Letters to Penthouse XIII Read online

Page 8

  Steven noticed my dilemma and came to my rescue. With some careful positioning, I was able to lick and suck Jeannette and let Steven take me from behind at the same time. I can’t tell you how awesome it felt to have Steven’s big cock in my body while feasting on the delicious pussy in front of me. I ended up exploding in the most intense orgasm I have ever experienced. After that we all sat around drinking cocktails for a bit, but it wasn’t long before someone new came along to get things going again.

  Jeannette and I have made plans to go shopping next week. She said something about “looking forward to having fun in the dressing rooms,” so I’m ready to shop till we drop.—V.S., Miami Beach, Florida


  I have written to you before about the security camera system which I have had installed in our tiny mountain cabin. We may not get a lot of burglars up here, but the tapes afford me a great deal of salacious entertainment, especially since we began employing our young and sexually active cleaning lady, Josefina.

  I think I’ve already told you about the time Josefina was caught on tape with Lester, the black guy who had his own window-washing business. That was one hot encounter! But now Josefina seems to have branched out into other kinds of love.

  Last night, after my wife had gone to bed, I slipped the security tape into the VCR, popped a Bud Light and watched as Josefina swept the kitchen floor. Putting the tape into fast forward, I sat back and waited, knowing that even if nothing else happened, the young lady’s sex drive would eventually lead her to satisfy herself, as it did nearly every day. I knew that that in itself was usually a stimulating spectacle.

  But this time it seemed that both Josefina and I were in luck. As the tape rolled on, who should show up in the kitchen but Delia, our cook, a chunky, almost mannish lady of about thirty-five?

  I had had my suspicions about Delia from the very first day she began working for us. What I would not have expected was that Josefina, lusty heterosexual that she seemed to be, would go for another woman. However, I’ve been wrong before and undoubtedly will be again.

  I kept fast-forwarding through the videotape until Josefina dropped her broom and she and Delia began to kiss passionately. At that point I put down my beer and hastily switched the tape back down to normal speed.

  My tapes are not talkies. There is no audio at all, which for some strange reason is more erotic to me. Maybe it adds some kind of air of mystery to the proceedings, and it also allows me to focus better on the action on the tape.

  There wasn’t much talk going on here anyway. The two ladies were kissing each other open-mouthed, and this obviously was not happening for the first time. Delia appeared to be one dynamite kisser (who ever would have guessed?), and she appeared to be the take-charge type (somehow this came as much less of a surprise). She was practically tongue-fucking Josefina’s mouth.

  I groaned out loud when the two of them moved out of the kitchen, leaving the tape focusing on an empty room. But not to worry! Obviously they were heading upstairs to the bedroom. All I would have to do was change tapes and match up the times to pick up the continuation of their action. I wouldn’t miss any of the good stuff.

  The bedroom camera, which is a newer model than the one in the kitchen, captured sharper images of the two ladies and their activities than the kitchen camera had. My cock almost gave out hot ropes of semen when Delia, still taking charge of the action, quickly and expertly stripped her hot young lover of everything but her white cotton bobby socks.

  Delia has thick, well-calloused hands, and the fingers to match. In almost no time she had Josefina squirming and flailing her young muscular legs around in the bed as the older woman rubbed her clit with her coarse, strong thumb. And when, in addition, Delia slid two of her fingers in Josefina’s vagina, I didn’t need a sound recording to hear in my mind the sounds of the younger woman’s open-mouthed cries of delight.

  After Josefina’s climax, Delia flopped over on her back and opened her legs suggestively. By now I had my cock out, and as Josefina kissed her way down her bedmate’s body, I began to stroke myself gently. Delia’s legs wrapped themselves around Josefina’s head as the younger woman’s mouth took possession of her crotch. My stroking accelerated with the impassioned twisting of Delia’s body, until finally the two of us, as it were, came together.

  As I said, we don’t have many intruders for the security system to capture. All the same, I have to say that modern technology is a wonderful thing.—L.B., Boise, Idaho


  It was summertime when I first saw her. She worked in the local fruit and vegetable market, and didn’t exactly dress up on the job. Maybe a college student working for the summer?

  Her breasts were bold. That was the first thing I noticed. Bold, and bursting out of a white halter top. Her waist was tiny, and her belly button winked erotically between the bottom of her halter and the top of her shorts. Below the shorts, her bare legs were unbelievably sexy. And she was black.

  I had never had a black girl. I was a middle-class white lesbian, blonde, tall and slim, and the girls I went to bed with tended to be the same types. I had never had fantasies about black women, the way some of my friends had. But this girl made my mouth go dry when I looked at her.

  I came back the next day. She was wearing the same kind of outfit. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. I bought some tomatoes, just to get closer to her. She took my money and looked me in the eye.

  “You a dyke?” she said.

  I was startled. But I had no reason to hide the truth. I wasn’t in the closet.

  “Well, yes, I am,” I said. “How did you know?”

  “I see the way you’re looking at me,” the girl said. “Like you wanna eat me. So I figure you do, right?”

  “Yes,” I said. “Very right.”

  “You one fine good-looking lady,” she said. “All blonde and elegant and clean. You looking to get down in the dirt with a black girl or what?”

  “No. No, that’s not it,” I said. “I just … I like your looks. You … you turn me on, that’s all.”

  I was out on the street before I realized I hadn’t gotten her name. Or told her mine. Maybe it didn’t matter.

  I canceled a dinner engagement with a friend so I could be back there at ten. There was one customer left in the store, and when he left, the girl locked the door. I was nervous. She was cool as one of the cucumbers she sold.

  “Come on in the back,” she said. “There’s a place back there with a couch and all.”

  “We—we’re gong to … do it right here?” I said.

  “You want go to the Waldorf of something?” she said. “Way you was looking at me, seemed like you was in a hurry.”

  I followed her into the back. “What’s your name?” I asked.

  “What the fuck you care?” was the answer.

  “Wait a minute,” I said. We were now in a small room at the back of the store. There was a small desk, a chair and a battered couch. “Why are you taking this attitude? I don’t—”

  The girl turned to face me and said, “You interested in my attitude, white lady? Or you interested in this?”

  And she undid the button on her shorts and pushed them down, along with her panties. She hitched herself up onto the edge of the desk and pulled the shorts and panties, her shoes with them, off her feet with one motion. Then she spread her legs wide.

  “All right,” I said, a little unsteadily. “You’ve made your point.” I was staring at her open, gaping cunt, a pink patch in the midst of all that black flesh and black pubic hair. I swallowed. “I’d like to see your breasts too,” I said. “May I?”

  “Yeah,” she said. “Long as I get to see yours too, you know?”

  “Of course.” I put my purse on the floor and began to unbutton my blouse. I was surprised to find that my fingers were shaking. I took off the blouse and dropped it, then took off my brass

  “Sweet,” the girl said. “Sweet little white titties. Them nipples always hard like that? Or is it me?”

  “It’s you,” I said. “I want to see your breasts now.”

  “Tits,” she said. “We call ’em tits where I come from, lady. Go on, try it.”

  “Fine,” I said. “Tits. I want to see your tits.”

  “You got it.”

  She slid off the desk, reached behind her and untied the halter, then pulled it off. Her breasts—her rite—didn’t sag or droop a bit. They were big and firm and round and high, with proud dark nipples. I was suddenly finding it hard to breathe.

  She moved over to the couch. “Come on,” she said. “You gonna take the rest of that crap off or what?”

  I was hardly aware of what I was doing as I got out of my skirt and panties and stockings. By then she was lying on the couch, arms and legs carelessly outspread, one foot on the floor. I moved to her and virtually threw myself on her body, my mouth drawn like a magnet to her magnificent bosom.

  “You really like them tits, huh, white lady?” the girl said, but her voice was huskier now, and her nipples were hardening rapidly under my swirling tongue. I couldn’t get enough of that firm, springy bosom flesh; my mouth moved from one to the other, taking in as much as possible.

  I felt the girl’s hands on my shoulders, pushing gently. “Go on, white lady. Get down there. I know you want to eat that pussy. Go to it, baby.”

  I did want to eat that pussy. I only wished I had two mouths, one to go on savoring her amazing tits while the other sucked her cunt. But I didn’t, and the one I had moved down over that sweet black flesh until it was between her thighs. A kind of groan came from my throat as my mouth settled over her pussy, and my tongue shot out, penetrating her, sliding up into the pink depths of her.

  “Yeah,” she husked. Her hands were in my hair now. “Yeah, that’s it, white lady fuck me with that tongue.”

  Her hips rose, squirming as I licked and sucked her with all the energy I could muster. When I pulled my tongue out of her cunt and flicked it over her clitoris, she gasped and pulled my head harder against her. I kept up my tongue work, feeling her juices flowing against my face, until she began to spasm.

  “Fuck!” she yelled. “Oh fuck, yeah!”

  I kept my mouth on her pussy until she collapsed and stopped jerking. Then I kissed my way up her body to her breasts again. I just couldn’t get enough of them. As I sprawled on top of her, sucking at those firm dark mounds, one of her legs lay between mine. She bent that leg slightly, and I felt the pressure of her knee against my crotch.

  It felt good. I pushed against the knee. Then I squirmed against it, moaning around the breast in my mouth, licking the nipple furiously as I twisted and rubbed my pussy and clit against that hard knee until finally I exploded in orgasm.

  “Don’t take much to make you come, do it, white lady?” the girl said, chuckling. “You wanna try the other knee?”

  My head was still spinning. I lay panting, with my face against her bosom.

  “Will you tell me your name now?” I asked when I could speak again. “My name is Beverly.”

  “Beverly, huh?” she said. “Nice white-sounding name. You ever do it with guys, Miss Beverly the lesbian?”

  “No,” I said. “I only like women.”

  “Never had a good hard cock in you?” the girl said. “What about a dildo. You like a nice big fat dildo up your cunt?”

  “Sometimes,” I admitted.

  “You got one, with you?”

  “No. I don’t carry dildos around with me.”

  “Me neither. But I got some nice big cucumbers out there. You want me to get us one?”

  “No, thanks,” I said. “I’d better go now.”

  The girl shrugged. “Up to you. Just thought you might wanna get off some more. Seeing as how you ate my pussy so nice and all. I don’t eat pussy myself.”

  “That’s all right,” I said. “I really had a very nice time. Thank you.”

  Then I got up and started putting on my clothes. The girl watched me, without moving. When I was dressed, she rose and, still naked, went to the door of the room, opened it and preceded me out into the store area itself.

  Looking at her body in motion made me feel unexpectedly aroused again—the movement of her hips, her flexing buttocks, the slight bounce of her breasts as she walked. Having just climaxed, I wouldn’t have thought I could be so affected again so soon.

  But I was, and she knew it, too. She turned to smile at me, and I saw where she had stopped. She was standing next to the bin of cucumbers.

  I stopped too.

  She reached into the bin and examined one or two of the cucumbers before picking one up. It was long and thick. Not too thick, but plenty thick enough. She fondled it while continuing to look straight at me. My knees felt shaky.

  “Nice, isn’t it?” she said, grinning. “You want it, don’t you, white lady?”

  I started to say no, but I didn’t. I found myself moving toward her. She held the cucumber out to me, and I touched it. It was smooth and cool. I couldn’t help the little sound I made, the little catch in my breath.

  It wasn’t just the cucumber. It was the girl—the sexy, delicious, mysterious black girl. And the way she held it. And the way she looked at me.

  Still holding the greenish vegetable, she turned without another word and walked back toward the room in the rear.

  I followed her.

  She sat down on the couch, turning sideways, and signaled to me to sit opposite her. I started to do so, then stopped. After a moment of hesitation, I reached beneath my skirt and pulled down my panties. I stepped out of them, then sat down facing her. She was grinning, and I felt myself blush.

  “Now you’re getting into it, white lady,” she said. “Let’s see how much you can take, huh? Come on, open up for me.”

  I still blushed, but there was no use being coy anymore. I wanted it, and she knew it. I drew my legs up and spread my thighs apart, pulling my skirt up around my hips. I was moist. More than moist. I was wet. I was breathing quickly, and a little involuntary moan came from my throat as the girl brought the cucumber to the junction of my thighs and pressed the end of it against my pussy.

  “Here you go, baby,” she said, pressing harder. I felt myself expanding, spreading. I felt the thing going into me. As I caught my breath, I spread my legs even wider.

  “That’s the way,” she encouraged. She was twisting the cucumber slowly back and forth as she continued to push it into me. I was moaning. Moaning and pushing back. I reached out and put my hands on her breasts, holding on to them as I strained to take more of the probing vegetable inside my cunt.

  “Yeah, you’re really digging this, baby,” she said. “Looks like fun.”

  And with that the girl scrunched forward, spreading her own thighs, and moved up to position the other end of the cucumber against her pussy. Even as she continued to slide it slowly into me, she maneuvered the end she held inside herself. And then we were both taking it in.

  She was holding it in the middle now, and as I felt it filling me up, I began to move ever so slightly back and forth. She did the same thing. In effect, we were both fucking the cucumber. Or it was fucking us. My moans became full-throated cries, and the girl was making gasping noises. Still the green quasi-dildo was sinking farther into each of us, until finally our crotches met, touching around the now invisible thing.

  I released her breasts, and my aimless hands found hers, and we held on to each other’s hands, leaning back and pulling at each other as our groins bumped and rubbed together, our bodies spinning out of control. I heard myself shouting hoarsely as I exploded in climax. Maybe a minute later her body bucked several times and then went limp.

  I’m not sure how much time went by, but the first thing I was aware of was her hands letting go of mine. Very slowly and carefully, then, we disengaged ourselves from the cucumber. It was moist and slimy with our juices.

  The girl
handed me the cucumber with a grin, saying, “Here, white lady, take it home with you. No charge.”

  I took it.

  I still have it in my freezer. I meant to eat it, but somehow I never did. Maybe I will sometime.

  I kept meaning to go back too, but I didn’t do that either. And then summer was over, and when I did go back, she was gone. I never did learn her name.—B.D., Chicago, Illinois


  I never believed any of the dumb letters in your magazine, so probably nobody who reads this one will believe it either. But this all really happened, so I say, Shove it up your ass, buddy.

  The other day I was riding in my truck, minding my own business, when I looked in the window of a car that was sitting beside me while we waited for a traffic light. This was in the middle of the city, mind you. Well, this chick was driving, a young babe with long dark hair, and there were two other chicks in the backseat. One of them had dark hair, like the driver, only not as long, while the other one had blonde hair that was kind of wild and curly and was moving all over the place.

  They were all pretty good-looking, but what really caught my eye was what was going on between the two in the back. The blonde had her hand up under the dark-haired girl’s skirt, and I mean way up, and the dark-haired one had her eyes closed and was looking all tense. Every once in a while her eyes would open, in kind of a stare, and her mouth would open too, and she would stiffen up for a minute. Then she would relax and close her eyes again.

  It was pretty obvious what was going on there, and I watched them go at it until the light changed and their car took off. But at the next light I pulled up alongside them and the byplay in the backseat was still going on. But now I was close enough to hear the dark-haired girl moaning, even over the traffic noise.

  I kept watching them, fascinated, and then I became aware that the driver was looking at me. I met her gaze, which was not particularly friendly.

  “Having fun?” she said.

  “Yeah,” I said, grinning at her. “But not as much as they are.”