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- Philip John Nicholls
The Merging of Dimensions
The Merging of Dimensions Read online
Philip Nicholls
Copyright © 2017 Phillip Nicholls
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I dedicate this book to my amazing family, who never stops believing in me.
Chapter 1
A New Beginning in Human Evolution
Chapter 2
The Abilities
Chapter 3
Onward to Egypt
Chapter 4
Arriving in Syria
Chapter 5
The Temple Complex, and The Great Pyramids
Chapter 6
Manna, and The Healing
Chapter 7
The Awakening
Chapter 8
Inner Changes
Chapter 9
The Desert Camp
Chapter 10
Returning To Ancient Egypt
Chapter 11
The Truth will Set You Free
Chapter 12
The Rescue
Chapter 13
The Beauty of The Desert
Chapter 14
The Return of Alim
Chapter 15
Crossing into Egypt
Chapter 16
Reunited, and a Feeling of Being Home
Chapter 17
Onwards to The Great Pyramids of Gizza
Chapter 18
Returning Home
Chapter 19
Time Travel
Chapter 20
The End, is only The Beginning
I start my amazing story with a few details about myself, and also my family. I am a thirty nine year old family man, and my name is Nicholas Beech. I have a beautiful wife called Adriana, and two amazing children Karla and Robert. My wife, and also myself both work nine to five jobs just like the majority of people on our planet today. Both of my beautiful children are getting a public education, in fact we are just like many other normal families that fill our planet today. We were all born in the United Kingdom, a small country that we all truly love with all our hearts. My wife’s family, and also my own family have lived here in the United Kingdom for many generations. Now that I have given a little background about myself and also my family, I hope you can get a sense of how we are just a normal family from a small island called the United Kingdom.
My amazing story, and also my adventure starts midway through the year of 2019. The Human civilization as a whole had already begun to go through what I can only call a great shift in human consciousness, and also human awareness of who we really are, and also our place inside this vast, and ever expanding multiverse. This new change in human awareness, and consciousness was again beginning to speed up in the August of the year 2019, but this time at a much faster rate than any other time in human history, here on our amazing planet. Even though this change in our awareness had been going on for many years, something dramatic had started to take place midway through the August of 2019. Everybody world wide had come to the understanding that in the last five years or so, something new, and also exciting had been taking place inside the collective human consciousness.
This change was now gathering great momentum, and was also speeding up to a new and fascinating level of intensity. These new levels of awareness in our consciousness were beginning to give us a much greater understanding of our place within this vast multiverse, that we all inhabit together. With these many new understandings, and developments in our human evolution, I now feel it has brought the human species to a new point of understanding themselves, which as given new meaning, and purpose to all our live’s here on our planet today. These many new developments in our understandings of ourselves were helping us to understand the very meaning of all our live’s, and the true reasons for our entire existence inside this vast multiverse. It seemed at last, that one of the oldest questions that man had ever asked of himself on this planet, was now being answered in a new, and also dramatic way. These strange but exciting new incidents had started to give us all a new, and fresh way to look at our live’s here on this planet we call home. We the human race only a few years earlier had passed a great milestone in what I believe to be the start of these many new changes in the human consciousness on this planet.
The very first appearance of these new changes seemed to coincide with the ending of the Mayan calendar in the year 2012. This world renown famous prediction of the world ending on December 2012, was I believe an ending, but not the one we all thought it would be, and even though the world didn’t come to a devastating end on this now famous date in history, I do believe in a way it was a type of ending for the human race had we had come to know, and understand it. The human race as a species had come to an ending, but also a new beginning in its consciousness awareness of the world that surrounded it, It was also starting to evolve in all areas of its awareness, bringing in a new conscious evolution that was awakening human beings to a new level beyond anything we could of ever predicted, or imagined in our wildest dreams.
The first signs of these changes started to appear around the globe, just seven years after the famous Mayan calendar prediction of the world ending in the year 2012. Many people from around the planet were starting to report strange new human phenomena. People in their thousands from all around the planet, and from all walks of life were reporting a sort of daytime dream like state of mind, these daytime dreams also began to incorporate vivid like visions, and all this was happening even though many of the people having these strange experiences were fully awake at the time of these visions, and dream like states of mind. Many of the people who were reporting these strange visions were still able to carry out their normal daily routines, unhindered by these strange new occurrences in their lives, but for how long nobody knew. Many different people also began to report seeing visions of what they could only describe has being from one of their past lives here on this planet. At this time nobody really knew why so many different people were reporting that these visions could have been from one of their past lives, but this was how it was being reported at this point in time. Many other reports started to spread from different areas of the planet, confirming that the strange visions felt very real, and they could only be compared to watching a movie that was being played on a big screen, that was right in front on their eyes, but many other reports began to confirm that it felt as though the large tv screen was inside their own inner minds. In time many other unconfirmed r
eports, and rumours started to circle the planet. These unconfirmed reports, and rumours were not so mysterious and exciting this time, they were reports of strange and frightening visions, and possible interactions with other strange life forms, as though they were from other dimensions, or other planets inside our galaxy. At this time many of the worlds scientists, and also world authorities tried to dismiss these many strange visions, and occurrences that were now sweeping pockets of the worlds population as a form of mass hysteria. But many of the people who were having these strange visions, were able to recall their strange events so vividly, that they were also able to draw very detailed, and artist like drawings of their visions, confirming to many that this was so much more than just the mass hysteria that many of the worlds scientists, and also governments were now trying to blame this new, and strange phenomena on.
The many world wide reports of this strange new phenomena was now starting to make many of the worlds governments, and also many of the worlds scientists, and religious groups very uneasy, about what this would bring to the meaning of all our lives here on this planet. I think this new fear was coming from a complete lack of understanding of what was truly happening to the many thousands of people from around our planet, and this misunderstanding was starting to fill many of the worlds authorities with a feeling of loosing control in some way. This new feeling of fear was now starting to sweep the whole planet, and it was further being fuelled by many of the worlds media organisations. It was quickly turning into a global media frenzy, that was including crazy reports of the end of the world, and even blaming these strange new visions on everything from a chemical attack, and a deadly new virus. There were even reports saying it was the wrath of God himself. But in the midst of all this panic, and chaos, there were also many new beacons of light shining from all around our planet, speaking with one voice, hoping to calm the masses, letting them know that they had nothing to fear from these strange, and new developments in our human evolution, and also our ever expanding awareness of who we really are. Their message was one of a new, and exciting episode in human evolutionary awareness, which had been predicted many thousands of years before, by many of our great, and ancient ancestors from all over the planet. They confirmed that the message was very loud and clear, and it was letting us all know that we must fully embrace this new beginning in our human conscious development here on our planet today. The many messages was one of opening our hearts, and also our minds, and to let go of all the fear that may lie inside of us on our new Journey of inner discovery, and inner awakening.
In the months that followed, many new phenomena began to appear around the planet, reports of small pockets of people from different areas of the planet started to report telepathic abilities, these unconfirmed reports were starting to say that small pockets of people from different areas of the planet, were now able to communicate with each other, through their thoughts alone. At first the reports seemed to confirm that these new telepathic abilities seemed only possible with close family members, but newer and later reports began to emerge, and spread around the planet that some people were beginning to telepathically communicate with their close friends, and even their work colleagues. Then new and unconfirmed cases began to be reported with some people having the ability of communicating from opposite sides of the planet. These new reports seemed to panic many of the scientific community, they just had no answers to what was now taking place on our planet, or why it was happening at this point now in our human history on this planet.
New waves of fear were starting to spread around the planet, and many of the worlds governments, and media outlets were the main cause of this new spreading of fear, and panic. At this point many of our great spiritual leaders, and also the new age thinkers of our time began to hold mass group meetings all around the planet. Large Internet events were also beginning to take place, causing many of the worlds governments to try and desperately find an explanation for what was happening to many of these people from all over the planet, but they could not seem to find any conventional answers to these many new, and also strange phenomena that was now gripping our planet. At this stage the world’s governments were starting to enter a state of panic, with a feeling of not being in control any more. These new government fears, and paranoia were starting to show, and many of the worlds governments started to enforce bans on the many mass group meetings, and also the many events that were now starting to take place all around the planet, quoting safety issues for their drastic over reactions, and new heavy handed tactics that were now being used by many of the worlds governments. Many of the internet sites that were now discussing these many strange, and new phenomena in a democratic, and also peaceful way were now also being shut down, but this was one way that the worlds governments were never going to win. Many of these internet sites would just re-appear within hours, or days of them being shut down, enforcing the power of the internet, and also free speech. These desperate actions by the worlds governments, only confirmed to many that this truly was a monumental change in our human history here on our planet, and it was taking place at a very special time in human history.
With these realisations in mind, many new and unconfirmed reports form around the world started to circulate the internet, and also media outlets. It now seemed that many of the worlds governments were now starting to arrest many of the people with these new abilities, claiming they posed some sort of threat to the wider population, and they were only trying to protect us all, from a yet unknown phenomena. Even though these new abilities seemed to be wide spread, it really only seemed that way, because of the internet, and also the saturated media coverage of this new phenomena. The reality was that this new, and strange phenomena was still only affecting a very small percent of the worlds population, only in the thousands, and in world terms this was not very many at all. It seemed that the worlds governments were now going to try and stop what ever was about to occur in this great new awakening of the human species on this planet, trying their best to sabotage this new turning point in our evolution, and understanding of our own inner secrets, that was being held within every human being on planet earth.
Chapter 1
A New Beginning in Human Evolution
In this book you are now reading, I have documented the amazing new changes that have started to take place, and also transform human kind into a new level of conscious awareness, and also a new understanding of who we really are, and our place inside this vast Dimensional multiverse. These new abilities, and awareness I feel we have always been capable of achieving, but until this point in time we have only seen very few of the great minds in human history being able to tap into this vast inner wealth of human abilities, and knowledge. After the initial waves of changes in these new human abilities, that seemed to sweep all different area’s of the planet, and also started to put amazing new abilities into the hands of thousands of people from all walks of life, there was a general consensus that new, and urgent dialogue was now needed between the worlds scientific community, and our planets most valued spiritual leaders. Many new meetings began to take place all over the globe, trying to find common ground between these two powerful, but also very different thinking camps. It was now more important than ever to try and find, and also explain the cause of these strange, and new phenomena that seemed to be sending the human race into a new era of evolution on our planet. While these new meetings began to take place all over the planet, even more stories of new, and amazing abilities started to hit the many different news channel’s from all around the planet. At first these new stories were very vague, and confirmation was hard to find, many of the people with these new abilities were very afraid, and they feared that they would be arrested if anybody found out about them.
These concerns were well founded, new and frightening stories were again circulating the globe of very heavy handed tactics, from many of the worlds government’s. Many people with these new abilities started to go into hiding, fearing
for their safety, and also their families safety. Within these many frightening, and unconfirmed reports, were also stories of people disappearing from their communities in the dead of the night. The reports also confirmed that the people who had mysteriously disappeared, had not been seen for many weeks after their mysterious, and sometimes violent abductions by an unknown agency, presumably government sanctioned abduction. Many of these new abductions, and strange disappearance cases were now beginning to circulate the many internet sites, that were trying to explain what was happening to these many people, from all around our planet. Great concern was now being voiced at what many people were calling illegal government action against their own citizens. Many groups from around the world were demanding answers from their governments, wanting to know what had happened to the many people who had had their freedom taken away from them illegally. But unfortunately these demands only fell onto deaf ears, many of the worlds governments refused to answer any questions, and the ones that did answer, were saying that it was all being done in the name of national security. These responses infuriated many, its was scary to think that the government you trusted, and was supposed to protect you, was reacting in this obscene, and also violent way.
Within the next few days more internet reports began to confirm new waves of abilities that were affecting certain areas of the planet, the reports seemed to confirm that there were small groups of people in the Middle Eastern area of the planet, with the amazing ability of telekinesis. The reports confirmed that people from the Middle Eastern area of the planet were able to move small objects with just the power of their minds. Within days, the worlds media was filled with amazing stories of these new, and incredible abilities. The worlds media started to flood into the Middle Eastern area of the planet, hoping to get pictures, and confirm these many amazing stories coming out of the Middle Eastern area. Before many of the worlds media could even get into the area’s where many of these stories were coming from, more stories of arrests and military road blocks, and also heavy handed tactic’s against many of the worlds media organisations, began to circulate the internet. This made it virtual impossible for the media to confirm these many new stories. It now seemed that many of the worlds media organisations were getting themselves arrested, just for entering the areas where the many unconfirmed stories were coming from, there were also reports of many of the journalist getting deported from the Middle Eastern area all together.