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As I work out, I look in the mirror and see Eagle walk in, I put down the weight bar rubbing my left arm feeling the stiffness from the skin graft as he says something to me about the way I am doing the reps. I try to ignore him, but I find myself continuing to take glances of him in the mirror in front of me. His intense look has shivers going up and down my spine, and I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have him kiss me.
The conversation is an easy one and before too long Eagle leaves. Surprisingly to me, it felt as if a part of me had left with him. I shake my head to clear it and try to refocus on the reps that I need to finish in order to beat the goal that I had set for myself. A few problems though, 1) I just couldn’t forget the way he looked standing there staring at me, and 2) my body had reacted to him in a way that it has never responded to anyone before, and it was becoming a bit uncomfortable. I sighed knowing that I was not going to surpass my goal today and decided that I should hit the shower, and see if that would help me.
I cleaned off the weights that I used while my thoughts strayed once again to Eagle and what I would love to do with him if he would let me. Then the thought hit me, maybe I could find out if I took him somewhere special, and I knew just the place.
Chapter Five
After I had finished talking with Mr. Matthews and hearing from him exactly what was expected from me, the butler showed me to my room, so I could start to get settled. I knew the unpacking of my meager belongings could wait. What couldn’t was getting the lay of the house and the surrounding grounds? Once I did that I needed to figure out where I would be able to put Jorden through the rigorous exercises that I would need to in order to teach him how to protect himself.
Since my room was on the second floor of the west wing, I decided to start with the rest of this wing. I opened my door and just listened for a few minutes. I wanted to see if I could hear anything from where I was standing. The result was good and bad news. The good news was that at least this wing was quiet enough that if anyone tried to approach my door, I would hear their approach as even my shoes made a clicking sound on the marble floors as I walked. The bad news was even my shows made clicking sounds on the marble floors as I walked. If anyone were to break in while the owners were away, and I had to protect Jorden, I would have to think of other ways to do it stealthily.
There were three other rooms in the west wing besides my room. As I would soon find out when opening each door, they were all guest bedrooms. All made up in different colors of the grey, black and white, as the marble floors of the hallway leading away from the stairway leading to this wing.
The next area for me to check out was the second floor of the east wing. There were another four rooms on this side of the house. Three of the rooms were made into bedrooms, though these were decorated fancier than most of the hotel rooms that I have had the privilege of staying in. The fourth room looked to be the master suite. When you first walk into the suite, you are greeted with a Grand Sitting Room. The color palette for this room is very muted compared to the bedroom, with its light green walls, and even lighter green vaulted ceiling. The furniture is very hardy, in an Oak wood frame. The cushions on the chairs are covered in a striped green and white fabric. In between the chairs, the table looked as though it had seen several centuries. I walked towards the door on the left and found the bedroom. Decorated in several different shades of mauve, I could tell that the Missus, had been the one to design this room. The oversized king bed with its stately four posters dominated the room while leaving just enough room for a matching six drawer long dresser, an Armoir, two matching nightstands which included a drawer and a built-in lamp for each one. The comforter on the bed was a floral print, with mauve in it, but was more splashy in the other colors, with it’s bright red and blue.
Off the right-hand side of the room, behind a heavy door that when opened it becomes hidden within the wall around it, was the matching walk-in closet complete with His and Her hanging racks, and another long six drawer dresser. This room had a place to sit as well. I figured it was so they could get dressed in the closet instead of dressing in the bedroom like normal folks. I just shook my head as I exited the room before finding the door to the en-suite bathroom, that was just as fancily decorated as the previous two rooms were.
I decided that I had spent enough time upstairs, it was time for me to head downstairs and figure out how many other rooms there were in this house. Besides, I still needed to talk with Jorden about his exercise regimen. As with the upper floor, there were two downstairs wings as well.
When I got downstairs, I noticed that there was some music coming from the east wing so I headed in that direction first. The first door I came to, seemed like the butler’s room, while it was sparsely decorated, it seemed to fit the gentleman that I had briefly met. The next room was another bedroom. If I had to make a guess, it belonged to the maid. As I got closer to the third door which was on the left-hand side of the east wing, the music got louder. The door was opened just a jar, so I quietly opened it enough that I could look in and saw Jorden working out furiously. Whether he was angry at his parents or me, I couldn’t be sure, but he was sure working up a good sweat. When the song ended, and he put the weight bar down, I couldn’t help myself but say, “You did a good job, but if your legs were planted a little bit farther apart you would have better control of that bar.”
I definitely startled him because he jerked his head up and met my gaze in the mirror.
“What would you know about any of this?” he sarcastically asked me before he moved to grab his towel to dry off.
“A lot more than you know,” I answered back.
“Yeah right,” was his response.
“Jorden, I know you aren’t happy with my being here. I am here on your father’s request. Let’s just make the best of this situation okay?” I responded back.
“What do you suggest then?” was his reply.
“Well for one, I can help you with your work our routine, as well as help you learn to better protect yourself. That is if you would allow me to help you,” I answered with a smile.
Jorden didn’t answer right away, but that was okay. What wasn’t okay though was where my thoughts were going. I had thoughts of laying Jorden down on the weight bench and kissing him right here and now.
“Tell you what, you think about what I said and get back to me. I have to finish checking out the rest of the house,” I suggested. I needed to get away from this situation right now. Before I did something I might regret later.
“Yeah sure, whatever,” Jorden replied not looking at me.
“Okay, I’ll be around if you need me,” I answered back and turned and started walking back down the hallway towards the main part of the house again.
“Man, I have to stop these thoughts before they take over!” I thought to myself as I shook my head to clear my brain.
Chapter Six
After I had showered, I picked up the phone and called my guy at the club, just to make sure I could just show up tonight and with a guest, who may or may not be into the clientele. The call was a quick one and I was whistling my favorite song by the time it was over. Walking towards my walk-in closet, I knew I needed to pick the right outfit for tonight.
While I was dressing I called the butler and had him send a message to Eagle that I was going out and if he really had to “watch over me,” as I was told his job was, he needed to be ready to leave in a half-hour. I looked down at the shirt I had picked out for tonight’s festivities and smiled to myself. It was a starched white long sleeve shirt, that buttoned almost all the way to the top of my neck, but when left open, shared just enough of my chest, to at least have women showering themselves all over me. They, however, didn’t turn my head at all, much to their chagrin.
Exactly a half-hour later, I was dressed to the nines for my night out on the town. The charcoal suit jacket and pants that I was wearing fit my body just right that all the places that needed to be extenuated was. Besides the color, helped pull out the color of my eyes and made my hair pop, or at least that is what my mother said. Tonight, though I hoped it would help me catch the eyes of a certain person.
“Have the driver pull the car around, please Carter,” I said to the butler as I took one last look at myself in the mirror hanging in the foyer.
“No need for the driver, Carter, I will drive him myself,” came Eagle’s voice from behind me.
“Yes sir,” was Carter’s response as he went to make sure the car was ready for us.
“Just where are we going tonight Jorden?” Eagle asked me.
“You will see, just go with the flow, will you?” I replied to him. When I turned around to face him, my heart caught in my throat, momentarily causing me to go speechless. Eagle was dressed in a midnight black suit, with his black shirt underneath opened to midchest. Flashes of me touching said chest flitted into my mind and made me gulp.
“Jorden are you alright?” I heard him ask me, but I still couldn’t focus on his face, that chest was just too perfect for me. “Jorden….earth to Jorden…” came Eagle’s words again.
Shaking my head clear, I finally was able to pull my eyes up to his face, the look of worry on his face caught me off guard. “Uh yeah, just fine. Are you ready?”
“We can leave as soon as the car is pulled around,” he replied.
“Sirs, your car is out front. Will there be anything else that you require of me?” Carter came back into the foyer and asked.
“No, Carter that will be all for tonight, “ I answered back and then added to Eagle, “Shall we go then?”
“After you,” he replied gesturing to me to exit in front of him.
Walking out in front of Eagle, I could feel his eyes borin
g into my back, and I felt a bit excited. I was also distracted enough that I ended up tripping down the front steps. Sure I was going to faceplant onto the tar of the driveway, I was surprised when a pair of rough calloused hands caught me and held me steady for a few minutes.
“Jorden are you alright?” came his worried response.
I looked up into his eyes, and the thought of kissing him right then and there was much too strong for me. I took the leap and lightly touched my lips to his in a kiss that for me seemed to last a lifetime, but in all honesty, was much too short. The electricity that shot through me when our lips touched was nothing short of a miracle.
To my horror though, Eagle did not respond in kind. “What the hell Jorden?” was his response.
“Oh, uh, I’m….I’m,” I was so devastated at his response that all I could do was stammer and not even get a full sentence out. Eagle let go of me and the cold wind finally hit me, making me shiver. “Let’s just get into the car,” I finally managed to say, though my voice definitely cracked, much to my dismay.
“After you,” he responded yet again.
I turned and quickly got into the car, getting into the back seat totally mortified and embarrassed. This night most definitely did not start out the way I wanted it to, hopefully, the rest of the night would not be a total bust as well.
Chapter Seven
When I got the notification from Carter that Jorden wanted to go out tonight, I was a bit agitated. It was ten o’clock at night, and I was definitely feeling the jet lag from the plane trip that I had just had earlier this morning. However, I was hired to keep an eye on Jorden and ensure his safety wherever he went, so I knew that I had to get ready.
Exactly a half-hour later, I was walking into the foyer, when I had to stop for a few minutes. Jorden was standing in front of the foyer’s mirror, making sure that his hair was just right, and every time his arms moved, his shoulders would flex within his suit jacket. While I had gotten sort of an idea about what his body looked like while he was in the gym earlier, this showed a bit more, in his flexibility, and boy was my imagination running with it. I had to clear my head of these thoughts before I tried to act on them though. This would not be good for my reputation, or my job.
After a bit of pleasantries, Jorden and I headed out the front door towards the car. Much to my surprise, he ended up tripping, and in instinct, I reached out and grabbed ahold of him. The muscles underneath my hands flexed and I had to hold my breath. Then in a startling turn of events, he kisses me. OH. MY. GOD! When his supple lips touched mine ever so light and gentle, I swear fireworks shot out into the air! The moment ended way too soon, and stupid me reacted in a way that totally ruined whatever mood there was. I could have killed my own self at the shock and hurt that I saw flash in Jorden’s eyes.
Then he practically ran to the car and slammed the door shut and would not even meet my eyes in the rearview mirror. The only conversation that Jorden was willing to have at this point, was to tell me the address of where we were going.
Forty-five minutes later, and a very awkward drive over, I pulled Jorden’s Black Escalade up to the curb in front of Fantôme Dragon, or as we American’s would call it The Dragon Phantom. Before I could even turn off the engine, Jorden was rushing out of the club. By the time I had given the keys to the valet and rushed up to where Jorden was talking to the bouncer, I caught the tail end of Jorden’s conversation, “Oui, mon père a embauché ce gars pour être une baby-sitter glorifiée,” (Yeah my dad hired this guy to be a glorified babysitter,) then I watched as Jorden passed an undetermined amount of cash to him, asking, “Make sure that I see Germain tonight.” He then nonchalantly walked through the barrier and into the dim light entrance of the club.
When I went to enter after him, I of course was stopped by a brute of a hand on my chest. “Où pensez-vous que vous allez exactement?” (Just where do you think you are going?) came the gruff voice to go along with it.
“M. Matthews est ma responsabilité, laissez-moi maintenant,”(Mr. Matthews is my responsibility, now let me through,) I said with as much malice as I could muster.
“Les frais de couverture pour vous sont de 15 euros,” (Cover Charge for you is 15 euros,) the bouncer insisted.
“Certes, M. Matthews a déjà payé pour moi,” (Surely, Mr. Matthews has already paid for me,) I responded back.
“Non, M. Matthews n'a pas, pas de salaire, pas d'entrée, si vous obtenez ma dérive,” (No, Mr. Matthews did not, no pay, no enter, if you get my drift,) the guy replied again, this time standing up to his full height, which was well over mine. Though what he didn’t know is if he tried to take me, he would end up on the ground faster than he could say “Mommy.”
“Bien,” (Fine,) I answered back pulling out more than the required amount and shoving it into his hands.” Maintenant, laissez-moi passer, oh et gardez le changement. On dirait que vous en aurez peut-être besoin.” (Now let me through, oh and keep the change. Looks like you may need it.)
The barrier was opened allowing me to walk through. The dimly lighted entrance was nothing compared to the laser lighted show that was playing inside the club. I surveyed the entire area before I saw Jorden being ushered into a back room. Making my way through the gyrating crowd that had formed on the dance floor, was slow going, but once I made it to the room, I was stopped short once again.
“Pas d'entrée, cette pièce est prise,” (No entrance, this room is taken,) the burly guy standing guard at the door explained to me.
“Ouais, je sais, le gars que je protège vient d'entrer et je dois y aller aussi,” (Yeah I know, the guy I am protecting just went inside and I need to go in there as well,) I replied.
“Quelle partie de pas d'entrée, cette pièce est prise n'avez-vous pas compris?” (What part of no entrance, this room is taken did you not understand?) came the brusque reply.
I took a deep breath, I couldn’t lose my cool with this idiotic thing they called a human, then stated calmly, “Je me fiche de ce que vous pensez, je vais entrer dans cette pièce que cela vous plaise ou non,” (I don’t care what you think, I am going to go inside that room whether you like it or not.)
Before I could enter, however, I caught a fist trying to fly towards my face. Looking into his eyes, I stated through my clenched teeth, “Vous venez de faire une erreur.” (You just made a mistake.) I was going to finish the fight that was started, but before I could, the door was wrenched open.
“Que se passe-t-il ici?” (What is going on out here?) came a voice I had never heard before, and a guy that I had never seen before. I didn’t have a chance to respond before the portly guy that I had just begun to dance with replied, “Rien, monsieur Germain, désolé pour le dérangement. (Nothing Mr. Germain, so sorry for the disturbance.)
“Qui est-ce?” (Who is this?) came the next question.
“Il dit qu'il est avec M. Matthews,” (He says he is with Mr. Matthews,) was the reply.
“Laisse-le entrer,” (Let him in,) and to my surprise, the door was opened wider to allow me to enter.
“Oui, monsieur, tout ce que vous dites monsieur,” (Yes, sir, anything you say, sir,) came the quick hurried response and my way was completely unblocked.
I nodded to both of the men in front of me and then entered the room completely unaware of what I was walking into.
Chapter Eight
What the heck did I just do? was all I could think the entire drive to the club. I was so caught up in my head that I didn’t even register that the car had stopped and that we were in front of Fantôme Dragon, the most exclusive club for the gay BDSM in all of Paris. I know what you are thinking, how in the world did I find out about this club? Well, let me start at the beginning. Two years ago when I was first thinking of transforming, my best friend Germain brought me here. He said it was to get my mind off of Jennie, who my parents had tried to set me up with. To his credit though, bringing me here changed my life, more than he will ever realize. That night was the night that I finally made my decision to become the man I always knew I really was inside.