it was like Egypt and Brazil: riots, fighting, total chaos, and then nothing. The sites were gone.
I’d seen enough. It was hard to believe. Did that lady really rip a guy’s throat out? With all the you tube videos out there with the hoaxes, it was hard to distinguish anymore between what was real and what was fake. Just last week the news reported that the viral video of a gorilla floating over the zoo in a hot air balloon was a college produced prank. And it got over a million hits! But who was shutting the websites down? It had to be the government. I needed a beer. There was none in the house. I’d quit drinking a few years ago to keep in line with staying in shape. So a run to the liquor store was in order.
The liquor store was crowded so I decided to listen to see what people were talking about. I overheard men talking about the latest sports news. Which teams were projected to go all the way this year and who was being traded this week. Women were laughing and talking about who wore what to where and who was sleeping with who. Laughing was a definite sign that nobody was saying anything about what I just saw going on around the world. Everyone seemed like I was a few hours ago; oblivious to what was happening. People were just out having a good time.
When I got home it was around seven o’clock. I thought about calling Gina but she probably wouldn’t talk to me anyway. I decided to drink a few beers and wait for the nine o’clock news. There was nothing about the attacks. The only international news was out of England and the story was about a miner’s strike. I searched for a different channel for the ten o’clock news and waited for Tim to call.
Chapter 4
The phone woke me up around one o’clock in the morning. I wasn’t used to drinking and had fallen asleep. I was confused at first and tried to answer my cell phone. There was no one there. Then I saw the sat phone and it all came back to me. I was wide awake.
I answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Hey Dad, were you able to watch the SD card?”
“Yeah, Gina told me how to put it in my phone.”
“You didn’t tell her or anyone else about this did you?”
“No Son, not yet.”
“They’ll kill me if they find out I told you about this.”
“What the hell is going on? Why the big secret? People need to know about this so they can try to protect themselves and their families.”
“Look, you have to understand what I’m trying to tell you. If the government finds out this information is getting out to the general public, anyone leaking this will be killed. Major Stevens has already disappeared. No one can find him and even his family hasn’t seen him in days. I think he’s dead.”
“What happened?”
“Just forget about that. I don’t have much time.”
“Okay, go ahead. I’m listening.”
“About three days ago a virus came out of Saudi Arabia. It’s one hundred percent fatal. No one survives once they contract the virus. We’re pretty sure this is bio-engineered. It’s not an air-borne virus. You can only become infected through blood or saliva. And the thing is, Dad, the dead aren’t staying dead. The dead ones are going around attacking other people and spreading the virus. They’re calling them zombies.”
“Zombies? Aw, come on son, that’s a bunch of horse shit. There is no way the dead are rising up and attacking the living. You’ve been watching too many horror movies.”
“I know it sounds crazy but it’s true! Were you able to find anything on the internet?”
I told Tim about the websites I’d found, what I’d seen, and how they all shut down within moments of opening up.
“Well then, Dad, you have to believe what you’ve seen and what I’m telling you. I’d advise you to do something while you can. Don’t wait for one of these things to come up and bite you in the ass. And certainly don’t wait for the government to deploy armed forces to stop any of this shit either. They’re too busy playing cover up to be concerned about the welfare of the people.”
“You think this is going to happen here?”
“Yeah, they’re pretty sure it’s going to spread through the entire world. It’s all through Asia, Africa, and South America. There have even been reports of outbreaks in eastern Europe. It’s only a matter of time before it gets to the United States. I’m going to have to go soon. I can’t let them find out I’m not in my barracks. Look, you have to get prepared. You need to get away from the cities. Stock pile food, water, guns, ammunition, and anything else you think you’ll need to survive. Get a 4 wheel drive and just get the hell away from other people. I know you’ll need help. Be careful who you tell about this. It won’t matter once the breakout starts. Everything will fall apart pretty fast once that happens. Just be careful. They’ll try to shut up anybody they think is going to start a panic. That’s what they’re afraid of. I think they have a hell of a lot more to worry about than that. Look, I have to go. I’ve been on here way too long. Watch the internet and the news. Once it breaks out here, you’ll only have a few days. Get ready Dad. I’ll call you when I can. Oh, and Dad, I nearly forgot to tell you. The only way to stop them is to destroy their brain. Shoot them in the head, smash their head in, do whatever it takes to stop them.”
He hung up. I was in shock. This was unbelievable. How could our government be so stupid? It was bio-engineered? To think a man or woman did this was baffling. It was time to shut down the borders. They should have built a wall between us and Mexico a long time ago. Yeah, and what about Canada? Shit, I’d better get busy.
Chapter 5
I had preparations to make. There was no choice. Tim was right. I’d need to get out of St. Charles. When I was a kid, my dad would take me hunting at his friend’s place. It was in Calloway County which was way out in the sticks. The problem was I had no idea how to get there. I had a general idea but there were so many gravel roads out there I doubted I could find it. Plus it didn’t help that it had been at least 25 years since I’d been there. Unless I could come up with a better plan though, I was going to get stocked up on supplies and head out that way.
I’d need to inventory what I had. After Mom died Dad had moved in with me. They’d been helping me out financially for a few years after my divorce. I’d had a hard time making my house payment along with all the other bills and it just made sense to move Dad in with me after Mom died and get rid of their house. The sad part was that the old man couldn’t live without Mom. He didn’t even last two years. He just didn’t want to go on without her. My dad had left me all his guns and all his hunting gear. He’d also left me a two hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy. I’d been able to pay off the house and get out from under all my other debt. After that, I still had about sixty-five thousand dollars in the bank. So I was pretty sure it would be within my means to get ready for what was to come.
I brought all the guns and ammunition out and decided I’d need to clean all the guns. I had two twelve gauge shotguns and fifty shells for them. It was all birdshot so I’d need to get some slugs. There was a Bushmaster .223 with a red dot sight on it. I had five 30 shot magazines and 500 rounds of ammunition. I made a mental note to get 1000 more rounds. There was a Mossberg 715T .22 long rifle. I only had three 25 shot magazines and only 100 rounds for it. I’d need about 2000 more rounds and while I was at it, probably 10 more magazines. I also owned a Browning 1911 22 compact. The 1911 took .22 long rifle bullets and I’d need to get ten-ten shot magazines for it. My hunting rifle was a M1 carbine 30-30. I would buy 1000 rounds for the carbine and ten fifteen shot magazines for it. Dad’s hunting rifle was a Remington 30-06 semi automatic. Both it and the carbine had 7 magnification scopes. I really liked the 30-06 but it only held 5 rounds; four in the magazine and one in the chamber. Dad would say he could “hit a fly off a dog’s ass” with his 30-06 so it would come in handy for sniper shooting. I’d also pick up some extra magazines for
it and 1000 rounds. There was Dad’s Colt 45 with seven in the magazine and one in the chamber. That would be my weapon of choice. I’d need more magazines and about 2000 rounds for it.
I had a replica cavalry sword for close encounters and a dozen hunting knives of different sizes. I got out my old softball bats. I could just picture smacking some zombie in the head with one of those…bing-bong. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to that but I knew I was in for the fight of my life.
My mind was racing trying to think of everything I’d need; food, water, gas, and propane. I was going to have to make a list and do some shopping. There was no way I could go to work five nights a week and get all this done. I had some vacation time coming and I guess I was going to take some. If they wouldn’t let me off I’d quit. Then if Tim was wrong I’d be screwed. I didn’t think I’d have to worry about that though.
Who would I bring with me? I had a few friends but honestly after the divorce I’d lost touch with most of my old drinking buddies. I got sick of all the sympathy everybody felt for poor divorced Steve. I definitely wanted to bring Gina with me. I was going to have to try to convince her that this was actually happening. Hell, first I’d have to get her to sit down and talk to me.
Gina was a tough one. She’d be able to handle this without a lot of bullshit. She wouldn’t scream, faint, cry, or get all hysterical on me. She also knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it. I thought back to our first “date.” I took her to our favorite restaurant and then back to my place for a movie. We talked and laughed a lot. We liked the same things and thought the same way on many different subjects. It was obvious we hit it off well. She liked me just as much as I liked her. I knew that when she grabbed my penis, got down on her knees, and pleasured me right there in the living room. What more could I ask for?
Chapter 6
After I’d finished cleaning all my guns, it was six in the morning. I begrudgingly decided that my convertible Mustang wouldn’t be any good in a zombie apocalypse so I needed to trade it in. The car was fairly new, fully loaded, and in great shape. It was one of my most prized possessions but it certainly wouldn’t be of any use in this war. I knew I could get a fair trade in for it. I thought about what vehicle would be best for getting around any obstacles and out of town. I decided on a Hummer.
The internet was where I started and finished looking. I found a Hummer H2 close by and I would be there when the dealership opened to make the deal. It was going to be more than I’d get on the Mustang but financing wouldn’t be a problem. I’d most likely never have to make a payment.
Next, I went on a search for generators. I would buy two. One would be propane fueled and the other gas. I ordered them off the internet and had their shipping expedited so that they would arrive the next day. I couldn’t afford to wait long. I didn’t think there would be any time to for waiting.
There were lots of websites where I could order survival gear so that wouldn’t be a problem. People were always leery of some kind of disaster. I found everything I’d need at one stop. I ordered ready to eat meals, a tent, sleeping bags, gas stoves, lanterns, flashlights, and anything else I could think of. By the time I was done I had spent over seven thousand dollars. I hoped I hadn’t forgotten anything. Everything was being expressed shipped and would be here by the next day. UPS was going to love me. By the end of this, I’d be on a first name basis with my delivery guy.
It was after nine in the morning by the time I finished. It was time to go get a Hummer. My sales guy was shocked by the way I did business. I didn’t even try to talk him down. I paid sticker price. All I asked for was that they throw in a winch. I wanted one on the front in case I’d need to clear a path for the Beast. That was what I called my H2. After driving around in a convertible, it felt like I was in a tank.
While the dealership finished up financing and installing the winch, I went to the hardware store and wandered through looking for other things I thought I might need. I spent another thousand dollars. The manager got to where he was following me around loading my selections on flat bed trucks. I filled two hand trucks with my assorted purchases. There were chain saws, tools, a hot shot battery jump starter, six five gallon gas cans. This was more than I’d ever be able to fit in my new Hummer. I told the manager I would be back in a few hours to pick everything up.
After I left the hardware store, I went to rent a U-Haul truck. I was planning on never having to take it back. I had plans for my new vehicle and by the time I got done with it, I wouldn’t be able to take it back anyway.
I got the U-Haul loaded. Then I went back to my place and called a taxi to take me back to the rental place. From there, I took my Mustang back to the car dealership to pick up the Hummer. By the time I got back, the winch was on and the papers were ready to be signed. Next came the hard part. I had to convince Gina to come with me.
Chapter 7
On the way to Gina’s apartment I called work. I talked to my boss and told him I was still sick. He wasn’t as understanding this time. I told him I was sorry but I would not be in tonight. The next two nights were my nights off so I’d have a few more days to figure out what I was going to do about my job.
When I got to Gina’s apartment there was a parking place right up front. As I was walking up to her door I saw the curtains move. As I lifted my hand to knock on her door she beat me to it.
“Go away. I have nothing to say to you.”
“Honey, let me talk to you. Just give me a few minutes.”
“My name’s Gina and I’m not your honey.”
“Look, I’m sorry about what happened with us. That’s not why I’m here though.”
The door opened a crack. I knew she still liked me.
“I’ll give you five minutes. After that you’ll have to leave.”
“Five minutes? That’s all?”
The door closed.
“Okay, five minutes.”
The door opened back up and she let me in.
“What happened to your car? Is that yours?”
“Yeah, I traded the Mustang in on the Hummer. Doesn’t make sense does it?”
“No but I never assumed you were very bright.”
“Look, I’m sorry I lied about my age but it’s kind of your fault too.”
“You need to leave.”
“Come on, just let me finish. Your fault is that you’re so good-looking I didn’t want to lose you. You thought I was only thirty-five and I took it as a compliment. Then you found out the truth before I could tell you myself.”
“I just want you to understand. It’s not that you’re ten years older than I thought. It’s that you lied and I can’t stand a liar.”
“You’re right. I was wrong to let you believe I was only thirty-five. I really like you and well, I’m an ass. I’m sorry.”
“You’re right about one thing. You are an ass.”
There was an uncomfortable pause in the conversation. I didn’t know how I was going to get to the real reason I was here.
“Well, okay then,” she said. “I’ll see you at work tonight and we can talk some more.”
Gina works in the bakery at the store. She’s the head baker on the night shift. Since I’m the night manager, I’m kind of her boss. Life’s funny like that.
“Look Gina, there’s more I wanted to talk about. Can we turn on your television? There may something on the news I’d like you to see.”
I’d timed my arrival to coincide with the start of the evening news and I was hoping that there would be something, anything, to help me start this conversation.
“Okay but I have a lot of things to do before work and I need to get started.”
We sat down an turned on the T.V. There wasn’t much on besides the local news. Then the national news came on. That gave me my start. The FAA had cancelled all flights going to or coming in from all Asian countries due to civil unrest. The news reporter also said the FAA was considering grounding all international flights due to the possibility of terrorist attacks. T
he next story was about an actor in Hollywood who just died. I got up and turned the television off.
“Gina, there’s something happening world-wide and soon it’s going to start here. I’m worried about what’s going to happen and I want you to be aware of it.”
“Okay Steve, if that’s all then, I’ll talk to you later. I really need to get busy.”
“There’s more. Can we get on your computer? If we can find something more on the internet than the government is letting the news media put out, I think you’ll get a clearer picture of what I’m trying to tell you.”
“Fine. Just hurry. Your five minutes was up forty-five minutes ago.”
I have to admit. The government was doing a good job of keeping this situation quiet. It took me half an hour to find anything at all and what I found wasn’t much. There was a video of a man in his car covered in blood. His eyes were glazed over and he looked like he was dead. If it wasn’t for his thrashing around, strapped in his seat belt, trying to bite the person filming him, I would have thought he was dead. Then the website shut down and her computer froze.
“Great! You broke my computer. Thanks. Now get out.”
“No, it’s fine. This happens every time I find one of these sites. The government is shutting them down.”
“Why would they be worried about fake crap like that anyway?”
“It’s not fake. It’s real.”
“Great, whatever. It’s time to go. We’ll talk at work.” She was getting upset and when Gina got upset, there was absolutely no talking to her.
“Well then I’m just going to tell you everything I know and let you decide.”
I told her everything. I replayed the conversation I had with my son. I told her how I came to decide to trade the Mustang for the Hummer. And I told her all about my shopping sprees and the guns, the arsenal, everything. When I was done, she gave me the strangest look. It was almost sad.