Jacob's Daughter: Book One Read online

Page 7

  “Mamm, Abby needs you!”

  Caleb’s sudden burst startled Lizzie, and the way he addressed her almost seemed foreign.

  She turned her head from Jacob, breaking the spell.

  “Is she hurt?”

  “She got too close to the duck nest in the reeds and her foot is stuck.”

  All three of them ran to the edge of the pond, where Abby whined, her arm outstretched toward the duck nest.

  She looked up into Jacob’s face, who was wading in the water to get to her. “I can’t reach the babies, Dad, and I want one.”

  Jacob reached down and untangled her foot, scooping her up in his arms. “Those babies have to stay with their mudder, just like you have to stay with yours. You could have drowned, Abby. Promise me you won’t go out that far among the reeds ever again.”

  She leaned his head against his shoulder and he hugged her tight until he reached the grassy edge of the pond. “I won’t. I promise.”

  Lizzie felt a tear glide down her cheek. She was happy that the two had bonded over such a simple thing, and Abby hadn’t talked back. But most endearing was the gentleness with which Jacob had spoken to her daughter. He was truly a loving man, and she couldn’t have asked God Himself for a better man to be her husband and the father of her child.


  After Abby was all dried, she ran downstairs to help Lizzie prepare the evening meal. She rolled out dough for biscuits, and used an upside down glass to cut the circles of dough.

  “How come you never asked me to help you cook before? I like cooking.”

  Surprised to hear such a statement from Abby, she smiled happily. “I guess we just never had the time to make big meals.”

  “But we did more work today than I’ve ever seen you do, and we still had time to cook breakfast and now dinner.”

  Lizzie picked up the baking pan full of freshly cut biscuits and placed them in the oven. “Things are different here. You work hard, but everything you do is for your family—to feed them and care for their needs.”

  “I’m not happy about not being able to watch TV, but there’s so much more to do here, I didn’t even miss it today.”

  Lizzie smiled knowingly, wondering why she’d ever left the community.




  Lizzie could barely keep her eyes open as she finished the last stitch on her new nightgown. Everyone had been asleep for at least two hours, but she’d wanted to finish it before retiring. She didn’t want to cause anymore discomfort to her husband by wearing the summery nightie anymore for fear that it appeared too worldly for an appropriate Amish fraa to wear. Not to mention the scowl on his face when he went for his robe and saw that she was still wearing it. She supposed he was set in his ways, and having her invade his space would take some getting used to, but that didn’t stop her from thinking it a little funny that he was so territorial.

  Creeping up the stairs as quietly as she could, she forgot which one of the stairs squeaked until it was too late. She remained still for a moment, listening to be sure she hadn’t disturbed anyone in the house. When all remained quiet, she proceeded to her room and slipped beneath the quilt.

  Jacob rolled over toward her, and before she could put her back to him, his arm slipped across her stomach, his head resting on her shoulder. Panic pushed her heart rate to its limits, and she wondered if she could roll away from him without waking him. If he woke up, it would be awkward, and might give him ammunition to tease her later. He nestled his head a little, leaving her wondering if he was connecting with her on a subconscious level, or if he was merely used to roaming around an empty bed and had no idea he was cuddling her. Either way, she didn’t dare move for fear of disturbing him. She closed her eyes, and tried to calm her heart rate, but she couldn’t breathe. She took a few deep breaths, feeling like she wasn’t getting enough air; she had to roll over on her side before she hyperventilated so much she passed out.

  With one smooth roll, she was on her side with her back to him. No sooner had she settled in position and caught her breath, than Jacob moved closer to her, pulling her into a spooning position with the strong arm that still circled her waist. His warm breath on the back of her neck tickled her spine, and she had to admit she didn’t mind the closeness of her husband. She’d spent many a lonely night lying awake over her adult years wishing for a moment like this with a husband, and now she was experiencing it. It was nice, even if Jacob wasn’t aware of what he was doing.

  In the morning, Jacob was missing from the bed as he had the previous mornings. She had no idea what time he got up every day, but it was obviously what he was used to doing. She wondered if he’d woken while he was still cuddling her, or if he was completely unaware of the contact that had taken place overnight. Her heart fluttered at the thought of it. Dressing quickly, she ran down the stairs to prepare a big morning meal, knowing the cold weather would drive up her husband’s appetite. She’d felt a closeness with him last night, and she would do whatever it took to make the marriage right, even if all she could do was cook and clean for him for the time being, but she would do it as any good Amish fraa would.

  When everyone was seated at the table for breakfast, Jacob bowed his head for the silent prayer. Abby bowed her head, and Lizzie was delighted that she seemed eager to participate in some of the simple traditions already.

  Jacob went for his second helping of pancakes and looked over at Lizzie with a smile. “We will be going to the Beiler’s today for the barn-raising. I’d like it if you and Abby would join me and Caleb. Your help will be needed with the preparation of meals and cleanup.”

  Lizzie’s heart skipped a beat at the invitation, and she accepted with a nod. It was normal for the wives to accompany their husbands during working bees, and this would be their first as a married couple. She hoped it meant he was beginning to accept her as his wife, and that he intended to portray that to the community. But the fact remained that he was still shaving his beard and they’d been married for four days already.

  Jacob turned to Abby. “Do you think you’re ready to go to auction tomorrow and pick out a pony?”

  Abby nearly jumped out of her seat. “Do you mean it, Dad?”

  He smiled at Lizzie, and then looked back at Abby whose eyes were wide as saucers. “Caleb says you’ve been a good student to his instruction on how to care for the horses. I think we can get you your own horse so you can learn to ride too.”

  Abby leaped from her chair and swung her arms around Jacob’s neck. “Thank you, Dad. I promise I’ll take real good care of it. You won’t have to yell at me or anything!”

  Jacob sent a confused look to Lizzie at Abby’s statement. She hoped he didn’t think she had yelled at Abby in the past. Her punishment of the child had consisted of a time-out chair, and she herself wondered if Abby had perhaps been scolded inappropriately at the public school. Shrugging it off for now, she lifted herself from her chair and asked Abby to help with the dishes. If they were to get an early start to the barn-raising, Lizzie would need to hurry with the necessary chores and put together some food to take along to share with the community.


  Lizzie’s stomach filled with butterflies as the gentle rocking of the buggy bumped her into Jacob repeatedly. Abby and Caleb sat in the back chattering non-stop about the puppies at the Beiler farm with which Caleb was certain Jacob would permit him to bring one of them home with them at the end of the day. Lizzie was too preoccupied with thoughts of Jacob being so near, and nervousness over her first community appearance as Jacob’s fraa. She knew the women would accept her, and she probably knew a lot of them already from school, but it was going to be awkward as they tested her for signs that she had become too Englisch while she had been away from the community.




  From the look of the crowd that had already gathered at the Bei
ler farm, they were late, even though it was only seven o’clock. The sun had not been up for long, but the neighbors seemed eager to get the barn-raising underway. Jonah and Rebecca Beiler greeted them with their mamm, Martha, when they pulled into the yard that was already crowded with buggies and plenty of children running around.

  Before taking his horse to the large area of shade trees with the other horses, Jacob made a few introductions. “This is my fraa, Elizabeth, and my dochder, Abby.”

  Lizzie held a hand out to Martha, trying to place her. She was slightly in shock at hearing Jacob refer to Abby as his daughter. It was something that would take some getting used to, but she supposed now was as good a time as any to establish their place.

  “Wie gehts, Elizabeth?”

  “Please, call me Lizzie.”

  Martha nodded acceptance of the nickname, and directed them toward a group of women from the community already preparing a feast big enough to feed two communities. “Kume, join us while we prepare meals for our familye.”

  Abby clung to Lizzie’s side despite the promptings from Caleb, Rebecca and Jonah to play a quick game of tag before they would be expected to cart tools and supplies to their daeds during the building process. Lizzie preferred to have Abby at her side; if nothing else, she was a shield for the prying questions she was sure to endure throughout the day from the other women. She noticed her own daed and bruder were not in attendance, but she’d heard from Aunt Bess that his own farm was a struggle for him since he’d aged in recent years. Seth would be needed to help at home with their daed until he would take a wife, but Lizzie had the feeling he would stay on even after he was married. It was the Amish way, and she chided herself for not staying to keep house for him in her mamm’s absence.

  As the day wore on, Lizzie relaxed more with the women, and even accepted an invitation to a quilting bee the following week to begin the wedding dowries for the young girls in the community who would be marrying in the upcoming wedding season, which was nearly upon them.


  Abby and Caleb were asleep by the time they reached home that night. Caleb woke up enough to walk into the house, but Abby was so worn out, Jacob picked her up and took her up to her room. Lizzie followed, watching as her husband placed a gentle kiss on Abby’s forehead after tucking her under the quilts.

  Jacob moved past her as he exited Abby’s room. “I have to unhitch the horse. I’ll be in when I’ve given him a good rubdown.”

  Lizzie hunched her shoulders thinking she could use a good rubdown herself. She was tired and ached all over. She could only imagine how much more Jacob must be sore from the hard day he’d put in. They’d managed to get the frame and the roof finished. The interior work would be up to Adam Beiler and his son, Jonah, who was a year older than Abby.

  Lizzie readied herself for bed, and then went downstairs to make a fresh pot of coffee for Jacob. A chill had blown in from the north earlier in the afternoon, and the ride home in the dark had chilled her to the bone; she could only imagine how cold Jacob was up on the roof for so many hours, unprotected from the strong gusts of wind.

  Just as she had finished pouring herself a cup, the door flew open with a cold rush of air. Jacob entered shivering, and she handed him the cup she’d meant for herself. He sat at the table and wrapped both hands around the steaming cup, and sipped it. Lizzie poured another cup and sat beside him.

  “Denki for the kaffi. It’s gotten pretty cold in the last couple of hours. I was hoping the weather would hold out until we could finish the harvest.”

  Lizzie looked up into his blue-green eyes, afraid to say what was on her mind, but they hadn’t talked about anything personal yet, and she was beginning to worry they would always have a very formal marriage that centered around the children, and community obligations. Did he really see her as his wife and Abby as his daughter, or was he doing what was expected of him in order to maintain his position in the community?

  Jacob cleared his throat. “I’d like to take you for a buggy ride tomorrow evening after we return from the auction.”

  Lizzie’s heart rate sped up at the thought of it. She wasn’t going to argue if he was reaching out to her, but buggy rides were for courting and they were not courting—they were married. It suddenly dawned on her why he was shaving—he intended to court her. Excitement rose in the depths of her belly over his offer.

  “That would be lovely. I’d like that.”

  Lovely? Did she just say the word lovely to Jacob?

  He nodded and rose from his chair and rinsed his coffee cup at the sink, and then left the room. She heard the squeak of the steps, and decided it was best if she stayed downstairs and took care of the pot of coffee before going up—she would give him time to fall asleep before retiring for the evening.




  Lizzie woke up with Jacob’s arm laying across her waist, his ankle crossing hers, and his head wedged in the crook of her neck. She chided herself for drinking that second cup of coffee because she had to use the bathroom, and Jacob had her trapped beneath him. If she moved, she would surely wake him, but she was close to wetting the bed if she didn’t break free from him. She tried rolling over on her side the way she had the night before, but he pulled her closer just like he had before. The only thing she could do was to risk disturbing him before her bladder burst.

  With one quick movement, she slid to the edge of the bed and stood up. Looking back, he seemed undisturbed, and Lizzie let out a sigh of relief before tip-toeing out of the room. When she returned, she tried slipping back under the quilt without shivering, but the house was a little chilly.

  “Is everything alright?” Jacob whispered in a raspy voice.

  Her back was to him, but she was worried that he’d be upset with her for waking him. “I’m fine. I’m sorry for disturbing you.”

  “You shouldn’t drink kaffi so close to bedtime. You’re shivering. Kume, let me warm you up.” He pulled her close, wrapping his strong arms around her.

  Lizzie couldn’t help but smile at his invitation. She scooted back toward him and allowed him to cradle her in the warmth of his body. Nothing more was said between them, but Lizzie suddenly felt protected and safe for the first time in years.


  At the auction, Jacob hoisted Caleb and Abby on each of his broad shoulders so they could get a better look at the horses they considered bidding on. Jacob had allowed Abby to choose three, and they now waited for the best price. Satisfied with the price he’d bid on the solid white gelding, Jacob waited for a counter-bid, but there was none. Abby ran happily to claim her prize while Jacob paid the auctioneer, and Lizzie delighted in watching the father-daughter interaction between Jacob and Abby.

  After he willingly cuddled her last night, she was looking at him a little differently—almost with love. She had to admit that being in his arms had stirred some unresolved feelings of the past, and she wondered if he felt it too as he looked back at her with a wide grin spread across his lips. She could get lost in that smile if she wasn’t careful. Before she knew his intentions for their marriage, she would keep a lock on her heart. She felt suddenly very fragile and exposed, not wanting to be hurt again where Jacob was concerned.


  Jacob felt like a teenager again as he smiled at Lizzie. It was almost as if no time had passed, and they were young again, and ready to explore where their future could take them. But as Caleb and Abby crowded around his sides, the new horse tagging along, reality set in, and he realized his obligation to his familye needed a stronger base than a teenage crush. He may not have asked for this familye, but it was his responsibility now, and he would find a way to keep his feelings in check until he could establish where Lizzie’s loyalties stood before giving his heart so freely again. He hadn’t stopped loving her. That was obvious to him when he took her in his arms the night before. But unless she intended to return those feelings, he would remain reserv
ed for the sake of his obligation.


  Abby whined all the way home, complaining the jostling of the buggy was making her feel sick. When they finally pulled into the yard, Jacob instructed Caleb to tie up the buggy and lead the new horse into the barn so he could take Abby to her bed. No sooner had he picked her up out of the buggy when she let loose the contents of her stomach down his shirt. Lizzie rushed to his aid apologetically, but he whisked Abby into the house. Lizzie grabbed towels from the mud room off the kitchen and wet them in the sink, hoping she could catch most of the mess before it made a trail to Abby’s room.

  Jacob placed Abby gently in her bed and removed her shoes. Smoothing back her hair, he whispered something Lizzie couldn’t make out, but it caused the corners of her daughter’s lips to turn up slightly. It was tough for Lizzie to allow Jacob to take control over her daughter, but it was a nice change from the burden she’d shouldered alone for the past ten years.

  Jacob squeezed Abby’s hand. “You get some rest after your mamm puts some dry clothes on you. Caleb and I will tend to your horse and you can visit with him in the morning before service.”

  She nodded; her smile fading as he left the room.


