Wolf Ranch: Wild: Wolf Ranch - Book 2 Read online

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  “She’s my mate,” I growled through clenched teeth. Those three words should’ve been enough to convince any shifter male she belonged to me. Whether the timing sucked right now or not. “She was standing in the middle of a fucking storm watching the creek flood over the road. I thought she might do something stupid and cross.”

  “Instead she did you.” Rob’s lips twitched as he said it.

  Boyd spun around and growled at him.

  Grinning, I added, “I knew the second I breathed her in.”

  That’s what sealed the deal. Boyd knew what it was like. I knew he did. He couldn’t argue with his wolf, and neither could I.

  I was past thirty. Already feeling the pull of moon madness coming on because I hadn’t found and marked a female. It had been affecting my work for a while, which meant it affected my men. I was a liability to my team and one of the reasons I was on leave. I’d left to decide if I should even re-up because the last thing I wanted to do was get people killed by my negligence. I hadn’t expected to find my mate though. Now, I had to decide what to do with Marina in mind. There was no decision. I wasn’t going back. But she was.

  “I’m running out of time.” I looked at Rob, who knew what I meant. He was two years older than I was. He had to have been affected by moon madness. Hell, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t already going half-feral.

  Rob stood up from the desk and walked around, folding his arms across his chest. “So, what’s your plan, Colton?”

  An anvil-like weight settled down on my chest. “Fuck if I know,” I admitted.

  Boyd opened his mouth, but Rob held up a hand, and he instantly fell silent at our alpha’s command. “Let him talk it through, Boyd.”

  Him meant me. Well, fuck.

  That meant Rob expected me to arrive at the right decision on my own. Marina was my mate, so he wouldn’t be stupid enough to try to tell me anything. Even a directive from an alpha might not take with a male if it concerned his mate. Especially one with some moon madness in him.

  Mark her, my wolf growled.

  But Boyd and Rob were standing there as my judges and jury. Was it the right thing to do? Change the course of a young human’s life before she’d even had a chance to figure out what she wanted for herself?

  What about college? Her degree? Was I going to ask her to give that up for me, especially with only one year left? For what? To be a military wife on base? To be my little ranch wife here in Cooper Valley? Was either option fair to her?


  It took all my effort, but I shoved my wolf’s mounting agitation down. He wanted her claimed and made mine immediately. No, he’d wanted it done the night before.

  I swallowed hard over the invisible band closing around my throat. “I have to wait.” The words nearly made me sick to say. “Until she’s done with school. Maybe re-up to keep me from going fucking nuts, although that’ll be a fucking cluster. I’m struggling with the need to shift and run, and it’s not going to ease up. It’ll probably only get worse.” I shrugged.

  “You’re saying not bite and claim her? That’s insane. You’ll rage through and kill the enemy single handedly,” Rob commented drily.

  “I could retire, stay here to run off the pressure while she finishes her last year,” I added. I liked that idea a bit better. It was safer for everyone, except me. She’d probably come here to visit Audrey, who I imagined would soon be knocked up, if she wasn’t already. Shit, that wouldn’t make it any easier.

  Rob nodded. “That sounds reasonable.” He looked to Boyd, who also grudgingly nodded. “Maybe you should claim her now, though, to take the pressure off.”

  “No fucking way,” Boyd snapped. “She’s barely an adult! You can’t saddle her with a lifetime commitment at her age. It’s not fair. She doesn’t even know what you are.”

  A growl filled the room. It took me a minute to realize it was coming from me. From my wolf. Both my brothers tensed, like I was about to go feral and attack them.

  “What do you think?” Rob asked, eyeing me, keeping his voice neutral. I knew I was being handled by him, and it pissed me the fuck off, but it also worked. Him forcing me to make the right decision ensured I would do it. And would take away any pissing contest between me and the two of them.

  That didn’t mean the growling stopped. In fact, I went to speak and had to clear my throat to get words out.

  “It’s fucking impossible not to bite her. But I won’t. I can’t do it. Maybe when she gets closer to graduation. Next year.”

  Fuck, my wolf wanted to rip my throat out at what I was suggesting.

  “Makes sense,” Rob rumbled. “But completely unrealistic. There’s no way you’ll survive. Having her here, fucking her, then letting her go? Impossible.”

  “Yeah, there’s no way.” Fucking Boyd.

  “It’s not up to you,” I snarled, suddenly ready for that fight.

  Rob stepped between us. “He’s just looking out for Audrey and what’s important to her.” He looked to me. “You have to let her go. Now. The full moon’s tomorrow night. Taking her again is risky, at best.”

  The idea of not sinking into her soft body made me clench my fists. I hated what Rob was saying, but he was right. I was struggling now. What would I do tomorrow? I’d claim her and ruin everything. My wolf disagreed, thought it would make everything right.

  “Fuck!” I shouted. I wanted Marina. I could scent her on me. Taste her. She was in my fucking bed right now. “I won’t touch her. Fine. It was a fling. at least that’s what she’ll think. It’s what she was looking for anyway.”

  The words tasted like poison in my mouth. I was lying to myself, and I’d have to lie to her.

  “Jesus, brother. You might save lives in the army, but this? You’re a fucking martyr,” Rob said, shaking his head.

  I rubbed a hand over the back of my neck. Paced. “I’m doing it for my mate.”

  Boyd looked to Rob and laughed. “Fifty bucks says he makes it a day.”

  Rob nodded.

  They were taking bets I wouldn’t be able to hold out. The fuckers. I had to hold off. Biting her now wasn’t an option. College. Life. It had to happen for her. I could hold off.

  I could.

  I would.



  * * *

  I woke up to the scent of meat on a grill.

  Looking at the bedside clock, I saw I’d slept until dinnertime. Between the sex and the talking, I hadn’t slept much the night before. And then this afternoon… wow. I guessed that was what a good orgasm would do to you. My body was purring, still languid, warm and satisfied. And yes, a bit sore in some places, but I didn’t mind a bit.

  Thank you, Colton.

  I slid out of his bed and pulled on my clothes to find a shower. I was sure I looked like a holy mess—and well fucked—since Colton met me. Last night, a drowned rat. Today, a flour covered baker. It was silly, but I wanted to put a little effort into my appearance for him. He’d seen more of me naked than dressed. I giggled.

  I made it quick, though, since I heard the clamor of voices in the kitchen downstairs. I didn’t want to miss dinner entirely. I ducked into the bathroom down the hall, showered, then slipped on a short, strappy sundress that showed off my legs and shoulders. There was no time to blow dry my hair, but I rubbed some lip gloss between my lips and put on some sparkly sandals before I ran down the back stairs.

  I’d been right, a whole crew of people had gathered in the giant kitchen, and most of them turned when I came down. I swore a few of the men lifted their noses in the air and sniffed, but that wouldn’t make sense. Colton had done that the night before, but I mentally shrugged it off as crazy.

  “Hey everyone.” I threw my arms wide as a greeting. “I’m Marina, Audrey’s little sister.”

  “Yes, you are,” Colton rumbled. I hadn’t seen him because he’d been standing in the corner, but he immediately moved forward to flank me. He started to reach one hand toward my lower back but then retracted it, a
s if he didn’t want to touch me.

  After what we just did, I wouldn’t think it would be a problem. Maybe he was against PDA or something.

  His large body blocked everyone else out. He whispered, “Do you ever wear a bra?” I don’t know why he sounded grumpy about it.

  His gaze dipped to my chest, and I shook my head.

  “You’re wearing panties under that little dress, right?”

  I pulled my lips to the side and shrugged my shoulders, playing coy.

  He growled.

  God, it felt good to know I affected him.

  I’d fallen asleep on him, too worn out from his dominance and skill to remain conscious. He should feel proud of himself because even hours later, I felt well fucked. Still, my doubts flared. This was a fling. I had to remember that. Getting too hungry for this man’s attention was a bad idea. The last guy I’d been with had done a number on me, fucked me and moved on. Then there was dear old Dad, never showing any interest at all. Ugh, I had issues. And yet, Colton seemed like he wanted to offer… more. Did he? I couldn’t read him.

  Audrey was at the other end of the kitchen, nestled against her fiancé. She smiled broadly and waved at me. A stab of guilt went through me, remembering how I’d pretty much abandoned her and the unfinished wedding cake. She must have cleaned up while Colton and I had been… busy.

  “I’m sorry about abandoning the cake,” I said to her.

  She waved her hand through the air. “I put it all away for later. No worries.”

  I was here for her, not to spend all my time in bed with a hot military man. He’d changed out of his cargo pants and t-shirt for jeans and a plaid, cotton snap shirt. He wasn’t just a military man but a cowboy, too.

  I looked Audrey’s way once again, realizing I was again distracted by virile manliness. Ugh.

  I’d make it up to her tonight for the surprise bachelorette party. Becky, one of Audrey’s friends from the hospital, had contacted me about planning Audrey’s last hurrah as a single woman. I told her by email Audrey wouldn’t want anything fancy, so we were just going with a night at Cody’s, the local—and as I understood—only watering hole in Cooper Valley. The surprise part was a limo Becky managed to rent that would be picking us up in a couple hours.

  I had told Audrey I wanted some sister-time with her tonight, so she shouldn’t have anything scheduled. Well, at least I was rested up for the fun.

  “Sleep well?” Colton asked. He still sounded grouchy. Still wasn’t touching me.

  “So well.” I rotated to face him, tipped my chin up and grinned. “I guess I have you to thank for that.”

  Something flickered in his expression, but I couldn’t decipher it. His brown eyes almost glowed gold the way the light from the windows hit them. He took one of those strange deep breaths. “You washed off my scent.”

  “What?” I wrinkled my nose, not quite understanding. Was that a thing? Guys don’t want you to shower after sex? I’d have to ask Audrey about it at the bachelorette party.

  “Nothing. Nevermind.”

  Damn. Somebody didn’t get a nap. You’d think he’d be chipper after screwing me six ways until Sunday.

  Just then Rob carried a giant—and it was giant—platter of steaks in from the back deck, and the focus shifted to food. On the table, there was a big casserole dish heaped with baked potatoes wrapped in foil and a plate piled with chopped celery and carrots.

  Colton hung by my side, not touching me, but staying close. He directed me over to the table, giving me all the ranch hands’ names as we passed them. Johnny, Levi, Clint.

  “So nice to meet you,” I kept saying, but he didn’t give me a chance to stop and shake hands. “We need name tags.” I laughed as he pulled out a chair for me, then settled next to me. “I’m afraid I won’t remember everyone.”

  “Only one name you need to remember, little girl.” Colton leaned into me as he forked a steak from the platter and put it on my plate.

  “Oh yeah?” I murmured in a voice I hoped was only loud enough for him to hear. “Is it the one I was screaming all afternoon?”

  “Christ, Marina.” He stared down at me with bald hunger. “How the fuck am I gonna keep my hands off you?”

  I frowned at him, and my heart gave a little lurch. “Why… why do you have to?”

  The screen door slapped and broke our connection as some of the ranch hands took their piled high plates and headed outside to eat, leaving the three brothers, Audrey and me sitting around the large table. Two of the ranch hands, Levi and—dammit, I’d already forgotten the other one’s name joined us.

  “Colton, I was certainly not expecting you to steal my sister away from me this week,” Audrey said, her voice slightly scolding, but the smile on her face softened it.

  I clapped a hand over my mouth. “I’m so sorry! Of course, I’ve come here for you.”

  “It sounded like you came for Colton,” Rob murmured. Levi laughed, but covered it with his napkin.

  Colton shot them both death glares, even though he’d been perfectly plain about what we’d done when he arrived.

  Audrey gasped and threw a roll at her future brother-in-law. Rob easily caught it and took a bite, smirking.

  I wanted the floor to open up.

  “I’m here for you,” I clarified, saying the words slowly and eyeing Rob even though they were meant for Audrey. Except for when I was tied to Colton’s bed. Shit. “I promise I’ll be more present the rest of the week.”

  “Yeah, you’re here for Audrey,” Colton added.

  I looked at Audrey although I was confused by him. So… it was sex and punishment for leaving and now… over? I shook that away. “We’re having sister time, tonight, remember?” My words rushed out in one breath. “In the morning, I’ll finish the cake. I promise.”

  The layers were all baked, but I hadn’t gotten to the frosting. I could finish that and the flower decorations in the morning.

  Audrey waved her hand. “I’m just teasing. Rob, obviously, too. I’m thrilled you and Colton hit it off. You both deserve your fun. What’s the plan for tonight, anyway?”

  I smiled broadly and waggled my brows as I cut a piece of meat. “You’ll find out soon enough!”

  “Uh oh,” Audrey said, her eyes narrowed behind her glasses. “What am I missing? Why do you look so excited? Oh God, please tell me you didn’t arrange for a stripper-gram.”

  “Maybe I did,” I tucked a bite of steak in my mouth and then moaned because it was the juiciest thing I’ve ever tasted. “This is so good.”

  Beside me, Colton shifted in his chair and gave a low, animalistic growl.

  I had no idea what could’ve gotten into him since this afternoon.

  “Yeah, Rob’s great on the grill,” Boyd said to me, then looked pointedly at Audrey. “Let me tell you something, though, darlin’. There will be nobody stripping for my bride but me.”

  “No strippers,” Colton agreed, his voice a deep velvet right by my ear. He set a baked potato on my plate as he did so. For someone who seemed disgruntled, he was also being very attentive.

  I didn’t get it.

  “Relax, boys.” I held up my hand. “I did not hire a stripper to come out to the ranch.”

  “Tell me you didn’t hire one, period,” Colton warned.

  “I didn’t hire one, period.” I rolled my eyes. “Now, stop. I’m terrible at keeping secrets when I get excited, and I don’t want to give it away.”

  “Hmm,” Audrey said, but she was sweet enough to let it drop. She’d probably already figured it out. She was a smart woman, my sister.



  * * *

  I fucking hated surprises. I knew it made me a control freak, but in my line of work, surprises meant someone could get killed. We drilled and drilled, so we never had surprises.

  Over ten years in the military, and one pint-sized woman ruined it all. At least it wasn’t life or death, unless some guy looked overlong at my mate in that sundress. Still, watching Mari
na bubble with excitement over her plans for the evening made it impossible for me to complain. She was so fucking adorable. Her happiness would be contagious if I wasn’t so sick with need for her and trying to keep my hands off her.

  And the ranch hands away. Johnny was close to her age and would be on her like bees to a flower. I knew I was being insane, but I didn’t want any of the guys to think they had a chance, and that had meant sticking close to her through dinner. There was no doubt they could scent me on her, but I hadn’t marked her. She was still fair game, if they fucking dared.

  The hottest female on the planet had just been in my bed. I should have zero complaints. But I’d just resolved not to touch her for a fucking year. I’d made it two hours. I wasn’t sure if I could make it. Then I thought of Boyd’s bet. The fucker.

  I might not be able to touch her, but letting her go out on the town without my protection was an impossibility. That was never going to fucking happen.

  When we heard the crunch of gravel out on the drive, and Johnny appeared in the kitchen saying there was a limo out front, the first words out of my mouth were, “Oh, hell no.”

  “Excuse me?” Marina demanded, putting her hands on her hips and lifting a defiant face up to mine. It made me want to fold her over the table, pull up that short dress spank her until she squealed. And she’d like it, too. Of course, in that fantasy of mine, we’d be alone in the kitchen, and it would end with me pleasuring her in every possible way with her sprawled out on the center island.

  Fuck—I had to stop thinking with my dick!

  “A limo?” Audrey popped out of her chair and ran for the front door. Marina followed.

  I cleared my throat, looking to Boyd for help. I knew he couldn’t possibly want that giant black stretch limo taking his female away from him for the night, especially when they were getting married tomorrow.