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- Patricia Pacjac Carroll
Hannah Page 6
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Page 6
Father’s face turned a deeper shade of red. “An outlaw! Hannah Lisa Durand. I want you to come with me immediately to discuss your future.” Her father shook his head. “I have heard just about all I can endure. And as for Pierre, his family is a friend of ours. I trust him completely. Hannah, let’s go.” He turned so abruptly that he knocked his chair over.
Chad nodded to her. “You better go. I’ll get in touch with you.” Then he whispered to her. “Stay away from Pierre.”
Her father grabbed her arm and took off out of the dining room, pulling her behind him. Hannah looked back at Chad. How had things become so muddled? She hoped Bridgette could help her.
Chad watched her go. Her father hated him. Well, that wasn’t going to stop him from going after his future and a life with Hannah. If he’d doubted he loved her before, Chad knew it was real now.
“So, we seem to be the only two left. Shame, she couldn’t eat her food. It looks interesting.” Pierre took a fork and started eating Hannah’s untouched omelet.
“Help yourself. Hannah won’t be coming back.” Chad picked at his own and wondered how Pierre could down the food so hungrily after all the turmoil.
Pierre finished and wiped his lips on the napkin. “I have to say that it was good even if we are out here in the middle of nowhere.”
“What does your country look like?”
Pierre sat back and folded his arms. “We have mountains much higher than yours. Lush valleys and meadows. Our land has been worked for thousands of years. Farms are immaculate. The landowners take great pride in their estates.
Chad grinned. “And I suppose anyone can buy your land?”
Pierre sat tall and looked down on Chad. “Our land doesn’t change hands that often. It generally stays in the family.”
“And that’s how you keep your aristocracy. Out here, we have land free for the working. Anyone can buy land. Yes, we have land barons who try and buy up all the land in a territory. But the average man has a chance in this country. I doubt you can say the same.”
“No, our country did have a revolution from the aristocracy, but the land was still owned by a few families. We are not as free in my country as in yours. That is one reason I came across the Atlantic. The other is to marry Hannah.”
“She doesn’t love you.”
“How would you know? She just met me, and I could see that she was intrigued. I could see it in her eyes. Hannah and I both have the blood of France running in our veins. We belong to one another. And you, what are you but a mongrel. I doubt you have pure blood from any one country.”
Chad grinned. “You’re right. My pa was part English, part Scotch, and some Irish. Mother was Texican. So, I’ll wear that mongrel brand with pride. It’s what sets us apart from the rest of the world.”
Pierre nodded. “I guess so. I’m not sure Hannah will be so pleased. I know her father won’t.”
“We’ll see. Speaking of work, I think I’ll go talk to the mayor and see about the job. Enjoy the town. Maybe you can learn something about America while you’re walking around.” Chad didn’t wait for Pierre to comment but got up and left.
There was something not right about the Frenchman. Something not sincere as if the man had his own black secret that not even Mr. Durand knew about. Well, time would tell. Chad wasn’t sure how much time he had with Hannah, but he needed to make the best of it.
Despite Hannah’s words, Chad had seen the way she had looked at Pierre.
Chapter 7
Hannah followed her father to the suite that he’d rented in the hotel. The room was on the top floor and as big as at least three rooms. As usual, Father was showing off his wealth. She stomped behind him and flounced down on the settee and folded her arms.
Feeling somewhat the way she had when she was seven, and he told her that she couldn’t ride a horse astride and jump the fences with the boys, Hannah decided to wait and let her father get his anger out of the way. It would be useless to talk to him until he did. She’d learned that from her mother’s advice on how to handle men.
Thinking of Mother, made Hannah miss her. Why hadn’t Father brought Mother along rather than Pierre?
Suddenly the silence between them retreated as her father erupted into his tirade about having to travel clear across the country. His familiar words blurred into a blah blah blah lecture of how ladies are expected to act.
Hannah set her mind on Pierre. He was an odd one. Handsome, but something wasn’t right about him. Why was he so set on marrying her when he’d never met her? Then to embark on a train ride across America to meet her? She thought it was odd. Surely, France had many rich women he could have chosen from.
Yet, Pierre was a handsome man, and she had to admit the way he talked and held and kissed her hand had set off bells. Not necessarily lightning, and she was still thinking about that when the room grew silent. Warningly silent.
She looked up.
Father stared at her and had a disappointed look on his face that cut Hannah to the quick. She should have been listening.
“Obviously, Hannah, your mind is elsewhere. Was it on Chad or Pierre? Or perhaps on some other escapade that will lead me on a chase around the country.”
“I’m sorry, Father. The truth is, my mind was on Pierre. I was wondering why he would come with you, and yet Mother didn’t come. Pierre doesn’t know me. I doubt he could really like me and consider me as wife material for a French aristocrat. So, why did he come with you?”
Father stopped and considered her question.
Hannah matched her father’s stare. “Where is Mother? I should like her to come to my wedding. To Chad.”
Her Father paced the room, rubbing a hand through his peppery hair. “Oh, dear Hannah. You cannot be serious. The man is an outlaw.”
“Was, Father. He’s turned to a new life and taking a second chance. He is very serious about making it work. I would like to help him.”
“So, is that what this is, daughter? Your sweet and gentle heart wants to help a man who is in trouble? Do you really love Chad, or is it his condition and the need for help that you love?” Father had calmed down enough to sit beside her on the settee.
“I love him, Father. When I first saw Chad, it was like a lightning bolt hit me. I’ve read about it in books.” She took her father’s hand and put it to her cheek.
Father was melting. She could feel him relax and about to surrender. Then he shook his head. “No. Chad is not right for you. An outlaw. Dear Hannah, what are you thinking?”
“I didn’t know he was an ex-outlaw when I fell in love with him. He and Bridgette told me about his past and that he intends on being a good citizen.”
“This Bridgette. I’d like to meet her.”
“I can take you to the courthouse. Her husband, Sterling Merritt, is the mayor. He can answer your questions.”
“Perhaps tomorrow. I am tired after the long trip. Maybe I will wire Mother and have her travel out here. She might be able to talk sense into you. Although there is a warning in the back of my mind that says she just might side with you. I’ll have the detectives accompany her.” He stared at Hannah. “Mind you, I am only thinking of sending for her.”
Hannah grinned. It was as good as done. When father got mellow, she knew she’d won at least that point. And she had made him question Pierre’s motives. “I’m going to let you rest. I’ll see you for dinner.”
Father nodded. “Tomorrow, we’ll go talk to this Bridgette.”
Before Hannah could get to the door, soft snores were coming from her big bear of a Father. She loved him dearly, even if he could be so loud and blustery. Not wanting to run into Pierre, she quickly went outside to find Francesca.
Her one friend that she felt she could go to and tell what had happened. Francesca would understand and maybe have an idea of how to deal with her father and Pierre. Hannah ran through the street while keeping an eye out for Pierre.
Hannah reached the dress shop just as Francesca was l
eaving her shop.
“Hannah, what providence. I was going to go for a walk and enjoy this beautiful weather before it turns so cold. Would you like to accompany me?”
Pulling her shawl tight about her, Hannah kept up with Francesca as the woman could walk very fast. “Yes, I have things to tell you. I have had quite a morning.”
Her friend slowed and looked at her. “So, you found out Chad was an outlaw?”
“That is only part of it. And that part I can handle. We talked it over, and he assured me that part of his life is over. He wants to be a good man with a decent job. Chad applied to be the Land agent.”
Hannah followed her friend to the park.
Francesca stayed beside her and finally spoke. “I think you told me that. I’m not sure he could get the job. I know Adler at the bank has his eye on it. Though I don’t see him giving up his office in the bank. So, you aren’t still considering marriage to this Chad Dawson?”
“Yes, I am.” Hannah sat on the swing by the pond. “There is more. My father is in town with Pierre Monluc. He was the man my father arranged for me to marry.”
Francesca looked at her with intense interest. “Do you like him?”
“It’s hard to say. Pierre did set off bells when I saw him. But I’m not sure if those were warnings or liking bells. He is a mystery and very good looking.”
“Oh, perhaps you could introduce me to him. That is if you’re not interested.”
Hannah shook her head. “I’m not interested in him. Not really, anyway.” She looked at Francesca and knew she would have competition from her for Pierre. Well, that served the man right. He could have Francesca.
“Hannah, can I meet this man?”
“I suppose. He’s at the hotel.” She turned and looked and saw Pierre walking toward them. Hannah turned to Francesca. “Don’t look now, but Pierre is behind us and coming this way.”
Francesca smoothed her skirt and tucked a curl into place. “How do I look?”
Hannah grinned. “Wonderful. Like you always do.”
With a smile, Francesca started into a lively chat about the flowers around the pond. “Judge Taggart had them planted for his second wife, Rachel. Don’t you think they are lovely?”
Pierre came around the swing. “Lovely describes the two ladies in front of me.”
Francesca twittered.
Hannah rolled her eyes but had to grin at Francesca’s dramatic laugh.
Pierre folded his arms. “Hannah, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”
Hannah stood and put a hand on Pierre’s arm. “Francesca, this is Pierre Monluc, the man that I was just telling you about. Pierre, meet my friend Francesca. Sorry, I didn’t get your last name.”
Francesca gave her a funny look. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Monluc.”
Pierre disentangled his arm from Hannah’s and walked to Francesca. With a slight bow, he took her hand and kissed it gently, his lips traveling up her arm to the elbow.
Hannah wanted to laugh out loud, but Francesca looked utterly taken by the man. Now, Hannah knew she wouldn’t even think of marrying Pierre. Not the way he went after Francesca.
Father would be interested to know that and would surely side with her against Pierre. She looked at the two of them and couldn’t believe how taken Pierre was with Francesca. It was rude for the man who was supposed to marry her to be so engrossed with another woman.
Finally, Hannah could take no more. “I’m going back to the hotel.” She left the park and hadn’t gone twenty steps when Pierre ran up to her.
He took her hand and put it in the crook of his elbow. “I didn’t want you to walk alone. This is wild country, and I need to take care of my future bride.”
Hannah glared at him and yanked her hand away from him. “I see. I guess by seducing other women, you think you are taking care of me.” She glared at him and then turned away, walking faster.
Pierre kept pace. “I just wanted to see if you’d be jealous. You were, weren’t you?”
Not wanting to admit it, but it had made her a little green when he talked so alluringly to Francesca. Thinking of her friend, Hannah felt terrible for her. The woman wanted a man to love her. She knew that. “No, I was not jealous. You can talk to all the women in Shirleyville or the world for all I care.”
He didn’t say anything, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw him smirking at her. She walked faster, almost at a trot, but he kept up with her. Hannah slowed to a snail’s pace, hoping he’d run on past her, but he didn’t.
She wished Chad was in view, but then again, she didn’t want him to get into trouble, and he was liable to slug the arrogant Pierre. Though she wouldn’t mind seeing his French nose flattened, she didn’t want Chad to be charged for assault. And she was sure that between Pierre and her father, they would press charges.
Pierre pulled her to stop. “Hannah don’t run from me. We were meant for one another.”
She stared at him. They were close, almost as close as she had been to Chad this morning.
Pierre pulled her to him. “I see the sun and the moon in your eyes. And I see us, together, flying among the stars where we will seek out destiny.”
He was so close she could smell his breath. Not bad. Peppermint. Then he kissed her. One quick passionate kiss that sent if not lightning, at least sparks scattering inside her.
Hannah pulled back, wiped her lips, and glared at him. At first, she was so shocked that she was unable to speak. Then she balled her fist and threw a punch at him.
Pierre caught her hand and held it tightly. “You’ll not always want to slap me. You enjoyed that, didn’t you? I saw it in your eyes. They lit up with passion and wanted more.”
“They did not. I love Chad.”
“Oh, really? Because you can’t have known him but a day longer than you’ve known me. And your father wants you to marry me. You want to make your family happy, don’t you?” He ran a finger down her cheek.
Hannah caught his finger and twisted it, making him grimace. “I will do what I want to do.”
Shaking his finger, he grinned. “You are a spirited young woman. Just the way I like them.”
“Them. Well, isn’t that an encouraging bit of news for a prospective bride to hear? I’m telling you now, get away from me, or I will go to the sheriff.”
Tipping his hat to her, Pierre backed away. “I only meant that you light a fire in me that has been matched by no other. I am a one-woman man. Trust me.”
“Pierre, that is one thing I do not do. Good day.” Hannah held her head high and walked away from the man. She hoped he’d get on the next train and leave. She had plans to tell Father how Pierre made Francesca blush.
Rubbing her lips, she wanted to erase the memory of his kiss from her. She would find Chad and talk to him. See if that lightning bolt was still there. She licked her lips and tasted peppermint. Her cheeks warmed at the thought of Pierre’s kiss. Surely, lightning couldn’t strike twice.
Chad found Sterling, who was just returning to the courthouse. “Mr. Merritt, do you have a minute.”
Sterling stopped and welcomed him into the office. “You know, Chad, I think you’ve changed. When I first met you, I wouldn’t have given a nickel for your chances of going straight. Did Hannah make that difference?”
Chad nodded. “Yes, she did. I’ve never had another person to care for. Indians took my family from me. I was fueled with bitterness and didn’t care about anyone. But when I saw Hannah, something inside me changed.” He took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair. “It doesn’t make sense, but all I can say is I would do anything for her.”
“I can see it in your eyes. I’ve talked to Doug Godfrey. He’s the land agent now and has agreed to stay on to train you. If you’re still interested?”
“Yes, sir. That was what I was coming to ask about. I don’t know anything about the job. But I’ll do my best. I won’t let you down.”
Sterling clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“I believe you and am happy to hear it. One word of caution, as the land agent, you will have considerable power. And some unscrupulous men will want to take advantage of your youth, past, and the power you have. Adler is one of them. Be wary of him and of anyone associated with him.”
“Thanks for the warning. Having been on the outside of the law, I might have an advantage in that I can pick out a dishonest man fairly easily. I’ll be on the lookout.”
“Good. Want to go and meet with Doug now?”
“Yes, sir. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do before I can marry Hannah. Now, she has that Pierre fellow in town.” Chad grinned. “I wasn’t impressed, but I can’t say the same for Hannah. Pierre is a lady’s man. I hope I can protect Hannah from him.”
Sterling nodded. “Bridgette and I will be praying.” He laughed. “I see a lot of Bridgette in Hannah, and because of that, you’d better start praying now. You’re going to need it. I can speak from experience. Having a woman like Bridgette or Hannah is like having a tornado by the tail. Hang on and pray a lot.”
Chad laughed. “I think you’re right. She’s a wildcat.”
Sterling took his hat and walked to the door. “Let’s go meet Doug. He can give you an idea of what you’re in for.”
“Great. Right behind you.” Chad kept up with Sterling and was glad that the mayor had seen the change in him. Chad could only hope that Hannah wouldn’t let her father and that Frenchman take advantage of her and change her mind.
They were almost to the land agent’s office when Chad looked and saw Hannah. With Pierre. Hannah was in his arms, and Pierre kissed her. Chad closed his fist but held his temper. He looked straight ahead and pretended not to see them.
Sterling hadn’t seen them or at least didn’t say anything, and then he opened the door to the land agent’s office.