Letters to Penthouse XXII Read online

Page 13


  I’m twenty-four years old and my girlfriend Kate is twenty-two. We both participate in and highly enjoy some rather erotic physical activities.

  Kate and I are very active bodybuilders and compete in both amateur and professional physique competitions. We are very good-looking and have outstanding bodies with highly defined muscles and deeply bronzed and hairless skin.

  Oiled up, our muscles glisten under the stage lights and we can really get the crowds going. Both of us are very narcissistic and exhibitionistic. (Actually, all body-builders are!) Showing off our perfect physiques in public really turns us on.

  We look upon ourselves as the Adonis and Aphrodite of the bodybuilding world. Kate is not one of those huge, over-muscled, masculine female bodybuilders. Although she is very muscular and athletic, she also maintains a very sexy and feminine look. Oiled and pumped up, she could give any guy a hard-on when she poses in her G-string.

  Male and female bodybuilders are not only into the sport for the thrill of athletic competition, physical conditioning, and fame and fortune. The erotic aspects are also a strong draw.

  Bodybuilders are often in a state of sexual arousal on stage and off. It is not uncommon for many male competitors to have partial erections and many of the women to soak the crotch of their posing suits. This is one reason why many fans who know go for the front row!

  Kate and I compete in both singles and mixed-pair competitions. There have been many occasions when we have come close to orgasm while on stage. I have to exercise some control since I only wear a G-string. Kate is a little better off in this regard: before her pussy juices become obvious, her posing outfit is already so soaked with sweat and posing oil that her come fluids are unnoticeable.

  Kate and I are such exhibitionists that we are always breaking the rules on competition attire. We love the excitement of teasing the crowds with our near-naked physiques, not to mention the arousal we get from exposing ourselves.

  Few other competitors are as daring so we create quite a stir among the judges, fans, and promoters. Some of the other competitors resent our skimpy attire and the advantage it gives us with the fans, but this only turns us on even more. Fortunately most promoters do little to enforce the dress codes because the paying fans love to see a lot of sexy, naked muscle.

  The arousal bodybuilders experience by showing off their beautiful bodies is really just a form of masturbation. Imagine the heated sensuality of the dressing room. Fantastic physiques in varying degrees of nudity are walking about, pumping and oiling up along mirror-lined walls. The entire dressing area is filled with the grunts and groans of straining and flexing athletes. There is also the high temperatures generated by so many hot bodies and the heavy odors of perspiration and almond-scented posing oils. It can be overpowering at times and to the uninitiated, maybe even offensive.

  Many competitors have trouble controlling their bodies with all of this going on. Erections are common, particularly among those posing and oiling in front of mirrors. Once in a while, you will see a nude competitor quickly reach for a towel or his posing briefs as he begins to throw an erection. I once saw a guy let things go too far and he blew his load into his hand as he tried to reach for a towel. The guy turned beet red in the face!

  Kate tells me the same sort of atmosphere prevails in the female dressing area. According to Kate, it’s not that unusual to see some of the women posing nude in front of a mirror with hard nipples and protruding clits.

  She says that quite a few of the female competitors are lesbians and often hit on the straight girls. Hearing about this frequently gets me horny as hell. I can imagine the things that must take place in those dressing rooms!

  With few exceptions, male and female competitors prepare in separate dressing rooms. Only in mixed-pairs competitions are partners assigned their own dressing area.

  The dressing room is a great setup for sex before and after the contest. Imagine two top-notch physiques, both covered in sweat and oil, rolling around on the floor in a wild frenzy of passion. The constant danger of being caught in the act just adds to the heat that the two people are experiencing. Take it from me, the sexual charge of the moment is incredible!

  Onstage, the sexual atmosphere continues although a bit more subdued. If you look close, you can see that many of the competitors are visibly aroused. Kate and I are very often turned on by the close competition on stage. Some friendly but competitive bantering and laughing among the participants add to the excitement. Again, the strong smell of sweat and oil acts like an aphrodisiac on many of us, including the audience.

  Kate and I love to watch one another in singles’ competitions not only because we enjoy seeing each other’s physiques, but because we know the other is experiencing a sexual high. We often try to guess just how aroused the other is on stage and how close to an orgasm the other might be. We each know one another’s telltale signs of arousal and the knowledge that the other is getting off on stage can be a real turn-on.

  When we compete in mixed-pairs contests, we often go really nuts with lust as we enjoy the feel, sight and smells of our heated bodies together. We recognize the signs of an approaching orgasm in one another and try to stop short of that point. However, we have both lost it a few times on stage.

  Fortunately, the oil and sweat on our G-strings and bodies hide the results. There are usually a few others on stage and in the crowd who are sophisticated enough to recognize the signs of what is happening and that can be embarrassing.

  After competition, Kate and I frequently have some very wild sex. Sometimes in a private dressing room, the car, or if we can wait, when we get home. We enjoy having sex while we are still extremely turned on from the contest and while our bodies are still covered with sweat and oil.

  The sex is often preceded by more posing and flexing in front of mirrors with our sweaty G-strings. We love the taste of each other’s bodies and get into some very heavy oral sex. There is not a spot left untouched on our bodies when we’re done licking one another off.

  Kate really goes wild when I play with her G-string using my teeth. After I pull it down with my teeth, I go to work on her sweaty and oiled pussy and ass crack until she blows her mind—and everything else for that matter.

  I get off posing before the mirror as Kate gradually works off my G-string. She then pulls and twists on my scrotum while running an oiled finger in and out of my anus. Without either of us even touching my rock-hard cock, I will often just shoot my load all over the mirror.

  Kate really gets a kick out of that. She sometimes will talk to me while doing it and will fantasize about having me worked up on stage in front of a huge crowd and making me ejaculate the same way as I protest and beg her to stop.

  Quite frankly, bodybuilding has made our sex life better than anything you can imagine. It’s probably got a lot to do with the exhibitionists and narcissists in us, but whatever you call it, the sexual pleasure is fantastic!—D.S., Newark, New Jersey


  I was feeling depressed one night so I decided to go to the movies. I purchased my ticket and started for my seat when I spotted Jake, an old friend I hadn’t seen in a long time. He looked as sexy as ever and my pussy twitched and shivered when I remembered the times this man had rocked my world.

  Jake was as excited to see me as I was to see him. We started catching up and took a seat together in the middle by the wall. Not too many people were there that night. We were so caught up in each other that we kept talking during the movie.

  Whenever I looked at him, I would get really turned on. After a while, I couldn’t resist any more and reached over and started rubbing his bulging crotch.

  I leaned over and whispered, “I want to suck your cock.”

  Jake pulled out his big shaft and I leaned over and began sucking hard, going down to his balls and back up to his huge head.

  It made me so horny that my pussy was creaming and throbbing to have something, anything inside me.
/>   Jake had no problem coming. He tried to be quiet but I knew it was hard for him not to moan since I was sucking him for all he was worth. He could tell how horny I was.

  He whispered, “I’d like to eat you.”

  The words were music to my ears. I lifted my skirt and spread my legs to reveal my begging, wet cunt. As Jake licked me out I tried to hold my coat over his head, but I was so excited I soon dropped the coat and was bucking like a horny pony. Everyone started watching us and not the movie, but we didn’t mind. In fact, it turned me on even more!

  I started to come like I hadn’t in a long time. I pressed myself deep into the seat, overcome by the pleasure. I wanted to let it out, but I bad to hold a hand over my mouth to muffle my moans of ecstasy.

  The next thing we knew, the usher was alongside us, spotlighting us with his flashlight. He told us we’d have to leave. When we stood up, some of the people clapped and cheered. A few guys even gave us a standing ovation. We laughed all the way to our cars.

  Since then we’ve had sex in some of the most daring places. Last week we did it in broad daylight in a rest area on the interstate. It’s great having a fuck buddy like Jake.—P. W., Roanoke, Virginia


  My wife Emily and I have been happily married for twenty years. Even though we are now in our forties, our sex life has never been better. We have been experimenting with different ways to keep our marriage bed lively and nothing works so well as reading Forum to each other. It gives us plenty of new ideas!

  My wife always has been somewhat shy, though she was blessed with a beauty queen’s physique and still looks hotter than some thirty-year-olds we know. Still, despite her ample breasts, wonderful ass and lovely face, my blonde wife has always been a bit of a prude.

  In the last few years, however, she has gotten a lot looser. I blame this on your magazine, and am very grateful for the change. I guess after years of me feeding her raunchy information, she finally got the message. And let me tell you, the transformation has been incredible! Recently I have begun to really enjoy my sexual adventures with Emily.

  Not so long ago, we had the opportunity to go to a convention in Las Vegas, where we stayed at a great hotel. Our room was on the top floor, courtesy of my company, which is a leader in aerospace technology. I am one of their top scientists.

  There was a wet bar in our room and after winning modestly at the roulette wheel our last night there we came upstairs to celebrate. Well, my wife is no drinker. I popped a bottle of bubbly and we each downed a few glasses. Soon my wife was plastered and horny as hell.

  She took off her glasses and undid her hair, allowing her long blonde tresses to tumble down her back. With a gleam in her eye, she wrapped her arms around me and planted a hot, wet kiss on my lips.

  Then much to my amazement, she began stripping off her clothes like a horny little devil and yelling out the most outrageous things. I had never seen my prissy wife so wild and wanton before and it made my penis grow stiffer than an ICBM.

  “Come on Buck Rogers, let’s see your rocket!” she hollered, peeling off her dress.

  As I said earlier, Emily has a great body for a forty-five-year-old woman. Emily loves to ride horses on our ranch and her ass-muscles and calves are as firm as a young woman’s. In addition, she has a flat stomach and extremely large areolae. They are the circumference of teacups and the color of strawberries. When I suck on her nipples they turn an angry violet and her cunt gets as wet as any eighteen-year-old pussy.

  Emily was now buck naked and daring me to fuck her up against the window where everyone could see us down below in the parking lot. Of course, we were twenty stories up, but she had the right idea.

  Before she could say another taunting word I had my dizzy blonde wife pressed up against the big window and was humping her silly. Her mouth distended in ecstasy and her long blonde hair spilled over her big hooters, which shook as I repeatedly thrust into her like an automaton.

  The plate glass began to vibrate alarmingly as her perfect heart-shaped ass, toned and firm from many hours riding bareback, slammed against it from my pelvic fuck-thrusts.

  “Look at me get fucked!” she screamed at the top of her lungs as her boobs bounced up and down, and her ass continued to bump and grind against the glass. For some crazy reason my shy lady was really enjoying letting people watch her fuck, even though I’m sure we must have looked as tiny as ants to anyone in the parking lot.

  The next morning I went down to check out of the hotel. Imagine my surprise when I turned around to see my wife getting off the glass elevator wearing the tightest little cheerleader’s outfit I had ever laid eyes on. It be-longed to our daughter and I was almost embarrassed to see my wife wearing it.

  Almost, but not quite. Emily had curves in places our daughter didn’t even know existed. My wife looked very, very hot. She looked as good as when I first met her back in college at MIT, twenty-one years earlier.

  Anyway, I looked around and could tell that several men had noticed her getting off the elevator. I actually think they were fucking her with their eyes as she walked through the lobby.

  After I’d checked out, I asked Emily if she wanted to leave Las Vegas with a real bang.

  “Shoot, buddy, just what do you have in mind?” she asked.

  I suggested we fuck in the glass elevator, which moved up the side of the building and was clearly visible to everyone in the vicinity.

  “What’re they going to do to us, ask us to leave?” I said, laughing.

  Emily thought it was a great idea. So that’s what we did. Leaving our baggage at the front desk, we got into the elevator and pushed the button marked Penthouse and started up. Then we began making out like bandits.

  Emily hiked her long, limber legs up around my waist and I humped her in plain sight of anyone who cared to watch. Many people did. We fucked all the way up and all the way back down.

  When the elevator door opened onto the lobby, a whole group of Japanese tourists were standing there, clapping. Emily pulled her skirt back down and readjusted her tight top and we went outside and got into our car and drove back to the ranch. Thank you, Forum, for liberating us from years of marital boredom.—Name and address withheld


  I’m a twenty-eight-year-old nurse. I work in a clinic with another nurse, Diane, who is my age, and two doctors in their mid-thirties, Joe and Larry.

  Before leaving one afternoon, Joe asked me to come in half an hour early the next day to assist in Diane’s exam. A perk at our clinic is free medical treatment for our immediate family, but it has to be outside of regular clinic hours.

  The next day, I showed up on time, but when Joe entered the examination room he seemed somewhat annoyed that Diane was not there. When Diane hurriedly entered the room several minutes later, Joe gave her a quick glance and told her to get ready.

  Normally a patient is left alone while she undresses and puts on a gown, but I could see that Joe was not going to leave.

  Diane seemed to realize that too and not wanting to delay Joe any more put her purse down and started to undress. While Joe reviewed her medical file and asked Diane questions, I stood in awe as Diane unbuttoned and stepped out of her uniform, laying it across a chair nearby.

  Joe looked up from the file as Diane reached behind, unhooked her bra, and placed it on top of her uniform. Her breasts were larger than I had imagined and the chilly air made her nipples stand out. As we watched, Diane pushed her thumbs into the top of her pantyhose and pushed it down and off.

  I was speechless when she stepped out of her panties and stood totally naked in front of us. She declined my offer of a gown saying, “Joe has been my doctor since I started working here. He delivered both of my children. Seeing me naked is nothing new to him.”

  Joe just comfortably laughed in agreement, easing some of the tension that I felt. Joe had her stand on the scale so I could check her height and weight. Diane then walked to the examining table and sat facing Joe. She made no effo
rt to cover herself as Joe checked her eyes, ears, and throat.

  The doctor then had her place her left hand behind her head as he examined her left breast and then repeated the procedure on her right breast. Diane’s breathing seemed to increase as Joe slowly rubbed each breast in a circular motion and then, with his thumb and forefinger, squeezed each nipple.

  Turning back to his desk for his gloves and a speculum Joe said, “Okay, Diane, you know what’s next. Scoot to the end of the table and lie back.”

  Diane’s face flushed as she assumed the position. After assisting her and placing her feet in the stirrups, I stepped back as the doctor turned around. Holding the instrument, Joe moved in between her open legs. The lips were clearly visible below a thin strip of dark hair that rose above her labia. She had obviously trimmed her hair recently.

  Seeing Diane on the table with Joe sitting on his stool between her spread legs caused my face to flush. I wasn’t sure if it was from the embarrassment or the excitement. Or both.

  As Joe lubricated the speculum and parted her lips with his left hand, Diane squealed, “That thing had better be warm. You know how I hate it when it’s cold.”

  He just laughed and told her to relax as he inserted it into her vagina. After using a swab for the Pap smear he lubricated his gloved fingers and probed both her vagina and rectum.

  Removing his gloves he told her everything was fine. As if reminding her that she had been late, he then told her to hurry and get dressed.

  When he had left I asked Diane, “How could you do that?”

  She told me that during her pregnancies both Joe and Larry had examined her so many times that she had gotten used to being naked in front of them.

  Winking at me, she added: “But the main thing is that my husband gets very turned on knowing other people have seen me naked. Tonight the kids will be in bed early so I can drive my husband crazy when I tell him I was to-tally naked the entire time you and the doctor examined me.”—C.M., Boise, Idaho