Summer Love: A Steamy Small Town Romance Anthology Read online

Page 8

  Ignoring the pain that came from behind my zipper as I plowed ahead with providing her so much pleasure she’d scream my name, I cupped Keva’s cheek and kissed her. She tasted like caramel apples and magical unicorns, which meant she tasted like nothing I’d tasted before. She exuded happiness and joy, even in her kiss. When her tongue darted out to tease mine, I slipped my hand between her legs and caught her gasp in my mouth. I smiled against her lips, feeling like the most powerful man in the world for making her writhe and gasp and sigh beneath me.

  Two fingers slid inside her wet channel. Her breasts rose up into the air in invitation as her back bowed off the mattress. I latched onto her left nipple, giving it all my attention as I slid back out of her and then back in, setting a fast pace I knew she could handle. Her hands tried to grab my hair but it was cut too short for her to find purchase. Instead, she cupped the back of my head and held me against her. As if I had any intention of leaving these breasts anytime soon. A third finger joined the first two and Keva began to chant.

  “Linc, oh Linc,” she gasped.

  That was it. Just a little more and she’d be screaming it. I moved my head to her other breast, gently biting, sucking, and flicking her nipple with my tongue. My thumb found her swollen nub and worked her over in rhythm with my fingers. Her mouth opened and closed, her eyes squeezed shut tight. A couple strands of dark hair lay across her face, stuck to the fine sheen of moisture she’d worked up. I thrummed across her clit one more time and she did it.

  “Linc!” she screamed, nearly dislodging my hand between her legs as she piked up.

  She grabbed my face and pulled me to her in a messy kiss. Her legs trembled and I felt her tighten around my fingers. She groaned again, this time into my mouth. The doorbell rang out, making her pause before falling bonelessly back onto the mattress.

  “Oh my God, Linc,” she whispered, staring up at me like a sex god. I could get used to that look aimed in my direction.

  I smiled, even as I had to grab my dick through my jeans and tell him to settle down. We had pizza to eat, and then maybe, if the lady indulged me, she’d let me sink into her heat all night long.

  “Stay there.” I pressed a quick kiss to her mouth and reluctantly left her, hoping I could get the beast to stay down long enough to answer the damn door without embarrassing myself.

  I swung the door open, with a twenty dollar bill thrust forward. “Thanks, man…”

  I trailed off, seeing a familiar woman standing on my doorstep. A rather large, retirement aged woman. In a U.S. Postal Service uniform. Holding my pizza. And eye fucking me.

  Whoa. That tamed the beast all right.

  “Looks like you got started without me!” she trilled.

  “Poppy, right?” I put two and two together, remembering the way I’d kissed Keva just to avoid this woman earlier today. Maybe my luck wasn’t turning around after all.

  “I was finishing up delivering mail when I saw the pizza guy roll up.” She wiggled her eyebrows and it did not do the same thing to my insides as when Keva did it.

  I leaned against the doorjamb and smirked. “You always deliver pizza in your off hours?”

  She thrust the box at me, which had my mail stacked on top, and snatched the twenty out of my hand. “Only when I get a half-naked man answering the door and new gossip to spread. Welcome to Hell, Lincoln Angelo.”

  With that, she twirled around and two stepped back to her mail truck to some country song in her head. She was an odd thing. Then again, Bain had warned me about this town.

  “Linc?” Keva called from inside.

  I shut the door and headed back into the bedroom, not wanting to waste a minute while I had Keva’s scent all over me and her waiting in my bed. Maybe she’d let me eat the pizza off her bare stomach just so I could ogle her boobs while I ate. There she was, sitting up on the mattress with paper towels spread out for our dinner and clad only in a pair of my boxers she’d rolled up at the waist. She smiled up at me sweetly despite being topless. Fuck. I could marry this girl.

  Sitting across from her, I placed the box down in the middle of the bed and moved the mail onto the floor. “Meat or cheese?”

  Her smiled turned devilish. “Give me all the meat,” she practically growled.

  My stomach clenched and even though I’d been hungry an hour ago, I didn’t particularly care if I ate a single damn thing tonight. Keva bit into a slice of pizza and gave a little moan of appreciation.

  “Stop it.”

  She stopped chewing. “Excuse me?” she said around a bite of food.

  I wolfed down a half a slice of pizza. If we had to eat, I’d do it quickly so I could get back to the good stuff. “You can’t moan like that or I will throw this pizza out and slide inside of you before you can swallow your bite.”

  “Oh,” she answered, her breasts heaving as her breath sped up.

  I shoved the rest of the slice in my mouth and threw the box on the floor. She squealed as I lunged for her, holding her slice above her head out of harm’s way. I caged her in with my arms and legs, crawling up her body, kissing and tasting along the way, making sure I paid equal attention to every square inch of her. When I got to her breasts, I cupped them in my hands and squished them together so I could taste them, one right after the other. Mmm…pizza and hot woman.

  “Lose the pants, Linc,” Keva whispered hotly.

  I climbed off of her again and stood. “Lose the pizza,” I responded, hand hesitating on the button of my jeans. Keva’s eyes dropped to my hand. Then she tossed the piece of pizza over her shoulder, letting it splat somewhere on the floor behind the mattress. Okay then. I guess she was done eating.

  I popped the button and unzipped my jeans, pulling my boxers down with them and kicking them off my feet as Keva slid out of my boxers. She licked her lips and kept her gaze trained on my cock. I dropped to a knee and grabbed a condom out of the cardboard box by the bed. They were two years old, from the last time I’d had a two week furlough in the States. I’d only gone through two of them in those two weeks, which was a crying shame. I rolled it on and braced myself over Keva. She spread her legs and let my hips nestle there.

  “I don’t know how gentle I can be,” I managed to say. I wanted to be honest with her because she was so sweet. I also wanted to see her again already, despite my initial thoughts of just one night together.

  Her eyes went soft and she cupped my face. “I won’t break.”

  My hips had a mind of their own, like some sort of heat seeking missile, plunging forward and lodging my cock inside of her before she’d even quit speaking. My blood pressure soared at the intense pleasure, the way her pussy seemed to suck me in and hold me there. To my embarrassment, my arms began to shake. I pulled almost all the way out and thrust back in, the mattress moving an inch across the floor.

  “Yes, Linc, give it to me.” Keva kept her hands on my face, her eyes widening with each thrust and her mouth dropping open. She didn’t let me go and I didn’t want to be anywhere but staring right down into her pretty face as I fucked her into stunned silence. She felt like heaven if the place was a constant orgy with no end in sight. I could die right here on top of Keva’s body and have zero regrets.

  My pace increased to the point I knew it couldn’t be pleasurable for her. I couldn’t seem to stop myself. My body needed to fuck the dark past out of my system and Keva was the unfortunate willing party. She gasped over and over and I got off on each little puff of air until a wave of pain and pleasure hit my balls so hard I couldn’t breathe. I shuddered and thrust, my seed spilling from me like a geyser that had been bottled up for centuries. In the back of my brain, I knew I should have somehow pulled back and waited for the lady to come first.

  “Linc!” Keva screamed in my ear, her teeth biting down where my neck met my shoulder. Her hands left my face to scrabble across my back, clutching and scraping my skin.

  I kept thrusting in a desperate attempt to make it good for her, though my rhythm was now scattered to the wind.
I felt no pain, only utter bliss as wave after wave of primal pleasure flooded my body and left me speechless. My hips froze as they ran out of gas and ground to a halt. Fuck. I dropped my forehead on the mattress beside her head, completely spent. I’d never come that hard before.

  Sweat built up between our two bodies as we tried to catch our breaths. The second I felt like I could muster something passing for coordination, I pushed back up onto my elbows and gazed down at her. Her cheeks were stained red and more dark strands of hair stuck to her sweaty face. Her eyes were still closed, but her mouth was curved up into a dreamy smile. I felt ten feet tall knowing I’d been the one to put it there.

  Already formulating a way to see her again with what little brain power I had left, I pulled out and rolled next to her. Her eyes popped open and I braced for the regret to surface on her face.

  “I could so use some pizza right about now,” she said, then turned her head to wink one pretty blue eye at me. She sat up and scooted over to the side of the mattress, stealing my T-shirt and putting it on.

  I took a little longer to recover. Maybe because it had been so long for me since I’d felt the warmth of a woman who giggled and smelled good and made my eyes roll back in my head. Even watching her eat pizza was turning me on. I reached for her, needing a second piece of her before the food, but the doorbell rang out again.

  I groaned and swiped a hand across my face. “I’ll get it.”

  Rolling off the mattress, I got to my feet and grabbed my jeans off the floor. A slap echoed through the empty room and then my ass cheek lit on fire. Keva had fucking slapped my ass. She gave me an impish grin and kept right on eating. Instinct had me wanting to tackle her and doubly repay the slap on her gorgeous ass cheeks, but the doorbell rang again.

  I growled instead and headed out of the room to get rid of whoever was interrupting my first night with a woman in ages. Ripping open the door, I already had my mouth open to tell them I wasn’t buying anything and to get the hell off my property. But then I saw who it was.

  “Rocket? What the hell are you doing here, man?” I stood frozen, my brain scrambling to figure out why my roommate was already here when he wasn’t due until next week.

  His face split into a smile I’d seen a million times right before he did something reckless that had me scrambling to save his ass. “They let me out a bit early, so I drove all day to get here.”

  He stuck his hand out and after I blinked myself out of my fog, I reached out to grab it, going through our special handshake.

  “Today’s a good day to mess some shit up,” he said on a wink, repeating the line we’d said almost every day we were deployed together. Nothing like a little pep talk with your boys to chase away the nightmares.

  “Fuck, yeah,” I said, pulling him inside the house and slapping him on the back.

  “Boston?” came Keva’s voice from behind me.

  I spun around, my hand still wrapped around Rocket’s. She had on my T-shirt, looking better in it than I did and leaving her long legs bare, which I appreciated. Her hair lay down her back, tangled like she’d gotten good and fucked recently. Even her red lipstick, now fuzzy around the edges, seemed to scream sex.

  “Annabel?” Rocket asked, tensing beside me.

  “Who’s Annabel?” I asked, feeling like I was missing something.

  “What are you doing here with Lincoln?” Rocket asked, ignoring me.

  He pulled his hand from mine and a sliver of unease shot up my spine. Something wasn’t right. How did Rocket know Keva? And why was he calling her Annabel? The only Annabel I knew of was Rocket’s kid sister.

  Oh, fuck.

  My gut clenched tight, and I blew out a strained breath. There were some lines you never crossed with your brothers and I’d just trampled right over the very thickest of lines with my dick out.

  Rocket’s gaze took in Keva from head to toe before swinging back to me with thunder and lightning and clear understanding tearing across his face. His meaty hands balled into fists, and I knew they itched to pound my face.

  I pointed at Keva, making sure to step away from Rocket. “You said your name was Keva.”

  She put one bare foot on top of the other and folded her arms across her chest, which was a good idea considering her nipples were poking through the thin cotton. “My name is Keva. Keva Annabel Mooney. And this is my brother Boston. How do you two know each other?”

  Boston took a step toward me and I didn’t back away this time. I’d slept with his baby sister my first day in town. He and I both knew you fucked the first willing girl on leave and never thought about her again. No amount of telling him how much I liked Keva and wanted to keep seeing her would change his mind.

  I deserved whatever I had coming.

  “He was my Staff Sergeant and now my roommate.” Rocket ground out between his clenched jaw.

  “Oh, shit,” Keva whispered, finally grasping the gravity of the situation.

  Oh, shit was right.

  Rocket’s arm cocked back and I winced, refusing to even block him.

  Keva screamed and then pain bloomed across my face.

  Chapter Three


  “Look. I don’t want to talk about him anymore. I just want to forget about him. He doesn't exist in my world. Okay, Jenika?”

  I shoved my cell phone between my ear and my shoulder as I ran around my tiny apartment above Coffee on Main Street. I’d lucked out getting to rent this place when I came here two years ago at the tender age of eighteen. I think the owner took pity on me and gave me the place just because I was so pathetic with my story of woe. Dead parents, a nasty uncle who had custody of me for exactly eight months before I aged out, and a big brother off in the military. I’d made the seven hundred square feet a home though and Miss Lucy had given me a job at the fertility clinic I’d come to love.

  “I thought you said he ruined all men for you after your one day together,” Jenika reminded me, doing what best friends do: call you on your shit.

  I snorted, pulling on a pair of black pants that looked mostly clean. “He did ruin me for all men, just not in the way I thought.”

  Jenika snickered and then shouted at me to hold on while a train went by. I took the twenty seconds to toss the phone on my bed and pull a blouse over my head. A quick dash of lipstick and I was ready to head out the door. Oh wait. Shoes. I grabbed the phone, shoved my feet in my favorite black flats and headed out the door in the hopes of grabbing a cup of coffee before walking to work now that my car had died for the last time.

  “Okay, I’m back,” Jenika said.

  I rolled my eyes and trampled down the stairs. “You really need to move out of that place. A train every hour on the hour? Just move here already. I promise you’ll fit right in with these weirdos.”

  “Hey!” Dante, the hot guy my age running the cash register downstairs in the coffee shop, handed me a steaming cup of coffee just the way I liked it. I lifted on tip toes and kissed his cheek. He winked and I knew he wasn’t mad about my weirdo comment. Hell citizens thrived on being weird. They wore it like a badge of honor.

  “Actually, I was thinking of moving once my lease is up next month.”

  I squealed at that news and then darted behind the corner of the diner when I saw a familiar head of hair getting out of a parked truck. My heart raced and I held my breath.

  “Hello?” came Jenika’s voice in my ear.

  “Hold on,” I whispered, daring to dart a look around the corner a moment later and letting out a sigh of relief when Linc wasn’t anywhere to be found. “Okay, I’m back.”

  I put my head down and rushed down the sidewalk, intent on reaching the clinic without seeing that asshole.

  “Were you just doing your ninja thing to avoid him again?” Jenika asked on a sigh. “You know, with all the darting around you do in that small town to avoid him, maybe you should move here.”

  “Nah, I love my job and it’s really not that hard to avoid him. It’s been two months and I haven�
�t bumped into him once,” I stated proudly.

  “Yeah, but you can’t even see your brother whenever you want to and you have to slunk around like a thief. Seems to me like maybe you should either smooth things over or think about moving out of town just for some peace.”

  Jenika was always the voice of reason in our friendship, which made it even harder to be two hours away from her. I reached the clinic and put my key in the door to open up the place before the first client arrived.

  “You might be right about moving, but I was here first,” I whined.

  “Okay, then smooth things over with him.”

  I dropped my bag on the front desk and hit the power button on my computer. “Yeah no. Boston beat the shit out of him and he just took it.” The skin on my arms broke out in goosebumps just thinking about it. “You should have seen it, Jenika. Linc just let Boston hit him until blood flew and splattered his shirt I was wearing. I’ve never seen something so horrible and all my fault on top of it. There’s no way I can smooth things over, trust me. It’s best I just pretend Linc and I don’t know each other.”

  Jenika huffed, but left it alone. She probably remembered the entire week I’d spent crying in my tiny apartment, calling in sick for work and sniffling into the phone when she tried to talk me through it. Even Spunky hadn’t been able to cheer me up. Jenika had assured me it wasn’t my fault, but I’m pretty sure no guy deserved to have the crap beat out of him simply for sleeping with me. I was an adult for crap’s sake, and that’s exactly what I’d told Boston when he’d tried to talk to me later with his knuckles all scraped up from Linc’s gorgeous face. My big brother and I were just now on speaking terms again.

  Linc, on the other hand, didn’t even try to talk to me again. To apologize for ending our night together in that manner. Or to beg for me to take him back. Okay, that last part was just what I dreamed about when it was late at night and I couldn’t sleep. But he hadn’t even tried to talk to me. I thought we’d gotten along so well. I thought there’d been a spark there before my brother drove his fist into Linc’s eye and Boston threw me in his truck to drive me home. I guessed Linc didn’t think so because he appeared unfazed by the whole thing. He even had my clothes delivered to my doorstep the next day without a note. Granted, he’d cleaned them, but no note was rude.