Embrace Me Read online

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  I wasn’t really sure if I would ever totally prepare myself for that day. Maybe if I hadn’t witnessed what it felt like to be a daughter of a multi-billionaire with Megan, I wouldn’t fear it so much.

  Megan had been used to her fame. She had grown up with it—loving the limelight and all the perks that came with it. Somehow, I knew it wouldn’t be that way for me. I would be a journalist’s dream story: Princess Rapunzel Returns!

  Charlie feared how I would handle everything. He wanted to protect me, but he could only do so much.

  My mother had her own ideas of protecting me. She had silenced all the witnesses on the beach the day Charlie rescued me, promising to bankrupt anyone who broke the confidentiality agreement—it appeared that most of them had been the Fields’ lawyers. Her protection, however, also included living on her ranch in Texas. I didn’t like the thought of being so far apart from Charlie, but I knew it was something I would have no choice but to consider at some point, because even he was telling me it was a good idea.

  I sat playing with my empty mug, watching Charlie prepare dinner.

  “You need to at least consider Texas, Shan. Your mother is right about the media circus,” he muttered, bringing Texas up yet again. This was the third time this week.

  “But I want to stay with you!” I sobbed.

  “I can stay with you at the ranch when I am not working. It really won’t be that bad,” he replied. “I mean, it’s safer for you. That’s the most important thing.”

  “I thought us being together was?”

  “But we are together. Just because we are apart, it doesn’t mean I love you any less.”

  “I know. It’s just hard being away from you.”

  “It’s only Texas, Sweetheart. I really think you need to consider it—just for a while.”

  “Are you bored of me already?” I asked, suddenly worried. He was the most striking man in the world, after all. He could have had enough of me.

  “You are so ridiculous sometimes,” he laughed, putting his hands through his deep brown hair as he was walking towards me.

  “Why?” I asked. He still hadn’t answered my question.

  Charlie sat next to me on one of our kitchen stools, taking my hand in his before he spoke. “I travelled across the world to save you, Shannon Downing, because I know I will never love anyone the way I love you. How the hell could you think I would ever get bored of you?”

  He moved his head so our lips were just inches apart. I could feel my stomach burst just at our closeness as his blue-green eyes poured into mine.

  “Well, if you put it that way,” I replied, overcome by his words.

  “You, Miss Downing, need to realise the worst is over. It’s only happy times ahead for us now. We have already found each other. All we have left to do is enjoy it.”

  “I can live with that,” I whispered as Charlie’s soft lips pressed tenderly against mine.

  I knew he was right, but all my life, when things were going right, something bad was always lurking around a corner. That was my old life, though. Surely things were different now.

  Chapter Two

  Charlie never failed to look heavenly gorgeous in a tuxedo. I watched him as he was looking out the window, waiting for me.

  I turned to check myself in the mirror one last time, wanting to make an impression. He hadn’t seen my dress yet.

  My mother had told me red was my colour, and I knew she had been right when I saw my reflection. It complimented my dark, curled brown hair. The dress itself was faultless. It wrapped around my body effortlessly and cascaded down to the ground in a small, elegant trail. My eyes were wide with excitement. It had been so long since Charlie and I had been out.

  “Shannon! Wow, you look stunning,” he replied, catching me looking at myself in the mirror.

  “Do you think it’s too much?”

  “No, it’s perfect. You look beautiful,” he said, putting his arms around me. “You will be the

  belle of the ball.”

  “I doubt that,” I laughed.

  “Will you ever realise how beautiful you are?” Charlie rolled his eyes at me.

  “Probably not,” I giggled.

  “You do remember William Field, right? The man who fell so deeply in love with you that he wanted to kill me because you loved me instead of him?”

  “He wanted my birthright, not me,” I smirked.

  “No, I am sure he wanted both,” Charlie muttered, irate.

  “You don’t have to worry about William Field anymore.” I touched his face softly in comfort. I knew Will was still a raw subject for him. Will had tried to steal the love of his life. I understood why Charlie hated him—I felt the same way. I still had nightmares about that night Will tried to force himself on me. What had possessed him? Was it really my love for Charlie? Had the power and greed gotten to him that much? Would he have continued if I hadn’t been strong enough to fight him off? I shuddered, already knowing the answer to that as I remembered the fury in his eyes.

  “I wished I could have hit him. That might have helped.”

  “What’s the point? He lost. We shouldn’t waste another thought on him.”

  Charlie looked deep into my eyes, almost lost in thought for few seconds. “You are right. Come on, let’s go and pick up Bradley and Lorna. You are far too beautiful to be stood around here.”

  The charity ball in Brooklyn was a refreshing change from spreadsheets and telephone conference calls. We were all supporting Bradley tonight; it was a charity close to his heart, as he had lost his father to heart disease a few years back.

  The grand ballroom was Victorian and breathtaking with its high ceilings and gold beams running the entire length of the room. The huge chandeliers took centre stage as they glistened, reflecting rainbow beams of light throughout the room.

  Lorna looked stunning in her silver lace dress with her long red hair styled up in a timeless, elegant arrangement.

  Bradley looked good in his tuxedo as he mingled through the crowds of people, thanking them for coming.

  “It’s a good turnout, Brad,” commented Charlie as he rubbed my back.

  “I know. Sandra is really impressed.”

  “Well, you guys put a lot of work into this. I hope these people will be generous,” Lorna replied, kissing Bradley with pride.

  “Sandra did most of it. I only helped a bit.” Bradley placed his arms around Lorna, kissing her softly in return.

  “You are too modest,” she smiled, “but how the hell did Sandra find this many people?”

  The grand hall was full of graceful bodies, all dressed in their finest.

  “I have no idea, but it’s great,” Bradley smirked.

  “So, Shan, where did you get your dress?” asked Lorna. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I found it in a small designer shop off Main Street. Yours is gorgeous, too. I love the colour.”

  Lorna was about to say something but Charlie grabbed my arm, pulling me closer into him. “Shan, we need to go.”

  We all looked at him in confusion as I spoke. “Charlie, we just got here. What are you talking about?”

  “Holy crap!” Bradley shouted. “Who the hell invited him?”

  I saw him the moment Bradley began to shout. My heart began to pound uncomfortably in my chest and I could feel the anxiety fill my body at just the sight of William Field watching me. Out of all the parties he could go to, why did he have to attend this one?

  “What do we do?” I whispered to Charlie.

  “We’ll just go, Sweetheart. I don’t want to cause a scene here.”

  “Okay,” I whimpered, my eyes still fixed on Will watching at me.

  We turned, making our exit as fast as we could, but there were so many people in our way. We had barely reached the main staircase before we were called. I watched Charlie try to brace himself and really hoped he could control his temper.

  “Give me one good reason why we should listen to this, Will!” Charlie almost growled as he turned a
round to tower over him. “You have done enough damage!”

  “Please, I have to explain my actions and tell Shannon how sorry I am,” Will pleaded, looking only at me.

  I was shaking as all the memories came flooding back and how he didn’t care how much he hurt me—all he saw was my birthright. The anger in his eyes when he’d tried to force himself on me. How could I forget these nightmares, when he was stood in front of me? I would have never been able to give myself freely to Will if we had been married, but would he just have taken it anyway?

  Charlie could feel me shaking in his arms as my mind reeled with darkness. “Will, this really is not the time. Shannon is not ready. Do you have any idea what you and your family have done to her?” Charlie seethed.

  “Shannon, I am sorry. You have to believe me.” Will moved closer towards me, but Charlie pulled me tight behind his back before he was anywhere near me.

  “Will, leave it. I swear I won’t be able to control myself this time.” I could tell by Charlie’s voice that he was becoming more enraged and had almost reached his limit.

  “Charlie, relax,” I whispered, touching his shoulder. “He’s not worth it. Can we just leave?”

  “This will have to wait, Will,” Charlie commented as we began to walk away.

  I sighed in relief as the distance between Will and I became more apparent. He stood with a yearning look in his eyes, but I knew I wasn’t strong enough to face him yet. When I did find the courage, though, I had every intention of telling him exactly how much he almost destroyed my life. Until then, I needed to keep my distance.

  I was so annoyed with myself when Charlie and I got home.

  “I can’t believe I couldn’t even shout at him. All I could do was tremble like some pathetic little girl,” I moaned as Charlie passed me a glass of white wine.

  “Shan, it was the first time you’ve seen Will since your whole ordeal.” Charlie ran his free hand down my back. “I thought you did amazingly well.”

  “Will still has to ruin everything. I was really looking forward to tonight.”

  “I know you were, Sweetheart. I don’t know what Will was playing at, but he should be keeping his distance. Jennet has already warned them.”

  “Please don’t tell her, Charlie. I really don’t need the stress.” I knew my mother would go crazy if she found out. Overprotective was an understatement when it came to Jennet Downing.

  “Okay, if that’s what you want.” Charlie sighed, watching me closely. “Is your

  mother still coming over at the weekend?”

  “Yeah, she wants me to go to lunch with her on Saturday.”

  “That will be nice.”

  “Yeah, things are definitely getting easier between us. You were right—we are pretty alike,” I giggled. Charlie laughed with me.

  “Well, seeing as you are all dressed up, how about a meal somewhere exquisite?” Charlie asked with a heartbreaking smirk.

  “It’s too late for that.”

  “No, I’m sure with my contacts we could eat almost anywhere.”

  “Sorry, Mr. Famous Photographer,” I teased.

  “Just give me a minute. I will see what I can do.”

  I watched Charlie stroll off on his mobile phone. He was too perfect for word and was such a calming influence. I knew if I had been with anyone else when I had seen Will, I would be a nervous wreck by now. Charlie always had a way to keep the nightmares away in my head.

  “All booked. Come on—we’ll take the car,” he beamed, very pleased with himself.

  Charlie loved his new Audi TT-RS. What was it with men and cars? It was a nice car—black with a soft top—but it was still just a car to me.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked, excited.

  “Corton’s, of course. They owe me a favour for their amazing review from Forever America.”

  “Really?” I replied, surprised. I had always wanted to eat at the famous French restaurant. Charlie had really impressed me this time.

  The meal was outstanding, as was Charlie’s company. He knew how to take my mind off things.

  By the time we got home, I was quite drained; it had been a long night, but certainly ended the right way when Charlie pulled me passionately into our bedroom.

  I met my mother for lunch at a restaurant near Central Park at the weekend. It was a good job I had gotten used to eating in high class restaurants when I was friends with Megan; the amount of cutlery you had to use was enough to give you a headache. On top of that, you also had to make sure you sat up straight and never put your elbows on the table.

  “Are you enjoying your new role at Headcom?” my mother asked, sipping her champagne. She was such a beautiful woman. It wasn’t just because she had the money to keep herself beautiful, either. She had natural beauty. I watched her toss her mid-length deep brown hair behind her shoulders. Her emerald eyes sparkled with excitement as she waited for my answer.

  “Yes, it is amazing,” I beamed.

  “I told you how wonderful you would be, Lizzie.” My mother had taken to calling me Lizzie, seeing as it was the name she had always remembered me by. Only my mother called me that, though, and it was nice to have something personal just between us.

  “I know, but it was such a big challenge.”

  “Darling, in a few years you will be running Downing International with me. Now that will be a challenge.”

  I almost had to force a breath out. How would I ever be able to match up to my mother? “I doubt I will ever be as good as you.”

  “You will be superb. You are my daughter, after all.”

  “I know,” I smiled, sipping my white wine.

  “Did you and Charlie have fun at the charity ball on Friday night?”

  I was sure I had gone red and that my mother would realise something was up by my late response. “Yes, it was good,” I finally replied.

  “Just good?” She looked sceptical.

  “I wasn’t feeling too well, so we didn’t stay long.”

  “Oh dear! Are you okay now, Darling?” my mother asked, very concerned.“Yeah, it was just a twenty-four hour bug, I think.”

  “How are you and Charlie?”

  “Really good, thank you.” I didn’t want to go overboard with just how wonderful it was. I still wasn’t comfortable talking to her about some aspects of my life.

  “Have you thought anymore about Texas?” She widened her eyes, waiting for my reaction.

  “I’m still thinking about it.”

  “It is only about your protection. When everything becomes public, you cannot imagine how daunting it will be for you.” I knew that, but the thought of not seeing Charlie for weeks at a time crushed me. “You are going to be bombarded by press, not to mention all the dangers you may face if you are not properly protected. Even Charlie knows your safety must come first.”

  “I just don’t understand why I have to go all the way to Texas.”

  “Well, I am sorry my ranch is too far away for you,” my mother laughed.

  “No, I’m sorry. That was rude of me.” I looked down at the pure white table cloth, ashamed at snapping at her. My mother was only thinking of my security and I really should have been giving her more respect.

  “Lizzie, it’s fine. I don’t want my own daughter so scared of me that she can’t say what she really thinks.” My mother reached for my hand over the table. “Just promise you will give it some serious thought. You have plenty of time. We won’t be going public for twelve months. I want to make sure everything is in place first.”

  “I promise,” I whispered, squeezing her hand gently.

  “Wonderful,” she beamed.

  “How was your meeting in Japan?” I asked in interest as I changed the subject. She was the most astounding business woman I had ever met.

  “It went remarkably well. The new prototypes are amazing. Technology really has come a long way.”

  “Do you think you will sponsor them?”

  “Well, my researchers are looking into it, bu
t I would like to. I could see them really taking off. I know I would buy one.” My mother had a head for knowing what would sell in today’s main market.

  “So how long are you in New York for?”

  “Four days. Rachel and I have a meeting in Germany on Wednesday.”

  “Are you staying in your apartment?” She had an apartment in almost every city she visited. I had visited our family home in London twice since finding out my identity. I could tell my mother found it difficult going back to her childhood home, but I wasn’t strong enough to ask her why.

  “Yes, I really couldn’t face the Hilton this time. It still reminds me of that ghastly Field Family.”

  I could feel myself quiver at just the sound of their name. Having five years of your life taken away from you because of a lie was difficult for me to come to terms with. To me, Megan had always been a wonderful friend. Learning that it was all a lie to trick me into marrying her older brother, Will, was unbelievable. At the time, it seemed so real. How could they have acted for so long?

  Chapter Three

  We went back to my mother’s apartment after lunch so we could talk a little more. I never got bored learning about my family; it was all still so new to me. I sat on her luxurious balcony, watching New York pass by below us. The entire apartment was impressive, I noticed as I gazed around.

  “Have you had much luck tracing the night of my birth?” I asked. Since we had found each other, my mother had made it her mission to find out what really happened the night I was born.

  “Well, thanks to Lorna’s detective work, we have a good lead. I am just angry that the doctor who delivered you passed away. What I would have given to talk to him…” She trailed off as she became lost in thought. I knew it was difficult for her to understand why her own father (my grandfather) would take away the one thing that mattered to her.

  “Do you think we will ever find out what really happened?”

  “I am certainly going to try. My father hid this secret far too well, so there must be a reason behind it.”

  “What was he like?” I asked. She looked surprised at my question. “He was my grandfather, after all.”