Pay Day Read online

Page 9

  I walked over to Angelique and gave her a hug. “Thanks for inviting me. I didn’t realize how much I needed a break.”

  She smiled at me. And the loving, caring Angelique resurfaced. “Yes, you did. It’s written all over your face. I know Shaun will be okay. You are a great mother and I know you’re doing all that you can to make sure he gets well soon.”

  “Aw thanks, I appreciate that.”

  “It’s the truth.” She hesitated, then said, “I hate to bring this up, but what’s going on with your case at Clearcast?”

  I took a deep breath. “Well, I have a court date, but I’m not giving up on settling before court. I’m going by Mr. Perry’s office this week, after I get Shaun settled from his surgery and try to work something out.”

  “Yeah, he’s a billionaire, but people with money always want more, so offer him up a few hundred thousand dollars.”

  I nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m gonna keep my fingers crossed. I don’t care how much money I’ll have to come up off of at this point. My kids need me. I’d go crazy if I had to be put in jail and some one had to have custody of my kids. And…” I felt emotional and I couldn’t hold back my tears. “Shaun needs me. He needs me with him. Tiana acts like she doesn’t, but she needs me, too. Angelique, what’s going to happen to my babies if I get put away?”

  I looked at her as if she had all of the answers I needed.

  She gave me another hug, then pulled back and held my shoulders as she spoke with tears in her eyes. She smiled. “You know what? We are not going to speak you going to jail into the universe. We are not going to put our energy into something that may not even happen. But you know what we are going to do? We are going to go out and have a good time. That’s what we are going to do.” She handed me a tissue, and continued, “I am really sorry I brought this up. But you know what? We both needed to cry. Now we are ready to hit up Bourbon Street.”

  I sighed and dabbed my eyes. “Yes, you’re right. I didn’t come here to sulk and think about everything that’s going wrong in my life. I am so blessed to have a friend like you. I am so glad you’re in my life.”

  “And, I’m glad you decided to come hang out with me. I knew if anyone deserved a chance to let loose and have some fun, it was you. Now let’s go out and show these New Orleans folks what kind of women Texas has roaming around in its streets.”

  I brought the tissue up to my eyes, wiped away the last of my tears, and checked the mirror to be sure my eye makeup wasn’t ruined. Then, I followed her out of the door.

  Chapter 19


  My grandmother used to say, “Folks always want to drink out of somebody’s else’s well because they think the water is sweeter.” I remember as a child, I had no idea what that meant. But now, after two months of the bachelor life, complete with all the joys that money could bring, I was starting to miss my old boring life. I’ll admit I’d had a blast initially, but this mess was definitely getting played out.

  After Mia robbed me, I hadn’t gone out again. In fact, I had spent the past two weekends at home, alone, thinking about my wife.

  Sheray wouldn’t even give me a ‘bless you’ when I sneezed. I got her being angry, but she was going way overboard. I left her name on the bank account and she hadn’t even withdrawn any money (Don’t get it twisted, I had the bulk of my the money scattered around in different accounts.)

  I swung into Pappadeaux to get some sautéed crab fingers to prepare for my lonely night. I had just placed my order when I looked to my right and saw Sheray sitting at a table with another man. To say I was pissed would be the understatement of the millennium. Was this why she wasn’t taking my calls? Because she had already moved on? I usually carried myself with class, but it was about to go down right up in here in Pappadeaux.

  I stomped over to her table. “So, is there room for three at this little cozy dinner?” I said, grabbing a chair from the table next to Sheray and this strange dude. I slid the chair up to their table and plopped down. “Or is this an intimate twosome thing?”

  “Terrance!” Sheray said, shock all across her face. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

  “I came to get me something to eat before I went back to our crib. Alone. Something you obviously ain’t trying to do.”

  The guy had the nerve to smile as he extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Charleston.”

  “Charleston. What kind of name is that?” I sneered. I didn’t care how rude I was being. Here I was, sitting up mourning and missing my wife and she was out on a date.

  “Terrance!” Sheray admonished.

  “It’s cool,” Charleston laughed. “I’m used to that response.”

  His calm demeanor was pissing me off. He needed to be scared, very scared.

  “Well, I’m Terrance. Sheray’s husband,” I told him.

  Charleston’s eyes bucked. He cocked his head and looked at Sheray. “Husband? You didn’t tell me you were married,” he balked.

  Sheray was quiet. And my fury went to a whole other level.

  “Are you serious? So you’re out here with some other dude and you don’t even bother to tell him that you’re married?” I yelled. I saw people turning their heads to stare at us, but I didn’t care.

  She leaned in and softly said, “First of all, you need to lower your voice. Secondly, you wanted out, remember? So you don’t need to worry who I’m having dinner with.”

  I glared at her, but said to him, “You know what? I’m not gonna cause a scene, but Charleston, Imma need you to bounce.”

  The cheesy grin was replaced with a small smile. “Sheray, would you like me to leave?” he asked.

  She folded her arms defiantly. “No, I would not. We’re having a nice dinner and I don’t need it interrupted by my barbaric soon-to-be-ex husband.”

  “Ex-husband, huh?” I didn’t know why those words tore at my insides.

  She blew an exasperated breath. “Terrance, you wanted your bachelor life. You got it. You’ve been searching how to get an annulment. I’m about to give it to you.”

  It was my turn for my eyes to buck. “Oh, yeah, I saw it on your laptop. I just never said anything. Then when you got your money, you lost your damn mind and determined you didn’t need me. So, I’m letting you go find your mind. In the meantime, you go do you and I’ll continue to do me.”

  Charleston grinned. “And she does her very well.”

  Oh, this fool was trying to get straight punched in Pappadeaux. I stood and leaned over him. “Man, I will knock th-”

  Charleston jumped up, too. “Touch me and I’ll sue you for all your lotto winnings.”

  That made me pause. “So not only is my wife up here with this other dude, but you’re telling him my business. Really, Sheray? So this is how things are now?” I asked.

  She was unfazed. “This is how you made them, Terrance.”

  All of my bravado went out the window and I felt a sudden pang in my heart. Sheray was so cold, so unmoved. Did that mean she was really moving on?

  “What do you want, Terrance?” she finally said, motioning for Charleston to sit back down.

  “I want to talk to you. Alone,” I said, cutting my eyes at Charleston.

  “I don’t have anything to say.”

  As I stood over that table, I figured I had three options: I could leave, I could act a fool, or I could pour my heart out and fight for my wife. This guy was lame-looking. No way she’d choose him over me.

  “Why are you with this guy?” I found myself saying. “This is what you want?” I pointed at him. This dude looked like he had stepped right off one of those runway reality shows. “He’s looking all suspect.”

  Charleston put his hand to his chest and feigned shock. “Well, damn. I need to work on my wardrobe because I don’t need anyone suspecting anything about me. I need them to know for sure.”

  I didn’t know what he meant by that and I didn’t really care.

  Sheray glared at me. “He’s not suspect.”
r />   “You’re naive, Sheray,” I said.

  “He’s not suspect because he’s straight out gay.”


  “How you doin’?” Charleston said, giving me a Wendy Williams impersonation before bursting out laughing.

  “This is my friend,” Sheray said. “Pink, from New York.”

  “Your friend that you grew up with?” I asked, suddenly wishing I had never come to their table.

  “Yeah, I don’t go by Pink anymore,” Charleston said with a grin. “Now, I prefer Pastel or Plum.”

  “Oh, ah, but he said he didn’t know you were married,” I stammered. I felt like a bonafide fool. Even the people at the two tables next to us were snickering at the show that I’d just put on.

  “He was being funny since you came over here acting like a caveman,” Sheray said, a scowl plastered across her face. “Charleston was in town and we decided to have dinner. Nothing more.”

  I looked apologetically at Charleston, but no words would come out of my mouth.

  The expression on my face must have given him joy because he smiled and raised his wine glass. “Apology accepted. I get it, though. I always told Sheray she was going to drive some man crazy.”

  Was I crazy now? Judging by the way people all around the restaurant were staring at me, that answer would be a resounding yes.

  “Terrance, go home,” Sheray said. “Go back to your bachelor pad. You’re living La Vida Loca. And rest assured, as long as I’m still your wife, I won’t be seeing any other guys.”

  Now I was not only embarrassed, I felt guilty as hell.

  Chapter 20


  “All right girl, I’ll catch up with you in the morning,” I said to Raquelle as I slid my key card in the door.

  She yawned as she unlocked her hotel room door. We’d had a blast on Bourbon Street. I was loving all the attention the men were giving me. Never in my life had I had so many men offer to buy me drinks. The only reason I turned them down was because I didn’t want to be drunk when I saw Antonio later.

  “Good night,” Raquelle said, her words slurred because she did take several guys up on their offer. Raquelle had partied like she was on her last days of freedom. I was remaining hopeful, but I was glad to see her let her hair down. “Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do tonight.”

  I put my hand over my mouth and looked up while I batted my lashes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Raquelle shook her head. “Mmm hmmm… I’ll bet you don’t. Go on and get freshened up before your company comes.”

  She stumbled inside her room. I debated going in and making sure she got in bed, but I glanced at my watch. I only had about ten minutes to get prepared for Antonio’s arrival. While Raquelle and I were hanging out, Antonio called and told me he was ready to see me. I promptly told Raquelle that we would have to cut our night out short and since she was on the verge of passing out, she was okay with that.

  When I got out of the shower, I lathered down in my Carol’s Daughter Goddess Soufflé, then slipped on my black lace teddy that I’d purchased online and had sent overnight delivery. It fit me just right, and squeezed in that excess skin around my belly enough to boost my confidence even more. I tucked the left side of my shoulder length hair behind my ear and allowed the right side to hang in my face. Then, I dabbed some golden musk fragrant oil behind each ear and rubbed a little bit on each of my inner thighs just in case Antonio decided to give me some kisses down low. The thought of him burying his head between my thighs made me feel like I had fire in my loins.

  No sooner than I’d put on my play list of lovemaking music, which started off with R. Kelly’s “Get Up on a Room,” I heard three quick knocks on the door. I ran over and turned on the lamp near the bed and I flipped the main light in the room off. I swung the door open.

  “Hey,” I said as I grabbed him by the neck and started planting kisses on his lips, making sure that I slightly bit and sucked on his bottom lip just the way he liked it. My new body had given me the confidence to bring out my inner freak and I was ready to unleash her on Antonio.

  “Mmm… Baby, you look so good.” He stepped into the room and closed the door. He held my right hand and lifted his arm to toward the ceiling. “Spin around so I can see it from the back. That’s my favorite view.”

  I did as I was told. Whenever I was around Antonio I could never stop smiling like a schoolgirl who got asked out by her longtime crush.

  “Thank you for violating your eleven o’clock curfew to come hang out with me,” I said.

  His bedroom eyes were locked on me and he spoke huskily. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t feel like it was worth it. And looking at how fine you are, it’s definitely worth it.” He unbuckled his pants and took them off along with the rest of his clothes. “I don’t have much time.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “Now, come here and give me what I need.”

  I walked over to him and rubbed his chiseled chest as I ran my tongue over his stomach. His breathing intensified as I continued kissing him. He nudged my head to continue traveling down with my kisses. I followed his lead. He panted and moaned and right before he climaxed, he moved me off of him and slipped on a condom. I straddled him and didn’t stop until we were both satisfied.

  I climbed off of him in pure bliss. “As usual, that was great.” I couldn’t picture a better way to end my night.

  “Yep, no doubt.” He slapped my behind, then sat up and grabbed his underwear and his jeans.

  I flipped over on my side, wrapped myself in the sheets, and rested my head in my hand. “Do you have to leave so soon?”

  “Yeah, I do. I gotta get back to my room before they notice I’m gone.” He stepped into his clothes.

  “Aw, too bad. I wish we could lay in bed and cuddle. We’ve never done that before.” Each time we’d been intimate he had something to do immediately afterward.

  “Naw, Sweetheart, I don’t do the whole cuddling thing. That leads to expectations and extra attachments that I ain’t lookin for.” He slid his shirt on.

  I squinted. “Oh. I see. So you just came up here to my room to hop in bed, get pleasured, and then burn off?” I would have been lying to myself if I said I didn’t care that Antonio didn’t seem to be feeling me as much as I was feeling him. My mixed emotions were confusing me. If I had no intention of leaving Marcus, why was I suddenly wondering what life would be like as Antonio’s girl?

  He stood and faced me as he straightened his shirt. “I told you, I’m all about a good time. Right now, I don’t have time to be tied up in a relationship. I’m concentrating on my career and I have too much going on to have to answer to anyone.”

  I sat up and fumbled for my clothes. The conversation made me feel awkward being naked. “I just thought, I mean, we haven’t been hanging out long but I was just wondering if I was the type of girl -”

  “The type of girl that what? Can make me settle down? See that’s what I don’t get about you broads. You think as soon as you hop in bed with a man that he’s yours. Tell me now, either you’re down with being cool with me or we can end this now.”

  He glared at me as he waited for a response. I didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t that I thought Antonio would drop things he had going on in his personal life to be with me, but at the same time, I didn’t think I was just an extra way for him to pass time. I just knew that being able to hang out with Antonio and be invited to his game as his guest was something millions of women wished they could do.

  “Okay, you’re reading way too much into things,” I said, trying to play it off. “I know how this goes, you do you, and I do me.”

  “Exactly.” He leaned in and kissed me. “And we do each other. Very well, I might add.” He smiled. Then he took his index finger and put it under my chin and lifted my face so that I looked at him. “So are we good?”

  I sat on the bed gazing up at him as I nodded with a forced smile. What the heck was I doing? I had a man yet I was sitti
ng here feigning after someone who made it clear what he wanted.

  “All right, let me get back down to my room so I can get some rest,” he said.

  I stood and walked behind him as he went to the door. “I hope you have a good night,” I said as he left out.

  “You too. See ya at the game tomorrow.”

  I shut the door, then leaned up against it. I wasn’t going to lie, that entire exchange hurt. But what I couldn’t figure out was why. I knew the game so why in the world was I trying to change the rules?

  Chapter 21


  It was taking everything in my power to keep my cool. I couldn’t believe Darnell. Another Friday, another no-show at the bank. And he still wasn’t answering my calls or texts.

  He’s just caught up, I told myself. No way would my cousin screw me. Even still, I’d decided I was going to withdraw all the money and put it in some no-name little bank and pray that Tony never found out. I just couldn’t take the stress with Darnell. That’s what he was supposed to be meeting me at the bank to do, and he once again, hadn’t shown up.

  My doorbell rang and my heart jumped, hoping it was Darnell. That was the only thing that made me swing the door open without looking out the peephole.

  “Owen?” I said, looking at my former coworker. He’d been over my house once before because he and my husband were in a basketball league together. But I didn’t know that they hung out enough for him to randomly show up on my doorstep. At least that’s why I hoped that he was here.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I said, not moving from the door. My son was asleep and I didn’t need him waking up to a strange man in our living room.

  Owen leaned against the door frame. “Just checking in to see how things are going with you.”

  I’m sure he could see my confusion. “Uh…I’m okay. Just got a lot going on.”

  “Yeah, well is there something that I can help you with?”

  I wasn’t even going to try and pretend that I was interested in anything he had to say. “I don’t know whether you heard, but Tony doesn’t live here anymore.”