Hannah Read online

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  Bridgette smiled. “Those were the words I was looking for. I’ve been doing some thinking on that, too. I know you’re smart and can read. If you can read, you can do anything. I know the land agent for the town is retiring and moving to Florida. What do you know about land?”

  He gave her a wry smile. “It stays in one place.”

  She laughed. “Would that be something that would interest you?” She folded her hands. “A smart land agent can make a lot of money if he can learn what land is worth. You’ll have a record of who owns what land and if they are in default on taxes. Once you earn some money, you can begin to put down on good parcels of land and sell them at a profit.”

  “You are one smart lady. Why didn’t you go into the business?”

  Bridgette nodded. “Well, if you must know, I considered it, but my husband said no.”

  “And you listened?”

  “Ha, I believe we understand one another. Yes, I did listen because I only have so much time. Besides, I have made quite a bit in my enterprises. And I really do want to help you and the other young men who come out of my Bounty Brigade.”

  Chad shook his head. “Well, I believe you. I might be interested in the land agent job. How do I get it?”

  “Simple, you apply to my husband, the mayor of Shirleyville.”

  “I don’t think he liked me too much.”

  “Well, Sterling isn’t the most trusting, but he does give people a fair chance to show themselves worthy. As long as you don’t cross the line, he will back you. Besides, the only other person wanting the job is a man who works for Adler and his bank. And they are not trustworthy.”

  Chad nodded. “I’ll need new clothes.”

  “And a haircut.” She smiled. “Now, for what I really came for. What do you want to do about Hannah Durand?”

  Chad shrugged. “I don’t know her. Is she the bride you picked for me?”

  “Yes, she is, and I have to warn you that she is a fiery young woman. She’s pretty and has a mind of her own. She won’t be a mousy wife if that is what you’re wanting.”

  “To tell you the truth, I don’t even know what I want.”

  “Good. Let’s go meet her and see what happens.”

  Chad had always considered himself brave until now. The idea of going to meet a woman who might want to marry him was testing his manly courage. What if he liked her, and she didn’t like him?

  Bridgette stood and nodded toward the door. “Let’s go.”


  Hannah paced inside her room, telling herself that she didn’t have to stay. She could bolt out of the room whenever she wanted and go and see the town. Bridgette didn’t own her. But then, there was the trouble with Father and Pierre.

  So, she waited. How long did Bridgette expect her to sit in this room when the weather was so lovely?

  Stopping in front of the mirror, Hannah glanced to see that she was presentable. She pinched her cheeks and lips to bring more color. Stuffed a couple of curls back where they belonged and hoped she would make a good impression on her possible groom.

  Then again, if he didn’t like her, that solved one of her matrimonial troubles. But what if she liked him, and he walked away? Hannah had never considered that before. Thinking about the man down in the diner made her breath catch. She would have to find out who he was.

  After all, what kind of a man accepts a bride unseen? He must not think much of himself. Yet, what did that say for herself? Then Hannah reminded herself that she didn’t want a husband unless he was the man she wanted. She didn’t have to say yes to the man Bridgette was bringing.

  A knock on the door nearly sent her to the floor. Ridiculous to be so anxious over meeting one man. Hannah had met plenty in her day. Her parents had seen to that.

  “Hannah, it’s Bridgette. Are you in?”

  Scolding herself for hesitating, Hannah opened the door. “Yes, I am.” She set her face to smile pleasantly, opened the door, and saw him.

  Bridgette and the young man entered the room. “Hannah Durand, this is Chad Dawson.”

  Hannah closed her gaping mouth and held out her hand. “Please meet me. I mean, pleased to meet you.”

  Chad stood woodenly at the door then followed Bridgette and shook Hannah’s hand. “Yes.”

  Bridgette stared at them. “Would you like to go down to the diner and have some coffee?”

  “No.” They both blurted at the same time.

  “I don’t feel right leaving you together in a hotel room. Would you like to go down to the foyer and get to know one another?”

  Hannah nodded. “Whatever you think, Bridgette.”

  Chad said the same.

  Bridgette frowned. “All right. Hannah is from New York. She traveled quite a way to meet you, Chad.”

  “Oh, good. I came from Wyoming.” He started to say something but stopped and glanced at Bridgette.

  Hannah grabbed her shawl and reticule. “Shall we go.”

  Bridgette nodded. “To the foyer, or we could go to the diner and just sit at a table. They aren’t busy for lunch yet.”

  “Good.” Hannah walked out of the room. Chad followed. And then, Bridgette.

  Hannah couldn’t believe it. Her groom was the man who’d struck her with lightning. Could it be real? She wasn’t sure, but when he shook her hand, she’d thought she was going to faint.

  Not that he was the most handsome man she’d ever met, but he was everything she’d always wanted, and she couldn’t even say why. She sure hoped he wasn’t a dusty cowboy, but that was what he looked like. Ruggedly handsome. Muscular with broad shoulders.

  They sat at a table. Bridgette waved the waiter away and sat between the two of them. “Don’t mind me. I can stay for a few minutes, and then I’ll go to meet my husband. He promised to take me to lunch today.”

  Chad cleared his throat. “When do I need to apply for the job with your husband?”

  “Whenever you want to.” Bridgette grinned. “I’ll tell him you might be along to see about the position.”

  Chad grinned. “Thanks. I appreciate that, Bridgette.”

  Hannah looked to Chad. “What kind of job.”

  The clock chimed, and Bridgette stood. “Sorry, that is my cue to meet my husband. I’ll be in touch with you both in a few days.”

  Hannah waved goodbye to her and then looked back to Chad. In fact, it had taken considerable effort for her to take her gaze off him.

  Looking uncomfortable, Chad cleared his throat. “As a land agent. Bridgette said it would be a good position to start off. That I could make a good amount of money if I learned about the land.”

  “Oh, that sounds promising.” Hannah was mad at herself. Usually, she could talk the ears off anyone, but now, in front of Chad, she felt as if her brain had turned to mush, and the words wouldn’t flow.

  Chad seemed to be feeling the same way. He looked at his hands and then back to her. His eyes were blue. Intelligent. And taking her in and sizing her up. Though the lightning strikes had stopped, she felt numb and afraid to make a mistake.

  “You’re from New York?”

  She nodded. “Yes. My father moved us from France when I was five. We had to flee for our lives. He’s made a good life for us in New York City. I wanted to see the rest of the country.” Hannah wasn’t going to tell him about Pierre. They could cross that troubled bridge when her father and the Frenchman came to Shirleyville.”

  “I grew up in Nebraska. I would have been there still if Indians hadn’t attacked. They killed my family and left me for dead. I’ve been wandering ever since.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” There was something he wasn’t telling her. Did he have a woman that he loved? Or was he an outlaw on the run? Then again, Bridgette would have checked that out.

  He looked at her, his eyes honest and sincere. “This is my second chance. I want to make a good life for myself and the woman that I marry.”

  She stared at him. The woman he would marry. Did that include her, or did he have his mind on some
one else? Hannah didn’t know what to say.

  Chad kept looking at her. “I didn’t think you’d be so pretty.”

  She grinned. “I didn’t think you’d make me spurt out my coffee.”

  He laughed. “I saw that. Was it because of me?”

  She nodded. “Yes, it was. I was so afraid of what kind of man Bridgette had for me. I wanted a man that made my heart race.”

  “Did it? Your heart, I mean. Did it race?”

  “When I saw you at the door of the diner.” She licked her lips. “Do you think we could be meant for one another?”

  Chad took her hand in his rough, callused one. “Before today and this moment, I would have said no. Now, I’m inclined to say yes.”

  His touch set off tingles all through her. Just like in the books. This must be love. Never had she felt this way in the presence of any of her parents’ possible matches. Never. She never wanted him to let go of her hand.

  Chad took his hand from hers, looking as if a snake had bitten him. “I don’t know what else we’re to do. You’re real pretty. I like the color of your hair and the green in your eyes. I’d like to get to know you. First, I need to have a proper job. I’ve been pretty much a tumbleweed, but you make me want to be somebody.”

  Hannah hung on his every word and smiled. “To me, you’re already somebody.”

  Chapter 5

  Hannah left Chad and spent the rest of the day in a fog of good feelings. Lightning had struck her, and she was in love with her mail-order groom. She and Chad were to meet with Bridgette at the courthouse.

  Even though Chad said he needed to prove himself and get a job, Hannah didn’t care and wanted to get married before her father came with his match for her. She wanted nothing to do with the Frenchman. Nothing.

  Hannah would take her Montana man any day over a stuffed shirt who would want to take her back to a country with dungeons and a floundering economy. She’d tried to tell her father that she was American and longed to remain that way.

  Besides, Chad thought he could make a good living as a land agent. And then they could take trips back to New York City and visit her family. For now, Hannah would be content to explore the beautiful country with her husband.

  Hannah frowned. Chad hadn’t sounded too excited about getting married so quickly. He wanted to wait until he could provide for her. She hadn’t told him that she had plenty of money. Men were funny that way. Why even her father wouldn’t let her mother use her money from her parents to buy their house in New York.

  Well, she’d have to work something out to keep her father from taking her back to New York. Hannah grinned. Chad would fight to keep her with him. Just like in the books, he would be her hero.

  Bored, Hannah left her hotel room and decided to walk about the town. Her first stop would be Francesca. They could have a lively chat before she was to meet at the courthouse. As Hannah walked across the street toward the dress shop, she looked about the town.

  Her town. She would meet everyone and learn about the workings of this part of the country. While New York City had buildings upon buildings, this quaint town was only a few streets long and wide. It wouldn’t take long to investigate.

  Upon reaching the dress shop, Hannah paused before entering. She really did want to talk with Francesca. After all, Hannah was excited about the news that lightning did strike, and she was in love.

  She opened the door, and the little bell rang her arrival. In no time, Francesca came from the back of the building.

  “Hannah, what a nice surprise. How was your first night in Shirleyville?”

  “Wonderful. I slept like a baby. I think it must be the fresh air and the mountain looking in my window.” She grinned. “Do you have time to talk?”

  Francesca nodded. “Yes, the day has been dismally slow. I have managed to sew on a few items, but sales have been nonexistent. How do you like the town?”

  “Well, I just started exploring today, but I have something to tell you. I met my groom-to-be, and lightning struck me just like in the books. I’m in love.”

  Francesca wrinkled her brow. “You came as a mail-order bride?”

  “Yes.” Hannah groaned inwardly. She’d not wanted to mention that, and here she’d blurted out such a juicy portion of gossip. Soon, the town would know.

  With a frown, Francesca shook her head. “You’re not one of Bridgette’s brides, are you?”

  Hannah nodded. “Isn’t it wonderful? His name is Chad Dawson. He’s tall and handsome and strong. When I first saw him, I hate to admit, the feeling was so intense that I spit out my coffee. And then when he held my hand in his, I thought I’d faint. Have you ever had such feelings?”

  Francesca sighed. “Only with my fiancé, and that was so brief, and long ago, I can’t even recall the feeling. Though I would love to feel it again.”

  “I believe you will.”

  Francesca bit her lip, huffed a few times, and then looked her straight in the eye. “Dear Hannah, did he tell you about his past?”

  “No, we only just met. Why? You look troubled.”

  Francesca pulled her to the settee she had out front. “Brace yourself. But Bridgette helps outlaws and gives them second chances. Now, I’m not opposed to anyone getting a second chance, but I think you should know that he’s been in prison for a year. Bridgette promises them half their bounty back and to find them a mail-order bride.”

  Hannah tried to take in the words. Chad was an outlaw? “Are you sure? Because he doesn’t look like an outlaw.”

  “Ask Bridgette and then ask that young man. If he’s honest, he’ll tell you.”

  Hannah thought she might faint. What was she going to do? The books she’d read said nothing about lightning striking a girl with a man who was an outlaw. “I do like him. Probably, even love him. I don’t know what I should do.”

  “Well, there have been two mail-order brides matched to ex-outlaws before you, and they seem happy. Although I will reserve judgment as they have been together for less than a year, and one of the brides was a prostitute.”

  Hannah shook her head. “I just can’t believe it. A prostitute, you say.” Hannah stopped and gave Francesca a good looking over. The first day that she’d met the woman, Hannah had known she was a gossip. She’d have to remember that and give Chad and Bridgette a chance.

  With a sigh, Hannah put her hands to her head. “That is disturbing news. Yet, the lightning I felt was real, and my feelings for Chad haven’t changed. I guess if he wants a second chance, I will not be one to deny him.” Hannah wished she’d never come to tell Francesca. The woman had thrown ice-water on Hannah’s good news.

  Francesca stood. “I’m sorry to tell you. But somebody had to. So, you know what you’re up against.”

  Hannah could only stare at her compromised friend. She only knew the half of it. Any day, her father would be here with Pierre.

  “I better go. I’m to meet Bridgette and Chad at the courthouse.”

  Francesca nodded. “Be careful, dear. I don’t want you to be hurt.”

  Hannah forced a smile and left the shop. Confiding in Francesca had been a mistake, and she would have to remember that in the future. Although she liked Francesca, the woman would bear watching. Hannah shouldn’t have told her about Chad.

  On the other hand, she was thankful for the information. While hoping it wasn’t true, Hannah knew it probably was. Gossips peddled hurtful truths and half-truths.

  With some of the light gone out of her hopes, Hannah walked back to the hotel. She’d go to her room and make sure she looked decent. Then it should be just about time to go to the courthouse.

  Hannah hoped she didn’t see Chad before the meeting. Why can’t anything be simple? If Father had just left her alone to find her own husband, she could have been in New York and not worrying about an outlaw or a Frenchman.

  She felt as if she were suspended above two continents. Hannah still had the lightning from Chad, but Francesca’s news was disturbing. He should have told her. Then
again, that could be what the meeting at the courthouse was about.

  Hannah climbed the steps to her hotel room and entered her room. She felt lost and tired. It shouldn’t be this way. She was young and embarking on her grand adventure to find the man she loved. So far, Chad had all the qualities, except for being an outlaw. And no job or profession. Though, he’d said he had the prospect of being the land agent.

  She heard the clock strike the hour and left her room. Well, she’d come all this way to an unknown man only to have the lightning strike her. She’d have to see it through. That was all there was to it.


  Chad entered the courthouse and saw Bridgette and Sterling in his office. Sterling didn’t look happy, and that made Chad nervous. He’d told Bridgette that her husband didn’t like him.

  Bridgette turned to see him and turned on her smile. “Chad, come in. I have the bank book here for your half of the bounty. My husband said it was time to give it to you.” The fire in her eyes and the way she said husband told Chad that it hadn’t been her idea.

  Sterling handed the book to him. “Be wise. It looks like a lot, but it can disappear at an alarming speed.” He glanced at Bridgette. “Especially when a woman becomes involved in your life.”

  Chad laughed. “I suppose so. While I’m here, I’d like to apply for the job as land agent. Bridgette said I needed to go through you.”

  Sterling gave his wife a wary glare. “Yes, she told me. What qualifications do you have?”

  Chad took off his hat and stood before the man. “I have the heart to make good with this second chance I’ve been given. I can read well and write. I’m smart. Too smart to get into trouble again. Mostly, I have a woman that came all the way from New York to meet me, and I don’t intend to let her down.”

  Sterling nodded, looking somewhat pleased. “That’s a very good answer. One that I have to admit, I didn’t think I’d hear from you after our earlier meeting.” He shuffled a few papers and handed one to him. “Fill this out and get it back to me as quickly as you can.”

  Chad looked at it and nodded. “I guess you know that I don’t have any good references.”