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Jericho (Bridgette's Bridal Registry Book 1) Page 13
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Page 13
Levi turned to Del. “Don’t go running off. I know how you feel about Jericho, but if we go in there blasting, she’s the one who will get hurt.”
Del nodded.
The closer they got to the saloon, Del felt the darkness close in around him. Old feelings that he thought he’d put away hissed to him. Easy money. Take it. They neared the saloon, and he saw her through the window.
A light shone on Jericho. And she looked clean. Pure even. Her face, though bloodied, shone with peace and innocence.
Del slowed his horse and stared. How could she look so innocent? He knew what she’d been.
Had been. That’s what she’d said. And looking at her, he believed it. How could Jericho look so innocent, and yet, she’d lived such a sinful life?
Del remembered her telling him about the way Jesus had cleansed her from her sins. She couldn’t work her way out of the life she’d led. Like he had. He’d served his time. Gave back what money he had. He’d paid the price.
Yet, he wasn’t free. He could feel the old ways trying to come back. How easy it would be to steal instead of work hard to make a go of his carpentry business. Already, he’d fallen short at the bank once.
Del shook his head and tried to regain the feeling of decency he’d had since leaving prison. But he couldn’t recapture it. Not here in the middle of the familiar darkness.
Then he looked at Jericho. She turned and stared out the window as if she were seeing him. Looking for him to rescue her. Del had never seen any woman look so lovely and pure before in his life.
He knew two things at that moment. He’d been a fool for turning her away, and he’d do anything to save her from Peter Drake. He dismounted. Knelt in the darkness and prayed. “Lord, forgive me for my past. Cleanse me as only you can. And help me save Jericho.”
Del stood and saw Levi watching him. The sheriff nodded and rode to the front of the saloon.
Del ran to the side door and burst inside.
Drake aimed a gun at him. “Well, well. The carpenter.”
“I came to ask Jericho if she’d come back with me, and if she’d marry me.”
Drake laughed. “You sure wouldn’t be the first man to have her.”
Del moved toward Jericho.
She looked at him with hope in her eyes, followed by sadness. “He’ll kill you, Del. Go back.”
Shaking his head, Del moved past Drake to her. “I meant what I said. I was a fool to let you go. Both of us started our lives the day we met, remember? I know that now. Come with me.”
She stood.
Drake shoved his way between them. “She’s mine.”
Keeping his eyes on Jericho, Del shook his head. “No, you can see that she’s chosen me. Sorry, Drake. Let her go.” Del turned his gaze on the gambler.
Drake somehow looked smaller to him. The gun in his hand wavered. Especially after Levi and some of his men walked in the front of the saloon.
Levi had his gun out. “Let them go, Drake. I’ll have to take you in for kidnapping.”
“The lady came with me on her own. Ask her.”
Jericho nodded. “He’s right.”
Del took her in his arms. “To save me?”
She nodded and leaned against him. “I couldn’t let him hurt you.”
Del walked her out of the saloon and to his horse. “I’m sorry, Jericho. I was a fool to let you go. I know now that we’re only free from our past if the Lord makes us free. When I saw you through the window, I saw the loveliest woman. The one I can’t live without. Will you marry me?”
Tears slid down Jericho’s face, and she nodded. “I loved you almost from the start. Are you sure you still want to marry me after knowing the life I lived?”
Del gently wiped the tears from her face. “More than ever. We were made for one another.” He gently kissed her forehead. “I’ll take care of you. Protect you. And love you until the day I die.”
“Oh, Del. If you’ll have me, I’m yours. Wholly.”
This time he kissed her on her lips. Gently and then more passionately. Then he helped her on his horse, and together they rode toward town.
This time, riding through the darkness, Del felt as if his heart were on fire and burning bright. The cloak of evil couldn’t come near him. His past was gone now. Cleansed in the fiery love of the Lord and his love for Jericho.
He knew there would be hard times before them both because of their pasts, but he also knew they weren’t alone. They would make a new life together.
Chapter 17
Jericho stared out the window of her hotel room. Del was meeting her for breakfast. And for the rest of their lives, he’d added. Could it be real? Or had she dreamed it? The town looked the same. The big mountain in the distance remained on watch over Shirleyville.
But her heart was light with a song of joy. She thought back to Li and how she had said that was how she knew she was in love.
She’d seen it in Del’s eyes. He adored her. Despite her past, Del had come for her and taken her from Drake. The gambler had looked at her with lust in his eyes. A look back from the past. Del had looked at her with love and a look to the future.
She put on a new skirt and blouse and hat to go with it. She’d not worn it before and wanted to look her best for Del. Jericho gazed in the mirror. She looked like a decent woman. Oh, her hair was still short, but she could pass for a good woman.
Head up and ready to start her new life, she went down the stairs and saw Del waiting for her.
He smiled at her. The same kind of adoring smile that she’d seen the judge smile at Rachel and between Bridgette and Sterling. Could it be happening? Her dreams from when she was a little girl, and she was meeting the man who would make those dreams come true.
“Jericho, you look lovely.” He held his hand out to her.
“Thank you, Del.” She took his hand. “A new day. A new life. Together?”
He nodded. “Yes. I’m ready to begin our lives together whenever you say.”
She followed him to the table in the diner. “I have money if you need some.”
He sat next to her and took her hand in his. “No, I will take care of you and provide for you. I’ve sold several chairs and a couple of tables. I have money in the bank.”
“I’m so glad. I know you’ll do well.”
“I’m sorry for the way I treated you. I had no right.”
She put a finger to his lips. “Our lives are starting today.”
He nodded. “Right.”
Jericho heard someone clear their throat. She turned to see Francesca standing behind her and to the side.
“Jericho, Miss Winters, I learned of your reputation. I can not have a woman of your character, or lack of, wearing and modeling my clothes. If you would, bring back the lavender dress you had the other day. As it is, I’ll have to sell it at a discount.”
Del stood. “How much do you want for that dress?”
With a flustered look, Francesca shook her head. “I doubt you have the funds. And you a thief that spent time in jail. I would wonder where you got the money.”
“I earned it. How much?” Del spoke in a measured tone. Not angry but forceful.
“Ten dollars.”
Del reached in his pocket and brought out his wallet and pulled out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to her. “I think that is all. Good day, Miss Francesca.”
With a humph, Francesca turned and stomped out the door.
After sitting back down, Del grinned at her. “Let her go. Old biddy. We’re going to have a wonderful life together despite people like that.”
Jericho was about to say something when Levi came by their table.
He nodded at her and sat down beside Del. I thought you should know that Peter Drake just bought the Wild Joker Saloon. He’s staying, and there’s nothing I can do about it except to assure you both that I’ll keep my eyes on him.”
Del shook the sheriff’s hand. “Thanks, Levi.”
Jericho watched Levi leave the diner. “That was
good of him to tell us. Peter won’t make it easy on us. He hates to lose.”
Del took her hand in his. “Together, we’ll make it work. Nothing is going to stop us. Not Drake or anyone else.”
“I’m glad to hear you say that. Because I believe we will be an unstoppable force.”
Del grinned. “Like Bridgette. Did I tell you how I got caught and sent to prison?”
She shook her head.
“I was robbing Bridgette. Or more accurately, I was trying to rob Bridgette. She clobbered me, and then Sterling came to her aid. I’m not proud of that part of my life, but it was the best thing to ever happen to me. Because of that, I have you and a new life. All thanks to Bridgette.”
“Let’s go tell her.”
Del nodded. “And the preacher. We need to set up a time. My living quarters above the store aren’t the greatest, but they are livable.”
Jericho smiled. “I have always dreamed of making a room my own. We’ll be happy there, Del.”
He looked around and snuck a quick kiss. “I know we will. Let’s go tell Bridgette.” Del helped her up and led her out of the diner. “I need to get the buggy from the livery. Do you want to wait here?”
She nodded.
“I’ll be back as quick as I can.” Del rushed out the door.
Jericho sat on the settee and enjoyed thinking about their wedding and fixing up the living quarters. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she missed seeing Peter Drake walk into the hotel.
“Well, look who’s here waiting for me.”
Startled, she stared at him. “Go away, Drake.”
“Where’s Del? Did he run out on you already?” Drake sat down beside her, acting as if they were old friends.
She stood and started to walk away when he caught her hand. “I know you, Jericho. You’re not the kind of woman to settle down to one man. No, I know you and know what’s best for you.”
Jericho glared at him. “Let me go. I’ll scream.”
Drake dropped her hand. “Someday, you’ll come looking for me.”
Not wanting to give him the dignity of a reply, she left the hotel and waited for Del outside.
It wasn’t but a few minutes, and he drove up in a small buggy. He shook his head. “This was the best I could get. I’ll get Sterling to bring your things into town.” He looked at her. “Are you all right?”
She debated telling him, but in their new life, she didn’t want any secrets. “It’s Drake. He’s in the hotel and tried to tell me I’d never make a good wife.”
Del went to her and enveloped her in a hug. Comforting her, Del whispered in her ear. “He’s a liar. You’ll make me the wife of my dreams. We were made for one another. Never forget that, Jericho.”
“Thank you, Del. I won’t forget.”
He helped her in the buggy. “Thanks for telling me.”
“I didn’t want any secrets between us.”
Del settled in the buggy next to her. “No secrets. I love you, Jericho.”
“And that is no secret.” She leaned against him and enjoyed the ride to the Merritts.
Del helped Jericho from the buggy and then led her to the door. After a knock, Margaret answered the door.
“Oh, Jericho. I missed you this morning. I hope you had fun at the social.”
Jericho smiled. “Yes, I’d say it turned out to be a wonderful evening. Can we see Bridgette?”
“Yes, come on in. She’s in the parlor. Mr. Merritt is still here too. He was just about to leave.”
Margaret took them to the parlor.
Jericho went to Bridgette and hugged her. “Del and I are getting married.”
Bridgette grinned. “I knew it. Didn’t I say you two were made for one another?”
Del nodded. “Yes, you did and as usual, you were right.”
Baby Charlotte cooed from her cradle.
Bridgette laughed. “Well, I was wrong about Charlotte being a boy.”
Jericho looked at the sweet baby. “She’s beautiful.”
“When is the wedding?” Bridgette pulled the blanket over her baby only to have Charlotte kick it away. “She’s already got a mind of her own.”
Jericho laughed. “I’d say you better watch it with that little girl. She’s too much like her mother.”
Sterling entered the room and shook Del’s hand. “I hear there’s going to be a wedding.”
“Our next stop is the preachers. We’ll let you know the date.” Del looked at her. “Sooner, the better?”
Jericho nodded. “I’m ready.”
Bridgette stood and hugged Jericho. “I am delighted.” She turned to Del. “Have you heard from your brother?”
“No. But then Jay never was a letter writer.”
Bridgette grinned. “I see. Well, let us know so we can stand up for you two at the wedding.”
Del put an arm around Jericho. “I was thinking about this Saturday.”
“We’ll be there. Right, Sterling?”
Sterling shook his head. “The baby isn’t old enough to be taken out yet. I don’t see how that is possible.”
Bridgette grinned. “My daughter and I will be there.”
Del shook Sterling’s hand. “We better go see the preacher.”
Back in the buggy, Del slapped the reins to get the horses going. “That Bridgette, Sterling, has his hands full.” Then he looked at Jericho. “Why is it I have the feeling that I am about to know exactly how Sterling feels?” He laughed. “I couldn’t be happier.”
Chapter 18
Jericho paced the hotel room while Brigette fussed behind her and straightened out her dress.
“There, you look beautiful.”
“What if something goes wrong? What if Del changes his mind?”
Bridgette grasped Jericho’s hand and stopped her. “Look at me. Del is in love with you, and anyone who sees the man look at you knows he loves you.”
“Yes. I believe it.” Jericho started to pace again when Bridgette pulled her to a stop.
“Jericho, you and Del were made for one another. I knew it right off the moment I got your letter. Now, it’s time for us to go. I’m sure Sterling is nervous as he is watching Charlotte.”
“Let’s go.”
Jericho remembered Bridgette’s words about being confident. So, she walked with her head up and shoulders back. She was on her way to marry the man she loved. To fulfill the dreams she’d had as a little girl.
Dreams that Jericho had thought were out of her reach but now were to become a reality. She thanked God for His goodness. For the hope that lived in her heart. Soon, she would be a married woman.
Bridgette entered the church and held the door for her.
Jericho stepped inside the church, not as a stranger, but as one who knew the Lord. She felt the welcoming warmth of fellowship as her friends turned to watch her walk down the aisle. She felt the goodness of God shower love over her.
And then she looked at Del and saw the love in his eyes. She walked toward him. Jericho was finally going home.
Preacher Bret nodded at her as she took her place beside Del.
Bret welcomed them. “Today, we are here to witness Holy Matrimony between Del Selmer and Jericho Winters. This day is to be celebrated here, for it is being celebrated in heaven. Del, do you take Jericho as your wife to protect and provide for. To love and cherish all the days of your life?”
Del held Jericho’s hands and smiled. “I do.”
“Jericho, do you take Del to be your husband. To honor and respect him. To love and cherish him all the days of your life?”
“Yes, I do. With all my heart.”
Bret grinned. “Then I pronounce you husband and wife. Let no man come against you for the Lord is watching over you. You may kiss your bride.”
Del took her in his arms and kissed her with such tender love that Jericho thought she might melt. She returned his kiss and felt so complete.
“Congregation, welcome the new couple into your homes and hearts.�
Together, Jericho and Del greeted the congregation and celebrated.
Del looked toward the door of the church as someone had entered.
Jericho didn’t recognize the man but became fearful that he was someone from their past.
Del grinned and waved the stranger toward them. “Jay, you got out early?”
Running to them, the man shook Del’s hand. “Yes. I behaved myself.”
“Jericho, this is my brother, Jay.”
“Pleased to meet you.” Now she could see the resemblance. The eyes and face. But Jay had a much wilder look to him.
Bridgette came to them. “I didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Jay wrote to me that he was coming in early.”
Jay grinned. “Is my mail-order bride here yet?”
Bridgette shook her head. “No, but she’s on her way.”
Del clapped Jay on the shoulder. “Good, you have time to get the sawmill built and underway.”
Jay grinned. “I don’t know about you, but I’d like to kick up my heels a few days first.” He smiled at Jericho. “I’ve been in prison, and I for one, would like to enjoy my freedom before I consent to getting married.”
Bridgette frowned and was about to challenge him when Sterling came over and deposited a crying Charlotte into her arms. “I think your daughter is telling you it is time to go.”
Bridgette cooed at her baby and smiled. “Yes, she is. Jay, I’ll talk to you later.”
Jericho watched the family walk out the door. “Del, I think it’s time we left too.”
Del nodded, and then he gave Jay a warning look. “Stay out of trouble.”
Jay laughed. “You don’t have to worry about that brother. No way am I going to do anything that puts me back in prison.”
Del took Jericho’s hand, and they left the church and walked hand in hand to their home above the carpentry shop.
Del squeezed her hand. “Someday, we’ll take a real honeymoon and go somewhere special.”
Jericho kissed his hand. “Del, I am going somewhere special with you. I’m going home.”
~~Author Note – If you enjoyed the story, please leave a review.