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RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1) Page 2
RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1) Read online
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“Paige.” She smiles. “Grant let you on the team?”
“Coach Matthews,” Gray blurts. “You can’t keep calling him Grant. Dad’ll kick your ass.”
“Please.” She scoffs and pulls out her phone. “I’m his favorite, I can do whatever I want.”
Oh boy. I rub the back of my neck wondering if Coach Matthews has actually hooked up with some of these girls, and if Paige and Gray are fighting over it.
She looks at me expectantly and it takes a second for me to remember what she asked. But when she giggles and cocks her eyebrow I quickly blink, trying to go back a minute and recall her question.
If coach let me on the team.
“Uh, yeah. Thanks to your boyfriend.” The awkward smile on my face makes me look out the side window because it won’t go away. I don’t normally act like this with girls, but this isn’t just a girl. She’s gorgeous. I don’t really think Grey’s her boyfriend, but I gotta cover my bases and make sure.
The cab falls silent before Paige’s small laugh fills the air. What starts off as a giggle turns into full blown laughter.
“Wait.” She’s still laughing. “Him?” When she thumbs toward Gray, he grimaces.
“I just assumed.” I awkwardly chuckle feeling dumb as ever I said that instead of just asking if they were related.
“I’m her brother,” Gray says. “Not her boyfriend.” He grimaces again. “Gross.”
“You’re gross.” She shoves him and he pushes back which flings her so close to me she’s almost on my lap.
“Ass,” she blurts, shoving him again but bracing herself with her hand on my arm. “Sorry my brother has no class.”
“It’s fine. I’m sorry,” I tell them both. “Just...right here, Gray.” Pointing at my aunt’s place, I’m grateful we’re here. “Thanks again. For the team and everything today.” I look toward him but my eyes get caught on Paige who’s staring at me like maybe I’m not human, but she’s not sure what I am. “Thanks.” I nod and shove open the door, jumping out and feeling dumber than I did before because I just thanked her for nothing. “Way to go,” I mutter at myself as I walk toward the front door.
Gray throws a jersey at me wearing a huge smile. Chuckling, I open it up and look at the back. I haven’t even paid my dues yet but it says my name. Why is everyone here so nice and trusting? I don’t have money for fees and had kinda just planned on taking the number of the kid that had to drop the team unexpectedly. I’ll come up with the money though, because if Gray didn’t pay for this Coach Matthews did, and I’m not okay with that.
“Sterling. Put that shit on and get out there,” Coach Matthews snaps at me. “And you owe me seventy five bucks or you’re on urinal duty next week.”
“I’ll have it, Coach.” I’m not sure when he’s kidding sometimes. The guys start jogging out of the locker room and I grab mine and Gray’s water bottles. “Hey, Gray,” I call and when I spot him in his gear and jersey, my eyes go wide. Kenshaw. A rock drops in my gut. His jersey says Kenshaw. I toss him the water bottle he forgot and give him a nod.
“Thanks.” He grabs a towel before heading out to the field.
Hanging back for a few minutes I glance around. Gray and Paige are Kenshaws. Their family owns the biggest ranch in the Southwest and I would have never guessed it. They’re humble. Kids at my other school will rub their two hundred dollar allowances in your face and brag about how mommy and daddy are probably the richest in the county.
I don’t know Gray that well, but his behavior the past few days at school and practice is completely opposite than what I expect from a rich kid. Especially that rich. The Kenshaws are probably the richest people in this county and my county combined. Hell, probably in the state.
When I jog toward the bench, Gray looks back. “Hey, we’re all heading to Dotty’s for shakes after the game. You in?”
Shit, man. I nod and look away. Gray’s a Kenshaw. Well, at least I figured out who the Kenshaw was.
My eyes are exploring the field, since I'm feeling awkward hanging out with the richest kid I'll ever come in contact with when I spot Coach Matthews. He’s standing at the bleachers with a little girl in his arms and kissing a woman. ‘He’s like an uncle to me.’ I remember Gray’s words and wince.
“You checking out my wife, Sterling?” Coach Matthews snaps. And I was, but I wasn’t.
“No, sir,” I respond quickly.
“I get it. She’s hot.” He approaches and wraps his arm over my shoulders, walking me toward the woman and kid. “Baby, this is Fenton Sterling. He’s our new quarterback. Him and Gray are gonna bring our team to state this year. Ten and O, am I right, Sterling?” Jostling me a little he chuckles like he does when he’s stoked about something. The guy’s a little intense but supportive of us all and he’s made me feel welcome since I’ve joined the team. Treats me the same as the other guys. And apparently, he’s a part of the Kenshaws.
I push on a smile and nod. “Yes, sir.” I look up at his wife and nod.
“Good luck tonight, Fenton,” I hear a girl call and I turn to see Paige and a few other cheerleaders standing on the sidelines in their cheer outfits. I can’t help but check out Paige’s legs.
I smile and wave at her until I remember she’s a Kenshaw, too. “Shit,” I whisper and look down. They’re everywhere.
“Aw shit.” Coach Matthews starts to laugh. “Be careful, kid. Her dad’s right there.” He points toward a guy in the bleachers wearing a cowboy hat and a t-shirt that shows he’s a hard working ranch man. That’s Brandt Kenshaw. “Paige is a good girl.” He hits the helmet I'm holding. “But keep your head in the game.”
Nodding in agreement, I make sure to give his wife a small wave before jogging off. Last thing I need is to fuck up this game ‘cause of nerves. It’s bad enough we’re playing my old high school. I hadn’t really cared up until this moment as I spot dozens of familiar faces in the stands. My eyes land on the cheer squad and I try to make out my ex, but from this far away they all look the same. Looking over my shoulder, I look toward our squad, wondering if they all look the same too. Pretty much, except Paige sticks out like a sore thumb. She’s too beautiful to be in this school. That’s a stupid thought, but my head’s full of air today apparently.
Getting my head in it, I wait on the field, glaring at my old friends. Hell, they were never really friends. We all just went through the motions because we’re supposed to. But the minute the team found out I was leaving, they told me I was never welcome back.
The first play goes off without a hitch and I’m feeling confident I’ll bring my new team to victory today. But when I’m slammed, it’s not for the sport of the game. Ted O’Conner wants to crush me. The funny thing is he wanted to crush me even when we played on the same team. He always thought he should have been team captain; well this year, he got what he wanted because I’m not there.
“Sterling!” Coach Matthews gets my attention. “You good?” His glare turns onto Ted who’s jogging away.
“I’m good, Coach,” I yell around my mouthpiece.
I'm not playing to make them hurt, I'm playing because I like the game. They seem intent on hurting me though, so I'm gonna have to play dirty. I don't want a war with my old school, but it seems like they're asking for one.
The next play is an attempt to take me out of the game. My arm gets twisted back too far and I let out a scream as I drop to my knees. I’ve been wrenched on and beat on but never while this protected in pads. It wasn’t a coincidence he managed to unhook my guards before he ripped my shoulder back.
“Dude.” Gray grabs my arm and I grunt.
“It’s cool,” I yell over my team who’s screaming for me to get up.
“Move!” Gray screams at the other guys, helping me to my feet. I could have taken a few more minutes for a break, but I suppose I need to get off the field. “Jesus, Sterling. These guys’ve got it out for you tonight. What the hell did you do to them?” He laughs nervo
“I used to be their team captain. I don’t think they like I’m on the opposing team now. It’s cool.” I push him back a step and sit on the bench.
“What the fuck was that?” Coach Matthews screams. “Who did it? I’ll tear his pansy head off! That was a bitch move! It was a set up! He unhooked your gear!”
“Coach.” I laugh as he rages. “It’s cool. Just twisted a little. I’ll be cool.” I slowly roll my shoulder. “Let me sit out a minute. I’ll be right back in there.”
Gray jogs over to the cheerleaders and I groan when he grabs Paige and turns her towards me, pointing me out. What the hell does she have to do with anything? It’s not her job to check on me. When she starts to jog toward me I drop my head and groan. Mainly because I couldn’t help but glance at her chest.
“I was told to come take a look at your shoulder.” She stops in front of me then smirks as I look up. “I’m a doctor, you know.”
“I didn’t know that.” I laugh. “I think my shoulder’s cool, Doctor Paige.” Doctor Paige Kenshaw. My smile falls.
“Okay so technically I’ve only worked with goats, horses, and pigs.” She shrugs. “But how much different can humans be? Come on, take the shirt and pads off.”
“Uh.” I laugh and stare up at the seriousness on her face. Why does she have to be so cute? “My mom's called me a pig before, but I’m not sure the anatomy’s the same.” I touch her arm briefly. “Really, I’m okay.”
“Stop being a tough guy. You’re not going back out on that field until Grant knows you’re clear to play so let me look.” She nods at my shirt. “Off.”
“Paige.” I stand, towering over her by at least a foot but she’s holding her ground. “I have my pads on, and I’m perfectly okay.”
When she reaches forward and untucks my jersey, I jump back. “Come on.” She laughs. “I can’t see if anything’s swollen under all the layers. We can always head back to the locker room so I can take a look.” Her eyebrow arches and the smile playing on those lips almost has me running for the locker rooms.
I’m not sure what sort of invitation that was, but if it was the kind I think, I’m all for it. Until I remind myself she’s a Kenshaw.
With a huff, I yank off my jersey. “Do you always do this? If someone on the team gets hurt?” I ask her, fighting with my pads until she helps.
“Oh yeah, sure.” She makes a face and grins, biting her lip. “Okay. So, this shoulder?” Her fingers move to my shoulder, trailing slowly over my sweaty arm and I kind of feel bad ‘cause that’s gross for her, but she doesn’t seem to mind. At all. “That hurt?” She pushes a bit.
“Uh.” Fuck. Fuck, a hard on while wearing a cup is the last thing I need. “It’s a little lower,” I stupidly tell her and her fingertips keep moving, tracing the lines of my muscles and softly massaging into my flesh.
“What in the fuck are you doing?” Coach Matthews screams, coming at us like he was blown in with a storm. “Why are you playing doctor on my field?” His hard gaze goes to Paige.
“She was taking a look at my shoulder,” I try to explain before he screams at her.
“He’s good to go, Grant.” She smiles and winks at me before jogging off to join the other cheerleaders.
My mouth hangs open a minute before I look at him. She played me. And I wanted her to.
“Get dressed, jackass.” Coach Matthews shakes his head, his hands on his hips, but he’s trying not to laugh.
“She said she always checks the guys out.”
“I’m fucking sure she did!” he screams, moving closer to me like he’s about to pound me. When a voice says his name, he looks over his shoulder with a smirk. “Maybe her dad can help.”
My heart starts to hammer and I watch as Brandt Kenshaw walks in my direction at a leisurely pace. It's like he's taking his time as he tries to figure out where he should hide my body.
Oh fuck.
“Sterling?” he practically growls, reading my jersey. He clasps my shoulder so hard I wince, but I’m just thankful it’s not the hurt one. “What the hell you doin’, son?”
“I’m hurt,” I say in a little girl’s voice. Clearing my throat I try to stand taller as his grip gets tighter. “I hurt my shoulder. Paige is a good vet?” I question. “Pigs, horses, we’re all the same.”
His grip tightens and Coach Matthews snorts.
“No. She’s a seventeen year old girl. My seventeen year old girl. And you need to put your clothes on right the hell now before her momma gets over here. You’ll know what it means to be terrified if she gets ahold of you.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” I’m not going to tell them she made me do it, because I’ll only look like a bigger idiot, but she did make me, and I wasn’t mad about it. I gear up quickly and Coach Matthews helps, seeing that my shoulder is actually hurt and it wasn’t just a ploy to get Paige to touch me. That was just a perk.
“You okay to go back out?” he asks with a worried gaze on my shoulder.
Since I don’t want him to bring Brandt Kenshaw back over here, I assure him, “I’m good, Coach,” and pull my helmet back on before jogging to the field.
A glance back at Paige shows she’s watching me and she wiggles her fingers my way, beaming that addicting smile. With a chuckle, I drop my shaking head. She’s going to get me in trouble.
Especially because she’s a Kenshaw.
"Did you see his smile?” Shae swoons and I snap my focus to her.
“Shae, you have a boyfriend.” I giggle, trying not to sound or feel catty. But I do, because he’s cute.
Real damn cute. And I’m not the only one that notices.
“Yeah. But Paul looks nothing like that.” She nods to the field where Fenton’s bent over with a football held to the ground, and I wish I was in the bleachers behind him for that view.
He’s a great player. With a nice body. I can’t believe I got his shirt off so easily. And he has an adorable smile. I can’t take my eyes off him the entire game, which makes running through our cheers difficult. There were a couple times he glanced over at me, and each time he did I waved, but he just smirked and looked away. At least I think it was a smirk. With his helmet on it made it hard to make out his facial features, but he’s got nice full lips and they seemed to quirk up. Or it’s wishful thinking because I like his attention. There are so many guys in this school that crave my attention, but none that hold my attention. I’ve known most of these guys since kindergarten. And sure they say lifelong friendships make the greatest relationships, but none of these guys are worth the hard work a relationship takes. I like to focus on school, cheer, my love of animals, and my friends. Relationships complicate things.
But newbie? Fenton. Sigh, even his name is hot!
When the game ends and our team comes out on top, the guys all jog off the field feeling like the badasses they are. First game of the season and it’s our victory! The few players that are currently hooking up with some of the cheer squad stop to make out with their girls, Shae being one of them. I roll my eyes with a chuckle and leave her behind.
She’s my closest friend and has been for as long as I can remember. Besides my brother Gray she’s the only other person I’d confide in around here because everyone else blows everything way out of proportion at this school.
In the locker room I grab my bag and since it’s hot and clammy out, I leave on my uniform because this short skirt and tiny top is cooler than what I packed to change into. Also because I want Fenton to recognize me. Since he just saw me in this maybe it’ll help him remember me.
“You guys coming to Dotty’s?” I ask, jogging towards my brother’s truck. I could ride with Shae but I’m hoping Fenton’s with Gray again so I can get to know him more. We haven’t had a new kid in this school in a few years, and it helps he’s extremely hot. Hopefully his personality adds up or that’d be a waste. Take my brother for instance. Attractive. All the girls want a piece of him. Complete player. Way to go Gray. Love him, but he’s got some growing up to do.
“Yeah, you coming with us?” Abby and Shae look at me and I shrug.
“I think I’m supposed to ride with Gray. Parents’ rules and all.” I roll my eyes to sell it, but it’s not true.
The only rule my parents have is I’m not allowed to drive unless it’s with them. I have my license, but one little incident and a totaled car later, I’m not allowed to drive much anymore.
I eye my brother walking out of the locker room and grin to myself because Fenton is right on his heels. Bingo.
“Hey, you guys, mind if you give me a ride? Mine just bailed without me.” I pout my lip out and my brother rolls his eyes and groans.
“No room in the truck for you.” He hikes a finger at Fenton and keeps walking past me.
“Gray!” I snap at him. “We ride three all the time!”
“I got stuff too.” He lifts the two huge duffle bags in his hands.
“Put it in the bed. Dad would kill you if he finds out you made me walk to Dotty’s. The girls already left without me.” I race to follow his long strides, gripping my bag tight on my shoulder.
“Gray, I can catch a ride with Kirby. Paige can’t walk there.” He glances at me with a smile but his eyes go back to my brother.
“Shit,” Gray mumbles. “Just get in.” Gray glances at Fenton then at me and shakes his head, letting out a laugh. “We don’t want to be the last ones there and get the shit seats so let’s roll out.” He unlocks the truck and I toss my bag in the bed before sliding into the middle.
“Good game tonight, guys.” I grab my buckle and shift so my brother can click his, pushing against Fenton without realizing what I’m doing. “Sorry.” The poor guy looks like I just tried stabbing him or something.
“You got room?” He tries to scoot over more.
“Yep,” I chirp and pat his knee. “Your shoulder okay?”
“Yeah.” He rolls it, grabbing his opposite shoulder. “Feels fine.” When I notice his eyes are focused toward the buckle on the seat, I look down, wondering what his hesitation is.