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  Chapter 2

  Waiting Game

  "Well, now I know where they were, they were hiding their approach." Scott mentally thought.

  Before he contacted his boss he sat for a few moments and reviewed the last few hours he had spent on this small asteroid.

  He evidently had been at the right place and at the right time. He had been assured by the Contractual Three Moons in all their natural brilliance rising in, what he presumed was, the west.

  He had been thinking what an unusual sight. He had seen the Saturn rings, the Andromeda Cluster Stars and the Cathedral of Orion, but they could never match the spectacular beauty of these three simple moons.

  His mind wondered as he pondered on the colors that were so unusual and different. He personally didn’t know how to describe these colors but these are three that complimented each other to no end. Sharp contrast one minute then a swirl of colors turning into a turmoil of activity with the colors squaring off in patterns of circles, diamonds and any other shape that one could think of. Then they are returned to a simple pastel with no activity at all. Now this was really something but even this did not match the unrealistic beauty of these three moons when they not only did their color trick, they also seem to crisscross and swap places with each other.

  He had only seen it once in a tri-video. He did not believe anything could be of such natural beauty and elegance without the help of some very perceptive and creative genius.

  He didn't understand how the photographer could have recorded the moon swap on a tele-view disc. Since this was and still is the only copy in existence, it leaves you with the idea that capturing this recording could not have been easy. The wait for this occurrence must have been an undertaking that took all of someone’s stored up patience and unusual type of freedom.

  The patience he was thinking about was not the time the swap took, it’s just that the swap only happened once every ten years. Yep, it’s just like clockwork, every ten years. There is only one thing wrong with this clock, it doesn’t correspond to any other clock in the universe. No one has been capable of figuring out just when, during the tenth year, the swap would occur. Sometimes it happens at the beginning of the year and the next time it might be at the end of the year. It has happened in the middle of the tenth year, well no one saw it, but it must have because it did not happen at the beginning or the end of a tenth year. If it happened that year it had to be in the middle and, since no one expected that, no one saw it.

  There is one smaller problem that interferes with the recording of this event. The swap can only be seen from one small area on this particular asteroid and that area changes with each swap. That area seems to be randomly selected by whatever does the selecting. Well anyway Scott thought, "What or whoever did the recording, I sure admire their patience and persistence or their pure luck in that magnificent production."