The Clintons' War on Women Read online

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  In fact, despite the family image Bill and Hillary try to project to the American people, their marriage is a sham. While Bill can play an affable yokel with political skill, it is Hillary who wears the pants in the political relationship and served as a virtual co-president, steering and controlling public policy and making decisions in Waco, Texas, that would leave seventy-six dead.

  The Clintons’ activities have not only included Bill’s physical rape of women, but also Hillary’s degradation and psychological rape of women whom Bill has assaulted. Hillary, it will be seen, looks likely to authorize the heavy-handed private detectives who terrorize Bill’s victims into silence. Behind the scenes, she calls them “sluts,” “whores,” and “bitches,” blaming and shaming them for the unwanted physical attentions and violence of Bill. This is the “advocate for women and girls”?

  The brave women who came forward to expose Bill Clinton’s sexual abuse and assaults on them were denigrated as “trailer trash,” and Clinton himself called it “trash for cash” when some of the supermarket tabloids like the National Enquirer and the Globe began paying women whose stories they found credible.

  Brent Scher of the Washington Free Beacon produced a compelling study that showed that Hillary hasn’t practiced what she preaches when it comes to female pay equality. In the U.S. Senate, the State Department, and the Clinton Foundation, women were systematically paid significantly less than men, yet Hillary makes pay inequality her battle cry. It’s a glaring example of her inauthenticity. The Clintonistas floated a phony “internal analysis” to Buzzfeed in an attempt to discredit Scher, but close examination of both analyses shows that Hillary is a fraud on the subject of male-female pay inequality.

  The Clintons’ avarice is as stunning as Bill’s sex crimes and Hillary’s role in silencing his victims to cover them up. The Clintons are reliably estimated to have made close to $300 million since Bill Clinton left the presidency. Former President Clinton made over $200 million while Hillary made $100 million. Bill Clinton made $30 million while Hillary made $25 million last year alone. The Clintons are the 1 percent as well as the war on women.

  Hillary is truly an elite, moving in rarefied air through a hushed world of luxury and deference. The former First Lady won’t fly in anything less than a G5 and will stay in no hotel where she cannot get the Presidential Suite or that is not five star. The Clintons’ life is one of a network of retainers, cut flowers, printed schedules, sold access, and public posturing.

  This book is not about Bill Clinton’s hypersexuality and consensual sex addiction. Clinton has had sex with dozens and very likely hundreds of women. In fact, to the point where former president Gerald Ford urged him to get professional help for his addiction. It is when Bill Clinton veers into rape and possibly pedophilia that the line must be drawn.

  As a libertine, I think consensual sexual relationships are private business, and I had little regard for the House of Representatives’ decision to impeach Clinton because he had sex with Monica Lewinsky (though Clinton’s lie was the crime, not the act of receiving oral sex from the kneeling intern). I grew up during the Summer of Love and I admit to a wild sexual lifestyle in my younger years. But I stress anything I engaged in was among consenting adults and the idea of sex with children is repugnant. The most vile part of the Clinton story is about nonconsenual sex: rape. It’s not a pretty word, but there is no other that more accurately describes Clinton’s serial assaults on Eileen Wellstone, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and probably dozens of others.

  When the sex was nonconsensual Clinton would get physical, tearing the clothes off his victims and biting them on the lower lip, as at least three of his assault victims claimed, it constitutes a very different issue and crosses a line. Inappropriate relationships with underaged girls take the transgression to a new level. Unfortunately, Clinton has been a close personal friend of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and others in his circle, especially during the time in his post presidency when he was linked to Epstein’s hedonistic Orgy Island.

  The Clintons will call this book old news. But no news is old if people haven’t heard it and had a chance to consider its source. Clinton attack dog James Carville will pounce on this book. Journalists who can find no misdeed whatsoever by the Clintons in their long political career, will seek to dismiss the horrific details of the Clintons’ trail of rape, drugs, cover-ups, greed, murder, and, at a minimum, the moving of the body of White House counsel Vince Foster after his suicide.

  The Clintons’ spin machine was adept at withholding so much of this information from the American people at the time it occurred that it bears examination.

  There is much alleged about the Clintons that is not true. There is far more that is true and breathtaking in terms of the cold, cunning ambition, greed, accommodations, and power lust of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

  I’m ready to tell the story I picked up from many years of insider knowledge. I had access to the exhaustive opposition research done by George H. W. Bush’s presidential reelection campaign in 1992. Lee Atwater, who died of brain cancer in 1991, managed President Bush’s 1988 campaign, spotting Clinton early as a threat to Poppy Bush’s reelection. Atwater recognized that Clinton’s Southern charm and moderation could appeal to white Democrats and return them to the Democratic fold, breaking up the mostly white coalition that had elected Bush in 1988. Atwater used his chairmanship at the Republican National Committee to begin deep opposition research on the up-and-coming Arkansas Governor.

  After Atwater’s death, many of the midlevel Atwater operatives in Bush’s fumbled 1992 reelection campaign expressed dissatisfaction with the campaign’s decision not to use this material. Campaign manager Bob Teeter, a pollster (“my god, a pollster as your campaign manager”—Richard Nixon) told the Atwater loyalists that Poppy himself had ruled out the disclosure of Clinton’s drug use or his fathering of an illegitimate child who happened to be African American.

  The 1992 presidential election was the only one that I professionally sat out since 1968. This book will reveal the strange and secret working relationship between Bill Clinton and maverick billionaire Ross Perot to deny Bush another term. In many ways, the Bush-Clinton face-off in ’92 was a “heads, I win; tails, you lose” election in which one establishment candidate financed largely by the same interests simply outmaneuvered the other. Bush, under the tutelage of White House Chief of Staff John Sununu, had hurt himself badly by violating his Reagan-esque pledge not to raise taxes. Bush’s inability to notice a softening of the economy contributed to a vulnerability exploited by Bill Clinton and abetted by the diminutive Texas eccentric. Clinton was elected with 57 percent of the vote opposing him; he slid in with 43 percent. When George Bush plaintively glanced at his watch in the televised debate, it was clear that he understood that his days in the White House were limited, yet he and his family have never shown the kind of rancor toward the Clintons that they have with Republicans who have contested the elections of George Bush.

  Who better to expose this kabuki dance in which the Bushes and Clintons aid each other’s rehabilitation while pursuing essentially the same policies when it comes to foreign war, the erosion of civil liberties, massive debt, crony capitalism, and elite deviance? As someone who spent the last forty years in the corroded rectum of the two-party system and saw the ascent of the Bushes and Clintons firsthand, I am the man to tell this story.

  As one of the Republican Party’s best-known opposition researchers, I have outlined the shocking truth about the Clintons, as well as the Bushes, and their strange, mutually beneficial relationship in this tome. For the life of me, I can’t figure out how Jeb Bush awards Hillary a “Liberty Medal” for her actions and then runs against her. Civility? Or shared criminality? I shall let the reader decide.

  Those who accuse me of being a Republican attack dog should understand that I will soon publish a book on Jeb Bush and the long history of crimes by the Bush family in January of next year. The Bush-Clinton alliance proves tha
t the right-left divide is merely a distraction by the power elite who run America and have no ideology at all, other than the ideology of money and power. The Republican and Democratic parties have sadly morphed into one large, Wall Street–financed political establishment in which no matter which party gets elected, the erosion of our civil liberties continues and we pile up more debt, levy higher taxes on working people, and engage in endless foreign wars where America’s interests are sometimes vague. The close alliance of the Bushes and Clintons shows that party is meaningless in today’s political system.

  Ironically, the first journalist to report extensively on the Clintons’ wrongdoings was David Brock of the American Spectator. Brock interviewed Clinton’s Arkansas State Police bodyguards who talked about Clinton’s personal cocaine use, chronic infidelity, sexual assaults, and involvement with drug trafficking. The American Spectator stories had a profound impact. Today, Brock is a Clinton toady sucking compensation from at least three pro-Clinton front organizations. Today, Brock claims his American Spectator stories exposing Bill Clinton were false. He’s lying.

  Brock is engaging company, highly intelligent, and, like me, a bit of a dandy. He sported a monocle, cape, and gold-headed walking stick, an affectation known only to the National Review’s Richard Brookhiser in the past three decades. Brock let the rumor spread he was on heroin when heroin was chic. I don’t think he was.

  The success and impact of Brock’s stories led Pittsburgh millionaire Richard Mellon Scaife to fund the Arkansas Project in which a number of journalists, including Christopher Ruddy and Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, would delve deeply into the activities of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

  Ted Olson, who would later win the landmark case overturning a California anti-gay marriage proposition narrowly passed by the voters, represented George W. Bush in Bush v. Gore, and who would be named U.S. Solicitor General, was a board member of the American Spectator Educational Foundation, which was the euphemistic name for the Arkansas Project. He is thought to have known about or played some role in the Arkansas Project. Olson’s firm, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, provided $14,000 worth of legal services, and he wrote or coauthored several articles that were paid for with Project funds. During Olson’s Senate confirmation hearing for Solicitor General, majority Republicans blocked Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy’s call for further committee inquiries on the subject of Olson’s ties to the well-funded and deep-digging Arkansas Project. The Arkansas Project journalists would focus largely on the failed Whitewater real estate development and Clinton’s hotel room sexual degradation of Paula Jones, but ultimately their investigations would lead to the broad panoply of Clinton crimes.

  Ruddy, who wrote for the Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, would pen a well-written book examining the mysterious death of Vince Foster. Ruddy would also publish a collection of Newsmax Media stories in book form, establishing the story of Danney Williams, Bill’s alleged illegitimate African American son. Ruddy would later give $1.5 million to the Clinton Foundation, which he said he did for charitable purposes.

  We have carefully sifted through the research of the Arkansas Project and its many trails and offshoots. We can report that not all of the allegations against the Clintons are true. Unfortunately for Bill and Hillary, most of the allegations involving sexual assault, drug use and trafficking, financial chicanery, the use of violence by Arkansas state troopers to silence Bill’s victims, and the use of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission as a piggy bank to launder both campaign funds and graft are entirely accurate.

  It is only by comparing the so-called Atwater files and the continuing opposition research conducted by the Republican National Committee after Atwater’s death with the fruits of the Arkansas Project that one can pin down the truth between Bill and Hillary Clinton.

  There is no question that some Clinton critics are excessive. There are widespread claims that the Clintons are responsible for the death of as many as eighty-three people whose knowledge stood in the way of their political ascent. Based on our investigation, the Clintons are only plausibly responsible for the deaths of half the people on this list. They are not responsible for the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr., as some researchers have claimed, though the number of individuals who are both knowledgeable of and pivotal to the Clintons’ grasp for power who die in plane crashes defies mathematical odds. For the purpose of this book, we will focus on the deaths of teenagers Don Henry and Kevin Ives, who were most likely witnesses to the rampant cocaine-trafficking going on in Arkansas where Bill Clinton backed an inept medical examiner in a sloppy cover-up and the murder of former CIA operative and later Clinton campaign security director Jerry Parks. When Clinton tried to stiff Parks on an $83,000 invoice, Parks threatened to reveal what he knew about Governor Clinton and the drug-trafficking operating out of Mena, Arkansas, which we will examine in some detail. Parks was forced off the road near his home and riddled with bullets. Murder is very much a part of the Clinton rise to power and that’s without counting the eighteen children killed in the Waco assault. Senator Arlen Specter, who headed a Senate panel investigating the Waco incident, told me that credible testimony indicated that Hillary Clinton gave the “go order” to Janet Reno and Webb Hubbell.

  The second-tier hitmen for the Clintons, former conservative firebrand and left-wing entrepreneur David Brock, the overexposed Cajun James Carville, my fellow Hungarian Paul Begala, a decent fellow, and Joe Conason, will claim I am a “political dirty trickster and hitman.” I admit to having a bias, and I will let the reader decide whether the case my coauthor Robert Morrow and I lay out against Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton is valid.

  Based on history, we know exactly how the Clintons and their spinning machine will react to the extraordinary and deadly accurate revelations in this book. After saying it’s all old news, they will blame right-wing extremists for smearing them. Finally, they will seek to discredit the authors based on our partisanship and past political activities. This book, however, is not about Roger Stone or Robert Morrow; the facts outlined and carefully sourced here speak for themselves. Let the reader decide.

  Speaking of dirty tricks, I can reveal that Hillary Clinton would use her own dirty trickster. Here’s what I’ve noticed: Sidney Blumenthal, who was giving Hillary political and intelligence advice that she passed on to her State Department staff and instructed them to follow. Blumenthal invented the fiction that the assault on our embassy in Benghazi was influenced by an anti-Islamic video aired in another country. Thus, Blumenthal invented the cover story that Hillary and President Barack Obama used to hide the fact that U.S. interests had been hit by al-Qaeda before the election. Blumenthal directed the dirty tricks campaign against Bill’s critics in the impeachment scandal and played a heavy role as Hillary’s henchman in the media’s effort to demonize Hillary’s sexual assault victims.

  Blumenthal, the father of legendary anti-Israel radical Max Blumenthal, played so dirty against Obama at Hillary’s direction that Obama barred him from a State Department job. Sid, who once did dirty tricks for Senator Gary Hart, vilifying those who suspected his Bill Clinton–like philanderings, never disclosed to Hillary that he was being paid by corporate entities trying to make a score in postwar Libya. Blumenthal also pushed Hillary to topple Khadafi, the eccentric madman who had changed sides, providing intelligence on Islamic terrorists to the United States and replace him with a Muslim Brotherhood puppet more to Max Blumenthal’s liking. Sidney was simultaneously on the payroll of the eccentric David Brock’s money-making venture, Media Matters for America, as well as the pro-Clinton front Correct the Record. And according to Democratic sources, he was also negotiating with American Priorities. All three are dark-money Clinton operations.

  At the same time, Bill Clinton demanded that the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation pay Blumenthal ten thousand dollars per month. Why would a charity need a hitman? His real job was to coach Hillary, serving as a backchannel spin doctor. His freelancing as a Clinton flunky on Libya cre
ated the false narrative about why Americans had given their lives—pinning their murders on the notorious anti-Islamic YouTube video.

  Don’t get me wrong. Sid is wicked smart and charming company. I knew him well when he was a writer for the New Republic and a behind-the-scenes mover for Senator Hart’s presidential campaign, before latching on to the Clintons. An Obama White House staffer told me that the Obama camp was aware that Blumenthal was spreading the rumor that the senator from Illinois was gay, connecting him with two members of Obama’s Chicago church choir who were both viciously murdered. Blumenthal claimed to journalists that both had been former Obama lovers. He also outlined to the journalists Obama’s connections to communist Frank Marshall Davis. You can see why White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel enforced the Obama ban of an administration job for Blumenthal.

  When the Clintonistas attack me as a dirty trickster, remember who they have working for them. Politics ain’t beanbag, and the Clintons play hardball, at the same time whining when hardball tactics are used to expose their prevarications, dramas, and self-dealing. While being held to the lowest possible standard—“There is no proof of our crimes”—they continue to gripe that they are being held to a higher public standard than others.

  It is also Blumenthal who has convinced Hillary to abandon the Clinton Coalition of 1992 and 1996 in which the former Arkansas governor moved his party to the center and ran competitively in the South as well as in the West by appealing to moderates, swing voters, and white Democrats. Bill Clinton became president by getting white conservative and moderate Democrats to join liberals in voting democratic. Obama turned this strategy on its ear by taking more liberal positions and winning simply by maximizing turnout in the liberal base. Obama won without competing in states like Kentucky, Louisiana, Tennessee, or West Virginia, all states won by Bill Clinton. Obama so maximized the votes of liberals that he won even while losing among independent voters. Blumenthal has counseled Hillary, choosing to move her left on gay marriage, immigration, criminal justice, voting rights, the incredibly hypocritical call for pay equality for women, and adopting anti–Wall Street rhetoric, mostly to box out Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.