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RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1) Page 7
RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1) Read online
Page 7
He chuckles, but for my sake. “They’re lookin’ out for you. And I shouldn’t have tried that.” He shoots me a glance. “You don’t even know me. I’m sorry I tried to kiss you.”
“I kinda know you though.” I nudge him with my hip. “I know that if you would have succeeded, I wouldn’t have been mad.”
“Yeah, well.” The smile on his face is fake. His real smile lights up his face. “We’ve been drinking and.” With a huff, he sits on a log. “Probably not a good idea. I don’t want to disrespect you or your brother. You’re cute, Paige, and I like you, but I shouldn’t have done that. If you want to talk, I’ll listen.” His smile finally turns genuine. I want to do more than talk but he's suddenly hesitant. He‘s tried to kiss me so many times and failed, I can see why he’s given up.
“Why’d you move here without the rest of your family?” I know it’s nothing he probably wants to talk about because he’s already had the chance to open up once, but maybe between just the two of us he’ll feel more comfortable. When he doesn’t answer, I nudge him slightly. “You can talk to me, you know. I'm not gonna spread anything you don’t want anyone else knowing.”
“You’re not cold?” He eyes my legs a minute before looking up into my face.
“I’m used to being outside without enough clothes on.” I laugh. “We come out here and go swimming a lot at night.”
He looks over his shoulder toward the cars before his eyes skim the area. “I should get back to my aunt’s.” With a huff he tiredly rubs his face and curses, “Shit, I can’t drive.” It seems like he’s talking to himself.
“You guys can crash at the guest house. No one ever checks it and you’ll be left alone, at least till you sober up.” I grab another log nearby and toss it into the fire. Obviously he doesn’t want to talk about it and I’m not pushing tonight. “Or I can see if one of them is sober enough to drive y’all.” I motion towards the lake where the party’s still going strong and shake my head. “I’m sorry again, for how they’ve been getting their digs at you. It pisses me off.”
He stares up at me a minute, one eye almost closed. He’s clearly drunk but when he’s staring at me it doesn’t seem like it’s just because he’s drunk. “My mom left,” he says, his crooked gaze staying on me. “Almost a year ago and me and my dad.” He finally looks away. “We don’t get along.”
“Oh.” That wasn’t expected. “Fenton, I’m sorry.” No wonder he didn’t want to talk about it. What person in their right mind would want to talk about their mom abandoning them? I rest my hand on his shoulder, needing to touch him if anything just to show him I’m here for him. “I’m glad you came here, if it makes any difference.”
“I wish it did. I’m graduating this year and everything I thought I’d go on to do.” He shakes his head. “I’m not sure about that stuff anymore.”
I huff, not really knowing how that feels. I’ve had the same plan my entire life. Graduate, attend local college and work on the ranch. The ranch is my life. But I know how I’d feel if that wasn’t an option anymore, and it’s not a good feeling. I walk around him so I’m standing in front of him and he looks up at me.
“Wanna dance?” I hold my hand out and grin at him. I can’t take away the reason he’s struggling, but maybe I can help make the rest of this year better for him.
“Dance.” He chuckles but takes my hand and stands, unsteady on his feet. “We should practice for our friend date.”
“I'm not sure both of us drinking this much is really a good time to practice, but I think we could use all the help we can get.” I giggle when his feet almost step on mine. We’re both clumsy, but somehow fall into a comfortable rhythm as the music plays from my brother’s truck that’s pulled up to the lake. “I have to go dress shopping.”
“I’d buy you a dress if I had the money.” He’s talking quieter now, tired, I’m not sure he even knows what he’s saying or if it’s the alcohol.
“You just worry ‘bout that fancy dinner,” I say, then pat his chest and...wow. “These are nice,” I whisper, tracing my fingers around his muscles. Okay, so maybe all the alcohol from the night is catching up with me but I know without a doubt I’d want to do this sober too.
He laughs and grabs my hand, stopping me from exploring, holding it to his chest. “You’re gonna get my ass kicked by your dad.”
“He doesn’t even know we’re out here.” I push against him so I’m as close as I can get. “And please don’t bring up my dad right now.”
“Assholes!” Gray yells, jogging over to us. “Dad just texted something about checking with Shae’s parents if you're there yet." He gives me a pointed look. “They didn’t even know you were spending the night.”
I curse and drop my hands from Fenton and run over to my bag. My phone’s been hiding in there all night and I know better than to let that happen. Because if dad comes looking, this is the first place he’s going to check.
“Shit.” Seven missed texts from him and a call from my mom. Usually mom’s the more relaxed one, so when she’s reaching out after he’s tried that much we know there’s trouble. “Gray, we gotta get everyone out of here.”
“Round it up, people! Clean your shit and get out without old man Kenshaw finding you and you’ll live to see another day!”
I text my parents back, trying to calm their rage while the party cleans up around me. With as much junk as these people always bring to these things, they surprisingly know how to leave without a trace.
By the time I’ve hopefully stopped my parents from coming to find us and the party is cleaned up, I look around for Fenton and his brother but can’t see them.
“Gray,” I blurt. “Where’s Fenton?”
He spins and looks around. “Don’t know. Let’s go. I’m heading to Bobby’s. Shae’s waiting for you in her car.”
“We can't leave him here.” I throw my hands to my hips and walk around the area but his clothes and everything are gone. I mean, I’m glad he’s out and my dad didn’t find him, but he didn’t even say goodbye.
“We’ll drive by his aunt's house on the way to Uncle Bo’s. I’m sure the car will be there.” He nods for the lot where Bobby and Shae are waiting. “Let’s roll.”
I get into Shae’s car and she’s grinning like a fool in the driver’s seat.
“Oh my god, are you drunk too?” I fall into the seat, exhausted.
“No. But you are and so was Fenton and you two are so cute!” She squeals, pulling onto the road. I groan because the car’s hitting every bump possible on this back road.
“I know,” I finally say. “We are, aren’t we?” A smile creeps on my lips remembering how nice he felt under my hands. His skin is so soft but those muscles...god, he’s hot.
“So are you two like, an item now?”
I don’t say anything, I just grin and sink farther into the seat, closing my eyes and hoping to dream about Fenton tonight.
By Wednesday’s practice Fenton and I have this weird routine down that we never really talk about but all it’s taken is three days for it to become normal. After seventh hour, he meets me at my locker and we both walk to the locker rooms together before heading our separate ways. It’s not a long walk, and usually there are other people in the group...but somehow it feels like it’s just the two of us. It feels like it means more than just friends. And when I catch him glancing my way during practice it makes it feel like this date we have coming up is way more than friends.
I’m standing on the sidelines, listening to the other girls gossip about who their dates to the dance are and how they’re matching outfits and getting a limo but I don’t care about any of that stuff. I’m just excited to be Fenton’s date.
“I’m going to take a break,” I say, watching the boys break for water. They all ignore me so I head over to the bench where the guys are tossing their helmets. “Hey,” I chirp, smiling at Fenton. “Looks good out there.”
“Yeah.” He’s panting, drinking down his water. “It’s
hot today.” When he wipes at his sweaty face with the bottom of his shirt, my eyes go to his bare stomach. “You’re not hot?”
“I’m used to it.” My eyes flash to his and he knew exactly where I was just looking. “Plus I’m not wearing as many layers as you.”
“Never understood why you girls don’t wear anything to practice in. Some of these guys on the field can’t focus with your asses hanging out like that,” my brother interrupts, his eyes never leaving the group of cheerleaders I just walked away from.
“We wear clothes!” I snap, smacking him on the side of the head. “Stop staring at them and they won’t be a distraction.”
“Did you get a dress yet?” Fenton asks when my brother wanders away.
“I’m going Saturday with my mom.” I smile and twirl my hair. “You have any color suggestions?” God, listen to me. I’m almost as bad as those girls were about matching! I will not match with Fenton. I will not match with Fenton. “What color’s your dress shirt?” Shit.
He leans against the building and smiles at me. “I was going to ask you. I didn’t get my stuff yet but your dad’s paying me tomorrow so I'll go when I go see my dad and brother this weekend.”
“You’re going out of town this weekend? There’s a game on Friday, will you be here for that?”
“Can’t miss a game.” His smile is wide. “I’m just going back home Saturday after work. I miss my brother. Even though he’s a pain in the ass.”
“Yeah. Gray said the kid drove you two home the other night. Still not thrilled about that. I told you y’all could have stayed in the guest house.”
He stands up straight and looks away when a few of the guys call to him. “Think about those colors.” Reaching out, he tucks my hair behind my ear and I want to melt. Such a simple thing has me going crazy for him. “I gotta go.”
I watch as he runs toward the field, pulling up his shirt to wipe his face again.
“Yeah!” Mandy calls out. “Sterling, nice abs!”
My eyes narrow and I glare at her. It’s not until I feel the pain from my nails in my palm that I realize I’m clenching my fists and trying not to pummel her.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” I snap, walking back over to the girls.
“He doesn’t have a body like that though.” She stares at Fenton and I feel my arms start to tingle. I’ve never wanted to stomp anyone’s ass before...but there’s a first for everything.
“I’ll make sure to tell Mike that’s what you think.” I smirk, seeing Mike running over to her from across the field and she gives me a ‘don’t you dare’ look.
“Hey Mike,” I yell, smiling and batting my eyelashes at him just like she was doing to Fenton. “Looking good out there.”
When I look over at her... If looks could kill.
“Come on, babe,” she blurts, grabbing his hand and yanking him away from us.
“She’s too easy of a target.” I laugh, hating the jealousy that coursed through me as I watched her flirt with the boy I want.
It’s weird actually wanting someone like I do Fenton. I mean, all the other guys I’ve had crushes on have felt just like that. Get together, mess around, and eventually the crush goes away. There hasn’t been anyone special to really hold my attention long enough for me to get attached. I need to focus on school and I’m so close to the end that losing that focus is dangerous. My sister graduated top of her class and Gray and I have been on a run for the top since grade school. I’m the school year away from winning and I want it so bad I can taste it. I want to show everyone I’m just as good as Annie was. If not better.
And Jesus, that’s a sad truth.
The next day at school is the usual. We’re falling into such a comfortable rhythm that it’s almost hard to imagine how I made it through my days without him in them before. He walks me to every class he can. We sit by each other in Biology, and eat lunch at the same table. Of course, Gray and some of the other football players are there. And Shae and Maddie, two of the girls from the squad, but Fenton’s attention is always pointed at me. And I like it. A lot.
Fenton rides home with us so he and Gray can get right to work and I’m thrilled he didn’t scoot away from me when I favored his side of the bench in the truck. I want to hang out with them just to be around him, but the minute we get out of the truck my dad’s got them pulling posts and fixing gates. I know I’d just be in the way, plus I’ve got homework to finish, so I head inside and conveniently set myself up at the table so I can look out the window and see what he’s doing. The gate they’re working on is closer to the house than to the barn, so I’ve got a pretty decent view and holy crap it’s nice.
He’s tan. And when he pulls his shirt off because it’s so hot outside? Shit. I’ve watched guys with their shirts off a lot between living and working on this ranch and being around the football team, but nothing’s ever done to me what Fenton’s body does to me. It makes me feel...needy.
“Paige? Did you hear me?” my mom’s voice comes from the door and I startle. “What the hell you doin’?” She moves toward me, trying to see out the window.
“Homework,” I blurt. “So much homework.” I stare at my book that’s been open in front of me for god knows how long. I don’t even know what subject this is for! “I'm swamped, mom, what’s up?”
“Homework? Is the class male anatomy? Last time I checked, homework didn’t make you sweat like you been rolling around with the pigs. Who is this boy? I’ve seen him a few times but your dad said he’s just a friend of Gray’s.” She’s kneeling on the bench staring out the window at him and lets out a slow whistle.
“Mom, stop staring.” I roll my eyes and try to act like I’m more worried about my grade on this assignment than what’s currently outside my window. I guess there’s a first time for everything, right? Because I couldn’t give a damn what grade I get on this if I can spend my afternoon watching shirtless Fenton work.
She starts knocking on the window and I gasp. When she waves, I drop my face to the book. Utterly mortified. “He’s cute. You think maybe I should meet him?” She comes to sit next to me.
“Oh my god.” I groan and shake my head, still planted in the book because my cheeks are so red I might actually die. “No, mom. He’s a friend. Gray’s friend.” And the guy I can’t stop thinking about. “Did you have to knock and wave like that?”
“I think a boy taking my daughter to homecoming should be introduced. Don’t you?” She’s glaring at me angrily. I never told her who was taking me, my dad must have, but she hasn’t mentioned she knew I had a date. “Annie didn’t treat me like this, Paige. We were best friends. You don’t tell me anything.” She’s actually pouting right now.
“Because there’s nothing to tell.” I huff and lean back in the chair. “We’re going as friends. You can go meet him, but he’s a friend. It’s hard not to be friends with people in your same grade when your surrounded by them everyday, mom.”
“I said the same thing about your dad...well, not friends. We were...” She glances at me, knowing I hate when she talks about her and my dad hooking up. “You like him. I may only be your mother. But I know when you like someone. You look at him like you used to look at little Kenny in seventh grade.” With a grin she stands and runs her fingers through my hair.
“Stop,” I groan. “Uck, little Kenny turned out to be big creepy.” I shudder and sigh, letting her play with my hair because I really like it. “It doesn’t matter if I like him. I’ve tried. He only wants to be friends.”
Her fingers stop and brows furrow. “Why?” she barks and moves back toward the window like she’s going to give him a piece of her mind. “We don’t mess around with no players, Paige. He dating other girls? How many girlfriends does the little asshole have?” She’s angrily watching him out the window and I really hope he doesn’t see her.
“Mom, stop!” I try to pull her off the window bench. “He’s not an asshole, he’s just...” I don’t know. “He just said we’re going to the dance as friends.
That's all I know.” That’s a lie. I know he felt more just like I did at the lake. I know he likes our walks together and our small talks on the way to practice. I know he likes riding home next to me. He just won’t do anything about it. “You want to meet him to see for yourself he’s really not an asshole?”
“He sounds about as lame as your Uncle Bo was when it came to Kinlee.” Rolling her eyes she starts a deliberate march out the door and I scramble to my feet, trying to catch up. I try to call her, stop her, and she may be little, but she’s fast. “Hey!” she blurts after rounding the corner of the house. “Hey! I’m calling you!”
Fenton freezes and eyes go wide before he stands up straight and pulls his gloves off his hands. “Yes, ma’am.” He takes the baseball hat off his head and tries to be proper but he’s shirtless, glistening in sweat, and his jeans are sitting mighty low on those hips.
“I’m Jo. Paige’s mom.” My mom eyes him up and down a few times. “You know Paige?” She thumbs toward me and I want to go hide. “My little girl.” Her arms cross.
Fenton glances toward me but then quickly nods and steps forward to shake her hand. My mom looks back at me expectantly but I don’t know what she expects.
“Oh uh.” I stammer. “Mom, this is Fenton. Fenton, this is my very embarrassing mother.” I shove my hands in my pockets and work harder than ever not to stare at his body.
“I won’t be embarrassing when you need me to knock that Adam’s apple out of his throat,” my mom grumbles as she walks away from us and I stare wide eyed.
When the front door slams, Fenton looks at me with so much fear on his face I almost laugh. “Holy shit, she’s more intimidating than your dad.”
I know the only reason she’s acting like that is because I said he didn’t want to be my boyfriend, but that was embarrassing as hell.
“Yeah.” I nod. “She got those tattoos in prison.”
His eyes go wider and he rubs the back of his neck, dropping his head. “Uh...do you think she likes me?”