Black Zilla Diaries Volume 2 Interracial Sex White Girl Reamed By Big Cock Read online

  Black Zilla Diaries Volume 2

  White Girls Reamed

  By: Rick ‘BlackZilla’ Donahue

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Publishers Notes


  Chapter 1- Fucking For The Camera

  Chapter 2- Great Head At A Party

  Chapter 3- Fucking My Mechanic

  About The Author

  Publishers Notes



  This publication is intended to provide helpful and informative material. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem or condition, nor is intended to replace the advice of a physician. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this book. Always consult your physician or qualified health-care professional on any matters regarding your health and before adopting any suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it.

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  I want to dedicate these stories to everyone that has had sex on the road and that likes to have sex on a road trip. You should be thrilled with these great stories.

  Chapter 1- Fucking For The Camera

  “Where do we exit off this highway to get to this hotel John, we have been driving for so long” Charlene said to her hubby.

  "Should be the next one coming up babe" her husband responded.

  “That was a long drive, I need to get into that hotel, strip down to my birthday suit and jump into that shower immediately.”

  Mid June was supposed to have them somewhere near Florida and not in New York, but since everything else was right on target, it did not really matter that they were hundreds of miles away from where they expected to be. As they drove down the highway Charlene appeared relaxed except for the vein beating behind her ears; the only sign of her fatigue since she looked so beautiful and relaxed otherwise with her bare feet both under her butt as she sat Indian-style on the passenger side of the car, her long hair blowing in the wind as she looked like her usual gorgeous self in her alter top and cutoff jeans. John could barely keep his eyes off her as he still found her so sexy even after all this time.

  Even at thirty five she still had those legs that went on for days and those boobs, what could he say? He hit the jackpot there; this woman didn’t have to wear a bra as those boobs looked like something that should be in a magazine for perfect boobs. He couldn’t help but smile at the memory of those twin peaks in his mouth, all over his face; damn, if he didn’t change his train of thought then his cock was going to be the first thing the receptionist in the hotel will be saying hi to. He had to force his mind back to driving as he moved his attention from his dick back to the road.

  “Finally, we are here” says Charlene as she uncurled her feet from under her butt and pushed them into her cute leather push toe sandals while she positioned her sunglasses on the top of her head and walked her sexy ass right up to the receptionist’s desk to check them in.

  Even after being married for eight years and being together for 12, they never missed a single year of their summer vacation. It was something they looked forward to dong together since their lives were so busy and they did not get to spend enough time together all through the year.

  Clearing their calendar for this time of the year was a priority for both of them and nothing short of a hurricane could keep them from going down to Atlanta to escape the cold in Chicago and spend some quality time together in some place warm and toasty. They will be winging it this year with no set plans, just their convertible, their Blackberries and each other, doing what they felt like doing on their drive down to Atlanta.

  As he watched his wife walking away from him he felt the tightening of his cock once again as he shook his head and chuckled at the thoughts in his head as he tried to talk his cock back down into flaccid position. But hey who could blame him when he got such a hot wife who looked nowhere as close to her age.

  He loved her long hair; he was remembering it draped over his cock as she deep throats him and it was all he could do not to cum all over himself as he watched her walking back towards him in the parking lot. The sight of her braless chest was almost his undoing and he gave up trying to talk his cock back down. The receptionist and anybody else in the lobby will just have to divert their eyes to another part of his body or just blame his obvious erection on his hot wife.

  "The room's not ready yet." she said as she opened the door and slid back into the seat. "But they gave us some free drink coupons for the bar while we wait."

  “We have to wait to get into the room, but we can go have something good from the bar with these drink coupons” Charlene told her hubby with a twinkle in her eyes as they both know what a little alcohol did to her already firing libido.

  “Let’s go” John said with the biggest smile on his face as he anticipated just how good it is going to be, hell they wouldn’t even be able to get out of the elevator with all their clothes on and he couldn’t be more pleased. This was going to be an even greater evening than he anticipated.

  They entered the bar from the side entrance of the lobby and there was a hip-looking crowd rocking to some loud heavy metal music that the DJ herself was bobbing her head at. A number of heads swiveled as Charlene sashayed into the bar with that naturally sexy walk of hers, and John smiled to himself and pushed out his chest like a proud peacock as he put on his usual, “look but don’t touch, she’s all mine” face that had the gawking men reluctantly turning around, but not before giving his wife a head to toe look.

  As sexy as Charlene was, the truth was that a year ago she was not the sexually evolved woman she was today. They had just began finding ways in which to add some extra spice to their already hot sex life by trying out the swinging lifestyle and they have both been liking it; a lot!!. Who knows?

  Maybe they would find themselves a hot couple and have themselves some fun before they left the hotel tomorrow night or hey, maybe Charlene would give her husband something he loves so much, what he calls a “two-for one” with two gorgeous females at his sexual beck and call. S
he couldn’t even deny the fact that she loved it as well so it was not just all about John, and she felt herself creaming at the thought of another pair of boobs other than her own in the same bed with her.

  John took one look one her face and started laughing out loud. “What’s so funny Johnny-Boy?” Charlene asked her hubby, smiling because she always loved his laugh so much and it always had that kind of effect on her.

  “Are you thinking what I am thinking? John said, while still laughing.

  “No scratch that, I know you are thinking the same thing I am thinking, so let’s just canvas this place for a couple or at least two hot single persons, or a girl for both of us, deal?”

  Charlene gave her husband one of those sexy winks that she knew drove him crazy while they both ordered their drinks and checked out the bar for people who got their juices flowing. Maybe tonight they would try something new or maybe not.

  He remembers just how happy she was when they had that hot little black chocolate they had the bed-room romp with and how loudly she moaned and writhed as that girl’s hot lips went down on her. He always though that saying “once you go black you can’t go back” but didn’t think anything of it until they both discovered how true that was on the same night. Damn but she was hot. He followed his wife’s eyes as they found and rested on a sexy looking, tall black girl with the slit in the back of her skirt gong almost all the way up to where her legs met between those extremely long legs.

  His mind went to the great combination they would make in his bed; his wife so soft and petite with those wicked curves and white chocolate skin beside this dark candy with limbs so long she could almost cover them both at the same time. Charlene turned and smiled at him knowingly and their conquest was settled between them both. It was now just for them to get her on board and that was the easy part as they both know just how to do that with no problem at all. He got up to go find out if their room was ready while he left his wife to work her magic on the drop-dead gorgeous chick in the bar.

  He was not even worried about the fact that all nine inches of his dick was evident in his close-fitted jeans and he smiled at the whistles he got as he got from a few very observant females up to go back to the lobby. As he went to take the luggage from the car and upstairs into their room, he spent a second looking at the bed as he anticipated what would be happening there when he returned with his wife and their “mark” for the night.

  “Damn, life is great” he thought as he went back downstairs to continue to get his drink on so he could prepare himself for what was ahead of him. “happy times” he said to himself as he almost ran down the four flights of stairs to the bar instead of taking the elevator down.

  When he got back to the bar he had no trouble picking his wife out of the even more crowded room and what he saw sent the blood rushing right back to his cock. There she was I all her barely five feet two inches glory, her lust all over her face as her target looked at her with the same lust mirrored in her face.

  “Damn she’s good” he thought with pride, “my own little vixen.” She felt him looking at her ad motioned miss dark chocolate over to him and they both sauntered over, looking like everyone man’s wet dream.

  “This is Kiki babe, Kiki, meet the hunk I am so lucky to be married to.” He kissed Kiki’s hand in his usual fashion and motioned for them to sit on each side of him. It was a big turn on having them on either side of him as now he was even more envied than when he walked in the first time with just one gorgeous woman on his arm. They got to know each other better over their drinks, but after forty five minutes they were all ready to get it on.

  Charlene and Kiki spoke at the same time but blurting out “so….” and they all knew what that meant. They emptied their glasses and left the bar as they hurried to the room. Charlene could feel herself creaming again as she rubbed herself up against Kiki who was just as eager as she was.

  She showed them that she knew the score by caressing Charlene’s breasts while holding onto John’s misbehaving cock at the same time. That elevator was steaming hot by the time it got to their floor and they were all more than eager to get into what they know would be a sizzling night.

  Charlene was so excited that she was almost unable to stand up for the short walk to her room. The thought of sitting on Kiki’s face and watching her husband’s cock slide in and out of that black, tight pussy made her want to shout “fuck her now John-John” and it was all she could do not to start it all right there in the middle of the hallway.

  They made it to the room but barely. They stopped for a quick shower and then Charlene wanted to see Kiki’s thick lips over her husband’s big, throbbing cock before feeling those same lips on her eager pussy. She held Kiki by her hair and dragged her over to where John was sitting down with his dick at attention and pushed her head over the tip of his cock.

  She moaned as she heard twin moans coming from both John and Kiki. This was a first for her as the first black chick they had was for her alone, but tonight she wanted to get her voyeur on this encounter and she had no idea just how erotic it would be to watch a woman sucking her husband’s cock.

  She was drenched from watching Kiki work John over as his eyes rolled back in his head. She knelt down behind Kiki and inserted two fingers deep inside her wet pussy and almost died from the pleasure of feeling that juicy, wet black twat react happily to her fingers. She couldn’t take it anymore, she wanted to see John’s thick cock buried inside that pussy so much that she even temporarily forgot how much she wanted Kiki’s tongue buried inside her own pussy.

  As if in synch with her, Kiki turned around and started riding John’s cock reverse cowgirl style, giving Charlene the best view she has ever had. She watched transfixed as her husband’s cock went in and out of that black, tight pussy as Kiki rode her husband like there was no tomorrow. John lost it and spewed his load as his moaned the words “fucking hell” in the back of his throat. That seemed to cheer Kiki on as she rode him even harder as his head flayed from side to side as if he was having a seizure.

  She got off his cock with a triumphant smile on her face as she walked over to Charlene who had cum just from watching this sexy woman ride her man’s hotrod. Kiki threw her on the bed , flung her legs apart and started eating her drenched pussy as if it was her last supper.

  John watched as this tigress made his wife squirm and scream even louder than when he gave her head and wondered what the fuck he did in another life to be having it so good in this life. He didn’t even know when he reached over to the bed but he was there sucking on his wife’s sexy boobs as she came again and again, squeezing Kiki’s head in a death grip with her inner thighs and she held her head in lace so that she could grind her clit into her face.

  It was Kiki’s turn to be pleasured, and pleasure her they both did. John turned her back ways as he entered her black pussy hard; doggie style and the sound her wet pussy made with his smooth entry made him whimper. Charlene almost died from watching her husband’s cock fucking that fat, black pussy.

  She bent over and found Kiki’s clit and started caressing it with one hand as her other hand squeezed those luscious breasts that she loved so damn much. Charlene looked at the ceiling for the first time; forgetting that they had booked a room with a mirror in the ceiling so that she could watch any action they got in the room and what she say made her gasp. The sight of black candy in the middle of white chocolate was more than she could take and she learnt the true meaning of being multiple orgasmic that night as her entire body shivered at the sight of her husband fucking Kiki and her own hands on her clit and boobs.

  As her pussy throbbed she heard Kiki screamed at the top of her lungs as she came all over her husband’s eager dick. She hoped that for his sake he still had something more in his cock as it was her turn to have her pussy filled with his man-meat. She gave him time to regain some of his strength as she did what she had wanted to do from the first time she laid her eyes on Kiki downstairs in the bar; she started sucking Kiki’s boobs and p
ondered on the fact that she loved doing that so fucking much. She didn’t even know she loved boobs so much; damn!!!!

  Kiki tasted like red velvet cheesecake on her tongue and she couldn’t get enough of her. This is how she knew she would never leave her man as he obviously knew her every sexual need without her voicing it. He entered her pussy from behind like he did with Kiki just a few minutes before and the thought of that made it even that much hotter for her. As he fucked her, she feasted at Kiki’s sweet breasts and had the most powerful orgasms of her entire life.

  Every time she thought that she was done, she felt her body shaking from another orgasm, and then she remembered the camera and looked across to the camera and smiled with a mouthful of Kiki and winked her sexy wink. She watched looked behind her to see her man licking his lips and playing to the camera as well and thought, “damn, this is going to be one hot addition to our collection.

  As John started fucking her harder and harder; increasing his tempo to an almost frenzied speed as he got ready to empty his juice inside her hungry pussy, Kiki got up and positioned herself under her and started sucking on her clit to the same tempo as each of John’s stroke as she reached behind him and stroked his balls as she feel them tightening to release their load into his wife’s pussy. Charlene screamed the loudest John ever hear his wife scream as they all cum at the same time.