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- Queermance Anthology- Volume 1 [MM-FF] (v5. 0) (epub)
Queermance Anthology, Volume 1 Page 3
Queermance Anthology, Volume 1 Read online
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‘Won’t happen again, Dad,’ I promised.
‘Yeah, yeah. Okay, Ed. Do me a favour and get yourself a woman.’ I really appreciated his attempt at humour but his use of the word woman made my stomach give a little jolt.
‘Anyway, Mum wants you home for tea so, um, clean up the bike and head in, yeah?’
With another brief nod, I left Dad staring at the rapidly darkening view as I kick-started the bike and idled it back toward the sheds.
Fastening the last tie-down on the ute, I eyed the canopy stretched tight over the tray. It wasn’t much for eighteen years of life, but as Adam’s family had furnished the unit we’d be sharing - hopefully for the next few years if Adam felt the same way about our future that I did - I wouldn’t need much.
Although I’d been eager for high school to be over, I was looking forward to the challenge of studying at the University of Queensland to become a vet. Adam, like his dad, would study law; for me, the idea of working inside all day made my skin crawl.
I spotted Mum standing on the veranda. Her smile was tremulous, but thankfully the tears hadn’t started yet; or rather, again.
Stepping up onto the veranda, I leaned down so she could give me a kiss. ”Bye love,’ she said, new tears streaming down her face. ‘Call when you get there, yeah?’
I gave Mum a hug, briefly lifting her up in my arms before gently placing her back on her feet. ‘Course, Mum. Love you. See you at Easter, yeah?’
Dad wandered up behind Mum, wrapping her in his arms as she sobbed on his shoulder. I shook the proffered hand that he’d freed from around Mum, then raced to my ute, thankful I could escape Mum’s waterworks. You’d think I was moving to the fucking moon with all the bloody fuss she was making. I was only going to be three hours up the coast!
Driving to Adam’s was a surreal experience. These roads, and the fields they crossed, had been the background to my life as I travelled from home to school and back again. Today, everything seemed brighter. I wondered if I would miss the green hills, throbbing heat, heavy humidity and the thick copses of trees choked with lantana. I’d never lived anywhere where the horizon wasn’t empty. Would I miss the space, the open sky?
An hour later, Adam and I were driving toward the Queensland border. The high cab of my ute made it easy to keep Adam’s sleek sedan in view. We’d agreed to stop at Tweed Heads for lunch, and I followed Adam’s car to a park overlooking the river. Mum had packed a picnic for us, so I tossed a packet of sandwiches across to Adam as we walked toward a bench shaded by a banksia tree.
Before I took a bite of my sandwich, Adam piped up with, ‘Did you hear that Bundy and Stick are sharing one of the units near us?’
‘No.’ Thinking of our two mates, I sent up a prayer of thanks that I’d decided not to move in with them. Their major game plan for university was getting drunk and laid as much as possible. With the course load I’d be taking on, I’d have struggled to study in the inevitably chaotic party atmosphere.
For the rest of the time we ate in companionable silence, watching the sluggish waters of the Tweed River. I’d always found it easy to spend time with Adam. Unlike our other friends, he didn’t need to fill every silence with mindless chatter or constant movement. With Adam I could just be.
Eventually, Adam scrunched up his rubbish and lobbed it toward a bin before saying, ‘Let’s make like a tree and go.’
I dutifully provided the response in an awful imitation of Biff from Back to the Future as we walked back to the cars. ‘It’s leave you idiot. “Make like a tree and leave.” You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong.’
Adam laughed as he hopped in his car and accelerated away in a spray of gravel. Not wanting to fall behind, I started my ute and gave chase.
Standing beside our parked cars as their engines ticked and cooled, I looked around at my new home. The original, stately weatherboard - divided into two units - stood upon its stilts with palm trees shielding its wide verandas. Parking and a utility room took up the space underneath. The traditional quarter acre back yard held a more modern building divided into another two, slightly smaller units. I let Adam walk ahead of me, pleased to see we’d be in one of the newer units out back.
As Adam unlocked the door I had to stop myself from crowding him. I was desperate to feel him, smell him and most importantly, touch him. For two weeks I’d been dreaming about this; about being alone with Adam again. The closer I came to getting Adam to myself, the hotter I became. Although Adam had referred to our weekend in Lennox on the phone, I still wasn’t sure if he wanted to continue having sex with me. I was hopeful but I didn’t know how Adam really felt.
Once we were inside, I tentatively stepped into Adam’s personal space. His eyes widened, shocked; his pupils dilated, and his breath became choppy. I slowly leaned down for a kiss, giving him the opportunity to stop me if he wanted to. Milliseconds away from pressing my lips to his, knocking at the door made us both freeze. We stayed still as the Shave and a Haircut knock was drowned out by Bundy’s strident demand, ‘Come on cunts! Open the fuckin’ door! This slab’s getting’ hot!’
Silently cursing Bundy’s craptastic timing, I leaned forward to grab a quick kiss because, after two long weeks, I was desperate. Adam’s look of panic made me hesitate. ‘You okay?’
‘Yeah. Yeah… just. Shit, Cullen! We nearly got busted.’
Adam pushed past me to answer the door, leaving me feeling like my stomach had curdled. Adam’s statement didn’t sit right, but I didn’t have time to think about why because Bundy crashed into the apartment in full-on party mode.
‘Stick’s inviting the sheilas from the front unit over. Did you see them? Not bad!’ Bundy punctuated his glowing assessment of the female talent with a saucy wink as he entered the kitchen with the beer.
‘You cunts got any ice?’
Before I could offer to do an ice run, Stick ushered the girls in with, ‘Beer won’t last long enough to get warm, Bundy!’
Adam offered the girls a beer and then cracked one for himself. Normally, I’d have been throwing myself into the party too, but I didn’t feel part of the group. Instead, I settled back into an armchair to watch the mating dance of the drunk and horny. One of the girls latched onto Adam; my chest ached as I watched him flirt back. For two weeks, I’d been obsessed with getting to this place so I could be with Adam, but maybe Adam wasn’t as invested in us as I was.
The lack of food, the heat and the beer acted quickly and it didn’t take long for the flirting to change into hot and heavy petting. Once the slab was finally finished, I got out of my chair to encourage Bundy, Stick and their ladyloves back to their units. I assumed they’d either get invited to stay the night with the girls or stagger back to their own place. That left Adam and the pissed octopus I’d nicknamed Perky Tits, who’d been mauling him for the last couple of hours. I really wanted to toss her out, but I didn’t want to ruin things for Adam if he was in serious lust. I wanted him, but I didn’t want to pressure him into wanting me. I needed him to be into it, or it could ruin our friendship completely. And I didn’t think I could handle that.
Adam staggered to his feet and bowed, nearly toppling back into Perky Tits’s lap, ‘If you’ll ‘scuse me for a sec. Gotta crack the seal.’
He got a cute scrunch-nosed smile from the girl, before staggering down the short hall toward the bathroom.
Still propping up the wall near the door after ejecting our mates, I heard the unmistakable sound of urine hitting water. Adam was obviously not attempting to muffle the sound by aiming for the porcelain. Perky Tits looked more embarrassed the longer we listened. We were both pretending not to hear the sound of boisterous peeing coming from the toilet. Adam’s bladder had always been able to hold an impressive amount, and today was no different; the stream was relentless and unfaltering. Things were getting more and more awkward in the lounge room between Perky Tits and me. I wished Adam would hurry the fuck up. I had just opened my mouth in
an attempt to break the tense atmosphere when we heard the sound of retching followed by splattering vomit. Miss Perky Tits sprang from the couch looking completely grossed out. With a swift glance down the hall to where Adam sounded like he was dying, she high-tailed it out the front door.
‘Cullen, mate?’ Adam called weakly from the bathroom.
‘Yeah, Ad?’ I replied as I shouldered myself off the wall and walked down the hall.
‘Why’s there always carrots? I don’t like carrots-‘ The rest of Adam’s sentence was drowned out by the next wave of retching. The sound of vomit hitting a hard surface brought the scene from The Exorcist to mind. I hoped there wouldn’t be that much of a mess, but it wasn’t sounding pretty.
To my relief, Adam had conveniently collapsed into the shower recess, which would make the clean up a lot easier.
‘Hey, Regan,’ I said as I leaned past his kneeling form to start the shower.
‘S’not funny, Ed. I think I’m dyin’-‘ Adam’s sentence was cut short by convulsions as he started to dry heave.
Jesus, what a mess.
‘You puked on your shoes, mate.’ I gingerly untied his laces.
‘Sorry, Cullen.’
‘Not my shoes, mate! You’re the one who’ll have to clean ‘em!’
I tried to stay vomit-free while I undressed him as he heaved, but in the end I stripped, stepping past him into the shower; a much easier way to tackle a boneless, fouled Adam.
‘Up you come, mate.’ Grunting, I hoisted Adam upright in the cramped space. Man, he was heavy!
Leaning him up against a tiled wall, I soaped him up. Despite my earlier lust, Adam’s attempted seduction of Perky Tits followed by his spectacular chunder had effectively curbed my ardour. Adam was less than helpful in his inebriated state, becoming even harder to handle with soap-slick skin. I hadn’t known how ticklish he was until my attempts to wash his pits resulted in drunken giggles and violent squirming. By the end of the shower, we’d clashed heads a few times as he jerked away from my soapy hands.
Once I’d finally gotten us both vomit and soap free, I pulled back the shower curtain to expose the towel rails. The empty towel rails. Ah, fuck it! We’d not unpacked the ute yet. I propped the dripping, dozing Adam into a corner of the shower. I pulled on my jeans over my still-wet skin and made a dash for the cars to retrieve towels and linen for the night.
As I approached the front units, I could see that the party hadn’t stopped when they’d changed venues. Bundy and Stick had been joined by a few more blokes, and the beer supply had been replenished too. They were in for the long haul.
I contemplated tucking Adam into bed and joining the party, but decided to call it a night instead. I’d gone from randy anticipation to dejected pessimism in one day and I’d need a good night’s sleep if I had any hope of finding somewhere else to stay tomorrow. I couldn’t stay with Adam now. I couldn’t sleep on the sofa bed and watch him bring girls home. For our friendship to survive, I needed to pull back so we could re-establish the boundaries of mateship. And wasn’t that a crying fucking shame?
After wrestling with a drunken Adam, I couldn’t be fucked making up the sofa bed, so I just stretched about out beside his warm body. The thumping bass of the party music next door and the shrill tones of drunken women kept me awake for ages until, eventually, I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up with Adam’s light snores ruffling the hair on my nape.
I could feel the rising humidity as the sun lightened the sky outside the window. I decided to switch on the air conditioner before trying to get a few more hours of sleep. I didn’t particularly want to start my house-hunt anyway, because moving out would mean we’d decided to return to platonic friendship. I soothed my conscience about delaying my task with the convenient excuse of extreme fatigue. At a pinch, I could crash with Bundy and Stick for a couple of nights, but I’d need to find a more permanent solution before lectures started the following week.
After finally figuring out the stupidly complicated air conditioner controls, I returned to the bedroom to find Adam curled up on my side of the bed. The long curve of his back made me wish I could run my hands all over the exposed, sunkissed skin. With a sigh, I crawled into the bed, pulling the sheet up to cover us both. Adam scooted across the bed until his back nestled against my front. I started to move in order to make more space between us when his sigh of contentment made me pause.
Bugger it. I couldn’t resist putting my arm around his chest to pull him more firmly against me. If this was the last time I got to do this with Adam, I was going to enjoy the experience and deal with the whole fucked up mess later; after a few more hours’ sleep, anyway.
I woke with my nose mashed into the side of Adam’s chest. Once I managed to focus, I stared at the single brown nipple only inches from my face. The way Adam’s arm crooked above his head had stretched his skin taut over his ribs and muscles. Oh god. I was more toey than a Roman sandal. Almost without volition, I gently circled the dark areola with my pointer finger. The nipple pebbled and peaked. Glancing up, I noticed that Adam was awake and watching me gravely. Maintaining eye contact, I rose on one arm before slowly bending down until I could replace my finger with my pointed tongue. Adam’s fluttering eyelids, whimpery groan and arching back encouraged me to suck the puckered flesh into my mouth. So I did. Oh, god, it felt so fucking good to be touching him again.
‘Oh, man. Didn’t know I’d like titty play,’ Adam said breathlessly.
I couldn’t help the snorting giggle that erupted past his flesh, pulled taut by my sucking mouth.
‘What?’ Adam asked, pulling himself away.
‘I dunno, just sounded funny. I’m a dick. Sorry, Ad.’ Adam’s sultry look had been replaced by one of irritation, which made me worry that he’d stop things before they’d really had a chance to start.
He shifted, making the light glisten on his still-wet nipple. Emboldened by Adam’s earlier response and desperate to continue, I manhandled him back into my arms, snuggling my semi-hard cock into the crease of his arse.
‘I am sorry, Ad.’ I backed up my apology with light, nipping kisses along his neck. Adam canted his head, giving me better access, and relaxed in my arms. About to take things further, I remembered my earlier resolve to return our relationship to its former state of mateship. Fuck! Taking a shaky breath, I spoke. ‘Ad, I’m thinkin’ I should find somewhere else to live.’
Adam pulled away, sitting up to loom over me as I rolled onto my back.
‘What the fuck for?’ he said with an anxious, panicked look.
‘I…,’ How did I say what I wanted to say without potentially fucking up the friendship? In the end, I elected to go with vague platitudes. ‘I think we should just stay friends.’
Adam’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Friends who suck on each other’s tits? What. The. Fuck, Cullen?’
I couldn’t help the infantile response to the word tits and rolled over to muffle my laughter in the pillow.
‘You are such a dick, Cullen.’ Adam flopped back on the bed with a sigh. ‘Is this because I was a fucktard last night?’
Staring at the ceiling, I debated how to answer. I didn’t want to guilt Adam into anything. ‘A bit. I didn’t like you flirting with Perky Tits.’
‘Awwww. Was widdle Eddy jealous?’
‘Fuck you, Ad.’ I swung my legs over the side of the bed, rising to go. After the night I’d had, his teasing seriously pissed me off.
Before I could stand, Adam grabbed me around the waist. His sharp tug made me tumble onto the bed and I ended up sprawled across his thighs on my back. ‘You’re serious?’ Adam’s bemused eyes stared into mine as I lay across his lap.
I couldn’t stop my anger and hurt from showing. ‘Fuck yes, I’m serious, Ad. We’ve been dancing around this thing for weeks and I can’t stop thinking about what we did and I want to do it again and… FUCK!’ Breathing deeply, I again attempted to get off the bed.
‘I can’t stop thinkin’ abo
ut it either, Cullen.’ Adam’s statement stopped me cold.
I looked at him. Meeting my stare, Adam slowly lay back, resting his head on his folded hands and letting his legs fall open. I couldn’t stop looking at his body stretched out in front of me. My gaze fixed on his slowly hardening cock.
With a moan, I accepted his invitation and crawled across the bed. I buried my nose in the crisp curls at the base of his cock, inhaling deeply of the sweaty musk in the crease of his groin. Adam twitched, his legs moving restlessly.
Nosing down under his balls, I lay the flat of my tongue on the lightly furred skin before dragging it up over his balls to the root of his now-hard cock. Lifting up to admire my handiwork, I noticed something strange.
‘Dude! Hand me your phone.’
Adam lifted his head, opened his eyes, and scowled at me. ‘What the fuck d’you want my phone for?’
‘I want to film this shit. It’s freaky.’ I stared in fascination at Adams balls.
‘I’m not going to let you film my nuts,’ Adam squeaked in a higher than normal pitch.
‘Don’t be such a wuss. You’ve gotta see this. Just hand me the fuckin’ phone.’
Adam thrust the phone at me with a sigh and I started recording. Every time I blew on the wet skin, Adam’s balls moved in a jellyfish-like creep under the skin of his scrotum.
‘You’re a freak,’ Adam said as he peered down at me filming his groin.
‘Says the man with the creepy-crawly balls!’ I answered with a laugh.
Tossing the phone on the bed beside Adam’s hip, I wrapped my hand around Adam’s still-hard cock, angling the head toward my mouth.
I paused. ‘Hey, Ad?’
‘Oh for fucks sake, Ed! You’re killing me here! What the fuck now?’
‘Do I need to do anything funky with the foreskin?’
Adam’s head fell back on the pillow with a thump. ‘We’re fuckin’ hopeless at this, Cullen. Who knew getting laid would be so fucking tricky!’