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Wilder, J. C. - Shadow Dweller 1 Page 2
Wilder, J. C. - Shadow Dweller 1 Read online
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"His teeth nip my neck as one hand traces down my side, across my thighs to the bottom of my skirt. His hand on my skin causes goosebumps to break out. His fingers tear into my pantaloons to plunder my waiting flesh. Growing impatient, he reaches down with his free hand to unleash himself before lifting me to rub against his stiff rod. My eyes fly open at the sensation to realize that his two friends are watching me. As their eyes grow dark with lust, Stud impales me on his manhood."
Her voice changed pitch as she continued. "Soft groans escape my lips as his blond friend comes forward. His greedy lips suckle my breast as I twine my fingers in his hair. The third man comes over to take my other breast into his mouth as Stud forces me up and down...up and down. It's relentless. Just as I begin to reach my peak, he comes with a growl, deep inside of me.
"For a second, I'm disappointed. But, before I can draw breath, the blond cowboy grabs me around the waist and tosses me on the table, thighs spread. Releasing a cock that would do a horse proud, he shoves inside and begins thrusting. Pumping, pumping until screams claw my throat and I shatter into a million pieces in his arms."
Vivian slumped in her chair and fell silent. Her cheeks were flushed, a look of near satisfaction on her face.
Shai swallowed hard and reached for her wineglass. Goodness...
"What about the third guy?" Melanie asked, entranced.
Leave it to Melanie. Shai struggled not to choke on her wine.
Vivian picked up her napkin to fan her rosy cheeks. "Oh, him. I wait and nail him later."
Jennifer burst into laughter and slapped her palm on the table. "Bravo, dearest!"
Vivian grinned. "Too bad I only have a vibrator to go home to tonight. I'm feeling a bit frisky right now." She cast an appraising look around the restaurant as if to spy a willing victim.
"Amen, sister," Erihn whispered. She picked up her wine and gulped the remains.
Jennifer turned her dark eyes on Shai. "So tell us what gets your panties in a bunch, my dear?"
Shai blinked. "My fantasies?"
Vivian gave a throaty laugh. "Why, of course. I have a feeling you aren't as pristine as you pretend to be." Her flashing blue eyes dared Shai to step up to the plate.
"Whoever said I was pristine?" Shai squeaked.
"No one, dear." Erihn patted her hand as if to soothe ruffled feathers.
Shai stared at her neglected dinner while four pairs of expectant eyes watched her. What did she do now?
She cleared her throat. "Well..." She hesitated before letting her eyes drift closed. "I'm lying in my bed. It's a hot summer night, like tonight. The drapes are moving in a faint breeze, but it's not strong enough to relieve the humidity that has me trapped in my bed. Restless, I kick at my covers as a shadow appears in the window. It's a man."
"Who are you?" She whispered.
"You know who I am." His voice was deep, sensual like the purr of a giant jungle cat. Ripples of awareness moved across her skin. Her nipples tightened beneath her simple cotton nightgown.
"Yes, I know who you are." She sat upright in her bed and held out her hand in silent invitation to the dark figure in the window.
"What do you want from me?" he asked.
"Come to me."
"You're inviting me in?"
"Yes," she replied.
"Once I cross the threshold, there is no going back. Is this what you really want?"
She rose to her knees, her gown clinging to her overheated skin. "Yes, I want you, all of you."
His teeth gleamed in the darkness when he smiled. He stepped in through the window, onto her window seat, scattering soft pillows with his booted feet. He was very tall, much taller than her five foot four. He was dressed in all black-- black jeans and a black T-shirt that stretched across his broad chest and shoulders. Black hair brushed his shoulders in a tumble of riotous curls.
Feverish blue eyes gleamed beneath heavy brows. His full sensual mouth curved in pleasure. "I've come to give you your ultimate fantasy."
She gave a faint nod.
He held out his hand, tempting her to reach for the ecstasy he offered. Hesitant, she reached for him, her breath caught as his warm fingers closed around hers. With a gentle tug, he urged her to her feet. Her gown swirled around her thighs as she moved toward him. A strong arm slipped around her waist as he gathered her close, his arousal evident against her lower stomach.
"Tell me what you want," he whispered against her skin. His lips moved over her neck, taking a nibble here, a taste there.
"Everything. Anything. I want every woman's fantasy." She sighed as his mouth touched her ear, teasing the delicate lobe.
His husky chuckle raised gooseflesh on her skin, "I did your laundry and balanced your checkbook."
Shai opened her eyes to find her friends staring at her, their expressions ranging from wonder to outright amusement. Suddenly, Melanie and Erihn broke into shrieks of laughter.
Viv lifted her cigarette case, a soft smile tugging at her mouth. "Well, that's definitely a fantasy we know will never happen. Brava, my friend."
Jennifer shrugged. "Not true, Viv. It could happen with some men." She turned toward Shai. "Is that your fantasy? A tall dark stranger entering your bedroom in the dark of night? To make love to you until you can't think? To fulfill your darkest fantasies?"
"Sounds good to me." Erihn reached for her glass of water. Tears of mirth streaked her cheeks.
"I don't know." Shai shrugged. "If I knew I was perfectly safe?" She took another drink of wine. She knew she was half-past drunk now and careening her way into dangerous territory. For her to discuss her sexual fantasies was something she would never think of doing, ever. But here she was, sitting in a public restaurant drinking loads of wine and discussing intimacies with her friends.
A sudden streak of boldness shot through her and she sat forward, slamming her glass onto the table. "Sure? Why not? Who wouldn't want to have a dark handsome stranger take control of them, body and soul? To make love until they merge as one? To be worshipped with his body till the end of time?"
Jennifer nodded, a speculative gleam in her eyes. "Another one of my favorite fantasies."
Vivian nodded slowly. "As is mine." She raised her wineglass in Shai's direction. "Happy birthday, my friend. I think you just revealed more about yourself than you'll ever know."
Jennifer raised her glass. "And may your darkest fantasies come true, my dear Shai."
Shai laughed and raised her glass as Erihn followed suit.
"To fantasies." Chimed in Melanie as they clinked their glasses and the occupants dissolved into laughter.
Shai raised her glass to her lips and the laughter caught in her throat when a shifting in the shadows snared her attention. She glanced over Melanie's head to stare into the darkest blue eyes she'd ever seen.
Prickles of awareness raced across her skin and her nipples tightened against the soft lace of her bra. Her mouth went dry. Surely he was a figment of her imagination. No mortal man could have eyes so dark, so ageless. So haunted.
He was, without a doubt, the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. Piercing blue eyes shadowed by winged black brows. Black hair swept away from his high forehead to fall an inch below his shoulders in soft waves that her fingers ached to explore. Sharp features, high cheekbones and a patrician nose, saved from austere by his mouth. Full and sensual, it screamed of long, hot nights, rumpled silk sheets and musky sex.
It was the face of a fallen angel.
He was definitely not of this earthly plane.
Images came unbidden of the two of them in her wrought iron canopy bed. Sweat gleamed on skin as his hands stroked her overheated flesh seemingly everywhere at once. Her heart thundered in her chest as she imagined his lips on her stomach, leaving a damp trail as he moved toward her breast. His mouth closed over its aching tip and he suckled deeply as she arched off the bed toward him, wanting more of his dark magic. Her hands clinging to broad shoulders, her thighs opening to him, permitting access to the apex that
wept only for this man. For his touch alone.
A whimper broke from her lips as sensation poured through her body. She jerked in her chair, her wineglass clattering against her plate as she bobbled it and blindly set it down. Her breath came in gasps, the unexpected arousal leaving her unsatisfied body throbbing in places she barely acknowledged even existed.
Erihn turned and frowned at her as Jennifer gave a delighted laugh and held her hands toward the stranger in greeting. "Are you okay?" Erihn whispered.
Shai was shaken as he broke eye contact, looking away from her to speak with Jennifer. She nodded, wondering if she really was okay.
What on earth was wrong with her? She'd never reacted like that to another human being in her life. She moved the wine out of reach and picked up her glass of water. No more alcohol for her, that was for sure.
The stranger's voice interrupted her musings. It was deep and resonant with a faint accent she couldn't place. A shiver zipped across her skin. Rich, like dark chocolate, fine aged brandy or velvet, it was a voice she could listen to for an eternity. She resisted the peculiar urge to swoon.
"I had business with Jacques, the owner here." He moved with the lethal grace of a big cat. Unconscious, sexy. No mortal man should be able to move like that. It had to be illegal somewhere.
Pleasure curled in her stomach, sending waves of desire racing through her blood. Stop that. Time to sober up. Coffee, maybe? Yes, coffee, that would surely do the trick. She glanced around for their waitress who was nowhere in sight. Damn!
The stranger laughed and her toes curled with pleasure as her gaze was dragged back against her will.
He held Jennifer's hand and Shai struggled to quell the rush of jealousy as he brought it to his mouth. His smile was intimate, his gaze knowing as he brushed his mouth over her skin.
Jennifer laughed and pulled her hand away. "Quit trying to impress me, Val. You forget yourself."
He smiled easily, unabashed by Jennifer's rejection and Shai's heart gave a little flutter. This man was dangerous to her well being and she knew, in that instant, nothing would ever be the same again.
He glanced around the table, his gaze coming to rest on her. His eyes glittered with a dark heat. "Indeed, I do. It's hard to remember myself when I am surrounded by such beauty." He tipped his head in her direction. The dim lights gleamed in his thick glossy black hair, giving it a bluish sheen.
Melanie gave an awkward twitter as Shai forced herself to look away.
"Is it?" quipped Vivian. Her eyes were fastened to the front of the stranger's pants. "Doesn't look like it to me, but give it some time." A catlike smile curved her mouth as she licked her lips.
He chuckled as he moved around the table to take Vivian's hand and kiss it also. He crouched beside her to murmur something into her ear as Viv pressed her ample breast against his chest and circled an arm around his shoulders, tangling those obscene red nails in his hair.
Shai's cheeks heated in the face of such a blatant attempt at seduction. She shifted her gaze, staring down at her plate while trying to ignore Vivian. She'd never been the kind of woman who attracted men easily. There were times when simply conversing with a man could bring on hives. She wished she could slip under the table and vanish in the face of her friend's easy sensuality.
The soft caress of a fingertip touched her cheek, bringing her head up. She glanced around. No one was even looking in her direction, let alone close enough to touch her.
"Shai." Jennifer's voice brought her attention back to the table. "I'd love for you to meet someone. This is Valentin and he's a very old and dear friend of mine." She waved her hand in his general direction. "Val, this is Shai Jordan, a much newer friend of mine."
Shai caught the amusement in Jennifer's voice and flushed. She tensed as the dark man untangled himself from Viv and moved toward her with his lazy grace. A richly embroidered vest hung open, displaying laces on his flowing white shirt. Open at the throat, it revealed the strong column of his throat melding into broad muscular shoulders. Black jeans clung to taut muscular thighs. A black belt with a plain gold buckle circled his waist and black boots encased his feet.
Easily he captured her hand within his much larger one. Warmth surrounded before invading her chilled flesh. Strong fingers, artist's fingers, encircled hers as he slowly raised her hand toward his mouth. "Enchanté." His breath teased the sensitized skin of her knuckles.
His lips were warm and dry, eliciting a shiver as his tongue touched the back of her hand. Carnal images crowded her mind as desire burned her like a wildfire. Before her eyes flashed images of this man in her bed, buried deep within her, burrowing into her very soul.
Val pulled away, his teeth shutting with a sharp click and Shai caught a glimpse of an emotion akin to shock racing across his face. Was he in pain?
"Are you okay?" she asked, startled when her voice came out husky.
He flashed her a picture perfect smile. "Better than I was before meeting you." He straightened smoothly, never releasing her hand. "Ladies, it has been a great pleasure seeing you, but I am afraid I have to run." He glanced down at Shai, his gaze capturing and holding hers easily. "Business does not await my personal pleasures." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
Vivian fairly purred her displeasure. "That's too bad, Val. It's been such a long time since we've seen each other. We're headed to the Pyramid after dinner. Maybe you can join us there?"
"Indeed, it has been a long time. If I can get away, it would be an honor to join you ladies this evening." His gaze never left Shai's as he raised her hand to his lips once again. "Until next we meet, little one." He kissed her hand a second time, his teeth brushing her skin before he released her. Turning, he headed toward the door, every woman's eye on him as he exited.
"Now that is a fantasy," Erihn announced into the silence.
"It seems our little Shai caught Val's eye," Jennifer commented.
"Lucky girl. I've been after him since he first appeared in New York about a year ago." Vivian's tone was sour. "Never even looked twice at me."
"I certainly wouldn't kick him out of bed," Melanie said.
"I wouldn't either," Shai, still feeling dazed, spoke through numb lips.
Vivian laughed, her pique apparently forgotten. "It's about damned time. A man to turn Shai's head. And what a man he is." She leaned closer to Shai. "Watch out, little one. Val is one of the sharks in the ocean of life," she paused. "Of course, that makes him all the more desirable." She raised her wineglass. "Here's to Shai and her deepest, darkest fantasies. Long may Val fill them...and a few other things."
"I don't..." Shai began, only to realize they were no longer listening to her. Shivers danced along her spine as she recalled his deep blue eyes and sinfully sexy mouth.
"Oh, what the hell... Here's to fantasies."
* * *
Chapter 2
Shai tumbled headfirst through her apartment door. Clinging to the doorknob, she skidded to a stop as her oversized purse banged into the coat tree, sending it crashing to the floor. She straightened and stared at it, her vision distorted as if she were underwater.
Her voice sounded slurred and she giggled as she kicked the door shut with one foot. She started across the wood floor toward the darkness of her bedroom door. As she walked, she discarded her clothing in an uneven trail, marking her progress through the apartment. Her silk jacket landed on the arm of a chair, her purse a hill of soft leather in the middle of her living room. Next came her black skirt, a puddle of velvet in the hall.
As she neared the doorway, she noticed with alarm that the room was tilting. She reached out a hand to brace herself against the wall and keep herself upright.
"What the..." She glanced down at her feet. One high-heeled shoe was missing. She turned too fast only to send her head spinning and she staggered into the wall with a thud. "Oooof..." She squinted toward the hall, looking for the missing footwear. Her errant shoe lay tangled in her skirt.
"Too mu
ch effort." Turning, she stumbled through the door, losing her other shoe in the process. Her shirt slithered to the floor.
Her four-poster bed lay bathed in a pool of brilliant moonlight. The windows were wide open and a soft, humid breeze tugged at the heavy blue drapes. With a sigh of delight, Shai fell onto the bed, her body numb with drink and sensual intoxication. Her fingers curled into the crisp white sheets. Oh, how she loved her bed. It was the best bed in the world. Unbidden, an image of Val entered her mind. She groaned.
Val in her room.
In her bed.
In her.
She closed her eyes and grabbed a pillow to cradle it against her overheated body. Enough of that. Fantasies were one thing, but her reality was that a man like Val would never be interested in a boring, white-cotton woman like her.
She sighed into her pillow and scrunched her face deeper into the pristine cotton, willing her body to relax. Within seconds, she gave in to the demands too much alcohol had placed on her, and she fell asleep.
She looked like a whore.
The vampire settled on the windowsill, mere feet from the woman's sleeping form. A derisive smile curled his lips. Whore or not, she was even more exquisite than he'd ever imagined.
Thick red hair lay tumbled across her pillow in a river of curls. Dark lashes shadowed her cheeks, hiding eyes he knew were a brilliant green. A small, delicately shaped nose with a slight bump at the bridge as if it had been broken at one time. Her mouth was generous with a full lower lip and slightly thinner upper one. Her skin was the creamy delight of a redhead. Her throat was slender, marred only by a small scar at the base on the right side.
A black lace bra barely covered her breasts, full and round. He ached to touch them, to taste them. Her belly looked soft and inviting while her hips and upper thighs were covered by a silk half-slip. Naughty black nylons encased her thighs and lovely calves down to slender ankles and feet. A delicate gold ankle bracelet glittered in the moonlight.