SO RIGHT: A Sugar Baby Novella Read online

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  “Get the dildo you like, the clear one.”

  I quickly reached for the bottom drawer of my nightstand and grabbed my favorite toy, shaped to hit all the right spots. I sat back on my heels, the soft area rug around our bed cushioning my knees. I waved the dildo in the air for him to see.

  “Now what?”

  “Pull your tits out. I want you to lean over the bed, just the way you were sitting. I want you to fuck yourself.”

  “You don't want me to get on the bed?” I asked as I pulled the front of my top down, exposing my breasts.

  “No, I just want to see your face. I want to watch you come.” I moved to pull my shorts and my underwear off, but Michael stopped me. “Nah uh. I see how small those shorts are. Move them to the side.”

  I smiled, feeling instantly wet. He knew how much I loved his blunt dirty talk. “Are you going to join me?”

  He shook his head. “No, I just want to watch.”

  “Okay. That seems like a horrible idea, but suit yourself.” I leaned over just the way he liked, shoving my laptop back on the bed so I’d have more room. I teased myself with the head of the dildo, spreading my slick juices around before I slid the toy inside of my pussy. We’d done this show many times, but it always took me a few minutes to get over the unnecessary, but completely awkward shyness of being watched.

  I looked up at the screen, drawn to Michael’s intense focus as he looked at me. “I want you home. I want you fucking me.”

  “Pretend it is me. Pretend I’m there with you right now.”

  I closed my eyes and did just that, bringing up dozens of memories of Michael bending me over the bed. He wasn’t a fan of fucking me from behind. He loved looking at my face when he fucked me. He liked to have better access to my nipples. He liked kissing me as we both came, but god he felt so fucking good when he took me that way, his thick cock hitting all the right spots, with the perfect force. And the sounds he made, the quiet subtle groans that slipped out between curse words as I pushed my ass back against his hips.

  I moaned, burying my face in the sheets as I came. The orgasm wasn’t long, and not nearly enough, but still it took me a minute to get my bearings as I continued to tease my slit with the smooth silicone. I licked my lips, my eyes blinking open as I tried to focus on Michael’s face again. Patch made a little huffing puppy noise, but he didn’t wake up.

  “How was that?” I asked Michael, my chest still heaving. It looked like his hand was moving in his lap, but then it suddenly stilled. He leaned forward.

  “It was perfect.”

  “Come for me,” I begged. I wanted to see his dick. I wanted to see his cum all over his fist.

  He shook his head, his teeth dragging against the dark hairs just below his bottom lip. “I’m not coming until I get home.”

  “You’re gonna give yourself blue balls. Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “It’s the best idea. Trust me. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Get some sleep, baby. I'll talk to you tomorrow.” We ended our chat and I climbed into bed, scooting Patch all the way over to Michael’s side of the sheets.

  The next day I felt like an impatient child. Just one more sleep until Michael was home. I made it through work, spent time running Patch around the yard until he was huffing and tuckered out. Holger retired to his pool house after we ate dinner. I climbed into bed with some design work, but even with the TV on and my puppy by my side I couldn’t handle the quiet.

  It was late, and it was a school night, but I knew the twins were up. They were never asleep before eleven. Now that they were seniors my parents stopped enforcing a bedtime. I sent Kiara, who never let her phone out of her sight, a text and then hit the video chat icon on my computer. A few seconds later, my baby sister’s face popped up on the screen.

  “Hey buttface. What are you doing?” I said with a smile.


  “Hey, Kay!” Kaleigh popped up behind her. They were both dressed for bed with their head scarves on.

  “I’m working on my calc homework,” Kiara said.

  “No she’s not. She’s on Tumblr talking to Tommy Jackson.”

  “Kaleigh, you’re such a snitch. Who’s Tommy Jackson?” I asked.

  “No one. He’s in my calc class. That’s why I’m talking to him.”

  “Whatever. He asked me to the Spring Fling last week, because he thought I was her.” The twins were identical, but they were so different. Both loud and mouthy, but Kiara was the sensitive one and Kaleigh was our brave one. She’d walk through a maze of spiders just to prove she could. Kiara would sob, but take out her phone and search the Internet for directions around the perimeter.

  “Are you going with him?” I asked Kiara.

  “Yeah, he finally asked the right twin, but it’s not a big deal. We’re just going as friends.” Kaleigh stood behind her, shaking her head and then she made an obscene gesture.

  I just laughed. “Well have fun. Kaleigh, are you going?” She had already lost interest in the conversation.

  “Yup, all the track and field girls are going together as a group.”

  “That should be fun.” Just then Patch woke up and made his way up the bed on his awkward, clumsy paws. I leaned away as he tried to lick my face. I’d already sent the girls a hundred pictures of him, but Kiara still cooed at the screen. Kaleigh was looking at her own phone.

  “He’s so cute,” Kiara whined. “I want a puppy.”

  “When Michael gets back you can video chat with his dog and then when school is over you can come out to visit and you can play with both of them. Michael’s puppy is just as cute.”

  “We know,” Kaleigh said absently, still looking at her phone. “Penny. We met her yesterday.”

  Kiara’s head whipped around. “Leigh!”

  My stomach dropped like a bag of dirt at the warning in Kiara’s voice. “What do you mean you saw Penny yesterday?” I asked. “We didn’t talk yesterday.”

  My sisters didn’t answer right away. Then suddenly the camera on Kiara’s phone was facing their ceiling.

  “Eh! Yo, I’m still here. Hello!”

  I heard them murmur arguing for a few seconds, then Kiara picked up the phone again. She was still looking at Kaleigh.

  “What the hell is going on?”


  “Just tell her,” Kaleigh said. “It’ll be worse if she asks him about it.”

  “Asks him about what? Tell me.”

  Kiara swallowed, her eyes darting everywhere but in my direction. She took a deep breath. “Okay, but you have to pretend to be surprised. You have to. He’ll kill us.”

  “No he won’t,” Kaleigh said.

  “He won’t,” I assured them. “Just tell me.”

  Kiara hesitated a little too long. Kaleigh grabbed the phone out of her hand. “Michael was here yesterday talking to Momma and Daddy.”

  “About what?”

  “Duh, what do you think?”

  “Hell, I don’t know.”

  “Oh my god, Kay. You’re dumb. Why else would he come all the way here to talk to your parents? To talk to Dad? He was getting their blessing.”


  “He’s gonna propose to you.”

  “What?! When? He really came to the house?” Michael and I had been back to North Carolina to spend Thanksgiving with my family. My whole huge, crazy southern family. He survived the weekend and won most of my family over. One of my aunts was still a little put off by me dating such an older white guy and my mom was just filled with her general mom worry, but everyone else was on board. Michael and my dad got along great. But that was only part of the point.

  “Wait. Back up. You know for a fact that Michael is going to propose to me?”

  “Yes. He talked to Mom and Daddy while we played with Penny and then he told us that he was going to ask you and asked us if we were cool with it. I mean we’re not twelve so that was a little weird—”

  “I tho
ught it was sweet,” Kiara said.

  “Okay, it was cute. But yeah. He’s gonna ask, but you can’t say anything. You have to be surprised.”

  From the way, my heart was beating in my neck, I somehow knew that surprised wasn’t going to be a problem.


  There's something about being woken up in the middle of the night. Not by a noise or a sudden urge to pee. I'm talking about those nights where you’re knocked out, the guest of honor at the sandman’s garden party, and suddenly you're being yanked out of all the fun.

  I was dreaming about being at a garden party with Daniella and someone who was Lili but didn't look like her. We were holding tennis rackets, but there was no court and then I felt something tugging me, and then the dream started to swirl away. I wanted to hold on to it because my body loves sleep and the party really was nice, but I didn't really have a choice.

  Still it took me a while to realize exactly what was happening. Someone was kissing my neck. It was Michael, I knew it was Michael, but part of my brain was still in that lush, sun kissed backyard, filled with party guests and little cakes. I couldn’t reconcile that with the darkness of the bedroom and the arms sliding around my waist.

  I shook, my body finally snapping back to reality and then I let out the most pitiful sob. I wasn't crying, but my chest and my throat flooded with so much emotion I figured the tears would come next.

  I rolled into Michael’s arm. I tried to speak but I was still half asleep. “You’re back” came out more sounding like “Yurb blath.”

  Michael’s laugh vibrated down to my stomach. “I couldn't wait any longer. I had to see you.”

  I gave up trying to open my eyes and just smiled as he plied kisses to my cheeks and neck, traveling a familiar path. There was a moment, not so much a spoken question, but I knew he was asking if he could make love to me. I nodded in my sleepy haze, wiggling to help him get me out of my shorts. Then his head was between my legs.

  I rocked against him, my eyes still closed, but my body slowly getting with the program. I could feel how much he wanted me. How he couldn't wait until the morning. I was just so happy he was there. I missed his hands, his large hands with their long strong fingers gripping my breast and caressing my thighs. I missed the way my skin reacted to gentle scrapes of his beard and mustache. I came as he sucked my clit into his mouth. A tiny, but perfect explosion that left me soaking wet but sleepier and somehow still craving more.

  He climbed up my body then, pushing his way inside me with one slow thrust. He moaned my name. We were both glad he was home.

  The next morning I had to deal with the fact that some secrets are the fucking worst, especially good secrets, because you want to tell someone. I wanted to tell Michael that I knew, but even if it wasn't exactly a secret to him, I knew the maximum levels of unchill I would have to reach to tell Michael I knew he was going to propose to me. Didn't stop me from being as giddy as shit as soon as I jumped out of bed, and Michael’s behavior didn't help the situation either. I showered and got ready for work. Michael and Holger were in the kitchen with the dogs, watching ESPN.

  “This is the most SportsCenter I’ve ever watched in my whole life,” I teased. I thanked Holger for my breakfast and took a seat next to Michael. The reporter was talking more about the situation in Miami, confirming that Wayne was expected to be removed as owner in the upcoming week.

  “This is so crazy,” I said, but then I realized Michael wasn't looking at the TV anymore. He was looking at me. I smiled back at him, trying not to blurt out YES! to a question he hadn't even asked yet. I settled on “Good morning,” and then I leaned forward and kissed him. He reached up and stroked my hair.

  “Holger, can you give us a few minutes?”

  “Absolutely. Come dogs!” He clapped loudly and Patch immediately fell into step behind him. A confused Penny toddled after.

  “I missed you,” I said when we were finally alone. “I'm glad you came back early.”

  “I needed a break from the madness. I think the deal is going to be announced by the end of next week. There's something I wanted to discuss with you.”

  I tried to hide my smile, but kinda failed in the most spectacular way. “Sure, what's on your mind?” Cause I'm gonna say fuck yes.

  “I’m going to have interviews and press conferences and still there's about a month left in the regular season, but that covers a lot of games. And then I'll have to prepare for the draft. I'll be back and forth to Miami a lot. I'd like you to come with me.”

  “Oh, ah, sure.”

  “I know Daniella’s been meeting with local vendors, but she’s welcome to join us and of course Lili can come. She can tweet and post on Facebook from anywhere. Ruben’s getting us a house squared away for the next few weeks and we can set up an office for you there. When the season’s over we can spend some time looking for a place to buy.”

  “Daniella and Duke are beefing right now, so I don't know if she’ll want to risk seeing him.”

  “He said she was ignoring his calls and texts. I don't want to drag you out of town if you'd prefer to stay here.”

  “No, no. Hey, I'm coming. This is a pretty wacky adventure. I wouldn't miss it for anything. I'm in.”

  “Okay,” he said, but there was more and I didn’t think it had anything to do with the proposal. Something was bothering him. I toyed with the zipper on his hoodie, exposing more of his perfect chest.

  “You look like you were worried that I was going to say no and then slap you or something.”

  “In so many words, that’s how I’m feeling right now. This is my dream. I didn't consult you about it first.” My heart sunk. Why would he ever...

  “My boyfriend owns the Miami Flames. Try to come up with something I’d hate about this.”

  “A lot of air travel.”

  “In your private jet or, at the very least, first class if I'm going alone. Try again.”

  “It's humid.”

  “Is that all? Anything else you want to talk to me about?”

  “No. I've expressed my concern for your overall happiness and well-being.”

  “Goodbye, Michael,” I said with a laugh as I stood up. “I'm going to work.” I didn’t make it very far before Michael pulled me back and kissed me soundly on the mouth.

  “We’re still on for Half Moon Bay this weekend.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  He kissed me again and gave my ass a light squeeze. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  As soon as I got to work I told Daniella and Lili about all the recent developments. They’d both already signed an NDA the moment it was clear that they would be in Michael’s life nearly as much as mine, but I knew I didn’t have to worry about them saying anything to anyone about Michael’s official purchase of the team. Daniella was a steel trap and Lili was the sort of aloof type who didn’t care deeply enough about things to tell other people about them. Of course I couldn’t keep my own mouth shut about that other thing.

  I plopped down on our office couch with Patch in my lap. I dodged his licks, watching Daniella and Lili’s eyes pop wide as I told them about how my sisters spilled the beans.

  “Oh my god. Kayla. You’re getting married!” Daniella screeched.

  “Well not yet, but yeah.” Then I might have let out a high-pitched squeal.

  “I guess he is the marrying type after-all,” Lili said.

  “Shit, I guess so.”

  “You think he’ll pop the question this weekend?” Daniella asked. “I mean a spur of the moment trip to Half Moon Bay seems like the perfect time to do it.”

  “You're right. I don’t know. I hope so! I still can’t believe he flew to North Carolina to ask my parents. And my sisters. It’s so old school, but I know that’s what my mom and dad would have wanted. Jesus, I haven't even met his parents yet.”

  I'd met his brother and sister. Matthew was awesome, and Myra and I had gotten close enough that she just contacted me when she needed to bug
Michael about something, but I hadn't met the parents yet. They were back in Michigan. Not that Michael couldn't afford for us to take a little trip there, but his mother was dealing with dementia and though he didn't talk about it much, Michael wasn't handling it well. I knew he'd introduce me to his folks when he was ready, hopefully before we got married.

  “I think he has permission to marry you. He’s old enough to do it without his parents’ say so,” Daniella said with a wink.

  “Shut up,” I laughed. “Do you guys want to come to Miami?”


  “Ehhhh…” Lili and Daniella said at the same time.

  “I want to go, but I don’t want to see Duke, and if you and Michael have a spot, I know he’s going to come over.”

  “I would love to go to Miami,” Lili said from her desk.

  “And there’s no way in hell my mom is gonna let her traipse around South Beach.”

  “What the fuck? I’m twenty-one.”

  Daniella said something to her in Spanish and then turned back to me. “I know exactly what my mom will say. She knows how charming Cuban men are. She won’t be able to resist.”

  “Oh whatever. Like there aren’t plenty of guys for me to get in trouble with right here.”

  “Exactly, and Mami is responsible for you and whatever trouble you want to get into. We go to Miami and I'm responsible. I don’t want that burden on my shoulders,” Daniella teased. Then she turned back to me. “When you and Michael get things settled we’ll come for a few days.”

  “That’s a great idea. It’ll give me a second to figure out what's what while Michael is doing his thing. And in the meantime, we’ll get to do fun long distance stuff like have conference calls.”

  “Yay! Look at us. We are so grown up and professional right now.”

  “Yeah we are. Which reminds me—”

  “You have a shit ton of work to do?” Daniella said.