Weekend of Sin Read online

Page 3

  It’s always so peaceful in the woods too, with just Mother Nature and nobody else to deal with. Hell, maybe I’ll read a book or even sleep the day away. It’s perfect, given how hard I’ve been working myself.

  Of course, I usually only come to the cabin during hunting season, but even that works out because it means that none of my neighbors will be around. My closest neighbor is twenty miles away, so it’s not exactly “close,” but the solitude gives me peace. I’ll be able to hear myself think, which hasn’t happened in a long time.

  Don’t get me wrong, I like people. I like socializing, I like my employees, and I understand that having my own company means that I need to be a people-person by default. But the isolation will be nice because tons of social interaction can get overwhelming.

  Just as I’m going around a particularly steep bend, I hear what sounds like another vehicle coming down the road. That’s weird because my closest neighbor is twenty miles away, and like I mentioned, it’s not hunting season. Then at that last moment, my vision is filled with headlights. What stupid person is driving with their head lamps on in the middle of the day? I have to squint to avoid getting in a crash as a huge Mercedes roars past, going way above the speed limit. I barely have the time to register as it disappears around another curve.

  Who the fuck was that? Most people on the mountain drive serviceable cars, and not fancy luxury sedans. Plus, I caught a glimpse of the driver’s features, and he looked crazy. He was gripping the wheel with white-knuckled fingers, his mouth open in a maniacal laugh. But there was nothing to laugh about. Hell, I should call the sheriff before he crashes that thing, ending his own life.

  But then, I shrug my shoulders a little and let out a breath. I’m not going to dwell on it because maybe I was seeing things. It’s the middle of the day but I’ve been working so hard that perhaps I imagined the maniacal grin. Regardless, it’s none of my business.

  I turn my radio up a little more and start humming along to a song while making my way up the mountain. About twenty minutes later, I finally pull into the circular area in front of the cabin. It’s made of dirt, but it’s serviceable. Trees rustle on either side, and my cabin looks snug as a bug in a rug, as always.

  “We’re back, Dorothy,” I say to no one in particular while shutting off the ignition. But then, my eyes narrow and a frown drops the corners of my lips because there’s a light on inside.

  What in the world? The only other person who ever comes up to the cabin is my daughter, Addy, but she’s out of town visiting her mom for the weekend, so it can’t possibly be her. Plus, we’re both careful to turn off all the lights when we leave so the electrical bill won’t be sky-high every month.

  So what could it be? Slowly, I get out of my truck without closing the door in order to stay silent. Then I grab my gun from the bed of the truck and tiptoe toward the cabin, standing on the balls of my feet.

  It’s real quiet and as I approach, nothing seems out of place. Still, I don’t let my guard down as I step onto the porch. It’s probably nothing, but you can never be too sure.

  With one hand on my gun, the other twists the doorknob and slowly, I let the wooden slab swing open. Then I peer in, and start abruptly because this is not what I expected. I thought I’d see one of two things when I walked inside: either a completely empty and completely untouched cabin, or a ransacked interior with the intruder long gone. What I wasn’t expecting was a gorgeous girl on the couch, totally nude with a pair of fluffy, pink handcuffs on. Plus, there’s something jammed into her ass. I squint, and then my jaw drops. Is that what I think that is? Is that a dildo she has pushed into her butt?

  I must make a sound because suddenly, the girl senses my presence and turns to me. It’s then that my heart races because she’s beautiful. She’s young, yes, but the curvy girl has acres of gorgeous ivory skin on full display. Long, curly brown hair hangs down her back, and she’s got big brown eyes that widen at the sight of me. Her plush lips drop open with surprise, but instead of a breathy hello, she lets out a loud scream reminiscent of a banshee.

  “Who the fuck are you?” the curvy girl shrieks. “Get out! Get out now!”

  I stare back, unable to tear my eyes from her nude form. What the hell is going on? And why is this woman telling me to get out of my own cabin? A growl tears from my throat even as my body stiffens because maybe, just maybe, this weekend will be even better than I imagined.



  * * *

  A scream erupts from my throat when I see a strange man standing at the front door with a gun in his hand. It’s not just a small gun either. It looks huge, and he looks like he knows how to use it.

  “Who are you?” I scream. “Get out! OMG, don’t look at me!”

  The man looks right back at me, a flush rising on those high cheekbones.

  “Who am I?” he growls. “Who the fuck are you?”

  I let out another scream then because this is totally crazy. When I first heard a car pulling into the drive, I figured it was just Vinnie coming back to apologize. After all, who leaves a woman naked and handcuffed in an isolated cabin? Even worse, after all this straining, I still haven’t ben able to get it out.

  But obviously, it wasn’t Vinnie at all. Instead, it’s this glowering stranger who looks like he could fight a mountain lion bare-handed and win. He’s huge, with night-black hair, piercing blue eyes and a strong jaw. The strange man’s wearing a plaid shirt that emphasizes wide shoulders and bulging biceps. Heck, he could be swinging an axe right now, chopping wood into tiny bits, and I wouldn’t be surprised.

  But then I snap out of it. I have no idea who this person is! What if he tries something? I’ll be dead meat because obviously, I can’t defend myself with my hands cuffed. Even more, he’s holding a gun. Shit! What the hell is he doing with that thing anyway!?

  “Get away from me!” I scream, trying not to sound scared. “Who are you? You’re trespassing!”

  He furrows his brows and glares at me, and the intense look makes me shrivel into myself.

  “Who am I?” he asks in disbelief. “I’m Kurt Crenshaw. I own this place. You’re the one who’s trespassing.”

  Oh shit, oh shit. My heart drops as I stare at the man, and suddenly, an image of Addy’s gradation photo from long ago flashes in my mind. OMG, this is her dad. He’s got the same dark hair, strong features, and uncompromising mouth. What he could do with that mouth, I can only imagine, and a hot shiver runs down my spine as heat pools between my thighs. I let out an awkward laugh as I try to figure out what to say.

  “Oh Mr. Crenshaw!” I manage in a lighthearted tone. “Um, I just thought that, well, it’s not hunting season, so I didn’t think you’d be around.”

  He squints.

  “It’s the off-season, but still. Who the fuck are you? And what are you doing like this in my cabin?”

  If my cheeks get any hotter, they might catch fire. “Oh, right. Well, I’m Janelle, Addy’s friend. We work together at Four Eyes, and she invited me up here. I’d shake your hand but I obviously can’t right now.” I clear my throat and look away from him, mentally cursing myself as my cheeks flame hot once more.

  “Right. So you’re my daughter’s friend, and you’d shake my hand if they weren’t cuffed using fuzzy pink handcuffs at the moment. But tell me, Janelle: what are you doing in my cabin?”

  I cringe a bit.

  “Well, I thought it’d be fun to borrow the cabin this weekend, that’s all.”

  “On your own? Without my daughter present?” Mr. Crenshaw asks, his black brows rising off his forehead.

  I feel even more embarrassed and humiliated than before, and shake my head.

  “Not exactly. Addy doesn’t know, but I’m sure she’d be okay with it. She said she was away this weekend, and again, it’s the off-season, so I didn’t think you’d mind.” The handsome man fixes me with a look, so penetrating that I feel my bones melt. “Listen,” I manage. “Just help me out of these handcuffs and I’ll get out of your hair, alright? I just need to free myself.”

  The strange man shakes his head and comes over to stand beside where I’m still face down on the couch. OMG, this is so embarrassing. I’m literally nude on my knees with my shoulders pressed into the soft cushion. Even more, he’s got a great view of my big ass with the dildo stuck tight inside.

  “Don’t laugh, okay? I realize this is a weird situation but I can explain. After you free me,” I say in a tight voice.

  He merely lets out a snort and pulls at the chain linking the two cuffs together.

  “Damn, these are metal under the pink fur. They’re the real deal, aren’t they?”

  I close my eyes.

  “Can you break them somehow?” I manage in a tight voice. “I’d be indebted to you forever.”

  He whistles while letting out a soft chuckle and then stalks to the door.

  “Wait, are you going?” I ask, hating the note of desperation in my voice. “Don’t leave me like this!”

  The handsome man grins over one shoulder.

  “Let me just get my toolbox,” he calls. “You’re going to be fine, sweetheart. Just give me a sec to get my hands on some wire.”

  He disappears for what feels like forever, and I hear a car door slamming and some other commotion outside. Then the handsome man reappears with a giant red toolbox in one hand, and I swear, I’ve never been so relieved to see someone again in my life. He grins, as if reading my mind.

  “Well, the good news is that I’m an electrician, so I’ve got lots of tools at my disposal. You’re in luck, sweet girl.” He sends me a reassuring smile and I can feel some of the tension leaving my body, despite this ludicrous situation. Maybe things will work out okay. Maybe I’ll be able to get free, put on some clothes, and call a
n Uber, even though we’re halfway up a mountain. Maybe he won’t even mention this to Addy, and we can put it out of our minds and pretend that this never happened.

  Then, the man pulls out a long wire and I gasp. Is that a garrote of some sort? Is he going to strangle me? He rolls his eyes and leans forward.

  “You’re safe,” Mr. Crenshaw growls, bending over to niggle at something on the cuffs. “Hold still. Got it!”

  With a sudden snick, the cuffs fall away and I’m free. I let out a deep breath, finally feeling as if I can breathe again as my arms fall forward, slightly numb. Holy cow, I didn’t even realize that my circulation had been compromised, and I rub my hands together, trying to regain some sensation. But things could have been much worse, come to think of it. Of course, I’m going to give Vinnie a vicious tongue-lashing when I get off this mountain, but I put it out of my head because the point is that I’m free now, thank goodness!

  I’m about to reach back to start worming the dildo out of my ass, but before I can, Kurt’s large palm comes over my back, huge and warm. He looms over me, and I go as still as a mouse, a hot shiver running down my spine.

  “Allow me, sweetheart.” His voice is as deep as the ocean, and the sound sends a pulse through my cunt. My cheeks heat up as my nipples tingle because is this really happening? Am I letting a strange man pull a dildo out of my ass? But then I correct myself. He’s strange, but not a stranger. This is the man who just saved me, and he’s also freakin’ hot, if I do say so myself.

  I lean forward so that my ass rises in the air, the generous heart-shape tipped towards him. Then, I’m pulled out of my thoughts by the feeling of him gripping the toy, but instead of pulling it out, Mr. Crenshaw jimmies it around a bit. I let out a quiet gasp because it feels so good. When Vinnie was doing it, it just felt penetrative. But now, the dildo’s reaching a place deep within, and I press my cheek against the sofa cushion while letting out a low moan.

  “You like it, don’t you?” Mr. Crenshaw rasps. “Fuck, it looks good in you.” Then, he pushes the toy in a little deeper before pulling it out just slightly. I moan again as a hoarse chuckle rises from his throat, and then he does it again. Then rinse and repeat, over and over again. Maybe he’s trying to work it out gently, but I highly doubt that. My eyes open a sliver, and I catch a glimpse of the crotch of his jeans, where a huge bulge has formed. OMG, is that for real? I lick my lips and let out another low moan. Kurt growls a bit, and then pushes in the dildo once more. To be honest, the longer he spends toying with me like this, the less I want him to take the toy out completely. Another low moan escapes my throat, and Kurt chuckles in back of me.

  “Sounds like somebody is enjoying themselves,” he rumbles. “It looks like it too. You’re so wet, sweetheart, you know that? I have a perfect view of your pussy and it’s fucking swollen and drenched.”

  “I can’t help it!” I moan ecstatically. “It feels so good!”

  “Mmm, excellent,” he murmurs. “But you know, I think we can do better than this.”

  I whine as he stops moving the toy, and I squirm around in an attempt to get some friction again, but it’s no use. Then, Kurt undoes his belt and my eyes open when I hear the buckle hit the floor. Goosebumps rise on my skin when I hear the telltale unzip of his pants, and I let out another low moan. But it’s a moan of welcome because I feel like a bitch in heat. I’m burning up and can barely breathe, and I feel so desperate that I don’t know what to do with myself. The toy isn’t enough anymore—I want the real thing, and a hard cock is the only thing that will satisfy me now.

  Lucky for me, Kurt seems to be reading my mind.

  He pulls the toy out with a satisfying pop, and I should be embarrassed at the obscene sound, but I’m not. Then he stares at my ass for a bit.

  “You’re already stretched,” he groans approvingly. “So fucking gaped from this monster. Good, because it means you’re ready for me.”

  I know it must look so obscene because my anus is probably pink and raw, with a one-inch open hole ready for his penetration. But the huge man is turned on and merely leans forward to run his tongue quickly over the rim before spitting on it and rubbing the saliva into my bottom.

  “Here we go,” he groans. “Hold on, sweetheart.”

  Then, I feel his tip at my gape and my eyes widen. The pressure is intense, but even more, the head of his cock is huge.

  “OMG!” I squeal, my hands scrabbling on the couch cushion. “You’re too big!”

  He shakes his head, those big hands gripping my hips.

  “No, it’s fine, honey. You’re already gaped, so you’re going to fit me just fine.” Then he presses forward once more, sliding a few inches up my ass and I let out another startled scream.

  “Ohhh!” I shriek. “Unnnh!”

  “You’re doing great,” he growls from in back. “You’re taking my cock in your butt like a champ, honey. It looks so fucking obscene, but so good too.”

  It takes a few minutes for him to work himself all the way inside, but soon, his entire length is buried balls deep in my asshole. I let out a low wail, my face pressed into the couch.

  “Unnnh!” is my cry. “Oh god!”

  “Are you okay, baby?” Kurt rasps. I can’t answer, but I reach back with both hands and pull my butt cheeks apart, giving him more intimate access. A low chuckle rises from his chest.

  “That’s what I thought. You’re my dirty little slut, aren’t you?” With that, it isn’t long before he’s pushing his cock inside of my ass in with deep, penetrative thrusts. I practically scream as his balls slap against my pussy, his full length buried within my ass walls. I can swear that I can feel the tip of his dick pressing up against some of my internal organs and moan again with bliss.

  OMG, I had no idea anal could be like this. Women have told me that it feels different, but even better sometimes, and I have to say that I agree. Kurt’s way up my backside, so long and thick that I’m crammed full in my butt. Plus, his balls keep slapping against my clit, and I twist my nipples while taking it all.

  “More,” I pant. “Ooooh yes!”

  Kurt gives it to me good, slamming deep into my ass again and again.

  “I’m close, baby girl,” he hisses. “Fuck you’re so tiny!”

  Then, climax crashes over me and I scream again as my body clenches on his hardness before dissipating into violent spasms.

  “Oh my God!” I shriek, squeezing the cushions with my fingers. I try to squirm away from the deep hammering in my butt, but he drags me back easily, grunting as he holds me down and continues to pound me from behind.

  Everything goes white then. My eyes roll into the back of my head, and I imagine that this must be what Heaven feels like. His brute strength makes me shriek and wail as my world is turned inside out. Meanwhile, Kurt continues to pound away, his breathing labored as those big hands grip my waist.

  “Fuck,” he groans. “Fuck fuck FUCK!”

  Then my friend’s dad erupts in my behind, filling my hole with jets of hot male virility. I scream again as he pumps me full, his roars filling the living room of the cabin. I cry out, my ass still clenching hard on the hot rod buried inside as he continues ejaculating for what feels like ages, dumping a huge load inside.

  Finally, we float down from the Heavens, and I try to catch my breath.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Kurt murmurs from in back of me. “That was unexpected, I know.”

  I merely giggle, and crack one eye to look at him over my shoulder.

  “Unexpected? That’s one way of putting it,” I mewl in an amused tone. But then I do something so dirty that even I’m surprised. I reach one hand between my legs and gently grasp his ball sack, squeezing the soft orbs and milking them to get the last drops of seed out. He groans, dropping his forehead to my sweaty shoulder.

  “What are you doing to me?” he says hoarsely as the last spurts of hot seed jet into my bottom. “You minx.”