Big Girls One Night Collection: 6 Complete Erotic Romance Stories Read online

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  He leaned down – he was a good eight inches taller than her – and kissed her again while his hands were busy undoing her buttons and zippers. He knelt before her and buried his face in her soft round belly.

  She was wearing only her matching navy blue panties and bra. His hands were hard and large cupping her ass, pulling her toward him while his face was completely immersed in the softness of her abdomen.

  Still on his knees, he used his teeth to pull her panties down, first on one side and he held that side down with the thumb of one of his hands while he used his teeth to pull her panties down on the other side of her generous hips.

  He revealed her blonde thatch and she could feel the heat of his breath as he buried his face against her bush. He pulled her panties down and held them in place while she stepped out of them one foot at a time.

  He was still fully clothed as he knee-walked while he guided her backwards to the bed, he reached down and hooked his powerful arms under her knees and rising up in one fell swoop he had her spread-eagled on the bed in seconds.

  Her hips were right at the edge of the bed. He leaned down between her plump thighs and began to lick her pussy, long slow licks up one side and down the other. Then he went for her center core, parting her pussy lips and thrusting his tongue deep inside her wet vagina.

  He moved his mouth up and caught her throbbing clit between his lips and then between his teeth, just barely nipping. He was so gentle and the pain of the hardness of his teeth alternated with the softness of his lips sucking on her clitoris brought her to her first orgasm with him.

  It came upon her so fast that she was startled and she cried out. Her words were formless but it was clear that it was a cry of pleasure. She was breaking in her bedroom for the first time.

  She was a noisy fuck. She knew that about herself because when she masturbated she often ended with great yelps of pleasure. She was extremely grateful for the well insulated and soundproof barriers between the apartments.

  She could feel him sucking her juices as she gyrated her hips in an involuntary movement against his face while he sucked her clit.

  When he moved his head to nuzzle her soft inner thighs moving back and forth from one to the other until he reached her knees Paulette was limp with pleasure. He spoke in a soft voice, “I don't want to stop but I have to take my clothes off.”

  As he moved away from her Paulette didn't know whether to stay as she was but it was too hard holding her legs up without his support so she made the decision to shift herself. She twisted around so that she was lying on the bed with her head on the pillow and her feet pointing toward the end of the bed. She kicked the bed clothes loose.

  She was clad in nothing but her bra. She saw him climb into bed beside her and then shift so that he was between her spread legs. He leaned forward and put his hands under her, lifting her toward him so that he could unclasp her bra.

  “Let me see those beauties,” He said as he dropped her bra on the floor and rolled toward the center of the bed. His head and hands were free to massage, squeeze, and lick her gigantic kits. Massage was hardly the right word for what he was doing.

  His hands were large and massage was too gentle a word for the rugged manipulation as he held each breast in one of his large hands. He squeezed her breasts together and then did the same thing to her nipples as he had done to her clit.

  He sucked and nipped and licked.

  “You have a very talented mouth,” Paulette said. “You are an artist.”

  “And you are the perfect canvas for my artistry.” He reapplied his mouth to her breasts. And then he was moving back down toward her pussy again. Paulette was aware that she had not even touched him yet but had simply been the recipient of his most welcome intentions.

  Rick caressed every inch of her body from her big toes to the tips of her ears. He used his lips and his hands and his tongue and his teeth until her entire body was putty in his hands.

  Her orgasms never seem to end. As each one shot through her, they diminished and then reenergized. They were like waves on the beach lapping in and receding over and over and over.

  The urgent emptiness of her cunt opened and closed like a fist trying to grasp something that was elusive, just past her cunt’s grasp.

  When he was finally poised above her, she reached for his cock and began to stroke it with long slow deliberate strokes. It was heavily veined and the tip of it was swollen large like a massive mushroom on a thick stalk.

  “I have to have you.” He whispered in her ear. She felt the mushroom head of his penis fill the space between her pussy lips. Then she felt it spread her lips and she was so glad she was wet as his thick cock head led his shaft deep into her.

  He gave her several long slow thrusts and when she began moving her hips in rhythm with his, it was as if he knew that she was ready to ride the wave underneath his fervent pushes deeper and deeper into her.

  She felt his orgasm build and she felt the rumble of his groan from deep inside him as he emptied his load into her.

  He moved his body up next to her and took her in his arms and both of them slept. Paulette had lost track of time. They could've fucked for two hours and slept for one or they could have fucked for three hours and slept for six.

  All she knew was that when she woke the sun was coming up and one of her favorite football players was sound asleep in the bed beside her.

  Grand Finale

  Paulette didn't want to move. She didn't want to disturb the sleeping star and she didn't want to break the magic bubble of perfect sex that surrounded her. They had only done it once but it was a very long once.

  She dozed in and out of sleep and she was vaguely aware of him stirring and then quietly getting out of bed. She opened her eyes to slits and watched him walk to the en suite bathroom. His long cock was stiff and bouncing in front of him as he walked.

  Even though he closed the door quietly she could hear the hard steady stream of his morning pee. She slipped out of bed and went to the main bathroom. She was completely naked and she thought it might be a good idea to go back in the bedroom and get her robe. She was pretty sure he would be ready to leave immediately.

  When she returned he was back in bed, the sheets were pushed back and his cock as hard as it had been the night before. “Would it be too much to ask for more?” He grinned up at her.

  Their morning fuck was a less energetic combination of antics but it was just as satisfying. His big hands spread her wide open and she could feel his fingers in the crack of her ass, one of them probing her ass hole.

  There was no way she was prepared to accept cock the size of his in that orifice but she was also surprised at the sensations his fingers provided as he stroked and probed gently.

  His thumbs moved up to her pussy and then his hands came up to her thighs and he grazed them over her belly stopping to play with her roles of white flesh. When he reached her breasts she could feel his cock back between her legs again.

  When his cock was halfway in her he guided her to roll over so that she was sitting on top of him. In this position she rocked herself back and forth feeling the end of his cock hit something inside her in a very pleasant way. He lay on his back and looked in her eyes as he played with her tits.

  After several orgasms from riding on his erect cock she asked if he wanted her to take him in her mouth.

  He nodded and she lifted herself off him and reluctantly moved her breasts away from his hands. She kneeled between his thighs. She was surprised that he was wearing a condom. He must be very deft because she hadn't seen or felt him put it on.

  The condom was wet with her juices and she could taste herself on the latex. She experimented taking his cock deep into her throat. It wasn't easy because the tip of it was so blunt and wide that she couldn't fit more than the tip of his cock in her mouth.

  But she could suck and suck she did. She could tell by the way his stiffness shifted and the veins got even harder and thicker along his cock that he was soon going to be c

  She held his cockhead in her mouth while she wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroke rapidly up and down. At the same time she was sucking the head of his cock between the roof of her mouth and her tongue. She felt the heat of his jism as it landed in the tip of the condom.

  Shortly after they got up and she made coffee. There wasn’t much to say and even if there had been, they were satiated rather than rested.

  They said their pleasant goodbyes and Paulette soaked in a bubble bath to get the aches out of her muscles which had not had such a workout not even the last time she stepped into the wild world of unbridled sex.

  Because she had another night off work, Paulette debated another wild session and briefly thought about contacting Rick the Brick but decided against it. When something is perfect, there is no need to try to change it into something mundane by trying to repeat it.


  It was all about spontaneity. That was the secret to enjoying life every single day. Paulette was glad that she had another day off to enjoy her memories of her one night date with Rick.

  When she got back to work the following night, Amber was not working so it wasn’t until Sunday afternoon that they got together to watch a football game. Paulette found the game she wanted to watch.

  Rick the Brick was playing and she wanted to spring the story of her adventure on Amber when they were watching the game.

  Amber shrieked and when she found out that Paulette had deliberately avoided any potential publicity she was very vocal. “I would have told the world.”

  “Not me. I am on a quest to make up for lost time. I don’t want to be the footnote to some superstar’s life.” Even as she said that, she realized that she would love to be under Rick again. He had amazing strength and amazing tenderness.

  But there were always more adventures ready and waiting for the big beautiful woman who was willing to take a chance on life.

  Big Girls One Night with a Prince - Book 3

  The Prince

  Did you ever have one of those days where nothing was going right? You know – just a bunch of little things go wrong. Like you drop your keys and they somehow manage to hit the ground and then bounce even though they’re metal. Anyone would think metal would not bounce but your keys do and even worse, they bounce and skitter under the sofa.

  So you have to get down on your hands and knees and dig around blindly under your furniture. Then you cannot reach anything under the sofa. So you have to find something entirely different, some longish object like a wooden spoon or hanger or something that you can slide under the sofa.

  You feel around with this inanimate object until you hear your keys rattle. Then you have to manipulate the hanger or whatever it is that you are using to dislodge your keys and drag them back out to where you can see them.

  And, of course, you know they are covered in dust and crap that was also hiding under the furniture.

  Prince Alfred was having that kind of a day. As the people like to say in the country where Alfred was visiting, he was not a happy camper. It should have been heavenly for him.

  He had been at a party the night before with some of the most beautiful women in the world. And being a prince meant that even in a country without a royal family, he was regarded as something very extra special.

  Being a prince meant that women lined up for his attention without any effort on his part. He even didn’t have to talk to them. All he had to do was just smile and be gracious and these were things he had been taught to do all his life.

  It was part of his royal training. He didn’t have to be clever or witty or particularly intelligent. He just had to be nice. Luckily for Alfred, he was all of the other things too.

  With or without any of these attributes, he had his choice of women and he didn’t have to stop at one woman either. Because he was who he was, he was more than able to attract two or three of them. Maybe even more. The only limit to the number of ladies willing to play with him was his own ability to satisfy them all.

  And truth to tell, the point did not have to be about satisfying them. It was enough for most women Alfred fucked to be able to say that they had fucked a prince.

  But in spite of what would seem perfect to most men, to Alfred this was not what he wanted.

  Prince Alfred was a man who liked his women generous. Generous of spirit was nice but what he really liked was generous of body and especially if these women were being generous with their generous bodies.

  He longed for a big pillowy woman with soft warm flesh. And lots of it.

  So here he was, Prince Alfred alone in his royal suite in a big hotel, and the whole floor full of his entourage. His slightest wish was their command. He was the lead dog in this pack. His parents were not doing the royal visit to America with him nor was his older brother.

  Alfred was the man in charge.

  He woke up tired. The time change and jet lag bothered him. He didn’t like the taste of the water, even though it was bottled and promised to be tasty. And he had to go out and tour nursing home facilities. These places made him sad.

  The party the night before was also a performance. Because he could not let himself go the way he wanted to, he ended up smiling at starry eyed little star-fuckers. They could warm his bed but these women always left him feeling like he was performing some sort of athletic event.

  The capper for the bad start to the day was that the Prince spilled his coffee and the brown liquid was soaking his morning newspaper and his linen napkin and his toast. He marveled at how half a cup of coffee could extend so far with its splash and spray.

  Be positive, he told him. Look at the good news. And there was some good news. The good news was that he didn’t spill any of the coffee on himself. And of course being who he was, there was no problem getting another cup of coffee instantly.

  Sometimes Alfred wondered if these accident prone days of his were related to his strong desire not to be involved in the activities of the day. This morning’s engagement to visit nursing homes in the area really was part of his favorite cause, looking after the elderly in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

  He knew that there was a lot more to it than saving money but he relied on the wisdom of others for the other factors. There were teams and committees of people who knew how to make the average citizen’s declining years as comfortable and happy as possible.

  Nevertheless, in spite of his affection for making life good for seniors, this morning all Alfred wanted to do was go back to bed and sleep for three more hours. Minimum, three more hours. Sometimes his weariness overwhelmed him.

  He was thirty years old and he already felt like an old man. He didn’t like the way smoking cigars left him feeling in the morning and he didn’t like the way drinking the best Scotch available left him feeling in the morning either.

  He didn’t enjoy playing games of chance either because even when he won, he had a very strong feeling that his opponents let him win because well, he was the Prince.

  The Prince knew that he was just being in a bitchy mood and he also realized that he had about five minutes to snap out of it and get ready to do his daily duties. These duties were part of his role in life and he was expected to do his duty in return for his privileged lifestyle.

  The Nursing Home

  By the time his driver picked him up for the first nursing home visit, the Prince was in a somewhat better mood. It was a matter of will and he had willed himself to be pleasant and gracious. At the nursing home, he could see that they had put on their best show. The residents were extremely old and the majority of them seem to be in wheelchairs. He was guided to the facilities and he shook hands with many of the residents.

  Most of them, he was pretty sure, barely knew who he was. There were the usual photo opportunities with the director of the home and couple of the members of the staff. There were three more nursing homes in this city that he wanted to visit today.

  Prince Alfred didn’t mind the duties much at all. He
just wished that in his so-called off-duty time, he could do what he wanted to do not what was expected of him.

  It was while he was at the third senior citizens’ home that day that the prince met someone interesting. Her name was Nancy. A name tag designed in what looked like pewter was pinned to her uniform. Nancy was all that the name tag said.

  Nancy had long reddish brown hair that hung straight down her back almost reaching her waist. She had a very pleasing smile with eyes that crinkled up in her round face as she smiled.

  Her uniform was shapeless which made it difficult for Alfred to really get a good understanding of what her body looked like. But even a cursory glance indicated that she was a large woman with big hips and a thick waist and gigantic breasts.

  When they were introduced, the Prince leaned down and kissed her hand. “Very pleased to meet you,” he said in a slow and seductive voice. He spoke low so the intended intimacy of his comment’s tone was not immediately visible to anyone but Nancy.

  Nancy looked him straight in the eyes and he felt her respond to his tone. They smiled at each other with a fair amount of dazzle in each smile. But they said nothing more to each other.

  After the visit was over the Prince looked around the sea of faces to see if Nancy was anywhere in sight but he couldn’t see her. He accepted that most things weren’t meant to be and that’s just the way it was.

  But because he started the day feeling that it was one of those times when his world was out of kilter and a couple of little things went wrong, he felt that it might be a good time to try something a little daring.

  For Alfred to be daring, it was a bit out of character. But he felt that if he did something a little bit different it would break the routine of the day. And better yet, it might spare him from the ignominy of the night.

  When the prince and his guides were about to leave, Alfred turned to the tour guide and said that he would like to see Nancy again before the tour was officially over. The tour guide did not know who Alfred was talking about and the prince had nothing to say to help out.