Sailing Through Fire & Ice Read online

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Leah Grant

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-656-6

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Katelyn Uplinger


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To Miss Fish who sits with me each day as I write.


  Encircled by Gold, 3

  Leah Grant

  Copyright © 2015

  Saga One

  Riikka swore her feet sunk deeper into the boggy forest floor with each step. All manner of decomposition played out its symphony as she trudged through bark, leaves, and branches. She stumbled as stems reached up, twining about her legs, intent on tripping her. Her feet, now heavy lead weights, threatened to keep her pinned to the earth. At least that's what it felt like.

  Thorstein walked ahead, every so often he'd look back to scout her position. Ever attentive, the warrior in him on alert for the slightest hint of change in their surroundings. She felt a surge of pride that this huge, muscled man belonged to her. When he paused to turn her way, the look of triumph and adoration radiating out from his gaze told her everything. Her idea to convince Haako that Lucy was really a Goddess they'd managed to piss off, had earned her a good measure of respect in her husband's eyes.

  Riikka breathed in deep, content that she might have bought herself a bit of reprieve from her stowaway blunder. But would he be able to see just how valuable her insistence on coming along had been for all of them? The price of a little sting and humiliation on her backside had been worth finding Lucy. If she hadn't been along—would things have unfolded the same way?

  She glanced ahead to where two of Thorstein's men lugged an old wooden chest, each holding onto the metal grasps at its side. Every so often a clinking or shuffling of metal drifted back as their bodies knocked against it. Silver coins and many trinkets. Spoils from raiding and trading and now theirs. Theirs because her father was afraid of them. Really afraid. You just didn't fuck with the Gods. It wasn't healthy and Thorstein would be milking this one as long as he could. He pursed his lips, sending a little kiss her way. The blue of his gaze burned in the night. Even at this distance, she could tell he was getting hot for her. There would be no sex-stops on this sojourn. They had to make it back to the ship and get underway. The sooner they left, the better for everyone.

  They'd been trekking the night and soon the hillside would emerge from this vast forest. A pungent mixture of dew-soaked leaves and moss filled the air. Only the odd crunching of an animal's weight overtaking a small branch cracked out to disrupt the silence.

  Lucy had held up well. Riikka studied her, stealing sideways glances to monitor her friend. She'd filled her in on Thorstein being a Jarl and about the settlement. The more Lucy knew, the better armed she'd be. The dark, shoulder length bob of hair now sat glued against her head. Lucy was the ultimate trooper, always wanting to be the last to capitulate. How many times had they stared at one another across her massive kitchen table, seeing just who would break first in their scrabble game? Lucy always won. She always held out, but would she be able to hold out now? The game here was so different—another time and another life. Riikka sighed out, her back singing yet another song of pain and protest. She belonged to this life, it was her true life she'd come back to live, but Lucy? How exactly did she fit into this?

  How she would ever find a way to send her back to her time was the million dollar question. A whisper reached her, jarring her from her thoughts.

  "Riikka? I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." Riikka turned her head to take in Lucy's statement. Although meant as a joke, Lucy's words left her colder than the night chill.


  Finally the hillside came up on them. Gasps and grunts filled the air as weary warriors struggled to make the final push and clamber up the slope. Some held onto the thin young saplings to haul themselves along. When they'd reached the top, Riikka sighed with relief. All along the archipelago, the warning fires burned bright. Lucy turned to her, a puzzled expression crossing over her face.

  "What are they for?" She sniffed, wiping her nose on her sleeve.

  "Us. It's how they warn we are coming." Riikka would have explained more, but Thorstein came over and she didn't continue.

  "Just the beach now, then home," he said gruffly. Riikka noted his gaze taking in everything as the wind whipped at her hair.

  "You don't believe they'd attack us thinking we had a Goddess—" But he cut her off.

  "I like breathing and I don't trust them. I never have. It wouldn't necessarily be them attacking. Haako is sly—he'd get another group in on it. I wouldn't be surprised if he had them waiting. What happened with Lucy might have messed up his plans. Then again, if there is another raiding party involved, they might just choose to attack anyway—Goddess or not." He narrowed his gaze as if in deep thought.

  Leif came up then, signaling to go. Everyone went down to the beach. The night's cover would soon be lost and Riikka could sense Thorstein's wish to hasten their speed.

  "Just keep going." He came along Riikka and Lucy. "Be careful, the sand will swallow your steps."

  True. The sand wasn't the lovely hard surface they'd walked on before. The word quicksand briefly flashed through her mind and Riikka yearned to feel the firm boards of the ship beneath her feet once again.

  Riikka shivered in the wind's distinct chill. The sudden drop in temperature seemed almost a warning from the elements. The longship sat not far now, but the tide would be upon them very quickly.

  Leif came up managing to kick up sand in his haste. "We need to get moving. The water is coming fast."

  Thorstein's apprehension poured off his body. Riikka had learned to read her husband over the past months. Whatever it was causing him to react, she didn't like it.

  A whistled signal from one of his men came from behind. Riikka turned to see a group of figures descending from the hill.

  "We need to get out of here." Leif hissed.

  Riikka glanced at Lucy. A wicked smile came over her friend's face.

  Lucy spoke to both Riikka and Thorstein. "I can handle these guys."

  Immediately, Riikka launched into a rampage. "You don't know anything about sword fighting or battle. Are you crazy? Look at the size of the men! What is the matter—"

  "Clamp it, sister. I didn't say I was going to fight them. I'm going to use my status as a Goddess to scare the shit out of them." She ended by delivering what Riikka had come to know as one of her holier-than-thou facial expressions.

  A light seemed to flick on behind Thorstein's eyes. He'd obviously been trying to get a handle on the English. "I get it. We use your Goddess power to our advantage." He chuckled and an equally wicked smile emerged onto his handsome face. "This is so perfect. The men can't understand a word we are saying. I really didn't like you at first Lucy, but you are becoming more and more useful."

  Riikka cringed as Lucy hissed, tensing up like a scorpion ready to do battle. "Ditto, Viking-boy!"

  "Easy killer," she whispered to Lucy. "We need a really good performance here. Keep it together."

  "Hold your position! The Goddess has said she will deal with them!" Thor
stein bellowed out to the men.

  Riikka laughed out, realizing he'd intentionally yelled so that not only his men, but the group approaching could also hear. Yes, let them know what they were about to take on—a Goddess.

  The first rays of sunlight were coming over the water, the longship now backlit like some movie prop. Riikka counted the number approaching. Six. Not many. Had they come for battle?

  "Who are you?" Leif's voice carried over to the group, now only ten feet away on the sand. The sound of the waves rushing into the shore set a clock ticking in Riikka's mind. They needed to get going—or they'd all be swimming.

  "I am Ingvarr. I have come here to do trade with Haako. You seem to have something that belongs to us." This Ingvarr stood with a wide stance, banging his axe against his shield in a slow rhythm.

  "And what might that be?" Leif raised his hands up in gesture.

  "That chest of silver. That belongs to me." Ingvarr took one step forward, pointing the blade of his axe at the two men holding the chest.

  Thorstein spoke. "You understand that we have the Goddess Eir with us? She speaks only to myself and my wife Riikka. Don't be foolish. She will not tolerate anything from you."

  Riikka nodded at Lucy. The small brunette came out from behind the mass of men. She stood, hands on hips, ready to engage.

  It took everything Riikka had to hold her face straight.

  Lucy turned to Thorstein. "Translate this!" He nodded.

  "You've angered me! First I am mistreated by the Kvens and now you. When I leave this Midgard, I will be letting all the Gods know of any person that has crossed me. I will tell them all about you!" She pointed at Ingvarr.

  Thorstein immediately translated, stopping to occasionally bow in deference to Lucy. Riikka watched as Ingvarr's eyes got wider and wider. She held in the laugh as his men slowly stepped further back.

  Lucy wasn't finished. Not yet. She took off her glasses and pointed them at the group.

  "If you even attempt to take the silver or attack us—I will cast a lightning bolt and melt your cocks right off your bodies—each and every one of you!" Again, Thorstein translated, wincing when he got to the part about them losing their manhood.

  Convincing. Nice touch and certainly effective. She had to hand it to Lucy. Her friend never flinched in a crisis.

  The first trickle of water came around her foot. The tide wasn't about to wait for anyone, not even a Goddess. She caught Thorstein's attention, indicating with a quick jerk of her head for him to look down.

  "Leave now and never raise your hand against me or Jarl Thorstein or his people!" Lucy waved her glasses around in a menacing fashion. "You may send a messenger to the settlement to deliver payment for your transgression! I expect a chest of gold and silver. Is this understood?" Her high shrieking voice only added to the drama of the situation. After Thorstein translated, Ingvarr and his group bowed repeatedly, backing off slowly.

  They waited until the attackers had reached the hill again, then Thorstein gave the signal to move out.

  "That was brilliant!" Riikka kept her voice low so that only Lucy could hear.

  "I know. I thought it might be prudent to get a little something more for all this trouble. Besides, when we go back we can try and take some of it with us. We'll be set for life." When she smiled, Riikka's heart sank. Now was definitely not the time to tell her that she had no intention of going back. Hell, she had no idea how she'd get Lucy back to her right time period.

  "Let's get onto the ship before we drown." She indicated with her hand that Lucy should go first. It was a good way of keeping her in sight and showing the men that she was deferring to the Goddess.

  Saga Two

  They were well underway. The men had got right to making sail as soon as everyone had boarded. The sounds of the heavy woven sail being hoisted up and secured left Riikka with a sense of relief. She breathed in the salty air, the new day emerging along the Finnish coastline. She realized how lucky they were that nothing had happened. She'd have to ask Thorstein about Ingvarr. Had this Ingvarr and his group of men been shadowing them the whole time?

  She'd settled Lucy into a quiet spot, telling everyone that Eir wanted to rest and be alone.

  "The Goddess Eir says that being in this human body is draining her energy and she must sleep. Do not disturb her." Expressions of fear erupted out over the faces of the men, their reaction enough to satisfy Riikka that Lucy would be left alone.

  She'd just made it to the front of the longship when a very large hand went round her upper arm.

  "Come with me, wife," Thorstein's gravelly voice came against her ear. He didn't wait, but hauled her along with him. He guided her until they were hidden behind the piles of large baskets—the ones she'd used as her hiding spot before.

  "I want some privacy. We need to talk." From what she read in those ice-blue orbs of his, talk and more was on its way. She let her gaze drop down to his torso, finding his pants tented out. He was erect and obviously wanting some relief.

  "I'm feeling it too," she began, but he wasn't in the mood for any chitchat.

  "Take off your clothes." He peeled his off in a heartbeat. Riikka looked around, wanting to know where the men were and if they would be able to see.

  "Never mind them. They won't bother us. Not unless they want to meet the end of my sword. Now take off your dress or I'll rip it off your body." Raw lust blazed in his eyes. Riikka complied. The throbbing need of desire had ignited as soon as he'd touched her. It seemed to take forever to strip off the layers she wore. How could it be that a culture so free about sex, clothed itself in complicated garments?

  He lay down on the deck, in the narrow space between the baskets and the rail of the ship.

  "I want to eat you. Come, sit here." He stuck his tongue out, making licking motions.

  When she went to straddle him, his hand went around her thigh, preventing her.

  "No, princess, the other way. I want to eat your honey while you suck me." His hands guided her down to sit onto his mouth. She lay on top of him, hungry for his taste.

  His erection stood rigid and ready. She ran her finger along the length of his cock, loving how it moved under her touch. She breathed in his scent—all male. Pre-cum glistened along his slit and she took him into her mouth eager to eat what he offered.

  "Riikka! By the Gods, you have such a mouth." He pumped his cock in further and she took it.

  "Here's the deal, princess. The deeper you take my cock, the deeper my tongue goes inside you."

  Another Viking deal. She wanted to call him a bastard, to get up and leave him blue-balled and hurting, but she couldn't. She needed his tongue and his fingers and to be freed from this prison of lust. Only he could satiate her.

  She didn't talk, but licked along his shaft, darting her tongue to tease the sensitive area where his cock joined with his balls.

  He opened her up and a rush of breeze hit her sex. It was stimulating and shocking all at once. He licked from her hole to her clit, stopping there to nudge with the tip of his tongue. She gasped, wanting more. She took his cock into her mouth, sucking hard. He pumped slowly. She clamped down, sucking hard as he slowly withdrew, tonguing around his head at the last second.

  In response, he speared his tongue deep into her flesh. Riikka moaned as he tongue-fucked her. His frenzied spearing going in deep, taking her close to the brink, only to stop and withdraw.

  "Suck." Heavy with need, his voice reached into her haze. The heat of his palm seared her ass with a firm slap.

  "Do I have your attention now?" He growled.

  "Yes." She cried. She darted the tip of her tongue all around his cockhead, nudging and teasing until he grabbed her by the hair, trapping her in position.

  "Suck." He thrust his cock into her mouth then released his hold. His size gave him the advantage with this position. Riikka jolted as he pushed two, then three fingers into her. He licked her clit, keeping the pressure on with the tip of his tongue. Her world was tipping fast with the sou
nds and motions of the ship's movements coupled with the smacking and slurping of their mouths at play. He pumped faster, his hips lifting off the deck to get his cock in deeper. Sweaty and sticky, their bodies glued together as they writhed and bucked in a spiral of sucking and tonguing. Riikka felt the shudder travel through him as he came, his hot fluid filling her mouth.

  "Swallow everything I give you," his words came out in choked bursts as he exploded.

  She drank him in as the rush went through her body. He didn't stop though, but kept pushing his fingers deeper into her hole, her muscles clenching down around them.

  Riikka collapsed, her full weight going onto him, but Thorstein didn't seem to notice. His mouth was still busy on her overly sensitive flesh. She came again, the quick surge running over her body.

  "So sweet. It's like raiding," he murmured, licking all along her sex.

  "Raiding?" Still in the fog of sex, she couldn't even attempt to fathom this one.

  "Sure. I love raiding, it's exciting and even after all the fun is over, you still get the spoils." He slapped her ass cheek as if punctuating the statement.

  She couldn't resist the smile coming over her face. He was a Viking through and through. Her warrior saw things in his own way. He tipped her and she rolled off him.

  Thorstein stood, holding his hand out to help her up. Her legs were a bit wobbly still, so she held onto the side of the rail for support.

  "We must talk, wife." He handed her clothes over, and then began dressing.

  "Will we be staying at the beach again? To rest?" She asked, wanting nothing more than a good meal, a hot fire, and to be curled up with her Viking. The idea of being woken by his swollen cock pushing against her in the middle of the night had its merits. "I think Lucy will need time to adjust to what is happening." They both finished getting dressed.