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Rob moved back onto his knees and looked down on her. “Cum again, Michelle. I need to feel it.”
Michelle squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on the feelings his movements were causing. A deep pleasure was building within her belly with each hammering movement from him, but she couldn’t possibly do as he asked.
“I can’t...”
Rob reached across the bed and grabbed a pillow, lifting her bottom up and sliding the pillow beneath her pelvis.
He resumed thrusting, the new position hitting her exactly where she needed it to. She cried out as a wave of unexpected pleasure washed over her.
“Better?” He grunted, a light sheen of sweat covering his chest and face.
Michelle nodded and grabbed at Rob’s hands on her thighs, needing the anchor.
Rob interlinked their fingers and thrust harder.
Fireworks exploded inside Michelle’s head and she pulled her body up off the bed. “Oh... fuck!”
He moved deeper, harder, and faster. Michelle was lost to anything except the amazing pleasure vibrating deep in her belly and the roar from Rob as his body pulsed within hers.
Chapter Four
Rob collapsed forward onto the most responsive, honest, beautiful woman he had ever had the privilege to make love to. He was still panting, aftershocks of his orgasm still rippling through his belly and beyond.
Instead of complaining about his weight, Michelle wrapped her arms around his back and lay with him. Their heaving chests were in sync as they both struggled to calm down. Wow.
“Are you all right?” he asked as he struggled to slow his breathing.
He was sure she was, but that fear was there.
“All right?” She laughed and kissed the top of his head. “That was amazing.”
Rob grinned, pride blossoming within his chest. He forced his post orgasmic body to pull back, and he cleaned himself. He returned quickly to lie at her side to enjoy a post coital cuddle.
In his absence, Michelle had pulled the blankets up and now had tear tracks down the sides of her cheeks.
Rob lay his head down on the pillow and scooped her up so they were spooning. He wasn’t going to mention the tears. Her comments and responses throughout their lovemaking were enough. What had her other lovers been doing wrong? She was so passionate and easy to please. Why would she not want to come?
He forced the thoughts away, then came back to them.
“Michelle, that was incredible. Thank you so much.”
Her soft belly shook a little beneath his hand as she chuckled.
“You’re thanking me? Are you kidding?”
Rob pressed his lips to her back and weighed up his options. He only had one night with her and probably shouldn’t waste it talking about the past, but he needed to know more about this amazing woman.
“Yeah, I’m thanking you. You’re so generous and beautiful in your pleasure, so perfect in your responses. I could make love to you all night.”
Michelle went still for a moment, and everything in Rob went shockingly cold. Had he just stuffed up everything?
Then he felt her move, subtly closer and everything in him relaxed. Rob kissed the back of her neck and smiled against her warm skin. “I should be right to go again in an hour or so if you are up for it.”
She laughed, her warm belly shaking once again beneath his hands. “Again?”
Rob ignored the temptation to roll his eyes. Seriously? What sort of selfish morons had she been dating?
“Yeah, of course. You’re incredible. Why wouldn’t I want to enjoy you all over again?”
He slid his hand up to cup one of her breasts and teased the nipple by running a fingertip over it. It hardened instantly and she gasped.
Rob stroked her soft, full breast slowly, enjoying the intimacy of having a naked woman in his bed, a woman who was hardworking, beautiful, and just a little broken. “Of course again. I rushed through that a little, I’m sorry.”
That got a reaction. Michelle turned her body so she was lying on her back and looking up at him. Both breasts were now available to his gaze, and she pulled the blanket up to cover them.
“No.” He shook his head and pulled the blanket back down to her waist. “I want to see them.”
Michelle blushed but indulged him, which delighted him. Maybe she was starting to trust him a little.
Rob’s eyes feasted on the dark pink nipples, hardening beneath his fingertips. He ran his hand from one to the other, just grazing the tips, then cupping the full weight of them. “You have the most beautiful breasts.”
Michelle turned her head away from him and stared off toward the closed window. “You don’t need to lie to me.”
Rob dropped his head and began sucking on one, just because he could. He continued until she gasped, then slipped a hand between her legs. She yelped this time, obviously too sensitive for post coital petting.
Rob lifted his head and retrieved his hand, laying it casually across her ribcage.
“You were saying?”
Michelle didn’t smile, but the light in her eyes was just as beautiful as if she had. Why did she doubt how much he wanted her?
“Tell me more about yourself.” She lifted a hesitant hand and stroked his cheek.
Rob turned his face and kissed her palm, loving every second of her company. “What do you want to know?” He couldn’t think of anything specific he wanted to tell her. Well, he could think of all the places he hadn’t seen and would like to show her, but that seemed a little too forward.
“Tell me about your university course. Was it as hard as I think it would be?”
Rob bit back the groan that arose. “Work is the last thing I want to talk about, Michelle.”
Her face fell so quickly he rolled on top of her to stop her from jumping out of bed. Shit! Wrong thing to say.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”
She looked hurt by his words and her adorable bottom lip was extended in a semi pout. Now that was a gorgeous look, and he wasn’t a man that went for sulky females.
He propped himself up better on his arms so he didn’t squash her and tried to bring his scrambled thoughts together. “University…okay. Well, Uni was frikken hard work. Too many exams, too many long hours. Being young and pulling all-nighters, because I didn’t want to miss out on my life.”
Michelle smiled up at him. “You’re kind of squishing me.”
“Oh, sorry.” Rob rolled onto his side again but kept a hand on her waist. “Look, I love my job, but I always thought I’d be settled by now. Wife and kids, all that. But my job doesn’t allow much time to socialize, and I’m not one of those doctors that sleeps with the interns.”
Michelle rolled onto her side to face him and pulled the sheet up to cover herself. He didn’t try to stop her this time.
“Okay, so tell me more about this holiday then. What did you have planned?”
Rob smiled at the naked woman in his bed. His dream holiday seemed so far away at the moment, and he didn’t care one tiny little bit. “I had a vision of myself driving Route 66 actually. Old Mustang, top down, just visiting the sites.”
Michelle smiled a truly beautiful smile, and Rob felt his stomach flip. He had never believed in love at first sight— lust maybe —, but his lust had been sated, and he was now even more interested in this beautiful woman. He poked her gently in the shoulder.
“Tell me something about you.”
She smiled shyly, looking up at him through her eyelashes. “What would you like to know?”
I’d like to know if you would mind if I kissed your toes. It was the first thing that came to Rob’s mind, but he swallowed that down and went for something even more confronting. “Your deepest fear?”
Michelle’s mouth hung open, and he grinned. “Well, you asked.”
She turned onto her back. “Yeah, but I thought you’d ask my favorite color or something like that.”
Rob laughed. “Nope, we only have one night. I’m
skipping straight to the hard questions.”
* * * *
Michelle swallowed the lump that had risen in her throat. She hadn’t felt this light or happy in months, maybe even longer, and now he was probing deep. Like the surgeon he was.
She opened her mouth to answer, then shut it again. What did she truly fear? She had gone through so much recently. Throwing caution to the wind and pushing her inner critic deep inside a box, she spoke without thought, being as honest as possible.
“I think...feeling like I did last week, again. I never dropped into true despair when my parents died. I had my friends and my horrible ex there to help me. I ignored it and kept moving. I knew my parents would hate for me to mourn them forever. So I kept working, kept living. But last week...” Michelle trailed off, unable to continue. Last week she had wanted to die, literally. And the feeling had shaken her so hard the only alternative had been to run far, far away.
Rob rubbed her belly gently, and she took a deep breath so she could continue. “Last week, I felt like the very fabric of my life had been ripped apart. I had clung so tightly to him after my parents died, I hadn’t even thought about what would happen if I lost him too.”
Rob put an arm around her neck and pulled her. She rolled onto his chest and felt the welcome weight of his arms around her, the heavy, steady beat of his heart beneath her ear.
A sigh escaped her and his arms tightened.
“I’m sorry you are still feeling so bad, Michelle. You don’t deserve it.”
Michelle turned her head and kissed the chest she lay upon.
“I don’t feel bad anymore. I feel happier than I have in years.” The unguarded comment slipped out just as unconsciousness stretched its fingers up and wrapped around her.
Rob’s hand stroked down her back in a soothing caress, and Michelle slipped down into sleep.
Chapter Five
Rob opened his eyes. He hadn’t fallen asleep, had he? Michelle was still asleep on top of him, but the clock showed that four hours had passed. Wow, how unusual for him.
Michelle’s weight and soft breasts against his chest were comforting. Her breath tickled the hairs on his chest. He ran his hands up and down her smooth back. He couldn’t get enough of touching her at the moment.
He hadn’t slept with a woman in a long time. Not actually slept with. He did strange hours and never stayed after a date, and that was when he had a date.
He was so over women with ‘doctor worship’, women who were vain, selfish, and nasty. He met them on a regular basis. Michelle brought out every protective instinct he had because she was so sweet. He wanted to tuck her up into his arms and walk home with her.
He didn’t want her to leave at all, and she wasn’t just going on a holiday. She was moving to England. If he let her get on that plane today, he wouldn’t ever see her again.
He stroked her back harder, reached down to cup her soft ass and squeezed. His cock stirred beneath her. God, he wanted this woman too much.
“Hmmm.” Michelle shimmied and the friction made him harder.
“Good morning.”
She lifted her head and stared at him for a moment. Her green eyes searched his face and she smiled in a dreamy welcome. “Good morning, Rob.”
The relief he felt at that exact moment was immense. It highlighted to him how scared he must have been. He hadn’t thought about it, but now he knew fear had been there while he waiting to see how she would react this morning. No alcohol, no clothes.
She wiggled her hips so she caressed his erection and Rob moaned. “Don’t start anything you don’t want to finish.”
Michelle kissed his chest and began to slither downward.
Kiss, kiss, kiss. She kept pressing those soft, beautiful lips lower and lower on his torso.
“Michelle, you don’t need to do that.”
She had reached his groin now and moved so she was kneeling between his legs. He bent his knees to give her more room at the same time as his mind reeled back. He really didn’t need her to ‘return the favor’. He’d much more prefer being able to pleasure her again.
“I really want to.”
That was all she said before her lips descended and wrapped around the head of his cock. Rob gasped, hands curling into fists at his sides.
“That feels incredible.”
Michelle brought her hands up and began stroking his shaft at the same time as she hummed happily in her throat. Oh God, that was too much.
Rob brought his hand up to her hair and gently stroked the silky strands. She stilled her movements and looked up at him. That was a sight Rob wouldn’t be forgetting in a hurry.
Her green eyes, flecked with yellow, assessing him, uncertain yet looking so pleased. He stroked her cheek and waited. He wasn’t hurrying her or even expecting this. If she wanted to stop, he didn’t care. Though her warm mouth felt like heaven.
Michelle’s lips tilted up at the corners and she dropped her head so she could move her lips over him again. She slid up and down, taking more and more into her mouth. The pressure was perfect.
“Come here.” He sat up and grabbed her under her arms, pulling her up onto his chest.
She frowned down at him. “I wanted to keep going…”
He shook his head and kissed her, tasting her unique taste and his inside her mouth. He didn’t want to cum that way.
She pulled back again. “Seriously. Please, I want to thank you for being so good to me last night.”
Rob turned his body and stretched his arm out for the remaining condom on the side table. He handed it to her. “Then make love to me again.”
Her eyes opened wide in surprise before she took the condom from him with one of those cheeky little smiles. She ripped open the packet and rolled it down onto him. His body throbbed at her feather light touch. She looked up into his eyes, a frown marring her smooth forehead.
“Michelle, I don’t need your thanks. I want to feel your pleasure, so come here.”
She needed him to take control, it was obvious. She wasn’t young, yet her inexperience surprised and pleased him. Rob gripped her fleshy, warm hips and lifted her over him. Not waiting for her to lower herself down, he found her entrance and thrust up into her warm, wet body.
She cried out and arched her back.
Rob moaned as she gripped him and began to move on him, up and down. He was already so aroused, but she wasn’t where she needed to be. He let her hips go and let her find her rhythm. Reaching up, he cupped her full breasts, stroking over her distended nipples.
“That feels so good.” Michelle moaned as she threw her head back and pushed her breasts into his hands.
Rob knew he was going to come much quicker than her and lifted her off him once again, the loss of her tight heat making a strange gasp leave his throat.
“What’s wrong?” Michelle asked as Rob pulled himself up to sitting. “On your knees, beautiful.”
Michelle frowned but went down on her hands and knees in front of him. Rob knelt behind her and studied the plump globes of her ass and the straight line of her spine. Beautiful.
“Touch your clit, Michelle.”
She gasped and he waited, stroking his hands over her back. Petting her, settling her. Hadn’t anyone ever asked that of her?
Slowly, very slowly, she moved her torso lower on the bed and one of her hands snuck between her legs.
She turned her head and Rob saw the heated blush coloring her face. Such an unspoiled girl. He loved every heated look, every unconscious flush of her face. It proved to Rob how real she was.
“Good girl, let me hear you.”
Rob moved his fingers to her entrance and inserted one long finger. She gasped and bucked when he deliberately massaged her G-spot. Sometimes his anatomy classes came in handy.
A sweat broke out on Rob’s brow. He was aching, yet he held on, needing to know she enjoyed this too.
A moan escaped Michelle’s mouth and she began moving her hips, encouraging him to pic
k up the pace. He pushed a second finger inside her and began thrusting them in and out.
“Oh, Rob...” Michelle’s fingers were moving frantically now, and Rob felt her inner walls tightening around his fingers.
“Cum for me.” He ran one hand down her back and she stopped.
“No.” She was panting now as she opened her legs wider. “I want you inside me. Please.”
Rob removed his fingers and lined himself up with her body. How could he resist a plea like that?
A cry was wrenched from Michelle and Rob thrust deep as her body spasmed around him. He fell forward onto her, placing his hands on either side of her shoulders, thrusting hard and deep. Her climax rolled on and on, and just as she slumped forward, Rob groaned and let his release burst forth, reducing him to a mass of quivering jelly.
* * * *
Michelle’s face felt hot, and her whole body was sweaty. She had a huge male on top of her, still inside of her, and she had just experienced the best climax of her life. She wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“Are you okay?” Rob’s whisper tickled her ear and she giggled. Giggled! When was the last time that had happened?
“I’m perfect.” She turned her head and kissed his lips that were hovering near her face. She loved their connection, their passion. She had never felt this before.
Rob kissed her softly before he finally pushed himself up, exiting her body. She felt strangely alone when he was gone. Empty.
Michelle slid onto her belly and lay flat. She was so relaxed, so sated. How was it possible to feel this with a one night stand?
Rob moved back to the bed, lay down next to her, and pulled the blankets up over them both. Michelle turned her head and looked at him. He had the most amazing lips she had ever seen.
“That was so good.”
He chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. “The best.”
She pushed away any doubts she had over his sincerity and smiled at him.
“I wish we could stay in this hotel. Just talking and having incredible sex.”