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“Sarahi, he’s only joking around.” I’d intended to kick Jase, but my foot caught the inside of his thigh and I froze. For a moment my foot caressed the inside of his leg just an inch or so shy of his crotch, and my face flamed.
Jase cocked a brow.
“You no go to bar with your man?” Sarahi asked me, disapproval flashing in her eyes.
“I don’t have a man.” Her big brown eyes grew wide. “Jase and I aren’t dating, Sarahi.” This was nothing I hadn’t already told her, but for some reason she refused to believe it.
She snorted. “You are together all the time. You should not allow her to go to bars without you. No, no. My Jorge would not—how you say? Tolerate it.”
Jase listened intently to Sarahi and nodded, his gaze pinning mine. “Jorge is a wise man. Cori’s hardheaded.”
Sarahi made a sound of disgust. “Ah, she’s such a little thing. You are big, strong, man. You take her in hand.”
Jase grinned. “I’ll think about it.”
My heart tripped a beat, and my body flushed beneath the sexy promise in his eyes. A visual of Jase taking me in hand made me squirm in my seat.
Jase’s eyes fastened on mine, and my toes curled. “Still in the mood for something hot, Cori?”
Chapter 2
I loved getting a rise out of Cori. Not many things were more fun than seeing those blue-green eyes flash with fire, and from the way she had her arms folded across her middle and was glaring at me, I’d definitely gotten her attention. She wasn’t really mad. One of the great things about Cori was that I didn’t have to guess how she felt, and she didn’t hold a grudge.
“You encourage her. She thinks I’m a slutty, cheating girlfriend.”
“Nah, if anything she thinks I’m not man enough to keep you in line.”
Propping her elbows on the table, she leaned in. “Jase, there’s not a woman alive that would question whether you’re man enough.”
Damn if Cori wasn’t always making me smile. She was so fucking beautiful. I couldn’t resist teasing her. “Darlin’ is that what you think about me?”
Instead of blowing me off with some smart-ass, sarcastic comment like she usually did, Cori actually looked like she was thinking about it. “In bed, I have no doubts about you. I’ve heard that you’re real talented, Jase Ford.”
Now, why did that irritate me? If any other woman had said that, then it would have been just fucking fantastic but coming for Cori it felt as if I was somehow lacking. I was pissed but instead of sulking like a pussy, I flashed her a grin that made most women mewl like kittens. “You wouldn’t by any chance want me to prove that to you, would you darlin’?”
“You never stop.”
“Cori, if I was your man, I’d keep you so satisfied that you wouldn’t think of going to the bar looking for another guy.”
“I’m not like you, Jase. I don’t go to the bar to pick up guys.” She frowned, suddenly realizing what she’d said. “I mean, I know you don’t go to the bar to pick up guys. You pick up women, lots of them.”
I started to ask her when was the last time she saw me leave the bar with any woman besides her, but I bit back the reply for two reasons—one: it smacked of jealousy and two: Cori and I walked a fine line that neither of us was ready to cross. Sure, I wanted to sleep with her more than I wanted my next breath but that would change everything. If things didn’t work out and I lost Cori as a friend, well, I just didn’t want to think about that.
“I knew what you meant,” I told her with an easy smile. “Just so you know, lately I’ve been going to the bar to see you.”
She made a sound that was part laughter, part snort. “Bullshit.”
I felt my lips turn upward in a smile. I loved how she didn’t hold back. She called me on my shit, and didn’t sulk, or act pissed no matter what I said. Sensing I’d pushed enough for tonight, I backed off.
“That’s one of the things I like about you, Cori. You’ve got no filter. Unlike most women, I never have to wonder what the hell you’re thinking.”
This made her smile and damn if that didn’t make my chest tighten.
She leaned over and I forced myself to keep my eyes locked on hers and not take a peek down her blouse.
“Jase, when most women are around you, they’re thinking they want you to get in their panties.”
“Now, Cori. You sure do spend a lot of time thinking about my sex life.”
“Sometimes, yeah,” she admitted, surprising the shit out of me. “You are the sexiest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on, but you’ve got too many women in the harem and I’m not harem-girl.”
“Sure, I’ve got tons of women lined up to join my harem that only exists in Cori Heaven’s imagination. As much as I love talking about how irresistible I am to women, I’d rather talk about you and tuba-boy.”
“His name is Aaron and you know it.”
“Yeah, sure. I should be able to remember that since he’s the only date you’ve had in the last six months.” I didn’t like this at all. Since Cori was so particular about the men she dated, having her settle on one didn’t sit well with me. “So tell me what’s going on with you and tuba-boy.”
She glanced away, fiddling with the straw wrapper, rolling it up into a little ball. “We’re getting to know each other.”
“That’s sweet. Have you slept with him?”
“Jase! That is none of your business.”
I could tell from the way she glanced away again and started to fidget that she hadn’t done the nasty with that loser. I was relieved. “So you haven’t gotten naked with him.”
“We’re getting to know each other, Jase,” she repeated slowly, as if she was speaking to someone that was having trouble understanding. I guess she was. “I know this whole dating ritual is unfamiliar to you, but some people like to spend time together before they start a sexual relationship.”
“You sound like someone’s mother.”
“Not mine.”
Cori always looked sad when she talked about her mother, and I regretted bringing it up. Olivia Heaven was a burden to Cori, and I hated thinking of how Cori had to grow up with someone like her.
Sarahi brought our food. “Is everything okay with Olivia?” I asked as soon as Sarahi left.
She lifted her slender shoulders in a shrug. “She got back together with Bud.”
“The asshole that bought you the bikini for your birthday?”
“That’s him,” she said stabbing a chicken fajita with her fork.
“I can’t believe she forgave him.” How someone as weak and narcissistic as Olivia managed to raise a daughter as strong and amazing as Cori was a mystery.
“Hello, Jase.” She waved her hand in front of my face. “You’ve met Olivia. She hates to be alone.”
My gut tightened. “The guy treats her like shit, and I don’t like the way he looks at you.”
“Neither do I.”
Something in her voice pulled my gaze to hers, and I felt my fist clench. “He’s never touched you, has he?”
Her eyes snapped to mine and for some crazy-ass reason I didn’t understand her expression softened. “No, Jase.”
I sighed in relief. “Good. I can enjoy my food now that I don’t have to go kick his ass.”
“You’d really do that for me, wouldn’t you?” she asked, revealing the reason for the way she was looking at me.
“Hell yeah. You are my best friend.” I took a bite of my fajita taco. Cori smiled and my chest squeezed.
“Thanks, Jase. You’re mine too, but if you’re expecting us to hug and scoot together for a tender-moment selfie, think again.”
I laughed. “What is it you’re opposed to, the hug or the selfie?”
She chunked the straw wrapper at me and I ducked.
“So tell me about your girlfriend.”
I shook my head. “Which one darlin’?”
Her gaze narrowed, and I sighed, not wanting to think about, much less discuss Brianne when I was w
ith Cori. It had to be some kind of a woman-thing to want to get a shovel and dig up the past that should just stay the fuck six-feet under. But I couldn’t say that to Cori. “What do you wanna know?” I asked cautiously.
She glanced down and caught her plump bottom lip with two small white teeth, drawing attention to her mouth and making me want to haul her into my arms and kiss her.
“Did you love her?” Cori made a face. “Stupid question. If she was your girlfriend, of course you loved her. Were you serious, like she might be the one?”
Cori pretended to be tough, but every once in a while she’d say something that made me wonder if she wanted the happily-ever-after like most women. Was Brianne the one? Nope. I don’t even believe in the term, not anymore.
Something about the way Cori was looking at me made me want to lie to her, but I couldn’t. “I loved her,” I heard myself say. “I was serious. She wasn’t.” End of story, except I didn’t think Cori shared my opinion.
I’d never seen her at a loss for words, but she was now. “Why are you looking at me like that, Cori?” Maybe it was my imagination but I thought I saw a glimpse of sadness in her eyes. What the hell was that about?
“I wasn’t expecting you to say that.”
I frowned. “What?”
“That you loved her. Are you still in love with her?”
Clear blue-green eyes held on to mine. “Hell no. Why would you even ask that?”
“Because I’ve never seen you defensive before. I’m sorry I upset you.”
“I’m not upset. I just don’t see any reason to stir up the past.” I sighed. Shit. “Look, if you really want to know what happened Brianne dumped me for a college-bound guy and I enlisted.”
“Do you think she wants to get back together with you?”
“I don’t know why she would since she never thought I was good enough for her.”
Cori’s eyes flashed with fire, and I fought back a smile of pure pleasure. I loved her loyalty. “Why the hell would she think that?”
“Because I was never going to go to college, and Brianne wasn’t raised to be a blue-collar worker’s wife.”
Frowning, she seemed to consider what I’d said. “Maybe she’s changed her mind. Have you talked to her?”
“She’s called a few times. I think it’s best we leave the past alone.”
“No. Whatever you’re thinking, no.”
“You have no clue what I was thinking.”
“If I had to guess you’re thinking of trying to play matchmaker and get me and Brianne back together.”
Cori looked shocked. “Why would you think I’d want you to get back with someone stupid enough to think you weren’t good enough?”
She actually sounded pissed. I watched her cautiously. “I don’t know. You’re always talking about my harem. I figured you thought I needed to settle down.”
“I don’t think you should get back with your ex, and I’ll have dinner with your parents. Count me in.”
“Great.” I breathed a sigh of relief even though she’d already told me earlier she’d do it. “Are you free next weekend?”
“Why do I need to be free an entire weekend for dinner?”
“Because they’re inviting us to stay at their beach house in Padre.”
“That’s a six hour drive.”
I tensed. “Yeah. I know it’s a lot to ask. If you want to change you’re mind, I’ll understand.”
“It’s not that. I want to help, but, well, Aaron is already jealous of you so it’s going to be hard to explain that I’m going away with you for the weekend.”
That guy was really getting on my nerves, but I couldn’t blame him for not wanting Cori to spend the weekend with me. Given some of the things I’d been thinking about her lately, I was beginning to feel like a real pervert for lusting after my best friend when she clearly had no idea how I felt.
“I’ll explain it to him. I think he’ll understand.”
“I doubt it.”
She frowned. “I thought you wanted me to do this.”
“I do, but no man is going to be okay with his woman spending the weekend with another guy.”
She shook her head, her eyes sparkling with emotion. “I’m not his woman. Jeez, I don’t know how you get women to fall at your feet when you talk like that.”
“I was going to say girlfriend. Does that word offend you too?”
“No, but I’m not his girlfriend.”
“And you’re not his lover. What exactly is your relationship to good old Abel?”
Cori sighed. “I told you we’re—“
“I know you’re getting to know each other.”
“He won’t have a problem with it. Aaron isn’t like that. He’s very open-minded.”
“He sounds weak. If you were mine, I’d never let some other guy take you away for the weekend.”
She looked like she was about to argue, but her phone started vibrating and Cori tensed, glancing at the screen. Looking up her gaze locked with mine. “It’s Bud,” she whispered.
My fist clenched as she took the call with trembling hands. Something about this situation didn’t seem right. Why was this asshole calling her?
“Oh God.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll be right there,” Cori said, scooting from the booth and standing up.
Reaching for my wallet, I tossed a few bills on the table and got up. I didn’t have to ask what was wrong. As soon as she hung up the phone, Cori’s eyes met mine. “It’s Olivia. She’s sick. I’ve got to go, Jase.”
Chapter 3
When I was younger I used to wonder why Olivia didn’t love me. Now that I’m older I realize that addicts aren’t capable of loving anything or anyone more than their next fix. I’ve also learned that you can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. Years of fighting with Olivia taught me that the harder you try to force someone to do something they don’t want to do the meaner and more stubborn they become.
“You okay?”
I glanced over at Jase. “Not really. I know I’m a horrible person for thinking this, but I’m so sick of watching her kill herself.” I’d no sooner finished talking than Jase’s hand took mine, and my heart swelled. Instantly, I felt calmer.
“You’re not horrible, Cori. There’s nothing you can do, and it’s not your fault.”
“I know. It’s just hard. Drop me off, Jase. I don’t want you to have to deal with this.”
Jase pulled his truck alongside the old trailer, and I reached for the door handle.
He scowled. “No way in hell am I leaving you here alone.”
“Yes, you are. If the cops show up, you could get into serious trouble. I’m sure they’ve got enough dope to keep a DEA officer buried in paperwork for a week.”
Jase swore. “I’m not leaving you, Cori.”
Shoving open the door, I turned to him. “Go. I don’t want you around this. It’s not your problem.” I jumped out of the truck and ran, hearing him call my name.
I didn’t want Jase to see the inside of the trailer where I grew up. It was bad enough that I had to be here. He’d met Olivia before but no one, not even Ellie, had been inside the place where I’d grown up.
Pushing open the door, my stomach rolled at the foul stench, a sickening mixture of body odor, booze, and smoke.
“Told you she’d run right over.”
My gaze traveled over the tattered carpet and coffee table that was littered with drug paraphernalia and beer cans, before landing on Bud sitting beside Olivia on the sofa.
He pushed up, unsteady on his feet, his eyes glittering as they met mine and suddenly I was afraid. Glancing over at Olivia, I saw the fear and guilt on her face and I backed up.
Bud lunged forward, his arms snaking out and grabbing my wrist. “Not so fast Cora. Your mama and I made a deal.”
Shoving with all my strength, I tried to get away but he held me tight against him and laughed when I struggled. “What the hell is
wrong with you?”
He leaned down until I felt his sour breath against my ear. “Like I said, your mama and I made a deal. She don’t got no money for her next line so I told her I’d settle for a night with you instead.”
A chill slid along my spine, my gaze snapped to Olivia’s, and I read the truth in her eyes. “Let me know when it’s over,” she said, her voice devoid of emotion. Then she turned around, walked into her bedroom and closed the door.
I shoved against Bud, but he was too strong. Dragging me to the sofa, he pushed me down and fell on top of me, his hands roaming over my body. Revulsion slid through me. I pounded my fists against him until he reached out and his palm cracked against my cheek, snapping my head to the side.
“Get off of me!”
“Fight me if you want,” he snarled. “It ain’t gonna make no difference.” He touched me everywhere, pried open my legs and I screamed.
Suddenly, he was gone. I blinked, stunned, and turned to see Jase plant his fist in Bud’s slack, bloody jaw. Bud let out a pitiful cry, begging for mercy. Tears filled my eyes, but I blinked them away, needing to get to Jase before he did something he would regret.
He stopped, fist in air, and his eyes flicked to mine.
“He’s not worth it,” I told him.
His eyes locked with mine. “But you are.”
My heart squeezed.
Jase’s gaze snapped to my throbbing cheek, and I saw the flash of fury in his glittering green eyes.
Bud whimpered.
“Please, Jase.”
Shoving Bud away, his boots ate the distance between us, and he folded his arms around me. I sank into him, feeling safe and instantly comforted. God, he smelled amazing, like soap and aftershave and man. I snuggled closer.
Jase peered down at me, and his fingers lightly brushed my cheek. “How bad are you hurt?”
“I’m not.”
He frowned, his brow crinkling and his eyes skating over my body. Puzzled, I glanced down and was shocked to see my blouse hanging open, revealing my black lace bra.