Letters to Penthouse XIX Read online

Page 13

  Barbara seemed strangely subdued during dinner and I found out why the next day. After dinner we all split up to attend a couple of seminars and some after-parties. Later that evening, I got bored and decided on the spur of the moment to visit Arlene and Eileen, who had told me their room number at dinner. It was mainly Arlene and I who talked while Eileen crocheted in a chair. After chatting about the convention for a while, I left to visit a few more parties and went to bed late.

  The very next day, after another full round of seminars, I ran into Barbara, Arlene and Eileen at a reception. After a while, Arlene drew me aside and told me, “Barbara was very angry with me yesterday when she finally came back to the room.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Barbara wanted to spend time with you,” Arlene said in a whisper. “She thought I was trying to get you into bed by the way we were flirting at dinner last night.”

  Needless to say, I was shocked. I hadn’t seen any indication that Barbara was interested in getting together with me. I thanked Arlene for the tip-off and cornered Barbara at another party a little while later. When I broached the subject with her and tried to explain that I was just flirting with Arlene, she got angry and said in a huffy voice, “It was pretty obvious to me you couldn’t get into her pants and you’re not getting into mine. You can hang out with us if you want but you’re not getting any from me!” Then she stalked off. At that point, it seemed fruitless to try to persuade her I was telling her the truth, so luckily for me I didn’t.

  In the meantime, I was having a blast at the convention, meeting friends I hadn’t seen in a few months, seeing techniques, discussing work and exchanging contact information. My lover from New Jersey was participating in the program with her housemate in tow, so consequently we both lost track of each other and never got together. That was kind of disappointing but I realized that having sex is not the most important thing to pursue when I’m on a trip. Having a good time is. It used to bother me when I was younger but I’m patient enough now to wait for an opportunity to present itself and make the most of it when it does. And if not, my right hand knows that my left hand can take care of business if it has to.

  On the night before the end of the convention, I ran into Arlene and Eileen in one of the local hotel bars. I sat down to socialize with them and they told me that since my chat with Barbara at the party two days earlier, her behavior had gotten progressively erratic, to the point where they could hardly stand to be around her. I apologized for contributing to Barbara’s mental state but they waved it off, explaining that she has always been a little eccentric in her dealings with men in general and had never really had a successful long-term relationship.

  A while later, Eileen decided to turn in because she wasn’t feeling well and had to catch an early morning flight home. I kissed her good night and wished her well. For the next hour or so, Arlene and I were left alone to chat about our lives and families. She told me that her married life was okay, but every now and then she vacationed with Eileen (and sometimes Barbara) to get away from her humdrum life. The more we talked, the more attracted I felt to her, sexually and spiritually. She has a wonderfully expressive face with high, arching brows, dark hair that reached to her waist, generously endowed breasts and a winsome smile that totally charmed me.

  We went to a convention suite and talked more. In a dark corner, we got to talking even more intimately. You could have cut the pheromones between us with a knife. I admitted that I was attracted to her the minute I saw her, outlined my marital problems and told her about my lovers.

  Arlene finally confided to me that she had had similar problems with her husband and had a mutual interest in me. She drew me close and we kissed deeply, which sent an erotic charge through both of us. Unfortunately, one of the conditions of my staying in my suite was tolerating parties that continued into the early hours of the morning. When we went up to check about two o’clock in the morning we found that the party was still going strong, so we went to parties elsewhere for another three hours. I liked being with Arlene so much that during the course of the evening, I developed a bad case of blue balls because of multiple erections.

  I got tired around five in the morning and knew the chances of us fucking that night were next to nil. Arlene was tired also but didn’t want to deal with Barbara, then or later in the morning. Knowing that she had to be up in the next few hours, I offered her crash space in my room and she accepted.

  A little while later I finally persuaded everyone to leave the suite. Poor Rob was asleep on a couch in the corner with his feet propped up on a coffee table. While Arlene stepped out to smoke a cigarette, I cleaned up the place a bit, unfolded the sofa bed, turned it down and woke Rob up. I explained the situation honestly to him and Rob, ever the gentleman, said, “If you want, we can share the sofa bed and give her the king-sized bed.”

  I looked him straight in the eye and said in a flat tone, “Rob, that is an excellent suggestion . . .”

  A small, dim bulb went off in Rob’s small, dim brain. “Oh, you want to sleep with her. Oh, I’m sorry! Look, if you guys want to do anything, it’s okay by me . . .”

  I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder. “Thank you, Rob,” I said, very sincerely. By the time Arlene came back, Rob was almost asleep.

  When I travel, I always carry pajamas even though I like to sleep in the nude. I got out an old T-shirt and a pair of pajama bottoms and gave them to Arlene. While she changed in the bathroom, I put on a pair of shorts and climbed into the bed. A minute later, Arlene came out of the bathroom, turned the light off and climbed in next to me. She was on her side with her back to me as she spooned up back against me. I lightly ran my hand up her leg to her hip. She then took my hand and put it directly on her left breast and softly whispered, “Why don’t you tell me a story . . .” Earlier Arlene had told me that she really enjoyed erotic stories, written or especially verbally. I didn’t have to tax my mind too much because I already had a fantasy about a coworker whom I’d had my eye on.

  “Joan sits next to me at work. She’s about fifty-five but had the body of a twenty-five year old, really hot to trot. She has short, silver hair, cut modern. I’ve caught her looking at me in our business meetings and the gleam I see in her eyes leaves no doubt as to what she wants. These feelings have been building over the past few days and it’s only a matter of time before we do something about it.”

  By that time, I had my hands underneath Arlene’s shirt and was freely caressing her nipples and rubbing my cock up against her thigh. I continued.

  “Then I found a note on my desk after returning from a meeting. It said, ‘Meet me in the storeroom in five minutes.’ I recognized her handwriting right off the bat. The storeroom is in a remote section of the office where we work. Only a few people have keys, including Joan and me. Everyone else was on break for lunch.”

  With my other hand, I started probing Arlene’s crotch. The material around her pussy was moist as I pushed my fingers inward, making her moan slightly.

  “When I unlocked the door, Joan was waiting for me, sitting on the edge of a desk. Her knee-length skirt was hiked up and her bright pink panties were around her knees. She kicked them off as I approached, pulled up her skirt and spread her legs. She looked me in the eye and said, ‘You’d like some of this, wouldn’t you?’ As I bent over she pulled her lips apart for me to tongue her fully.”

  I never got to finish the story because Arlene had gotten so hot and bothered listening to me that she started pulling her shirt off over her head. I helped by removing her pajama bottoms and slid out of my own shorts and shirt. We stopped long enough to determine that Rob (remember him?) was snoring on the other side of the room.

  Fully naked, we engaged in a searing kiss that lasted a minute or more. When her hands roamed all over my cock and balls, she gasped in surprise that I shave my pubic hair. She told me that my skin was smooth and soft to her touch, which made me even more excited about fucking her.

  Arlene began to purr
with excitement as she ran her fingers along the width and length of my stone-hard dick. I asked her to wait while I got my condoms but she stopped me, saying that she had had her tubes tied and had been very safe, only sleeping with her husband. I whispered to her that I have always been a very vigilant practitioner of safe sex myself. Arlene pulled me up towards her and said she wanted to feel my cock in her skin to skin because the most powerful, sensual feeling she has is while fucking.

  We kicked back the covers. After fingering her twat for a few more moments, I got between her legs and mounted her. I watched her reaction in the dim light as I felt myself being engulfed by her tight cunt. I could tell that she hadn’t been with a man in a while. The sensation of being the first to take her after such a long time almost made me come immediately.

  I started slowly, thrusting while I felt and sucked her marvelously ample tits, her breasts heaving frantically like the wings of a dove in flight. I could feel Arlene tighten her grip on my arms and my penis. She was coming and barely able to restrain her cries of joy. When she did climax, arching her back, bucking and squirming all over the bed, I lasted a few more licks before I erupted with a gush of hot come. Finally we collapsed, kissing each other.

  I felt a little disappointed by coming so soon—by my standards—so I decided to make it up to her. While I was still hard, I began to move in and out of her again. Arlene kissed me and exclaimed, “Oh God, I’m sweating!” It was true, she was covered with a sheen of musky wetness that made her even more enticing. I rubbed it all over her chest and legs as we shifted positions several times.

  Arlene rolled me on my back and lowered her pussy down onto my shaft. “Oh God,” she whispered breathlessly, “you’re so damn hard!” I wasn’t worried about hurting her because I left her in control of how much cock she could take, and believe me she was taking plenty. It was unbelievable how well we melded sexually and how our lust bloomed as we fucked.

  Having shot my first wad, I had no inhibitions about pleasing her at any speed or timing she wished. She told me which angle and position she wanted to be fucked in. When my lubricating come dried, I took some cocoa butter and applied a generous amount to us, leading to another round of heated, passionate humping. I let myself be her tool of pleasure, giving her whatever she wanted.

  Eventually she got on her hands and knees and begged me to bang her doggie-style. Always willing to oblige, I started slowly, listening to my cock as it entered and retracted, the slap of my balls hitting her asshole followed by slurping as I slid out. She shuddered with delight as I pounded in and out of her cunt. By then I was sweating too, as my dick grew more heated, each stroke more frenzied than the last.

  Arlene kept reaching back to feel my balls as I fucked her. Soon we both felt them beginning to tighten as the pressure of my load began rising up and I got ready to explode. Suddenly, Arlene had me withdraw so she could roll over onto her back again. I entered her again and brought her legs together. As I continued stroking her, the head and shaft of my cock were directly stimulating her clit when I entered her fully. Arlene then eagerly grabbed hold of my buttocks and urged me to fuck her even faster as I got ready to come.

  In the early light of dawn I looked down and saw my cock disappearing into Arlene’s pussy. The image was too much for me to bear holding back anymore. We both came at the same time and I unleashed another load into her, sealing our passion for one another with a long kiss. I gave her a few more strokes before withdrawing and falling back on the bed, exhausted. I thanked her and kissed her again before I nestled against her back and fell into a peaceful slumber.

  The next thing I knew, it was nine o’clock in the morning and Rob was waking me up because we had an early check-out from the hotel. Arlene was gone, but I had expected to have enough energy to see her out.

  I wasn’t scheduled to leave town until midnight, so I had practically an entire day of waiting ahead of me. I helped the convention staff break their equipment down, saw some of my other friends off and did some sight-seeing around town. Arlene had told me that she and Barbara weren’t due to take a flight back until the next day, so I knew I had time to catch up with her before leaving.

  Late in the day I stopped by their hotel room. Barbara, clad in only a T-shirt, wanted to know why I was there. They had just gotten back from the hotel sauna and were busy getting themselves dressed. I told her I’d call back in about twenty minutes and said that maybe we could go to dinner again. Barbara said that she’d relay the message to Arlene and quickly closed the door.

  When I did call back from the lobby I talked to Arlene, who was glad that I had come by. We could have dinner together but it was more than likely Barbara would join us. When I asked her what happened when she got back to the room, she said, “We’ll talk about it after dinner.”

  We ate at a Cajun place about a mile or two from the hotel. Arlene and I sat together on one side of the booth across from Barbara. At every opportunity, I reached beneath the table and either squeezed Arlene’s hand with affection or ran my hand on along her thigh and knee. She was wearing a black dress with tiny pink roses and a hem that went just above her knees, which made her look incredibly sexy. Needless to say, her reciprocal feels were directed around my crotch. Barbara, dithering about this and that, never suspected that we had spent the night together. It was a deliciously ironic moment that I savored all throughout the meal.

  As we approached the hotel after dinner, Barbara said that she felt tired after all the sight-seeing, sun and walking, so she was retiring early. Arlene and I joined hands when she was out of sight and went back to the hotel bar. Seated at a dark corner table, she told me that she’d woken up about seven that morning, washed and dressed and raced back to her hotel. Eileen was dressed, packed and waiting for her. She was a little upset at Arlene because she didn’t know where she was and hated to leave without seeing her. Arlene explained to her that she didn’t want to deal with Barbara but said nothing beyond that.

  After seeing Eileen off at the airport and returning to the hotel, Barbara had left to go sightseeing. Arlene went back to sleep for a while but woke up midmorning with a throbbing sensation between her legs. She gently touched my hand and said it amazed her how wet the memory of our encounter made her. In fact, she said she couldn’t recall being this sexually aroused since she was a teenager. Arlene also said she wanted to tell me that she’d felt the urge to express herself more sexually but was inhibited by her husband’s jealousy.

  Arlene had wished that I had dropped by earlier in the day while Barbara was out so that we could have enjoyed ourselves some more. If only I’d known! But I pointed out that Barbara might have happened in on us enjoying ourselves and an ugly scene would have probably followed. I thought to myself that it might have actually been worth it to see the look on Barbara’s face as she walked in to see my cock sliding in and out of the one person she was sure I’d never make love to.

  I told Arlene that I really enjoyed her company—in bed and out—and that being with her was one of the most memorable sexual experiences of my life. She then told me that she knew I had to leave soon and that it was a shame because she still felt the impression of my cock in her pussy and wanted to feel it just one more time before I left.

  I grinned at her, got up from the table, took her by the hand and boldly told her that she was going to get her wish!

  Like Indiana Jones, I’m at my best when I have to improvise on the spur of the moment. We left the bar and I led her up the escalator. There were very few people around on any of the levels and no one on the third, which was our destination. Once there, we made our way past the grand ballroom to the large anteroom that had served as the convention’s hospitality suite. There were three sets of double doors leading in. Making sure that no one was around or watching, I checked the doors. The first two were locked but the third set was open! My heart was pounding as we slipped inside, undetected. The huge room was dark. I turned to Arlene and kissed her deeply again. I had never tried to make love to
anyone in such a public place and neither had she. We navigated through a series of tables, chairs and couches over to a corner near the windows. We put my bag and her purse on the floor. I fondled her breasts and felt the bra on under her dress. As I was thinking about our next move, Arlene took the initiative, guiding me over to a nearby table, turning around and bending over.

  As I undid my pants, I slipped my left hand under her dress and got the shock of my life. Arlene wasn’t wearing any panties! Sensing my utter surprise, she whispered that it had been so hot all day that she felt cooler and freer without them. My prick was at full attention as I fingered her pussy, let my pants hit the floor and stepped closer towards her.

  Arlene raised her left leg as I guided my cock into her slit. My hands wandered all over her back as I thrust upward into her. She quivered with pleasure as I continued fucking her. The thought of having sex in a place that just hours earlier had been teeming with our peers made me even harder and more excited than ever.

  After a minute or two the excitement was too much to bear and I came, gushing a great quantity of juice into her. Arlene came moments later, unsuccessfully stifling a shout as she did.

  As we calmed down, we heard the voices of workers behind a nearby waiter station. We quickly got ourselves together and hurried towards the doors, staggering from the exhilaration. When we determined that the coast was clear, we went to our respective rest rooms to freshen up.

  When Arlene emerged from the ladies’ room, we shared a nervous laugh and agreed it was a dream ending to the perfect vacation. We had something memorable to think about—until the next time we get together, which won’t be soon enough, as far as I’m concerned!—E.F., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania