Stabenow, Dana - Powers Of Detection (Editor) Read online

Page 6

  Things were different in Kaeleer, but... “You train males to be a pain in the ass?

  “We train them to serve.

  “Thats what I said. My comment annoyed him. I didnt care. If he spent one day on the receiving end of that kind of stubborn attention, hed have a totally different opinion about a males right to serve.

  Then my stomach growled.

  Rainier studied me. “Would you like to go to the coffee shop? They dont serve meals there, but they do have baked goods.

  “Fine. I stepped away from him. “Ill meet you there.


  I heard the warning in his voice, but I ignored it and walked to the corner. Id noticed the boy stepped aside if a woman already had a male escort, and I was curious.

  A cute puppy, all bright-eyed and eager. A little Yellow-Jeweled Warlord. A miniature man. His eyes widened when he saw my Gray Jewel, but he took a deep breath and smiled.

  “May I be of service, Lady? he asked.

  Protocol. Specific phrases that had specific answers. Protocol balanced power, giving the weaker among the Blood a safe way to deal with the stronger.

  “Im going to the coffee shop across the street, I replied.

  “Then I will escort you, if it pleases you.

  I held out my left hand. He slipped his right hand beneath it, checked the street to make sure no horse-drawn carriages or Craft-driven coaches were approaching the crossing, then led me across the street.

  “Thank you, Warlord, I said when I had been safely delivered to the door of the coffee shop.

  “It was my pleasure, Lady.

  And it was. I could see it in his eyes. There would be bitches who would bruise his ego, dim the pleasure in those eyes. There would be many, many more witches who would gently reinforce his training, confirming his place in the world as a man worthy of courtesy and consideration, a man valued for who and what he was.

  While I waited for Rainier to join me, I watched the boy escort two young witches across the side street. He continued up the street with them past three shops before one of the women murmured somethingobviously a reminder that his duty was completed, since he stopped and turned back. As he passed the alley between two of the buildings, he hesitated, took a step closer toward that shadowy place that would put him out of sight.

  Edgy. Uneasy.

  He was almost at the mouth of the alley.

  Something wrong.

  Using Craft to enhance my voice, I bellowed, “Warlord! Here! Now!

  As I ran across the street, I began to appreciate the value of training. The boy didnt hesitate. He spun at the sound of my voice and ran away from the alley just as something reached out to grab him. Something sight shielded. I couldnt see it, and yet I could see it, like an afterimage that remains on your eyelids after you close your eyes. A robed arm. A gloved hand. Reaching for the boy.

  As he ran past me, I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and swung him behind me, throwing a Gray shield around both of us at the same time I called in a hunting knifea big knife with a wickedly honed blade. I probed the alley with my psychic senses. No one there anymore, but I picked up a hint of the same fury and hatred that Id sensed in that room.

  “Stay here. I released the boy but kept a Gray shield around him as I moved toward the alley. Into the alley.

  Female. I was certain of that now. Definitely a witch skilled in her Craft.

  “Everything has a price, bitch, I said softly, even though I knew she was gone. “Maybe you had a reason to go after the menor thought you did. But not the boy. Not a child. Everything has a priceand when I catch up to you, and I will, Ill show you how to paint the walls in blood.


  A light psychic touch, full of strength and temper. Rainier at the mouth of the alley, guarding my back.

  I backed out of the alley, staying alert in case the bitch was skilled enough to hide her presence. I didnt turn away until Rainiers fingers brushed my shoulder. As I turned to face the street, I got my next lesson in how well Blood males are trained in Kaeleer.

  There were hard-eyed, grim-faced men everywhere. A female had yelled on a public street. It didnt matter that it had been a command and not a cry of fear or distress. A female had yelledand theyd responded. Theyd poured out of the shops, out of the carriages and coaches. Whatever had upset the female was going to be fixed. Now.

  Which explained why assassins werent needed in Kaeleer.

  Protocol was the only tool I hadespecially since the Warlord Prince standing beside me had risen to the killing edge to become a living weapon.

  Using Craft again to enhance my voice, I said, “Thank you for your attention, gentlemen. There is nothing more to be done here. I raised the hunting knife, so the men who could see me couldnt fail to notice it. Then I vanished it and lowered my hand.

  I waited, hardly daring to breathe until I saw the men in front of me relax. Communication on psychic threads rippled over the street. Men returned to their carriages and coaches, to the shops or interrupted meals.

  I heard Rainier release a slow breath as he worked to step back from the killing edge.

  When the boys instructor joined us, I released the Gray shield I had put around the little Warlord. The puppy couldnt tell us more than a lady had called to him, asking for help. Hed hesitated because he couldnt see her, and shed sounded... strange.

  She hadnt been able to mask her hatred. It must have bled into her voice. And it was going to piss her off that her prey had escaped. Which meant another man was going to die.

  After the instructor bundled his students into a carriage and drove away, Rainier wrapped a hand around my arm.

  “You need something to eat, he growled.

  I did, but I heard “Im going to fuss over you in that growl, and I really didnt want to be fussed over. “Dont worry about it, sugar. I can

  His fingers tightened. “Lady, let me serve or point me toward something I can kill.

  Shit shit shit. Warlord Princes rose to the killing edge in a heartbeat, but they couldnt always come back from it on their own. You either pointed them to a killing field or gave them something else to focus onwhich usually meant a female they could fuss over and look after for a while.

  “I could use a meal. I shook off his hand, saw the temper in his eyes chill, and immediately linked my arm through his to give him the contact he needed. We walked for several minutes before he chose a dining house that had a small courtyard in the back for guests who wanted to eat outdoors.

  I dont know what passed between Rainier and the Warlord waiting on the tables in the courtyard. We werent asked what we wanted to eatI wasnt, anywaybut Id barely settled in my chair when coffee, glasses of red wine, and a basket of bread appeared on the table. That was swiftly followed by bowls of greens that were delicately dressed, thick steaks, vegetables, and some kind of casserole made of potatoes, onions, and sausage. The meal lasted long enough for the wild look to fade in Rainiers eyesand for me to reach a few conclusions.

  I leaned back in my chair. “Theres a killer out there. Which pretty much described anyone who was Blood, but I was making a distinction between the potential in all of us and someone using that potential.

  Temper flared in Rainiers eyes. “There was no reason to go for that boy.

  “Sugar, I dont think reason has much to do with this.

  He frowned. “You think this killer is a witch who has slipped into the Twisted Kingdom?

  I didnt think she was insane in the way he meant, but hate can be its own kind of madness.

  He sighed. “Then we have to find her and give her what help we can.

  “No, we have to find her and kill her.


  “No. I studied him. “You didnt sense anything in that room or in the alley, did you?

  He shook his head.

  “I did. Maybe its because Im... familiar... with what I felt that I was able to sense it at all.

  Rainier swirled the wine left in his glass. “What kind of men did yo
u kill, Surreal?

  “The ones who broke witches, killed witches, tortured witches, shattered their lives. I drained my glass. “The ones who preyed on children.

  “You became an assassin to pay them back for... ?

  “My mother. And for me. I set my glass on the table. “Are you coming with me, Rainier?

  “Where are you going?


  He studied me for a long moment before he nodded. “Im with you.


  I collapsed on a bench in one of the little parks that were sprinkled throughout Amdarh. Even in the citys busy shop district, you couldnt go more than two blocks without finding a plot of green that provided shade or a dazzle of color from flowers or the soothing trickle of a fountain.

  “The bitch is good, Ill give her that, I said, when Rainier joined me on the bench. Wed been hunting for two daysand two more men had died. One was an old man tending a shop for a friend who was ill. The other was a young Warlord who had shielded himself long enough to send a warning on a psychic thread. Despite men converging on the spot from all directions, the witch had still managed to slip past them.

  “Here. Rainier gave me a glass bowl and a spoon hed gotten from a food stand nestled in one corner of the park.

  “What is it? I poked the spoon into the shaved ice in my bowl.

  “Flavored ice, he said as he dug into his own bowl.

  I tried some. The ice, flavored with berry juice, was just the refreshment I needed after hours of prowling the streets. Halfway through, I started poking at the treat, my pleasure in it gone. Edgy. Uneasy. Worried about something I didnt want to put into words.

  I sighed. “Weve been hunting for two days, and we dont know any more than we did when this started.

  “You know more than you think, said a deep voiceheavy silk with a husky undertone of sex.

  Rainier tensed, instantly wary. I looked over at the black-haired, golden-eyed man standing near the bench. I hadnt seen him approach, hadnt heard him, hadnt sensed his presence until he wanted it felt.

  If you wanted to look at a prime example of a beautiful predator, Daemon Sadi was it. If you wanted to survive the encounter, looking was all you did.

  Daemon settled on the bench with the feline grace that, combined with that body and face, made a womans pulse spikeeven when the woman knew what could happen to her if the Sadist became annoyed. He was a Black-Jeweled Warlord Prince, the most powerful male in Kaeleer. He was also, may the Darkness help me, family.

  “Youre supposed to be on your honeymoon, I said.

  “We are. Jaenelle and I came back to Amdarh for a day to visit the bookshops and pick up a few supplies before going to the cottage in Ebon Rih. He paused, and his eyes got that sleepy look that always scared the shit out of me. “That was the intention anyway. He looked at Rainier. “Surreal and I have a few things to discuss. Why dont you take a walk?

  “Lady Surreal and I are working together, Rainier replied.

  I could have smacked Rainier for the subtle challenge in his voice. He knew better than that.

  “Fine, Daemon saidand he smiled.

  Rainier paled. He excused himself and retreated. Not far. That Warlord Prince temperament wouldnt let him back down all the way. So he settled on another bench where he could keep me in sight.

  “Are you going to share that? Daemon asked.

  I handed over the bowl and spoon. “I thought you liked Rainier.

  “I do. What does that have to do with anything? Daemon took a spoonful of flavored ice before handing it back to me. “Mm. That is good.

  “We are working together.

  “Whatever you tell him is your business. He studied the park and waited.

  “All right, I finally said. “What do we know? Theres no reason for the killings.

  “Just because you dont know what it is doesnt mean there isnt one, Daemon said, his tone a mild scold. “Consider the predator instead of the prey. Shes an opportunistic killer. Shes not hunting for a particular man or a particular kind of man. She strikes when she can, where she can. She attacks males who wear lighter Jewels, so the odds are she wears at least the Opal Jewel.

  “But not a Jewel thats close in strength to the Gray, I murmured. “Her sight shield couldnt hide her from me completely the one time I spotted her.

  Daemon nodded. “So you know you can take her without getting hurt unless youre careless. She also chooses males who arent prepared to defend themselves, which indicates she wants the thrill of spilling blood without the risk of their fighting back.

  I huffed in frustration. “You arrived in Amdarh today. How did you figure all this out so fast?

  He laughed softly. “Ive been playing this game a lot longer than you have. Besides, Lady Zhara and I had a chat this morning before I came looking for you, and she gave me all the information she had about the killings.

  A few weeks ago, the witches in Amdarh got their first taste of what its like to dance with the Sadist. After that unfortunate incident, I bet Zhara, the Queen of Amdarh, was thrilled to have a chat with Daemon.

  Then he looked at me. “Are you worried that youll find a mirror when you find her?

  Damn him. He knew.

  “Shes not a mirror, Surreal. You never made a kill that wasnt deserved. You took pleasure from the killing, but you never killed for pleasure. Theres a difference.

  “You dont know all the kills were deserved.

  He just looked at me.

  Weve known each other for centuries. I was a child when I met him, when he helped my mother and me. Ill never know how closely he kept track of me after I began my career with a knife, but now I had no doubt, none at all, that if Id become a killer in the same way the witch we hunted was, I wouldnt be sitting here. He would have destroyed me long ago. I shouldnt have felt relieved knowing that, but I did.

  “How do we find this bitch, Sadi?

  “If you cant find the predator, give the predator a reason to find you. Provide irresistible bait. His smile was gentle and vicious. “The prey that seems the sweetest is always the one that got away.


  I crouched in front of the little Yellow-Jeweled Warlord. The miniature man. My irresistible bait. “You know what to do?

  “Yes, Lady, he said, his voice so subdued I could barely hear him.

  “Ill be close by.

  He nodded. “If she cuts me, will it hurt?

  I looked toward the table tucked in the back corner of the coffee shop. Jaenelle Angelline looked back at me, her sapphire eyes full of something feral and dark.

  “Yes, Jaenelle said gently, “it will hurt. She pointed to the wooden frame that held the web of illusions shed created to play out this game. “By itself, the illusion Ive made of you will fool the eye, but in order to fool the hand when someone touches it, it has to be linked to you. While nothing will actually happen to you, you will feel whatever happens to it.

  The little Warlord looked into those sapphire eyes. Whatever he found there gave him what he needed. “I will serve to the best of my ability.

  Jaenelle smiled. “I know.

  I gave the little Warlord one last, long look. He had a loose button on his jacket. It hadnt been loose yesterday evening when the boy and his instructor came to the family town house so that Jaenelle could build the web of illusions.

  Some of the tension inside me eased. It was such a little detail, but Id be able to use it to tell when the switch was made and the illusion took the boys place out on the street.

  We took our positions. Daemon stayed in the coffee shop with Jaenelle. The boys instructor took his usual place at a window table. Rainier and I sight shielded before leaving the shop. He crossed the main street to tuck into a doorway near that corner. I crossed the side street, settling into a doorway just beyond the alley. The boy went to the corner to perform escort duties, leading ladies across the street.

  We watched, waited. So far, all the killings had taken place in this part of the city, but there was no guarantee the
bitch wouldnt start hunting somewhere else, no guarantee shed come close enough to spot the bait.

  An hour passed. We watched. Waited. I tensed every time a lone female approached the corner, every time the boy offered his hand as an escortand breathed a sigh of relief every time he stepped into the coffee shop to receive advice from his instructor. But every time the small figure left the coffee shop, it was still wearing a jacket with a loose button.

  I gritted my teeth. I trusted Jaenelle, and I could understand her delaying as long as possible before making the switch in case someone could recognize the illusion for what it was. But, Hells fire, why was she waiting so long?

  We were coming up on the two-hour mark, which would end the training session, when something drifted toward me on the air. Something that made me edgy, uneasy. I scanned the people going about their business, cursing when I lost sight of the boy as a carriage passed by. Then I saw him again. And I saw her. She came from Dhemlan, so there was nothing about her looks that would attract attention, but I knew it was she.

  They crossed the side street on the opposite side from me. I held my breath and hoped Jaenelle could still make the switch from boy to illusion before the rest of this game was played out.

  The witch said something to him that made him smile, brought out that bright-eyed puppy eagerness to please.

  They crossed the main street. He stayed at the corner. She continued up the street, toward the alley. Toward me.

  She glanced at the alley, then stopped and cried out, “Hes hurt! Mother Night, hes hurt! She looked around frantically. “Help me, Warlord. Help me. Hes hurt! She darted into the alley.

  The boy stayed true to his training. A female had cried for help. He ran into the alley after her.

  And I saw the loose button on his jacket.

  I heard his panicked cry as I rushed into the alley.

  “Let him go, bitch, I snarled, calling in the hunting knife.

  She whirled to face me, the boy held against her, a knife as mean as mine pressed against his neck.

  Her eyes danced with the glee of the kill. The smile she gave me was malignant.