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Page 4

  “You talk with Juan?”

  I glanced up and saw Reed standing in my office door. “No, what’s up?”

  Reed looked surprised for a second, then he grinned and stepped into the office. “Guess you and Cora had fun last night.”

  He kept grinning at me despite my blank look.

  “You’re wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday.”

  Well, fuck. Before Reed married Ellie I could have shown up for days in the same thing, and he wouldn’t have noticed much less cared, but since he’d joined the marriage cult details never escaped him.

  I checked my phone and saw Juan had called twice. “Something wrong on the Winston project?”

  “Not really. Mrs. Winston wants you there when they install the granite. She said something about extending the backsplash and thinks you’re the man that can do it.”

  I held back a frustrated sigh. “Did you tell her that Juan is every bit as experienced as me?”

  “Of course. But she wants you.”

  “Okay, sure. I’ll stop by and check it out.”

  Reed grinned. “Just make sure Mr. Winston doesn’t catch you.”

  I was suddenly pissed, and not in the mood to hide it. Mrs. Winston flirted and had made it clear she’d be up for me doing more than updating her bathroom, but I did not unzip my pants for every woman that hit on me. “You actually think I’ve got something going with a customer?”

  He looked startled. “Hey, I’m just joking. What’s you’re problem?”

  Rubbing my throbbing temples, I reached for the coffee on my desk and took a drink. “Sorry, man. It’s Cori. I walked in on Olivia’s boyfriend trying to rape her last night.”

  All trace of teasing vanished from his expression, and Reed looked suddenly dangerous. “Is she okay?”

  “She says she’s fine. I don’t know. Olivia told the bastard he could have Cori in exchange for the drug money she owed him.”

  “Fuck.” Reed looked up at me. “You took care of this.”

  Nodding, I told him, “I don’t think he’ll go near her again.”

  “Did you go to the police?”

  “Olivia said she’d swear we were there to buy drugs if we went to the cops. I don’t think she was bluffing.”



  Reed sat down in the chair in front of my desk. “I’ve always had a soft spot for Cora. She’s a great friend to Ellie and to me. Hell, I still remember when she had a crush on me back in high school.”

  Unaware of the sudden tension coiled tightly within me, Reed smiled. I’d forgotten he’d known Cori back in high school. “Cori had a crush on you?” I had the urge to plant my fist in Reed’s grinning mug.

  “Yeah, that’s how Ellie and I met. It’s a long story. So, you’ll take care of Cora?”

  “Absolutely,” I replied easily. “I’ll also stop by and check in with Juan.”

  Reed glanced down at his watch on his wrist. “Good. Call me if you need me.”

  I nodded, checked my phone and tensed. Michelle had called and texted. Taking a deep breath, I considered my options and knew I had to get my shit together. With surprising reluctance, I sent a text to Michelle agreeing to see her tonight.

  Chapter 5


  I was restless.

  Strangely, I’d been feeling that way a lot after visiting with Ellie and Isabelle. We always laughed and had fun just like we used to, but then they’d go home to their husbands and I was left wanting more. What was wrong with me?

  Picking up my violin, I played for at least an hour but even that didn’t soothe me. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jase and what I’d learned about him in the last twenty-four hours. His cheating ex-girlfriend and Jase’s reluctance to let her go had me questioning everything I thought I knew about him.

  Jase Ford was a rich, self-indulgent harem-keeping playboy. But he’d once been so in love with a girl that he’d taken her back even after she’d cheated. Why hadn’t I thought to ask him why he’d joined the army? It hadn’t ever come up, and he didn’t like to talk about it. Now, I knew why. Not many guys wanted anyone to know they’d had their heart broken by a cheating ex.

  As much as I hated thinking about Jase with other women it was ten times worse imagining him with someone he actually cared about. Was I falling for Jase? Maybe. Did I want to risk our friendship and try to date him? No. But I might consider sleeping with him. I wasn’t positive, but I think Jase was attracted to me. We could get it out of our system and still stay friends.

  I’d have to let Aaron know I couldn’t go out with him anymore. Even though I intended my relationship with Jase to be purely sexual, there was no way I could date one guy while sleeping with another.

  With my mind made up I headed over to Jase’s house. He answered the door shirtless, hair mussed and a strange expression when he glanced down at me.

  “Cori, you okay?”

  I stared at him. My God he was gorgeous without a shirt. His tanned, rigid muscles made my belly quiver. The first kink in my new plan called out from behind him, and my eyes widened. Jase’s gaze shot to mine and he looked worried.


  How in the world anyone could draw his name out into three syllables was beyond me, but somehow the whiny, feminine voice did it. I rolled my eyes, and that was before I heard that syrupy voice purr, “I’ve been a very bad girl Jase. I think you’re going to have to spank me again.”

  “I can explain,” he told me just as a gorgeous, leggy blonde with giant, expensive-looking boobs wrapped her skinny arms around him.

  For some reason I laughed. “No need. I’m not stupid.”

  Jase’s very bad girl peered over at me and her gaze slid down me as if seeing how much competition I’d be. She smirked. My temper flared. Okay, so maybe my cut-off denim shorts, oversized football jersey and baseball cap were not nearly as enticing as her skimpy, next-to-nothing, sheer, whatever it was she was wearing.

  “Oh. Hello, there. Are you selling something?”

  I should turn around and leave them be, but no way in hell was I letting this snooty, stripper-chick run me off. “Nope. I’m his next appointment.” I glanced at my watch. “Guess I’m a little early. Are you two about done?” I asked, looking between them.

  She opened her mouth, snapped it shut and pouted. “Jaaayse.”

  “I’m sorry, Michelle. I need to talk with Cori.”

  Michelle looked as if she had trouble understanding English. “What?” she asked in a high-pitched, whiny voice. “You’re not sleeping with her, are you?”

  It was clear that Michelle didn’t think I was the kind of woman Jase would spend time with, and damned if she wasn’t right.

  Jase opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted whatever he’d been about to say. “Oh no,” I said quickly, laughing. “I’m only here to watch. My boyfriend should be here any minute.” I leaned in and whispered to a shocked Michelle. “It gets me hot to watch him with other men.”

  Frowning, Michelle looked totally confused. It took her several seconds to finally screech, “What?”

  Trying not to laugh, I said, “Jase and my boyfriend—“

  “That’s enough, Cori.” Jase’s eyes glittered with warning.

  I smiled, unfazed and he bent down and whispered against my ear. “Finish that sentence and I’ll take you back to my bedroom and spank you.”

  My heart skipped a beat, and my knees went weak. I pushed against his rock-hard chest, but he reached up and caught my hand, holding it against his rigid pectoral muscles.

  His gaze flicked to mine and held. Michelle cried his name again, and he reluctantly let go of me and turned to her.

  “I really am sorry,” he told her, sounding genuinely regretful.

  He was probably sorry that I’d interrupted them and he couldn’t drag her into his bedroom and finish what they’d obviously started before I’d arrived. I was fuming.

  “Fine!” she huffed, making it c
lear from her tone that it was definitely not fine. Why women said that when they meant the opposite was a mystery to me.

  “But don’t expect me to take care of you when she gets you all hot and bothered.”

  “Michelle,” Jase said softly, slipping his arm around her and whispering something against her ear. Whatever it was he said seemed to calm her. She gave him a half-smile and marched off inside the house, probably to get her stuff.

  I folded my arms across my middle, feeling unsettled and not liking it one bit.

  “I’m sorry, Cori.”

  The softly spoken words soothed me like a warm drink on a chilly night, but I wasn’t completely mollified. “For what?” Jase looked uncertain. “You don’t owe me an apology. Hell, I should be apologizing to you for interrupting your fun.”

  His gaze flicked to mine. “If you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  “That’s the thing. I don’t need to talk.” I threw my arms up, frustrated. “You’re probably thinking I’m having a dramatic flashback of last night, but I’m not.” I sighed. “If you want to ask Michelle to stay, it’s not too late.”

  Jase continued to study me. “If you don’t need to talk to me, then why are you here?”

  “I wanted to see you.” I took a deep breath, acutely aware of Jase’s attentive green gaze. “And I don’t want you to sleep with her.”

  He didn’t hesitate. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” I asked warily.

  “I won’t sleep with her.” He looked smug. “If it bothers you, I won’t do it.”

  “It bothers me,” I admitted, watching the play of shock cross his features. Clearly, he hadn’t been expecting me to admit this. “I know you’ve already slept with her, but I don’t like it.”

  “I didn’t sleep with her today.” His lips curved into a slow, sexy grin. “You don’t have to be jealous. I’m all yours if you want me.”

  The flood of relief I experienced had me exhaling a tense breath. My eyes slid over Jase and I felt hot all over. “You’re too bad.”


  “I think that’s part of your appeal.”

  He shrugged. “Do I appeal to you, Cori?” Despite his playful tone I got the feeling Jase was more than a little interested in my answer.

  The answer was a definite Y-E-S, but I wasn’t ready to let him in on that yet. Instead, I teased. “Would you really spank me?”

  Jase looked amused. “Absolutely,” he said smoothly, pulling me inside. “Now is good for me.”

  My stomach dropped.

  Michelle stormed out of Jase’s bedroom dressed and looking pissed as her gaze darted between Jase and I. She twisted her face in disgust and stalked passed us. Jase followed her.

  I plopped on his leather couch and reached for the remote to turn on a baseball game. It was harder than I realized not to think about what Jase and Michelle were doing that was taking so long.

  Several minutes later he returned.

  “Back already?” I almost winced at my peevish tone.

  Jase’s gaze snapped to mine. “I kicked her out of my bed for you, Cori. After acting like an asshole the least I could do was walk her out.”

  I sighed, knowing he was right and hating what I was feeling.

  “Although I have to admit, I kind of like seeing you jealous.” The corners of his mouth pulled upward.

  “Don’t get used to it. I’m sure this is a passing weakness.”

  He cocked a brow. “You just didn’t want me to be with another woman tonight?”

  I took a deep breath, gathering up courage for what I was about to say next. “No. I meant acting like a bitch is a passing weakness. I don’t want to see you with another woman at all—not until I’m done with you.”

  He grinned. “I like the sound of that.”

  “I’m serious.”

  Jase chuckled. “Sure you are.”

  “I’ve been thinking about us, Jase. I’m attracted to you, and I think you’re attracted to me. Sure, we fight all the time but you know what they say about opposites and all that. I think we should have sex.

  I don’t know what I was expecting from Jase, but it wasn’t the blank, emotionless stare that I was getting. Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, he started laughing. Well, hell. Heat crept up my neck and I wondered how long it would take for me to get over this humiliating night.

  “It’s not that funny,” I told him. “All you had to say was no.”

  Jase stopped laughing. “You’re not serious, are you?”

  “Why not?” I asked indignantly. “I may not look like your cover-model Michelle, but I’ve definitely caught you checking me out.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Just forget it. I thought you’d want to sleep with me, but obviously I was wrong.” I shot up, ready to bolt.

  “Cori, we’re friends,” he said carefully. “If we weren’t friends, I’d absolutely want to sleep with you.”

  “Really? You’ve thought of me naked?”

  “I’m a guy, Cori. I can’t help it.”

  I smiled, feeling better. “We can stay friends as long as there are no misunderstandings between us. We’ve just got to set some ground rules.”

  Jase was watching me cautiously. “You want us to have sex.”

  A moment of doubt slipped through me. “It makes sense. Once we get it out of our system, we’ll move on. No promises or expectations will be made and we can stay friends when it’s over.”

  He hesitated, seeming to choose his words carefully. “I don’t know.”

  What? I’d crazily expected him to jump all over this idea. Obviously, I’d thought wrong. Wow. This was totally humiliating.

  “It’s okay. I’m sorry. Shit. I shouldn’t have brought it up I just thought you wanted me like I wanted you and—well, let’s just forget this.” My face was probably beet red, and I turned away but Jase wrapped his hand around my arm.

  “Not so fast, Cori.” His devilish grin made me melt. “We’re not done yet.”


  Cori was watching me with a cautious gleam in her eyes. “It’s okay if you think the idea of us sucks.”

  “It doesn’t suck. You shocked the hell out of me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested.”

  She looked hopeful, as if she hadn’t been sure I’d agree to have sex with her. I don’t know how she couldn’t know how much I wanted her naked. Actually, I just flat-out wanted her.

  “I think this could be a win-win for both of us.”

  “Yeah. Tell me what changed your mind about me.” She frowned and a tiny crease marred the smooth skin between her eyebrows. “I mean yesterday you insisted you weren’t sleeping with me and today you’re all for it.”

  “I’ve always wanted to have sex with you, Jase. I hear all the girls talking about you and I’m curious as to what the fuss is all about.”

  Disappointment filled me. What the fuck? A beautiful woman wanted to have sex with me, and I had a problem with it? Yeah, I did because it was Cori, and I didn’t want to hurt her. That didn’t mean I was turning down her offer.

  I reached out and gently tugged on a deep red curl that had escaped her ball cap. “After we have sex, then what?”

  She blinked, looking adorably confused. “I don’t suppose you like to cuddle? Neither of us smoke, but what the hell, I guess we can smoke a cigarette together.”

  “Cute. What happens to us, Cori?”

  “Nothing. We stay friends, have hot sex, and that’s it.”

  If I turned this down, I wasn’t sure I could call myself a man. But this arrangement bothered the shit out of me. I wasn’t going to analyze it. “Sure, Cori. I’m in.”

  Her face lit up. “Really?”


  She shifted nervously. “So do you want to, uh, do it now.”

  “I’m a guy, Cori. I always want to do it. Do you want to do it?” Hell, I felt and sounded like a high-school kid doing a sorry-assed job of trying to lose his virgi
nity. “Maybe we should talk more about those rules while we get used to the idea.” Yeah, I sounded like a chick.

  Cori looked relieved, and I wondered what was up with that. This was her idea, so what was the problem. “You sure about this? If you change your mind, it’s cool.”

  “It was my idea, Jase. You know how I am once I make up my mind to do something.”

  I felt myself smile. “I know. But having sex with me isn’t something I want you doing just because you made up your mind to do it.”

  “It’s not only that,” she said quietly, her eyes lifting to mine. “I want you, Jase. You make me nervous and excited at the same time. I can’t think straight when you touch me, and as much as I’ve enjoyed our sexual banter for the last year I’m thinking it’s time for you to put out.” She smiled, a teasing glint in her eyes.

  “You sound like a guy.”

  “No pressure. If you’re not as good as rumor has it, I’ll still be your best friend.”

  “Great. Nice to know you’ll still keep me around even if I suck as a lover.”

  Her gaze flicked to mine. “And if I suck as a lover I’m counting on you keeping me around and maybe teaching me a few things.”

  An image of Cori and I naked and fucking flashed in my head. If I was lucky enough to get her in bed she actually thought I’d have complaints about her? Hell no. “Sure, Cori. That’ll happen.”

  “I’m serious. You have tons more experience than me, and I think it’s only fair that you share what you know.”


  She gazed up at me with concern. “You’ll tell me what I can do to improve my, uh, technique?”

  I was probably looking at her like she was crazy, and that’s exactly what I was thinking. Cori wanted to improve her technique. What the hell?

  “Are you laughing at me, Jase?”