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  Holding up her hand with her thumb and index finger about an inch apart, she joked, “Well, maybe just a little, but I loved it…so you’re good!”

  Deacon playfully swiped his hand across his forehead and graced her with another brilliant smile. “Phew…I was really sweating it there for a minute.” Walking the few feet to the back of the limo, he opened the rear door as the driver loaded her bags into the trunk of the car.

  “Come on darlin,’ our adventure is about to begin.”

  Drawing in a quick breath, she nodded, scurried across the blacktop, and ducked into the backseat, where Deacon sat—very close—beside her.

  “So, where are we heading?” She glanced up at him and grinned. He had just taken off his hat, and was running his fingers through the thickest head of black hair—a little longer than the suits she was used to dealing with, but very sexy. She was wondering what it would feel like to comb her fingers through his mane when she realized he was answering her question.

  “Well, for the next two nights, Access to Love has put us up in a fancy ski lodge not far from here.”

  Momentarily disappointed when he said it was a ski lodge, it must have shown on her face. Reaching out, he laid the broad palm of his hand on her thigh and leaned in toward her. The minute he touched her, she felt a current run through her body.

  “I’m not much of a skier, to be honest, but they do have some fun snow-tubing runs and some great walking trails.”

  She felt relief and the tension leave her body at the mention of snow-tubing and trails. “That sounds wonderful. What about the rest of the weekend?” she asked. She was here for three nights, and he had only mentioned two.

  “Well, I figured we could take a ride to my ranch. It’s about two hours away. I’d love to show you my property and horses.”

  She smiled, noting that he hadn’t moved his hand from her thigh. “I’d love to see your ranch. It’s been a long time since I’ve been around horses; probably an even longer time since I’ve ridden one.”

  Squeezing her thigh, he didn’t remove his hand. “Well, we’ll just have to remedy that, won’t we.” He grinned and nodded as he made his declaration.

  The ride to the ski lodge was pleasant. He’d asked about her background and family, and she told him she’d grown up an only child in a small town just outside of Stowe, Vermont, attended Boston University, and headed to New York City after graduation to pursue a career as a graphic artist. He had been born and raised in the same small town in Colorado where he lived now. He was a third-generation horse rancher, and never had any ambition to leave or pursue anything else. He loved what he did and where he was from. He spoke of it all with such pride and reverence. It was comforting to listen to his slow drawl, and the way he spoke about his life. It seemed simple and basic, a world away from the hustle and bustle of New York City.

  Pulling through the overhead iron gate, it was difficult to read the name of the lodge from the back seat of the limousine. After driving a good distance on a long, winding entrance road, obviously up the side of a mountain, passing what seemed like miles of nothing but untouched snow that glistened and gleamed by the white light of the moon, they came to a stop. The lodge was a breathtaking, enormous log-cabin-style structure. Its lobby was an open, cavernous area with the highest vaulted, beamed ceilings she had ever seen, yet its small sitting areas and multiple fireplaces made it seem cozy and comfy.

  Deacon had already checked in earlier in the day and she was given the key to their two-bedroom suite. To be honest, she was relieved to know she had her own room. She’d been wondering how it was all going to be handled. After all, Access to Love had not given her many clues. Deacon brought her bags to her room as she checked out the accommodations. There was a small kitchenette, a living room with a fireplace, and a small balcony. Deacon had given her the master bedroom, complete with king-size bed and a large en suite with a Jacuzzi whirlpool tub. His room was much smaller, and had a queen-size bed and simple bathroom. The gesture on his part was very sweet.

  After checking out the balcony for a few moments, and although she wanted to stay up to get to know Deacon better, Ivy decided to call it a night. She was tired from the travel and the excitement of the day, and they had a big weekend ahead of them.

  “I’m really looking forward to getting to know you this weekend, Deacon.”

  Tilting his head, he smiled at her. “As am I darlin’.” He took one-step closer, and her heart began to beat rapidly in her


  “Is it okay if I give you a kiss goodnight? I’ll be a gentleman—I promise.” His eyes traveled to her lower lip as she drew it into her mouth and bit down on it, then nodded, giving him the okay.

  She couldn’t believe she had just met him, and that he wanted this goodnight kiss as much as she did. Reaching out, he cupped her cheeks in the palms of his hands, the calloused pad of his thumb brushing over her cheekbones as he leaned in. She closed her eyes as he placed a gentle, soft kiss on her lips before pulling back.

  “Goodnight, sweet Ivy. Pleasant dreams.”

  Smiling, he turned around and disappeared through his bedroom door, leaving her standing there in a dream-like state, admiring the view as he walked away. What a view it was—he looked just as good leaving as he did coming—and boy, could he wear a pair of jeans.

  Chapter Four

  The early morning sun streamed through the sheer drapery that hung in the window. Arching her back in a full body stretch, Ivy moaned as she slowly opened her eyes. The reality of where she was made her smile as she glanced around the room. Beautiful, cream-colored bedding mixed with rich hues of gold brocade and corded edging offset rustic, dark wood furniture, heavy and masculine in style. It was simply the most luxurious bedding she had ever slept in, and she had slept soundly for the first time in days. Sudden panic had her bolting to a sitting position as she focused on the blue, digital display on the bedside clock. It was nearly quarter past nine—way later than she usually slept, or had expected to sleep this morning. Throwing off the comforter, she slid out of bed and slipped on her robe before heading out to the main room. This was certainly not the way she would have wanted to greet Deacon—rumpled from sleep and un-showered—but she felt she needed to explain this morning’s indulgence of sleeping in. Opening the door to the main area, she peeked out. All was quiet as she slowly walked toward the kitchen area where, on the counter, she found a single long stem rose and a penned note written on fine linen paper with the resort’s name, The Cambridge Chateau, embossed on the top.

  Morning Sweet Ivy,

  I hope you slept well. I didn’t want to wake you. I’m down in the restaurant having coffee. After you’ve dressed, come on down for a nice, hearty breakfast. I’m looking forward to spending the day with you.


  Lifting the paper to her nose, not really knowing why—perhaps she wanted to see if it still held the scent of him—she drew in a deep breath as she turned toward the glass doors that overlooked the deck, amazed by the breathtaking view in front of her. The resort was literally perched on the side of the mountain. Placing the note down on the counter top, she walked over to the door and flung it open. Crisp, cool air, and the most amazing vista greeted her. She could barely catch her breath at its brilliance. Snowcapped mountains in the distance, ski lifts, and people already out on the trails reminded her that the day had already begun. Turning, she shut the door behind her and padded into her bedroom, where she quickly showered and dressed to meet Deacon in the restaurant for breakfast.

  Seated at a table by the window, leaning forward with one arm in front of him, he sipped his coffee as he looked out at the picturesque landscape.

  “Excuse me sir, is this seat taken?” She couldn’t help but grin, practically giddy with excitement as he glanced up at her and smiled. God, even the crinkles around his eyes turned up, making his whole face shine with gladness.

  “Why yes, it is, by the most beautiful woman in this whole restaurant. You!” Like a
perfect gentleman, he rose and pulled out her chair, then slid it in as she sat. “Good morning Ivy. How did you sleep?”

  She laughed. “Evidently, very well. Sorry to have kept you waiting,” she said, with a sympathetic glance.

  Raising his hand as if to put her at ease, he shook his head. “Please don’t be sorry. I rise with the sun every day. It’s the life of a rancher.” He shrugged. “Can’t help it, but I’m glad you got some rest.” Deacon pointed to the menu off to the side. “I hope you’re up for a nice, big breakfast. From what I’ve seen, everything that’s passed my way looks real good.”

  Picking up the menu, she opened it and glanced at each side, then looked over the top edge. “Have you thought about what you’re going to order?” she asked, as the server approached the table.

  “Coffee?” asked the waitress, as she held up a pot of the steaming brew..

  “Yes, please,” Ivy answered, as she slid her mug closer to the young woman.

  After pouring Ivy’s, she topped off Deacon’s coffee and motioned to the small ceramic pitcher on the table. “Cream’s right there. I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.” With a nod, she walked away.

  Ivy let out a moan as she took her first sip. “Mmmm, now that is excellent coffee!” Placing the mug gently back on the table, she picked the menu up and studied it, her stomach growling, everything looking better than the last. She had no clue what she was going to order, but whatever it was, it was going to be good. “I hope you don’t think I’m a pig, but I am so not ordering my usual egg whites,” she declared.

  “Well, if you ask me, there’s nothing sexier than a woman with a good appetite. I can’t stand it when a woman orders nothing but rabbit food. Show me what you got Ivy,” he challenged.

  Ivy chuckled. “Oh man, you are on!”


  Sitting back, Ivy wiped her mouth with her napkin, then tossed it onto the table next to her empty plate. “Well, did I impress you? she smirked, as she patted her stomach.

  “Well, I do have to admit, when you ordered that second helping of home fried potatoes, I thought I might be falling a little bit in love with you,” Deacon kidded back.

  Ivy barked out a laugh. “I guess I’ve been wasting my time eating sensibly and working out at the gym, thinking it impressed men.”

  Deacon shrugged. “Maybe most men, darlin’, and it’s not like I don’t enjoy you just the way you are, all sexy and thin, but I do enjoy the sight of a woman who appreciates the finer things in life, and a good meal is one of them, if you ask me.

  Ivy just stared in amazement. Could this man be any more perfect? After their meal, they headed to the room to dress in their snowsuits

  and boots and head out to the slopes for a morning of snow-tubing. The conversation was flowing and comfortable the whole time, as if they had known each other much longer than just a day. Even the bumps and tumbles out of the tubes had them both laughing and joking, but the best rides down were the ones where they rode together in the double tubes, Deacon’s arms wrapped tightly around Ivy, as they slid down the hills at warp speed. Ivy couldn’t remember when she’d had so much fun!

  After a few hours of tubing, they were both a bit sore, and opted for a sleigh-ride for two through the property of the resort. Nestled in the back of the carriage under a warm, woolen blanket, they rode, taking in the beautiful scenery—Ivy snuggled against Deacon, his arm tightly around her, holding her close. It was truly a magical day.

  After a late lunch, both of them achy and tired, they headed back to their rooms and changed into their bathing suits, then headed to the indoor hot tub to soak. Ivy had changed into her bikini and donned her robe, giving Deacon no indication what was underneath until she pulled the belt and let it slide off her body. To say by his expression that he was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement, and when Ivy sat near him in the tub, she grinned as he shifted in his seat. “You okay, cowboy?”

  Clearing his throat, Deacon shook his head and smiled as he leaned in close so that only she could hear him. “Darlin’, let’s just say that if this were a private hot tub, you wouldn’t be sitting all the way over there.

  Ivy laughed. “All the way over here? I’m right next to you.” Grabbing her hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed it. “Exactly.”

  He grinned as Ivy blushed.

  When they returned to their suite an hour later, pruney and exhausted, they both agreed to head to their own rooms for a nap, planning to go for dinner at eight o’clock, which would give them a few hours to rest and plenty of time to dress for the evening. So far, it had been a perfect day. Ivy couldn’t have asked for more. Deacon was fun, affectionate, and she could really feel herself falling for him. She hoped he felt the same way.

  Chapter Five

  Ivy slipped into a form-fitting red dress and pivoted in the mirror, smoothing the palms of her hands over her hips as she turned from side to side, making sure she looked just right. She’d straightened her normally curly red hair, and carefully applied a small amount of eye makeup and blush. She wasn’t one to overdo cosmetics, and preferred a more natural look most times. Slipping on her red pumps, she grabbed her clutch and walked out into the main room of the suite, where she was greeted by the most glorious smile of Deacon’s yet.

  Standing there, just outside her bedroom door, she watched as he strutted toward her, always the rancher, with that sexy gait. In addition to the grey suit he wore, the dress cowboy boots on his feet made his strut more purposeful, and he removed the Stetson from his head when he neared her. Giving her the once over, she could hear him groan in approval.

  “Darlin’, you are about the most gorgeous thing on the face of the earth.” Leaning in, he placed a sweet kiss on her cheek, then grabbed her hand. “We better get out of here before I never want to leave.”

  Blushing, she interlaced her fingers with his as they headed down to dinner, wishing he would go with his first thought.

  Dinner was superb. The lights turned down low, candlelight on every table, and a roaring fire in the hearth, provided the perfect romantic setting. Deacon reached across the table and held her hand as he gazed at her, the flickering flames enhancing the little golden flecks in his deep brown eyes. The pull to him was palpable, and when he leaned in and stole her breath with the most consuming kiss, she could feel her heart tumble as she kissed him back with equal fervor and want.

  Pulling back, he sighed and smiled at her. “Ivy, I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not ready for, but darlin’, you have to know…I’m dying to kiss every inch of your body and show you just how I’m feeling right now. If I’m reading this all wrong, please tell me.”

  Shaking her head, tears started to brim in her eyes as she looked at him. She was falling, and she was falling hard. “You’re not reading this wrong,” she rasped, her voice barely above a whisper. “Let’s say we get out of here, and take this someplace a little more private.”

  Deacon nodded with a chuckle and held up his hand, garnering the waiter’s attention. “Check, please.”

  The minute the elevator doors closed he was on her, pressing her against the mirrored panel and kissing her until she forgot her name or where she was. She startled when she heard the elevator ding right before the doors opened and a crowd of people stepped on. They separated, stealing glances at each other, trying not to laugh at their little secret. When the people got off, they resumed where they’d left off. Practically running to their room, Deacon fumbled with the key card, making them both erupt in nervous, excited laughter.

  “Hurry…Hurry! Ivy pleaded, urgency spilling out as she spurred him on with an anxious giggle. Bursting through the door, they nearly fell over one another. Deacon caught Ivy around the waist and pushed her up against the wall, kissing her until her knees buckled and her body trembled.

  Their hands were all over each other, pulling at one another’s clothing, his mouth on her at all times—her lips, her neck, sucking on her collarbone—as he attempted to peel
her dress off her shoulders. Finally, he scooped her up in his arms and pushed through her bedroom door, their mouths fused the entire time. Gently placing her feet on the ground, he stepped back, and, as if something unspoken had flashed between them, they both began to strip out of their clothing.

  Ivy lifted the form-fitting dress over her torso and head, throwing it to the side, leaving her in just her red lace thong and matching demi bra.

  Deacon had stripped in record time and stood naked, in all his glory, his thick erection jutting out as he took in the sight of Ivy, seeming to enjoy what he saw. Scrubbing his hand over his face, he smiled as she reached behind her back to unhook her bra, letting it slowly slide down her arms, coyly smiling as it hit the floor. When she slipped her fingers under the elastic band of her thong, Deacon shook his head and crooked his finger, signaling for her to come closer.

  She didn’t need prompting. She was pressed against him within a second, her nipples tightening as they rasped against the hairs on his muscular chest. She was getting drunk on the taste of his kiss, his lips and tongue demanding and consuming her as their mouths mated in an intimate frenzy. He walked her backward toward the bed, and, before she knew it, she was on her back with him hovering over her, their mouths hungrily searching each other’s the entire time.

  Deacon’s open mouth slid down to her jaw, kissing and licking, as he descended her body. She panted as his head lowered and he captured one of her nipples, drawing it in as he cupped her other breast and smoothed the pad of his thumb over its tight bud. Her back arched as she cried out and combed her fingers through his thick head of raven hair. He trailed kisses and sweeps of his tongue down her stomach and abdomen as he hooked his fingers around the red elastic of her thong and pulled it down as he stood up at the edge of the bed.

  Ivy lifted her legs and bent them slightly as he pulled her panties down her thighs and calves, then over the red pumps she was still wearing. As he lifted off each shoe, he kissed the arch and ankle of each foot and stared into her eyes. Ivy bit on her fleshy lower lip as she watched him, mesmerized by his actions, captured by this man she had met only the day before, but felt as if she had known for a lifetime. His hands skimmed down the insides of her calves, pushing them apart, opening her to his gaze, and when his eyes left hers and scanned down her body, he grinned and licked his lips as they focused on her sex.