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- Savannah Stuart, Katie Reus
Heated Mating Page 2
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But he’d never touched her. In the six moon cycles she’d been with his brother and the six moon cycles since then, he’d never once touched her. In fact, he tended to avoid her, which only confused and hurt her. She’d fantasized more than once about what it would feel like to have those big hands on her body.
Caressing her breasts. Between her legs. Would he be gentle? Probably not. Everything about him screamed pure male power. To her surprise, she didn’t want gentle. Where Gage had been sweet and caring, their relationship had not been particularly passionate. She’d never initiated sex between them. Had always let him come to her. And she had a feeling he’d known why.
Her hand strayed between her legs. Maybe it was wrong to think about Linc while she touched herself but she couldn’t help it. Even though her mourning period was officially over she’d been emotional and lonely for a while. She wanted to feel release and get some sleep.
Spreading her legs, she lightly touched her clit. It pulsed under her finger. Stroking farther down, she rubbed her slit but didn’t penetrate. Just touched.
And imagined.
What would it be like for Linc to feel her there? With his fingers, his tongue…his cock. She’d seen him shirtless before but he’d never allowed her to see more than that. He’d been on a space mission the past three moon cycles and even before that he’d been virtually absent in their home. It was almost as if she lived by herself and she was tired of it. At least she could use the memory of his broad, muscular chest as a starting point for her fantasy.
Using her wetness she strayed up to her clit and slowly circled it with her finger. Her orgasms were never spectacular when she masturbated but the release would help her sleep. After a few torturous days of tossing and turning, Goddess knew she needed it.
As she stroked herself, the door flew open. Her eyes widened as they locked with Linc’s dark, equally surprised gaze. Apparently he was back from his mission early.
His stare tracked over her naked body with slow precision. He lifted one muscular arm and rubbed a hand over his dark buzz cut but he didn’t stop staring. He paused at her breasts then continued until he stopped at the juncture between her legs. His mouth parted slightly and he sucked in a sharp breath. A forbidden shaft of erotic pleasure speared her. He liked what he saw.
Instead of pulling her hand away, she continued touching herself in slow, even strokes. When she did, his gaze snapped back to hers. His expression was full of confusion and heat. Raw, unbridled desire. But just as quickly, he glanced away and started to shut the door.
“Don’t go.” The whispered words were out before she realized she’d spoken. She didn’t know if she should feel bad about doing this. According to his culture, they should already be sharing a bed. A twinge of guilt lanced through her, but she needed to feel Linc’s strength tonight. She was tired of being alone. After her talk with Leilani she was feeling brave. Maybe Linc really was attracted to her.
When he didn’t make a move toward her she figured she’d have to take the first step. She pushed up and off the bed and strode toward him, even though she felt exposed and vulnerable. Her movements were unhurried. As he drank in the sight of her, her nipples hardened under his intense scrutiny. She could tell he wanted her. For the first time since they’d met, she could see it written on his face clearly. But she was worried about his rejection.
When she stood in front of him, she reached up and traced her fingers over the scar that crossed his eye, over his cheekbone and all the way down to his square jaw. He always tried to hide that side of his face from people but she didn’t know why. He was a warrior and should be proud. Even if he hadn’t been on the mission that had saved her and her people, all Luminet warriors were brave, if a little intimidating. They looked like throwbacks to a different time. They dressed similar to the Vikings she’d read about from her history.
He captured her wrist in a dominating grip and held fast. “What the devil are you doing?” His voice was unsteady.
She stared into his obsidian eyes and forgot to breathe. The dark, dangerous vibe he emanated was powerful and incredibly sexual. How many times had she fantasized about being so close to him? She reached out another hand and traced it along his jaw. There was a slight rasp of stubble even though she guessed he’d shaved that morning.
He encircled her other wrist, forcing her to look at him. “Saroya?”
That deep voice was scorching. It made her already hard nipples tingle in awareness. “What did you say?” she murmured.
“What. Are. You. Doing?” His voice was clipped yet strained.
She frowned at him and tried to tug her hands free. If she needed to explain it then obviously he didn’t want her the way she’d thought. Her cheeks burned in embarrassment as she wished the floor would just swallow her whole. “Let me go.”
Instead, he pulled her until she was flush against him. His erection was hard and hot against her even through his trousers.
“You think I’ll throw you out now that the mourning period is over? Even I’m not that much of an animal.” His laugh was harsh and dry. “Not that you’d have much trouble finding someone to mate. You must know that.” He dragged her even harder against him. His hard length insistently stabbed her abdomen.
She didn’t understand why he seemed upset but she slipped her arms around his neck and savored the feel of his erection and hard body. “I don’t understand what you’re saying,” she whispered as she focused on his lips.
“You don’t have to use your body in exchange for my protection. Something you should know by now.” His voice was filled with disgust. Abruptly he stepped back and was gone before she could blink.
Her door shut with a quiet click and a slow building fury grew inside her as she finally digested his words. He thought she was trying to use her body to get him to what, keep or protect her? She had no problem being on her own. And it wasn’t arrogant but she knew she’d have no problem finding another male—males—if she wanted to. But she didn’t. She just wanted Linc.
Which was just plain stupid considering he thought so little of her. Tears burned her eyes, but she batted them away. She wasn’t going to cry over him. No, it was time to move on. Her living here wasn’t healthy for either of them. He deserved his own space, not to have to share it with someone who he apparently couldn’t stand.
Tomorrow she’d figure out a plan for where she could go.
Chapter Two
Linc slammed his sparring stick across an android’s middle, then whirled and sliced at another’s throat. Sweat poured down his neck, back and chest as he swiveled again, taking on the third opponent.
He’d come to the Samio hours earlier, needing to blow off steam before anyone else arrived. As one of the senior trainers, he needed to keep a level head at all times. Neither his students nor other warriors needed to see him off his game.
Or out of control. Which is how he felt after last night. The shock and hurt on Saroya’s face before he’d left her room still pierced him deep. He’d been cruel and the more he thought about it, the more he wondered if he’d misread her intentions.
One of the androids got a hit in with a short wooden dagger, ricocheting off his shoulder. Ducking and turning, he jabbed the stick into its middle, earning another kill point. If he’d been in actual one-on-one battle he’d be using a pulse gun or dagger. But training wasn’t about just stopping an opponent and keeping him down, it was about honing their fighting skills and staying sharp, ready for any attack.
Their planet was peaceful but they had occasional skirmishes with off-worlders looking to expand their territory. Most of their battles were from one of their ships, but from the age of ten all Luminet males joined the Samio and began their battle-training.
Just as he swiped one of the android’s legs out from under it, the three machines jerked to a halt.
“You trying to actually kill those thing?” A male voice asked.
Linc turned to find Aeron standing against the we
apons center wall, his hand on the stop button for the androids. Next to him, all sorts of weapons covered the wall: knives, pulse guns, daggers, and sparring sticks. “Just getting in some early training.”
Aeron nodded and crossed the light blue mat toward him. “How are things with you and Saroya?”
The abrupt question made Linc bristle. “How is that your concern?” He was friends with the other warrior and respected him, but he also knew that Aeron and his brother Hauk were looking for a new mate after theirs died.
Aeron paused for a moment, but continued. The tall blond male stopped when he was in front of him. “I know what it is like to lose someone. I know you still have Saroya but Gage was your brother. I can’t imagine losing Hauk.”
Linc’s throat grew tight. He still missed Gage, even as he lusted after Saroya. “Things have been difficult.” He didn’t plan to open up to anyone about his relationship with Saroya. The shame was too great. He should be with her right now and if her reaction to him last night was any indication, he could have been with her that very moment. Or at least leaving her bed and getting ready for work. Instead he was here sweating his balls off and frustrated.
“That’s understandable, especially with your schedule. I know it is not my place, but as a friend, maybe if you refused your next mission, you’d be able to spend more time with Saroya. The distance between you two must be hard on her.”
Linc just nodded. He actually hadn’t been assigned his last mission, he’d volunteered for it. Being under the same roof as Saroya was getting harder and harder. And now that he’d seen her naked, touching herself…fuck. He rubbed a hand over his face. That image was seared into his mind. As he’d jerked off in the shower last night—then again this morning—all he’d been able to see was her flat on her back, slender legs spread wide as she stroked between her folds.
He still couldn’t believe she hadn’t stopped when he’d walked in on her. That she’d continued, watching him, her eyes inviting him to join her. Then she’d actually asked him to join her.
All the muscles in his body pulled taut at the memory. God, then he’d insulted her instead of taking her into his arms like he’d been fantasizing about. He wanted her, but he couldn’t be a replacement for his brother, someone she just turned to for comfort.
“Thank you for the advice,” he said belatedly, not wanting to insult his friend. He knew Aeron meant well.
“Any time. Maybe you will put in a good word for me with Brianna?” Aeron’s gaze was hopeful.
Linc found himself smiling. “You’re still after her?”
The other warrior nodded once. “She will be our mate. You’ll see.”
Linc didn’t respond. The redheaded human was one of Saroya’s friends and had always been a good friend to her. Something that made him automatically like her. Her kindness was apparent, but he’d heard her tell Saroya more than once that she wasn’t sure if she could take two mates. The planet they came from was so different than Lumineta in so many ways.
“Would you like a real sparring partner before the students arrive? Unless you like beating on defenseless robots.” Aeron turned back toward the weapons wall, already knowing Linc’s answer would be yes.
Especially today when he was so wound up he knew that nothing short of a marathon of sex with Saroya would tame all his energy. Since that wasn’t happening, fighting would have to do.
* * *
Saroya slid the leftovers from the evening meal into the cooler as Brianna sat at the island in the kitchen.
“Thanks for having me over,” Brianna said. “I’ve really missed you the past couple weeks.”
Saroya turned and leaned against the counter, smiling. “I’ve missed you too.” And it was good getting back into a routine. During her mourning period she hadn’t taught many art classes, but she’d desperately missed it. Luckily now that the official time was over it didn’t look strange to anyone that she was taking on a full load of classes again. She wouldn’t have minded teaching them before, but she’d been afraid of insulting anyone. This new culture was tricky.
“Do you have any dessert hiding in there?” Brianna’s eyebrows rose as she nodded at the cooler.
“I might have ordered triple-layer suklaada—” She nearly jumped at the sound of the transport platform in the connecting living room beeping. The whooshing sound made her nearly lose her breath. No one but Linc and her were programmed into the system so she knew it was him arriving.
A second later he strode by the kitchen and paused when he saw her and Brianna.
“Hey, Linc. We’re just about to have dessert. Want to join us?” Brianna said, smiling.
Linc looked at Saroya and she felt her face flame as she thought of last night. It almost looked as if he was asking her if she wanted to join him so she forced her vocal chords to work. “Yes, I’m sorry you missed the evening meal but please join us.” Goddess, she sounded all formal and ridiculous.
Nodding, he stepped carefully into the room, as if he was afraid she might bite. Surprising, considering what he’d said last night. Last night she’d been so ready to move on and get out of here after his hurtful words, but the more she thought about it, the more she wondered if he’d thought she just wanted to use him. Until last night she’d never come out and made her feelings clear so she might need to be more blunt.
Luminet males were so confusing so she simply wasn’t sure. Thinking of Leilani’s advice, she decided she’d try.
“I saw Aeron today, he asked about you,” Linc said to Brianna.
Brianna snorted as Saroya turned her back to them and started pulling the cake out. The triple-layer dessert was sweet, rich and to die for. She put pieces on two plates, half-listening as Brianna and Linc talked about Aeron and his persistence.
When she approached the island Linc started to stand for her, but she shook her head. “We can share,” she said, sliding a small plate to Brianna.
It was a normal custom for couples or trios to share or even for males to feed females. She’d never let Gage do that because it seemed weird, but she didn’t mind sharing with Linc.
Linc’s dark eyes were unreadable as he watched her move closer to him, tracking her every step. The tunic he wore today had three-quarter inch length sleeves, showing off his muscular, tattooed forearms. And his scent, all spicy and wild, only added to the raw, untamed package of Linc. Everything about him was simply so male it made her crazy. He was so very different from Gage too.
Instead of sitting next to him, she moved so that she was half in between his legs. According to Luminet customs females often sat in one of their males’ laps during desserts or after dinner drinks. Sometimes she’d done it with Gage, but never Linc.
Still, he knew what she was silently asking. Brianna wouldn’t think anything of it, not when she understood the customs. Maybe if Saroya showed him that she wasn’t using him, that she was proud to call him her mate, he’d understand. Maybe not, but it was a start. She felt like she was treading deep water with him, trying to figure the confusing male out.
Thankfully he didn’t embarrass her, but easily scooped her up and into his lap. She sat sideways on his thighs, her legs draped over him. He wrapped one of his big arms around her so that his hand settled firmly on her hip, holding her tight in place. It felt almost possessive, but she wondered if that was just her imagination going wild. More than anything, it felt natural.
Just like that, her body lit on fire, her core flooding with a rush of heat. They’d never sat so intimately before.
“You guys are so sweet,” Brianna murmured. “So are you back for a while? You’ve been gone for so long,” she said to Linc.
Saroya picked up her fork and cut off a small bite as Linc answered.
“Not sure yet.”
“Oh, well, I hope you don’t have to run off again so quickly. I know Saroya misses you,” Brianna said before taking another bite.
“Is that right?” he murmured, for her ears only, leaning closer so that his nose was nearl
y touching her upper jaw and ear.
His erection was unmistakable, hard and insistent against her, giving her hope that there could be something between them.
For a brief moment Saroya wondered if he’d nip her earlobe. She knew he actually wouldn’t, not in front of company, but her nipples hardened in anticipation just the same.
“Yes,” she managed to rasp out when his hand tightened on her hip. She could feel her heart beating overtime, the staccato thump so out of control she knew he had to hear it too. She wished her friend was gone and that she and Linc were all alone.
Suddenly, the comm unit on his belt beeped and he jerked back. He still held onto her hip, but whatever had been happening, or not happening, between them, was over.
He looked at the hand-held device and frowned. “I need to take this. It’s the Samio.” His grip on her hip increased for a second before he gently slid her off his lap and made apologies to Brianna for having to take his call.
As soon as he’d gone to his room, Saroya’s heart rate returned to normal and she managed to hold a normal conversation with Brianna for another hour.
Linc never returned and even another hour after her friend had gone home, he still hadn’t come out of his room.
That was when she realized he wasn’t coming out at all. She briefly thought about going to his room, but after his blunt rejection last night wasn’t sure her pride could take another one. Sighing, she knew she needed to just make the hard decision and move out. It was time to move on. Just because she turned him didn’t mean anything. Because she wanted more than just sex—not that he was even offering.
Chapter Three
Saroya rubbed a hand over the back of her neck, beyond exhausted after the day she’d had. After a full load of classes, she just wanted to collapse with a glass of villana. All day she’d been dreading telling Linc she’d be moving out.
She still wasn’t sure how the logistics would work, especially since her studio was on his property. Or her property too, she guessed. She knew she had all sorts of legal rights, which was good. But right now it felt like just more stuff to worry about. Goddess, her head hurt even thinking about it. As she strode down the hallway toward the kitchen, she tightened her silk robe tighter around her. It was already late so she guessed she wouldn’t get the chance to tell Linc tonight.