Trafficking the Disappearance of Lily Rose Flannery: Based on Many True Stories Read online

  Trafficking the Disappearance of Lily Rose Flannery

  This Book is Based on a Partial True Story Some of the Names Have Been Changed to Protect People’s Identities


  Rachael Elizabeth Lee

  © Rachael Elizabeth Lee

  Table of Contents:

  Table of Contents:

  Other Books Written by The Author:














  About the Author:

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered or stored in any form or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Other books written by the author

  A Little Girl Shattered which is based on my true life

  Yani and Molly

  A Series of Short Stories About Two Naughty Dogs

  Be kind please leave a review because your opinion matters.

  For all the victims of sex trafficking, forced labor and debt bondage. I hope this story helps many of you out there suffering from this evil.

  Save a life call in a tip!

  Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888.

  National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.


  According to the FBI, “here in this country, people are being bought, sold and smuggled like modern-day slaves, often overpowered and starved. The traffickers often get the girls addicted and force them to work as prostitutes or to take jobs as migrant, domestic, restaurant, or factory workers with little or no pay. Human trafficking is a heinous crime that exploits the most vulnerable in society.”

  “Under the Human Trafficking program, the Bureau investigates:

  “Sex Trafficking: when persons, both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals, are compelled to engage in commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud or coercion. Sex trafficking of a minor occurs when the victim is under the age of 18. For these cases it is not necessary to prove force, fraud or coercion.”

  “Labor Trafficking: when persons, both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals, are compelled to performed labor or services through the use of force, threats of force, physical restraint, or threats of physical restraint; serious harm or threats of serious harm; abuse or threatened abuse of law or legal process; or coercion.”

  “During a human trafficking investigation, the primary goal of investigators is the recovery of victims in order to remove them from an environment of violence and exploitation. Program representatives work with victim advocates and organizations that are able to provide victims of human trafficking with immediate assistance (shelter, food, clothing) and long-term support services (counseling, education assistance or job training). After recovering a victim of human trafficking, field offices seek to arrest and successfully prosecute the traffickers.”

  “The Bureau’s Human Trafficking program has also successfully used lawful, sophisticated techniques— such as undercover investigations and Title III wire intercepts—to take down trafficking organizations, recover victims and intercept traffickers before they are able to victimize others.”

  “Over the past decade, the FBI’s human trafficking investigations have been responsible for the arrest of more than 2,000 traffickers and the recovery of numerous victims. The FBI will continue to take part in multi-agency efforts to combat the threat; provide outreach to law enforcement and community organizations to aid in the awareness of the threat, proper investigative techniques, identification of trafficking victims; and train international entities on how to identify victims of trafficking so that the Bureau and other law enforcement can intercept them before they are victimized by traffickers in the United States.”

  A person may be trafficked if they:

  “Cannot leave their work environment or cannot quit to find another job.”

  “Do not have control over their wages, money or finances.”

  Show signs of physical abuse or injury.”

  “Are accompanied everywhere by someone who speaks for them or allows others to speak for them when addressed directly.”

  “Appear to be fearful of or under the control of another person.”

  “Have health issues that have not been attended to.”

  “Owe money to an employer or another person whom they feel bound to repay.”

  “Describe moving or changing jobs suddenly and often.”

  “Are unfamiliar with the neighborhood where they live or work.”

  “Are not working in the job originally promised to them.”

  “Are traveling with minimal or inappropriate luggage/belongings.”

  “Lack identification, passport or other travel documents or do not have control over their documentation.”

  “Provide sexual services in a strip club, massage parlor, brothel or other locations and have a manager or pimp.”

  “Are a laborer, domestic servant or caretaker but never leave the home or workplace.”

  “Are unable to freely contact friends or family.”

  “Are not allowed to socialize or attend religious services.”

  “Have restricted freedom of movement.”

  “Are a juvenile engaged in a commercial sex act.”

e threatened or afraid of being handed over to the authorities.”

  “Are forced to work under certain conditions.”

  “Work excessively long hours over long periods.”

  Trafficked persons may be reluctant to report or seek services because they:

  “Do not know or understand that they are being exploited, or “trafficked.”

  “Are threatened that if they tell anyone, they or their families will be hurt.”

  “Have complex relationships with their traffickers that involve deep levels of psychological conditioning based on fear or misplaced feelings of love.”

  “Are unfamiliar with their surroundings and do not know whom to trust.”

  “Do not know help exists, how to access it or where to go for it.”

  “Are unfamiliar with the laws, cultures, and languages of the destination location or country.”

  “Fear retribution and forcible removal or deportation.”

  “Fear law enforcement and other authorities.”

  “Are addicted to drugs.”

  “Are in debt to their traffickers.”

  “Are sending much needed money back ‘home’ and worry about not being able to do this.”

  “Human Trafficking is modern day slavery. It is a scourge that exists across the entire globe, including in the U.S. It is a horrific crime that hides in plain sight. Unless you know what to look for and unless you understand what you are seeing you may miss it. Read on to learn more about human trafficking in the U.S., why it happens, how it happens, how to spot it, where to get help and how you can help stop it.”

  What are indicators of human trafficking?

  “Some indications that a person may be a victim of human trafficking include (especially in the case of women and children): appearing malnourished. Showing signs of physical injuries and abuse. Avoiding eye contact, social interaction and authority figures/law enforcement.”

  If you suspect human trafficking in your community, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-3737-888, or call 911. Save a life.

  Here are some indications a person may be trafficked:

  Human Trafficking Red Flags.

  Poor Mental Health or Abnormal Behavior.

  Poor Physical Health.

  Lack of Control.


  “If you believe you are the victim of a trafficking situation or have information about a potential trafficking situation, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) at 1-888-373-7888. NHTRC is a national, toll-free hotline, with specialists available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” You can also submit a tip on the NHTRC website.

  As our previous President Barack Obama said. “It ought to concern every person, because it is a debasement of our common humanity. It ought to concern every community, because it tears at our social fabric. It ought to concern every business, because it distorts markets. It ought to concern every nation, because it endangers public health, and fuels, violence and organized crime. I’m talking about the injustice, the outrage, of human trafficking, which must be called by its true name - - modern slavery.”- President Barack Obama, September 25, 2012

  If you or a loved one find yourself in this situation there are organizations that will help and really do care. This is a plague that must be ended. Please see the links below.


  IBF - Intervention Centre for Victims of Trafficking in Women + 43 1-796 92 98


  PAG-ASA + 32 2 511 64 64

  Payoke +32 3 201 16 90

  Multilingual brochure for victims of human trafficking


  National Hotline for Victims of Violence(operated by Foundation “Animus Association”): 0800 186 76

  National Hotline for Children (operated by the State Agency for Child Protection and Foundation “Animus Association”): 116 111

  National Human Trafficking Resource Line: (operated by A21 Bulgaria): 0800 20 100


  La Strada SOS Hotline +420 222 71 71 71




  Human Trafficking Prevention and Victim Help Hotline +372 6607 320


  System for victim assistance +358 71 876 3170


  National Coordination for protection of victims of human trafficking hotline (Ac.Sé): 0 825 009 907


  National Center for Social Solidarity (EKKA/National Referral Mechanism)

  National Line for child protection: 1107

  Direct Social Aid Line: 197

  General Secretariat for Gender Equality: SOS helpline 15900

  Human Trafficking Resource Line (operated by Α21 Campaign): 1109 (for international calls please call 0030-2310-019880)


  Hotline telephone number for victims of domestic violence or Trafficking (Available 24/7)

  In Hungary: 06-80/20-55-20 – Crisis Management and Information Hotline.

  Abroad: 0036 80/20-55-20


  Hotline for the confidential reporting of suspicions of trafficking:1800 25 00 25


  National hotline against trafficking 800 290 290


  Hotline against trafficking (in Latvian) 80002012


  Klaipedasocial and psychological services centre 8 800 66366

  Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau mailbox for providing information in connection with human trafficking.


  Luxembourg national contact for expertise in the field combating and preventing trafficking in Human Beings (Police Grand-Ducale) +352 4997 6210

  Out of hours contact: Centre d' Intervention National: +352 4997 2341


  Vice and Economic Crime, Police General Headquarters, contact for victims of human trafficking or reporting a crime in relation to human trafficking +356 2294 2000


  CoMensha (in Dutch) +31 33 4481186


  National Intervention and Consultation Centre for Victims of Trafficking +48 22 628 01 20


  Hotline against trafficking 800 202 148

  SOS Imigrante, the hotline for all migrant situations 808 257 257


  Hotline against trafficking 0800 800 678


  Slovak Crisis Center DOTYK + 421 903 704 784


  KLJUČ KEY- Society, Centre for the fight against trafficking in persons: 080 17 22


  Institut de la Femme 900 191 010, 900 152 152


  National Support line, a national telephone support line for women who have been subjected to threats and violence: 020 50 50 50

  Terrafem, a non-profit organisation that runs a national helpline for immigrant women: 020 52 10 10

  Report child trafficking (in Swedish)

  For more information please visit the website of the National organisation for Women’s and Girls’ Shelters in Sweden.


  Modern Slavery Helpline operates 24/7 and is confidential on 08000 121 700. It is open to calls from victims, on behalf of victims, the general public, law enforcement, statutory agencies, and business. It is backed by the UK Government, Police, NCA and NGO’s and is the one number all agencies want to coalesce around. Reporting can also take place via the website as well at:


  The Beginning of the end of Lily Rose

  I can feel my life slipping away from me. I can feel the coldness of the water as I sink to the bottom. I am sinking into the dark cold abyss. I am starting to fade away. I am shivering I am so cold and all alone. It is said that your life flashes before your eyes, when you are about to die. Well not in my case.

  I am thinking about my family and how I have
let them down. Will they ever be able to forgive me? I no longer want to survive; I have no more strength left inside me. I am not scared! I am angry, I am leaving this Earth without fulfilling my dreams.

  All I see is black! I feel some pain; I do not want to resurface for air. I can feel the current pulling me further and further down the river. Is this it? Why did my life have to go this way? I am dying! I am beginning to feel better; I can feel my anguish slipping away. Just a few more minutes and my nightmare will be over. I will finally be at peace. I am an embarrassment to my family and friends. The world will be better off without me in it. Nobody wants me. Nobody loves me Carl was right.


  One Year Earlier

  Let me start from the beginning my name is Lily Rose Flannery. This is my story before my life went to shit. I never knew real evil before everything, I am about to write about happened to me. I never dreamed anything so sick would ever come into my world.