A Trick of Frost Read online

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  “Oh God, this is so good,” Jaycee said, her hands wrapped around one of the mugs.

  She had a thin milk moustache decorating her upper lip. He wanted to lick it off. It was as if his body worked three steps ahead of him, because he blinked and found himself in the front of her, using his thumb to slowly wipe the warm milk from her lip.

  Unflinching, Jaycee’s beautiful, round brown eyes held his as he dipped lower, ready to taste chocolate on chocolate. When their lips met, he couldn’t stop himself from snaking his arm around her, and locking her there. She held her mug from her body, to avoid spilling it on him and he grinned, breaking the kiss.

  “Sorry about that,” he said.

  She laughed. “Then make it up to me.”

  J.C. didn’t need the hot chocolate now, because Jaycee, his hot little heater, had chased the cold from his body.

  And his heart.

  Chapter Five

  Jaycee had to back away, the taste of sweet hot chocolate and J.C. clung to her mouth. The feel of full lips on hers was enough to curl her toes and straighten her hair. Combined with the anxiety of dealing with Rick and the lack of any adventure in her love life. She didn’t know if she could handle that, despite her body’s demanding rush. Her love button had been switched on.

  Despite that constant humming between her thighs, she backed away from the center island, both hands wrapped tightly around the oversize mug. She needed a moment. Hell, she needed a lifetime to think. Was she really going to sleep with this man? She’d never done anything remotely like this. Least of all when her life was in such a tumultuous state.

  Lost in her own head, she didn’t actually hear the phone ringing.

  Rick’s voice; however, snapped her back to the present.

  “Hello baby, I just wanted to call you back and let you know that I figured it out. The loophole. You know there’s always a loophole. Seems like mommy and daddy didn’t want you to be alone with my money. Wonder how the senile old fools thought you were gonna swing that one? Getting married again that is.”

  “Seems you’re running out of options. I may not have to sue your parents for my dowry after all, since it’s highly unlikely anyone will ever want your fat ass. In four weeks time, when you’re still unmarried everything will revert back to me. Don’t worry baby. I won’t leave you out in the cold. Claire and I could use some help around the house.”

  Jaycee stood stock still. Her heart broke and tears built up in her eyes. She blinked rapidly, trying to will them back.

  She could still hear Rick’s malicious voice. He was always one for posturing and monologuing, just like every villain ever written. Rooted in her spot and embarrassed by J.C. having overheard the evil which threatened every aspect of her life.

  “Hello” she heard the rich timber of J.C. voice interrupting the maniacal laughter.

  “Jaycee’s not here right now. I’m Jet her fiancé.”

  Jaycee spun around and stared at the spot where J.C. stood, leaning against her kitchen doorway. Though he held the phone to his ear she could hear Rick stumbling over himself through the machine.

  “What the hell kind of name is Jet...”

  “Oh, I think it’s a strong name. My co-workers gave it to me over at Leigh, Garrette, Bennette and sons. The name is J.C. A man such as yourself should know of me. I’m senior partner. Seems I may have come across your dossier once or twice.”

  J.C. voice carried a cold that rivaled the snow outside. Jaycee let her watery gaze lock with his. A small gasp escaped her at the ferocity she saw reflecting in his Arctic stare.

  She listened as Rick started to stutter and stumble. His earlier cockiness lost under the suave delivery from J.C.

  “Listen, Dick wasn’t it? It’s pretty cold outside and my fiancée will be home soon. I’d love to spend some time telling you exactly how I plan to take your career and wipe my ass on it before having you disbarred, but I’ve got a lovely woman to snuggle up with. I’d send you an invitation to our wedding, but they have a strict rule at The Peninsula about farm animals and stuff like that. You understand?”

  Jaycee’s jaw dropped.

  J.C. hung up the phone.

  He stood there staring at her as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. Well almost, there was that little tick at his temple that seemed to indicate that he was more upset than his cool exterior showed.

  Jaycee placed the rapidly cooling mug of chocolate down on the counter and pushed it away from her.

  “I supposed this is the part where I tell you my woe-is-me-story, and any chance of a night of fabulous sex now becomes a night of pity sex. The inevitable coyote ugly moment is delayed because you’re snowed in.”

  She glanced under her thick lashes and saw J.C. studying her as well.

  “Well, I am glad we were both on the same page about the fabulous sex. However, I’ve always heard it told that, I’m pretty damn handsome. So I’m surprised to hear you intend to gnaw your own arm off to escape me in the morning. I was planning on waking up first and presenting you with all the reasons why, even though the snow plows had cleared the streets, you and I should stay inside and indulge in such activities as shower sex and stairway sex and then later in the day, do things like name our unborn children and plan the list of wedding guests.”

  Jaycee snapped her head up and stared at the hunk of a man who’d advanced on her. His jaw worked and his eyes danced with empathy and humor, but behind it was still the same passion and lust she’d seen before.

  Reaching up, she ran her fingertips over his square jaw. The stubble of a day’s growth darkened his skin and for some reason Jaycee could only imagine how deliciously rough it would feel as he trailed kisses over the delicate skin of her breasts, stomach, and thighs.

  “How about we have sex first, then we swap stories. That way we can still feel like this is a great fling and not a pity-induced, one night stand.”

  “How about we have sex now, swap stories, then have sex again. Then we can plot our wedding and have more sex, name the kids, and have sex again after that.”

  “Sheesh, you drive a hard bargain. What did you say you did again?”

  “Divorce law.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “No, you don’t, but you will. I intend for you to see the moon and stars and when you come down, we’ll blast off again.”

  “Wow. I thought as a writer I was supposed to be the one with all the great lines.”

  “Baby, your lines are great, especially these lines right here,” J.C. muttered in her ear as he cupped her ass and drew her nearer.

  Jaycee let a giggle escape on a sigh. “Silly boy, those aren’t lines. Those are curves.”

  “Mmm and what lovely, lovely curves they are.”

  She giggled again, unable to keep the light and ticklish bursts from exploding all over her body. J.C.’s hands squeezed her ass, shooting ripples of heat through her. Her curves had been a big deal to Rick. He considered them fat—considered her fat. But not this smoking-hot man. He couldn’t seem to keep his hands from roaming all down and around her shapely body. Leaving in the wake of his hands a fire, she wanted him to quench. She’d never thought about sleeping with someone she’d just met.

  “You’re a firecracker, you know that?” he breathed against her ear. His breath tickled across her earlobe, Shivers shot down her spine and right to her clit. Good Lord! The man’s mouth on her neck made her knees buckle. He caught her in his embrace, and laughed softly.

  “I’ve got you, Jaycee. I’ve got you,” he said.

  “I know,” she replied breathlessly.

  He hugged her to him, and put his mouth back on her neck, nibbling along the edge to her immense pleasure. She wanted him. With each kiss he planted along her collarbone, her doubts and hesitation faded further and further back beneath the passionate fire J.C. stroked.

  And sweetness, that was just with his mouth!

  She moaned, and let it all go. All she could smell was him, all she could feel was his hands
, his mouth, his breathing, amazingly in time to hers, and taste his hunger for her. Too long she’d let Rick keep her captive, even after the damn divorce ended.

  Not tonight.

  Tonight, she’d give herself an early Christmas gift—and she’d enjoy it without guilt or regret.

  “Come with me,” he said gently, taking her hand. “You’re beautiful. Let me show you.”

  She let him lead her through her house like he’d lived there for weeks, years. How did he manage to get under her skin so completely in a matter of hours? When they reached the staircase, J.C. gestured for her to climb up before him. So he really was watching her ass.

  “Which step is your favorite?” he asked and giving her a playful slap on her bottom. “Because that’s the one I’m going to ask you to stand on tomorrow. Maybe with those black boots you had on today and nothing else.”

  Each word made her stomach tighten more and her pussy grow more and more ready for the present she knew he packed. Desire had stripped his voice down to a low, deep weapon of arousal.

  At the top of the stairs, she turned to her bedroom, but she didn’t reach the threshold, before J.C. swept her up. Carrying her like she didn’t weigh anything, he said, “This is just practice for our wedding day.”

  She buried her face in his chest and breathed him in. At this position, she felt his nipple, poking through the worn t-shirt. Without hesitation, she wrapped her lips onto the cotton clad point and pinched it with her lips.

  “Oh hell, baby,” he growled out. “You’re going to make me take you right now, right here before I even reached the bed.”

  He stepped over the threshold into her room and she wrapped her arm around his neck. Once he dropped her carefully to the bed, he stood up straight. The big bay window in her bedroom had the blinds pulled up so she could see the falling snow. With the lights out in her bedroom, the heavy snowfall cast a soft glow. The snow reflected the streetlights and cast J.C. in a natural spotlight. He yanked off his shirt like it was on fire, and shoved his shorts down to the floor.

  “Don’t leave me stripping by myself,” he said, nodding in her direction.

  Jaycee didn’t need to be told twice. Now, fully committed, she whipped her shirt over her head and pushed her loose cotton pants to over her hips before kicking them on the floor.

  She only slowed her movements when J.C. beckoned her forward on the bed. She wasn’t really afraid for him to see her body. She just wasn’t sure she wanted him to see the little tattoo of a computer mouse above her vulva. It was her first and only tattoo and homage to her friend from college that had a small rodent tattooed in a similar place. Something for their kitties to play with.

  “Don’t get shy on me now. Whether you come here or I come over there, I am going to learn every inch of you.”

  Jaycee was beyond ready, truth be told. She’d wanted J.C. the moment their eyes had locked in the mirror at O’Malley’s. And seeing his body, all rippled with muscles, silvered by the snow glow, well, there was just no way she was going to back out now.

  Reaching up with her hand, she freed her riotous curls, and let them fall past her shoulders and halo her face. Moving so that she was in the middle of her large bed, she posed on her knees and rhythmically swayed her body. Snaking her hands over the soft curve of her stomach before using them to part her heavy thighs.

  She watched J.C. watching her. That look, the burn of lust in those eyes made her want to perform more. Settling her weight back on her heels and thrusting her vulva forward, Jaycee tossed her head back, feeling every bit of sexy as she hoped J.C. thought she was. She caught the image of herself in the mirror on the ceiling above her bed. She’d never watched herself masturbate before but somehow with J.C. watching her, she wanted to see what it was he was seeing.

  She spun on her knees and lay back on the bed rolling her body so that J.C. would still have a good view of her ministrations. With her eyes fastened on the mirror above her, and J.C.’s presence filling the room, she let the last of her inhibitions go.

  She thought of J.C.’s fingers on her wrist and the feel of those strong digits on her flesh. The way he’d held her gaze as he licked her dinner spoon came rushing back. She called to mind the feel and taste of him as he’d slid his tongue down her throat in the kitchen and with the smell of him still in her nose, she easily lost herself in the fantasy of the man.

  That was until she felt the bed dip under his weight and his lips latch on to her nipple.

  “Nuh-unh suga, you can play with yourself when I am at work dreaming of you. From now on when I’m home, I will witness it live.”

  She couldn’t even reply. He claimed her lips as he’d done her reservation, her house, and her inhibitions. With eagerness that left her shaking, she ran her hand over the fine spray of hair on his arms, up and over his thick shoulders, touched his chest, and the stone hardness of his abs. With quickness, she ran her thumbs across the pointed tips of his pebbled nipples.

  “We’ll if you want to participate, suga, you’d better hurry because if not I’m going to close my eyes and get down to the fun stuff without you.”

  Jaycee couldn’t help but taunt him. She could feel his long, hard, and did she mention thick, member pressing against her thigh.

  “There is nothing I want more than to sink into you and never pull out, but we do need to consider some protection.”

  “Well, hell in the kitchen you were talking about rings and naming babies. I figured we might want to get started.” She sassed him.

  She was totally unprepared for him to sink his length into her, so when he did so hard and fast that it jarred her teeth, she yelped.

  “Then get started we shall,” he taunted her in return.

  Flexing his muscle inside her and nibbling at her throat which had become exposed when she flung her head back, J.C. slowly filled her up.

  Her mouth opened, and worked as if trying to formulate words, but she could only give moans and sighs. She ran her fingers up his back, feeling his muscle’s response to her touch, flex and relax, in time to his thrusts. She wrapped her legs around his tapered waist.

  It didn’t take long before she and J.C. fell into a rhythm, their bodies joined, becoming one, like their names—similar and different, but one. She breathed into his ear, demanding more of the pleasure, more of the gentleness in which he handled her, and more of him. Sweet Lord!

  “So warm, so damn warm,” J.C. whispered against the top of her hair. “Damn, baby. See what you do to me?”

  She didn’t answer, so lost in the rhythm, in the heat, in J.C. She wanted nothing more than everything he’d promised her, nothing more than him balls deep inside of her body. When she opened her eyes and caught sight of them in the mirror—all was lost. Her body took over and she closed her eyes and hung on for the ride.

  A ride that drew all too soon to a close. She tightened her legs as the mounting pressure and pleasure wound tighter and tighter inside her.

  “Damn, baby!” J.C. grunted out through clenched teeth. Sweat poured from his face. He panted out. “Shit!”

  She couldn’t help herself, she smiled and worked her muscles on his cock, squeezing and hugging him. And he did just what she knew he’d do, he pushed in deeper and increased his thrusts, faster, harder, until she lost track of everything, except him.

  “More! Make me come, J.C., Please!”

  “Anything. For. You.”

  Just as the word you came out of his mouth, Jaycee’s orgasm boomed. Her muscles stiffened and she clamped down on his phallus so hard, she hadn’t stopped the internal muscles’ quivering when J.C.’s powerful thrusts stopped abruptly and his body jerked.

  “Shit!” he shouted and held her for dear life, riding the orgasm as it sputtered out of him.

  Panting and sweating, J.C. positioned himself above her, but did not get up.

  “Thank you,” Jaycee whispered, running her hands over his damp body. “That was so damn nice.”

  He gave her that smirk—the one he sport
ed at the restaurant.

  “If you liked that, then you’re going to love what happens next.”

  And she did.

  Chapter Six

  Steam had turned the master bathroom’s mirrors to foggy rectangles. Candles played with the stream of heat and cast shadows across the bathroom’s tiles. Not for the first time, J.C. glanced down at the woman encased in his arms. Seated in the bathtub, Jaycee sat between his outstretched legs, leaning back against his very wet chest.

  Her hair had been piled on top of her head, secured by a rather ornate looking hair-thingy. She’d been incredible, giving and demanding throughout the last few hours. How could someone like Rick be such an ass? Not that he wasn’t glad the man screwed up. J.C. wouldn’t have her now, if Rick did.

  But, he wouldn’t tolerate Rick making her unhappy, or causing her stress. If he could help it, Jaycee wouldn’t be sad again.

  “Do you want to tell me about Rick?” J.C. asked.

  “Well, I married young. We were both in college together. I loved his parents, and worked my ass off to put him through law school. When he made it, he got a new me.”

  “No way he found another you.” He was rewarded with a kiss on his forearm for that one. “So why is he harassing your parents?”

  “His parents, they stuck by me. When Rick ditched me for his new glam life, he also left his family. He reinvented himself and none of us existed. When they died in a car accident, they left me everything. No one knew they had any money. They lived a good but meager life. They never liked how Rick left me penniless. Most of what they left is tied up in investments, but I did use a chunk of it to help build my brand as an author.

  Their only request was that I not stay single. I’m supposed to find love and be happy or forfeit a certain amount of the money to Rick. I don’t mind him having the money, but he came after my parents. Threatened to sue them for money I gave them before we divorced.”