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Redemption (Night Marchers #2) Written by: Rebecca Gober and Courtney Nuckels Page 4
Redemption (Night Marchers #2) Written by: Rebecca Gober and Courtney Nuckels Read online
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I have nothing that I can say in response. I try to allow my heart to speak to him through my eyes and perhaps my heart will even translate to me what it's saying. He breaks our gaze first when his attention is pulled to the fire that has depleted down to mostly just embers. He rubs my shoulder affectionately then stands up to gather more wood to fuel the flames.
After the fire has been re-ignited, he and I lay down next to it. No more words tonight. My chest feels like it's been broken into pieces and my empty stomach aches with pain. This intensely emotional night has taken a toll on me. When sleep finally comes I welcome the exit of this night that has left me feeling like only a shell of the girl I once was.
The morning light stirs me from my sleep. I don’t move; I just simply let my eyes open slowly. It takes me a few moments to gather my bearings and last night rushes back to me full force making me cringe. The feeling is short lived though as I notice an arm draped around my middle keeping me warm. I can hear Tristan’s steady breathing just behind my ear and I close my eyes cherishing this moment. I quietly roll over slightly turning my face to see him. He looks so peaceful and beautiful in the early morning light. Like a younger version of him, the version I had not yet corrupted. I hear a few of the embers crackle behind me as I brush a small strand of hair off his forehead. Tristan’s eyes slowly flutter open and a slow smile creeps onto his face. “Good morning beautiful.” Tristan says in a husky voice. He tightens his grip on me just enough that I am pulled into the crevice of his body. He strokes my hair with his chin as I simply melt into his arms.
It’s as if all the worries and anguishes of last night have simply melted away, even if it’s only for the moment, it comes as a welcomed relief. This is the Tristan I know and adore. I wish life hadn’t gotten so complicated…but yet it has, and I desperately need to accept that. I feel his soft lips gently grazing my neck. All of the worries and anxieties are quickly replaced by a serene peacefulness. I feel myself shiver at his touch. Within a few moments I feel our bodies shift into facing one another as Tristan continues to kiss me. I don’t stop him, nor do I want to. I shut my mind off and allow myself to just be, ignoring this chaotic web I have spun. I feel warmth spread through my body as my head fits into the curvature of his neck. I return his kisses with one of my own near his ear and I can feel his body shiver. Tristan’s kisses become more urgent as his mouth lands on mine hungrily. Kissing Tristan feels so easy, it's like we are puzzle pieces meant for each other and just being with him fits. I'm jolted back to reality when the thought of Kai pops into my head. I try to ignore it, but I can’t push it from my mind. Tristan must sense the tension because he stops kissing me and turns his face towards mine. He brushes my hair softly out of my face. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
My heart melts as he says this. The pet name he has just given me feels so much more intimate than I had anticipated. I close my eyes and just shake my head. I can’t bear to tell him to stop, because in all reality, I don’t want him to. Tristan leans closer and I feel him kiss my forehead leaving a warm feeling flowing over my face. Tristan continues stroking my hair until I gather my bearings and am able to open my eyes again.
He simply smiles back at me, so I return one to him.
“You look so beautiful in the morning.” Tristan begins. He still has his bedroom voice on and it causes my heart to flutter. He takes a deep breath and continues, “Sorry,” he laughs. “I guess I just couldn’t help myself.”
I giggle a little with him. “Don’t think you were the only one,” I say as matter of fact as possible. In a few seconds we are both giggling and when I look back at Tristan I see the man I met only a few weeks before. I want so badly to go back to that moment, when we didn’t have a care in the world. When we could surf, and take walks, and go on drives, and just be. But realization dawns on me as I realize that innocence is lost. Tristan must realize my change in demeanor because his face changes from giddy to a small look of worry. “What’s wrong, Emma?”
I just stare back at him. I so badly don’t want to ruin this moment, but I just can’t sit here and let myself go while there is so much worry that is running through my mind.
Tristan doesn’t wait for a response before talking to me again. “It’s okay Emma, I know you have a lot going on. I miss it too.”
Before I have a chance to ask him what he misses he continues. “I miss the simplicity, and the time when there were no worries.” He takes a deep breath and exhales. “Most of all, I miss you.” His eyes drop from mine and his brow creases in sadness.
I hate how I am making him feel, but if we ever have a chance to go back to the way things were, we have to help Kai, Adam and Noa first. How in the world did life get so complicated I think to myself then whisper to Tristan, “I miss you too.”
He wraps me in a comforting hug and then helps me to my feet. Sitting up, I stretch my arms up over my head only to find myself landing back on the ground after Tristan tackles me and begins tickling me. Grateful for his way of diffusing the tension between us, I throw my head back in full fledge laughter as I playfully try to fight him off. I begin tickling him in return and I laugh so hard it makes my side hurt. In a stealthy rolling move, I manage to get out from under Tristan and run to the other side of the cave while he playfully chases me.
I don’t get far before I notice a strange shadow appear at the cave entrance. I turn towards it when all of the breath comes barreling out of my chest. I inhale sharply and let out a shrill scream backing myself abruptly into the cave wall. A look of pure horror flashes over Tristan’s face as he yanks his head towards the entrance. But it was of no use. The shadow had disappeared, and along with that shadow went Kao.
Chapter 3
"Folks, we have begun our descent to DFW international airport where the current weather is eighty-four degrees. We'd like the flight attendants to prepare the cabin for arrival. And once again, thank you for flying with American Airlines." I hear a pilot with a smoky voice say over the intercom.
I'm grateful for the interruption of my flashback to earlier this morning. I shiver thinking of Kao and his evil black eyes. I didn't tell Tristan what I saw. Instead I blamed my screaming on a spider. I know it's lying but, Kao is dangerous and the last thing I need is to have Tristan risking his life by running after him. I can’t even imagine the things Kao is capable of and I definitely don’t want Tristan caught up in this more than he already is. I also didn't want to have to go into detail about Kai's twin brother who is now a human after he once tried to hunt me down as a Night Marcher.
A blonde flight attendant announces that we need to turn off all electronics and put our seats back in the upright position. The man sitting in the seat next to me puts his laptop away. I shake my head a bit trying to clear it from the daze I was in throughout the flight. My stomach growls and I realize that I didn't eat or drink a single thing. I don't even remember the flight attendant coming by and asking for my order. I look over to the attendant who is cautiously checking to make sure everyone is following directions. She looks at me with a strange expression. Blushing, I realize it's most likely because I must have been basically unresponsive these past eight hours. I turn my gaze out the window, trying to not draw any additional undue attention to myself.
Seeing the familiar flight tower of the Dallas Fort Worth airport brings back memories of the many trips my dad and I made for his work. My stomach sinks when I think about what I've put him through and the sacrifice he is making by sending his only daughter thousands of miles away to keep her safe.
Once we land I grab my small carry-on from overhead and follow the shuffling group of weary travelers out onto the jet bridge. Stepping out on the gate I take a second to really absorb the fact that I'm back home, in Texas. While I wasn't happy that my dad sent me here when I need to be in Hawaii trying to help Kai, Adam and Noa, I can't deny that seeing Kaylee isn't getting me excited.
I look at my watch to see that it's already six p.m. It has nearly been twenty-
four hours since Paul's terrifying announcement that someone captured Adam. Paul's friends said that they are looking into a way to find Adam and I can’t help but wonder if they were successful. My rushed attempt last night was totally faltered. My chest aches thinking of Adam still being out there somewhere hurting. I offer a silent prayer to God that the Menehune's have been able to find a way to get to him.
After a long walk I finally turn the corner into the baggage claim area only to hear a high pitch, deafening scream, which captures most of my other fellow travelers attention as well. It doesn't take me long to recognize those vocal cords. Tears spring to my eyes as I see Kaylee running towards me. My heart wells up as I run meeting her half way and we crash into each other in a heart felt hug. I can't believe how much I missed my BFI. Best friends infinitely are what we call each other. Not forever, because with a friendship like ours, forever is too short. I'm sure people are staring at us but we don't care, we just stand in the middle of the baggage claim hugging and crying like two sobbing fools.
After a few seconds Kaylee pulls away but keeps her hands on my shoulders. Searching my eyes she says, "Emma, it's going to all be okay now. I'm so glad that you’re home." Not able to respond I just nod and hope that she's right. Even if she's not, at least I have my best friend to talk to now.
As we hear the beeping sound announcing that luggage is going to start spitting out onto the carousel, we both start wiping our eyes with our hands. I'm pretty sure that my mascara is running everywhere, so is Kaylee's, but of course she still looks like a super model with her big blue eyes and blonde hair.
A few seconds later my luggage comes circling around. I didn't pack my stuff; I'm guessing that my dad did. It doesn't matter though if he missed anything. Kaylee and I wear pretty much the same size so I can always borrow what I don't have from her.
With my luggage in hand, Kaylee and I head out into the balmy late spring air of Dallas, Texas. The sun has already set and all of the city lights have come on full force. Kaylee grabs her keys out of her purse and we take the long hike towards her red Volvo.
After stuffing my luggage in her small trunk we both hop in, Kaylee starts the ignition, pulls out and starts driving towards her house.
"By the way, my mom is going to be heading out of town tomorrow for a week long business trip. She couldn't cancel it. Your dad was okay with everything though. After all, both of us are less than a few months from turning eighteen." Kaylee says with a sly smile. I consider this predicament. It couldn’t be more convenient, or ironic, at how well this may turn out. I may very well have just been handed an opportunity.
"Well, that's mighty convenient Kaylee because I could really use your help." I say as the wheels start churning in my head.
"Oh really? Spill girl." She says allotting a short mischievous glance in my direction before returning her gaze back onto the road.
I inhale deeply allowing myself a moment to gather my thoughts. After all this time I thought it would be easy to spill the beans to Kaylee. After all, we’ve been friends for what seems like forever. Shouldn’t this be like second nature? I try to think of where to start only to have to retort to plan B, then C and so on… I just can’t figure out how on earth to tell her about these evil wandering spirits who kidnaped Kai and Noa and my need to drag her across the Pacific to help them. It doesn’t even seem plausible in my mind much less if I were to say it aloud.
Kaylee must sense my hesitancy but just patiently waits for me to begin. I twiddle my thumbs in nervous anticipation. I haven’t done that since I was small but find myself resorting to it for some form of comfort. I watch the cars zip past us on the expressway and I try to clear my head. There is only one way to start this, and it has to be from the beginning.
I hold tight to the ‘oh-crap’ handle as Kaylee drives frantically through the city. Tires squeal as she makes a sharp right turn into a gas station and parks at a neck breaking halt.
“So let me get this straight,” Kaylee begins in a frenzy. Her eyes are wild and she’s sort of scaring me right now. I don’t think I have ever seen her like this before. “You go to Hawaii, meet a guy, fall for him, and then get caught up with some ‘Night Marchers’?” She says the last part with air quotes. If there is ever a time to be afraid of Kaylee, it’s when she uses air quotes. “Then you meet a hot guy named Kai who saves you and you break your leg in the process of getting rescued.” Her eyes begin bugging out of her head at this point and she grabs the center console. “And then somehow, your ‘broken leg’ heals in a day.” Using more air quotes again. “ Then you train with some Menehunes to fight the Night Marcher and fail, so Kai steps in and becomes a Night Marcher himself releasing his evil brother Kao. Then later on you find out Tristan’s best friend was also taken? Seriously Emma? What do you think I am, a fool? You are on drugs Emma, right? What kind? That's so jacked up, seriously, we vowed not to do stupid crap!” Well, at least I can say she was paying attention.
At this point I am plastered to the passenger door wondering if my best friend’s evil side is going to come slamming at me full speed in an all out brawl. Kaylee is breathing heavily and staring me down, making me feel insignificantly small.
“Yes,” it was all I could squeak out as I cringe waiting for her reaction but then I correct myself when her eyes bug out in horror. I realize quickly my error and stumble to correct myself. "I mean, no, I'm not on drugs! Yes, I am serious about everything I told you. No hallucinogens were needed for any of that."
She watches me for a long second and then begins to straighten out her hair with her fingers. It was as if Mr. Hyde had put Dr. Jekyll back in his place. All the anger and animosity has simply disappeared leaving my BFI Kaylee in its wake. She relaxes into her seat and puts her hair down looking me in the eyes. “Why didn’t you just tell me everything before now?” A look of hurt flashes across her face and in that moment the guilt of keeping all this to myself comes rushing out in the form of tears. “Oh, honey.” Kaylee reaches over and embraces me in one of her reassuring hugs. “It’s going to be okay.” Kaylee says reassuringly. “We’re going to figure this out, I promise.” Kaylee abruptly pulls me from her embrace and braces my shoulders forcing me to look her square in the eyes. “But you promise me one thing missy.” She doesn’t wait for me to respond before she begins again. “Don’t you EVER keep things like this from me again!” I simply nod as her face softens back to the friend I have grown to love.
Pulling up to Kaylee’s house I breathe a sigh of relief. It’s good to be back, is all I can think. Kaylee’s mom comes rushing out the front door wearing a hot pink muumuu. The funny thing is, she looks good in it. I don’t think anyone else could rock it the way she does.
Kaylee’s face has a look of pure horror as she takes in the sight of her mom. “Mom! You’re embarrassing me! What if the neighbors see you in that getup?”
Her mom simply ignores her and wraps me into a rib-crushing hug. Feeling as if all the life has drained out of me, she finally releases me.
“Hi Dyan.” It was all I could muster after being practically crushed to death.
Kaylee’s mom Dyan is like the mother I never got the chance to have. She is extremely eccentric, but that is exactly what I love about her.
Dyan grabs my luggage and ushers us into the house. Inside, the house smells of fresh baked cookies and all sorts of homemade goodness. My stomach begins to churn at the smell. I honestly can’t tell if it’s because I’m hungry or because the smell reminds me of Alani and all of her homemade goodies.
Dropping my luggage in the foyer, we all plop onto bar stools and dig into the pile of cookies.
“Thanks mom,” Kaylee says through her mouth full of food. One thing I will never understand is how Kaylee can eat like she does and never gain a pound or a blemish. It doesn’t seem cosmically possible.
Before I am on my second bite of cookie Kaylee grabs the plate and drags me back to her room. I smile at the sight before me. It looks like the color pi
nk threw up in here. There’s a child’s canopy bed set up against a rose pink wall along with other antique furniture dotting the room. Teddy bears are piled up in the corner in mesh netting displayed for all to see. Kaylee’s mom installed a trundle bed underneath the canopy so that we could have sleepovers. I’ve spent countless nights in here growing up and the sight and smell of it is comforting in and of itself. It's like coming home.
"So, why did you pull me away so fast?" I mumble trying not to let the cookie crumbs fall out of my mouth. I can’t deny that I was looking forward to catching up with Dyan too.
Kaylee gives me that roguish grin that always sets me on edge because I know it means that she's got some type of mischief planned. That's when I see the light bounce off a metal blade in her hand. I instinctively drop my cookie and gasp when Kaylee pulls out a butcher knife that she must have grabbed from the kitchen on our way in here. Now it makes sense why she flew out of the room with me in tow in such a hurry.
"What the hell Kayle?" I yell at her just a tad bit freaked out.
"I have an idea." She says raising her eyebrow at me as if silently asking me if I'm game.
"Um, okay but I don't think now is the time to try to do some type of 'blood sisters' ritual or something like we did in the seventh grade." I say a little nervously. I can't see how anything that has to do with a knife like that could be a good idea.
"No, Emma, I'm not doing some stupid ritual, after all we are already sisters, we don't need to share blood to know that. I was just thinking...and it's totally up to you, but perhaps we can test out this rapid healing of yours."
If I could see myself in the mirror, I'm sure my eyes would bug out of my head. "WTF?"
Kaylee tries to lighten the mood by joking, "Why The Face?" She sees that I'm still looking at her in dismay so she says, "I'm not suggesting that we plunge this into your heart or anything. I'm just sayin’ a little cut is all."