Jakarta Read online


  First English-language edition published 2019

  Copyright © 2016 by Rodrigo Márquez Tizano

  c/o Indent Literary Agency, www.indentagency.com

  Translation © 2019 by Thomas Bunstead

  Book design by Rachel Holscher

  Author photograph © Valentina Siniego Benenati

  Translator photograph © Carlotta Luke

  First published in Spanish as Yakarta in 2016. This edition is under license from Editorial Sexto Piso, Mexico (www.sextopiso.mx).

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  Names: Márquez Tizano, Rodrigo, 1984– author. | Bunstead, Thomas, translator.

  Title: Jakarta / Rodrigo Márquez Tizano ; translated by Thomas Bunstead.

  Other titles: Yakarta. English

  Description: First English-language edition. | Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2019.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2018060440 (print) | LCCN 2018061648 (ebook) | ISBN 9781566895712 (ebook) | ISBN 9781566895637 (trade paper)

  Classification: LCC PQ7298.423.A7614 (ebook) | LCC PQ7298.423.A7614 Y3513 2019 (print) | DDC 863/.7—dc23

  LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018060440


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  For Paula

  Thought I heard a dog barking. It’s possible. The simplest basic units develop into the richest natural patterns.




  I’m going to meet up with the boys. I’m going searching in the tunnels. I have no choice: the stone has spoken. The stone is opaque and smooth to the touch, like the tongues of the dogs we used to find on the way out to Arroyo Muerto. Day after day, Clara sets herself before it, and it responds with a pink, spreading glow, which little by little begins to illuminate the insides of the animals. Clara’s forehead becomes a prism, the light expands, and so do the distended beasts. All are alike inside: all are cavernous. The light rises from the surface of the stone in spindling pink tines, usually breaking off in four directions. They are luminous stalactites, they plunge into the four corners of our room, a room with next to nothing in it: a vase, a dog, a couple of coins. On the peeling walls, red and blue flecks of paint. I had a teacher in fifth grade, a nun with a wrinkled face, wrinkles of the kind you only ever see on nuns (or on receipts, I think, or in regions prone to earthquakes). She taught geography—of a sort. Everywhere had been discovered by then, and in the absence of new lands to discuss she would get diverted into talk of the soul. Or, put another way: she would call out countries, and we had to name the capitals. And from there she would start talking about the afterlife, going into long and winding descriptions of what happens to suicides when they get suspended.


  All the great poxes, choleras, fevers, and plagues, as with all significant outbreaks of dysentery, tuberculosis, and malaria, have been transmitted by insects. One body decays, another moves in: thus the demolition begins. It’s one of the possible paths. A malfunction is all it takes, or, we could perhaps say, an oversight. Once it has begun, there isn’t any way to stop it, no turning back. In the first several months the Department of Hygiene, Social Services, and Public Wellbeing insisted rats were to blame, but in fact it was their parasites we humans were susceptible to. True, bitches carrying the disease turned aggressive, began biting the ankles of unsuspecting strangers. And their original victims were children—that, too, is true. The hours they spent playing down at the foreshore made them easy targets: they chased vermin, they rooted around in mounds of trash and beer crates, under rocks. On our long reconnaissance hikes, in radio contact with ĦQ throughout, we began to come across dozens of child cadavers littering the shore: lodged between boulders or half buried in the sands, and all of them stinking to high heaven. They took less time than the rats to die and less still to decompose. I could not stop thinking of all the similarities—from a certain distance, and with my senses perhaps dulled by the hazmat suit, plus the warping effect of panic—between these carcasses and those of the roadkill dogs I used to go out gathering with my schoolmates. Morgan would check for a pulse and stick to filling in the forms. I wrote on labels in marker, attaching them to the big toes, or, if they no longer had big toes, to the least ill-preserved extremities. Sometimes the job was that of a gravedigger: drear mechanics in hi-vis hazmat suits. A shit job, the salary a pittance, less! All of which did nothing to prevent us from carrying out our duties with the indolence common to all subalterns, natural to all of those to whom the shit jobs fall. Nor were we authorized to pick up the bodies: as soon as we spotted them, we were just to radio back. The guys taking the calls would then fill out further reams of paperwork, complete with sections, subsections, and fields concerning a panoply of specifications, some technical, others not so technical, but all necessary before the Ministry of Public Affairs would agree to send an inspection team. Once one of their experts had come and confirmed the Ź-Bug and not, say, a common cold as cause of death, we were authorized to call the Civil Registrar, who in turn sent an ambulance to transport the body to the labs. This was the method we piloted. Would it have been more effective to comb the foreshore, just filling up crates with bodies? Maybe at the start. But some kind of order had to be imposed, even among those mountains of garbage and meat. Without order, survival becomes a tricky business indeed. In those early days, another group of operatives was subcontracted, more as a precaution than out of any worry about the amount of overtime we were doing. Some parents, fearing the worst, handed over their offsprings’ passwords in advance, while others, perhaps not the parents but their neighbors, jammed the phone lines to complain about the unbearable stench given off by other people’s children—a reek comparable only to that of the tidal marshes in high summer. But the phone calls soon abated, the army evacuated the city, and we went down into the tunnels. Then we were given some respect—either that or written off as godforsaken, beyond saving, no hope for us apart from that of being struck down by the Ź-Bug. Thus it began, if begin it ever did: we entered the earth, and the disease was left to self-propagate in silence. The parasites came from within, lapping at the infected rat until its insides turned liquid, collapsing those furred little cadavers before going off in search of other rats, or men.


  The ball strikes very slightly over the line: out of bounds. A few inches at most, but I know. No need for a replay. Over the years these things become second nature. The scorching trajectory of the ball is very clear to me, and the speedometer nestled in the lower corner of my screen reads 745 kilometers per hour. After a play made up of twelve straight shots and twenty carambolas (side wall > front wall > floor), the red team is announced the winner. An outcome nobody expected, least of all the red team, only recently promoted to the first division and generally seen as tending to wilt in the final third. It would have been the easiest thing in the world to drop the ball short, a little feather shot, forcing the opposition to break formation and come to the front of the Vakapý court to return it. But instead, a rocket of a shot came in from the red forward’s aħaka, and though the Yagwatý blues may have been able to guess where the ball would wind up, or at least the for
ward’s intention when he swiveled his body and planted his standing leg at a forty-five-degree angle, my opponent wasn’t. So he presses CHALLENGE, calling for the replay: the sequence, featuring Plaýer#56148, comes buzzing down the line from the Upper Curumbý Data Center. The bookmaker hub signs off on the request, and within a fraction of a second we’re seeing all the available angles at a variety of different playback speeds. And it was, indeed, above the luminous strip that marks out-of-bounds on the front wall, though by a bare two millimeters: a UV test is ordered simultaneously, they switch the lights, and you can clearly see where the ball (daubed as always in UV paint) left a mark. Then the match stats flash up, cascading in no apparent order down the right-hand side of the screen. Beneath that is my account, constantly going up and down according to the slew of simultaneous bets I’ve got on different facets of different games happening in all the different stadia. With this miss, a little bump in my Cređits. I’m holding my own, at least, if not exactly sweeping the board; this small triumph is more a stay of execution than anything, postponing the inevitable defeat. Any time you’re deep in the Vakapý (which is every time you play), it’s like a rope is coiled around your neck, and the deeper you go, the tighter the rope becomes, tighter and tighter until there’s nothing for it but to get up and walk across that taut strip: dire straits. And that’s exactly where I find myself, may as well give it a go. Grandma’s advice to my brothers and me was always to economize our efforts by looking at only the stats from the last twenty matches. After all, she pointed out, though the life expectancy of the plaýers varies from developer to developer, they rarely last more than thirty matches, and that’s in a pinch—they need to get on a winning streak pretty quick, otherwise they just get junked, stripped, parts reused. She was right, at least on the mechanics side of things: in those days it was all two-stroke carburetors rather than the multipoint fuel-injection systems we now see, or the øilsteâm currently used for calibration. Nowadays any plaýer with a decent set of implants, plus regular servicing of course, can go for ten years plus. All of which aside, the numbers are and always have been king, regardless of the quality of the kit. Grandma herself was constantly saying as much. It goes without saying that when she died she was heavily in debt to the Department of Chaos and Gaming. Since then, a percentage of anything I earn has gone toward paying off each of Grandma’s disastrous calls.


  Clara stands before the stone; I watch. She has sleep in her eyes, thick, pasty gobs of it all around her eyes, in fact. The next thing to come into focus is a fan, slowly revolving above our heads, churning the warm air in the room. Tick … tick … tick. The vase on the table, the coins scattered around it, the superimposed, semitransparent dog. But it is the stone that draws the eye. It’s well known that rheum crystallizes more quickly the farther it spreads from the tear duct. So chemistry dictates. Dust, dead skin cells: these things we slough off, and rarely does the process happen in reverse. Once we’re up and running, the business of the day underway, we don’t really think about it. This ocular rheum expels things the body refuses. Studies have been carried out to establish a link between sleep cycles and the body’s secretions at night, but there’s been little success in divining the content of dreams on the basis of these apparent physical concomitants. Sometimes it takes hours for the rheum to be wiped off, for any number of reasons—embarrassment, negligence, lack of hygiene. Helguera used to keep a collection of these crusty-sticky gobbets beneath his desk. They came in all shapes and sizes, a suspended catalog of dark, hardened scree. Birdface Helguera and his stalactite collection. Tiny Zermeño and his repertoire of naked bodies. Morgan, Morgan, Morgan: when you joined us together, what were you joining together? These are the thoughts playing inside my head. I am but a link in a chain, or the vaguest approximation of a link in a chain: one foot still in dream, and one here, where I watch Clara with the stone. A pulse of light. Another. Clara, utterly drained, bends forward over her skinny knees. She stays like that for a number of minutes before suddenly lifting her head up once more. Again, the images start to form.


  Our high school was part of a religious charity responsible for numerous educational institutions—boarding schools as well as high schools—across the state. Apart from giving us an education, the school did work on behalf of those described by our ancient headmistress, with such inimitable sweetness, as the most needy. I once asked Grandma, Needy in what way? Needy for lots of things, she said. Food, clothing, a roof over their heads. Everyone needs something. Even us? Especially us. I was struck by the matter-of-factness of her reply, the brusque echo of suddenly finding out: we, too, were poor. Morning after morning, from the moment my alarm went off and throughout my walk past the dockyards to school, I would ruminate over her words, each syllable sonorous but also somehow profane: Especially us. Over and over they resounded against the cobbles of the seawall, a soft, sibilant rumble, mixing with the slap slap of my sandals all the way from the weather vane and past the little crowd of hollow-cheeked bums straining to hear the tinny Vakapý reports or talk show reruns on a miniscule radio, clutching themselves for warmth, cowering together as though bound for the slaughterhouse, gazing out to sea, out at the pier with plants inching through the cracks, plants of every color, like some kind of reflection of the people of this land, spurts of unruly sargassum flattened by salt and wind and having never needed any invitation to come and settle along this coast—but none of that really registered, my mind so entirely consumed by Grandma’s unexplained and yet conclusive words that I could think of nothing else, until sure enough my path took me into the schoolyard, past the tetherball posts, past heads slick with hair gel and, as a wave of antiseptic-soap smell washed over me, into the mildewed school building, a great ramshackle edifice that some upright priest and his acolytes had filled with abacuses, desks, many waste-paper baskets, benches, paddles for doling out reprimands, more desks, all child-sized and vandalized with a combination of child-safe scissors, compasses, and felt-tip pen: messages, threats, nicknames, declarations of love, declarations of hate, equations, defunct or foreign systems of measurement, all also countless, all overlapping and obscuring but simultaneously underscoring one another, and further messages, and further equations, desks upon desks and children upon children, until eventually, in the fullness of time, this agglomeration came to be known by the name of the school. A school full of the needy. On it went in my thoughts: thoughts of why only some people are defined thus when, without exception, everyone is composed of needs, we are all utterly and completely at the mercy of our needs, and there is nothing to be gained from isolating or singling any of them out, far from it, in fact, each need is integrated into society’s very warp and weft, to the point that society can even be thought of as little more than a network of ramified needs, distributed and organized in the same way skeletal or muscular networks are distributed and organized; consider (I considered) the fact that parts of the skeleton and parts of the muscular complex may be independently distinguishable as objects of anatomical study, according to the function of each, the areas they occupy, their greater or lesser subcutaneous depth, plus whatever tissues comprise them—all true—but they justify their existence only in the overall functioning of the body: well, the same surely goes for this or that particular need, want, or desire. They aren’t caused by other people, and still less by any thing, being anterior to our species, as well, therefore, to the effects that accompany our existence. Such needs have the capacity to render one another void, and may, at any moment, even if recently acquired, work against and ultimately displace those formerly assumed to be the only, ultimate, essential needs. The nuns, meanwhile, themselves arranged according to height and complexion, watched us line up along the patio also according to stature, raising their battered hurricane lamps to inspect the length of our hair, the sewing jobs done on buttons, the shine of any shoes we may be lucky enough to have on our feet, always checking our appearances before matins—like carrion birds that, long
before they do anything about the visible portion of their own needs, are able to calculate the remaining life in the unfortunate creatures they will in due course devour.


  This city has two great enemies: Vakapý, and the industry that surrounds it. It is largely accepted that the two are synonymous, that they spring from the same source and are in every practical sense indivisible, and that it would therefore be ridiculous to understand them as distinct, even when the alliance owes more to pure chance than any real balance between performance, results, and profits. Some predicted a loss of interest when the Department of Chaos and Gaming forced the main teams, the very wealthy and money-spinning ones, to switch their centers of operation to the capital in a difficult-to-argue-with effort to “regularize the tax situation and sweep away the gangsterism that has sullied popular culture and the intangible heritage of our nation.” The result turned out to be quite the opposite: removing the money from those far-flung betting hives cut out whole swathes of middle men, making it easier to bypass the tariffs (sometimes just kickbacks) imposed by the government and their enforcers, and easier, therefore, to go on squandering our well-earned Cređits. Which is simply to say that the money, which we were bound to lose anyway, began to be lost in a more organized way.


  Clara sometimes asks about my time in the Ź-Brigađe, questioning both dosages and methodology. She poses the question and then gazes off at nothing, at the stone, down at her belly. She glances past me as though I’m not there, or as though in fact I’m nothing but a reflection of myself, or some glimmering, guttering series of images. I know the emptiness is something else. Muscle, cartilage, phlegm, blood. Something that fills us at times, without our ever belonging to it, and certainly without it ever belonging to us. That which rots when the body ceases to function. And then I search around in my pockets and come up with four pieces of metal, which makes six altogether if we add them to the two on the table, the ones next to the Chinese vase that may not in fact be Chinese (no dragons on it, no golden cats, not even any ideograms that would qualify it as Chinese), right, it may not be, except that everything’s made in China nowadays, so very likely the vase was too. On the vase, a dog. Or, rather: one is unthinkable lest the image of the other overlaps it. Everything depends on something else, says Clara, rolling her head in slow circles. And in turn, on something else.