Book One: Beginnings Read online

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  A rumbling noise comes from deep within the forest. It is low and primitive.

  Chase takes an involuntary step back. Clutching his talisman ever tighter, he acknowledges the growl, “Hello? Cole?”

  Another growl. Closer. Fiercer. A creature charges from the shadows. A mass of golden fur and jagged claws. Chase is frozen in terror. The monster rages ever closer, its bitter eyes transfixed on its prey. Chase watches the mighty lion as it leaps through the air. A power surges through Chase. A light surrounds the beast. Almost blinding. Chase turns away, waiting for those razorlike claws to tear through his willing flesh. A body slumps to the ground. The force of the fall shakes the forest, as if a giant has awakened. Chase waits. His heart frantically pounds within his heaving chest. Nothing happens. He slowly opens his eyes and faces his predator. The lion lies dead, the carcass nothing but blackened bones. The golden mane is no more. Smoke curls from the brittle remains. He looks around, for he has an uneasy feeling that he is being watched … but he sees no one else there. Chase stares at his hands.

  A familiar voice breaks through the darkness, “Chase! Where are you? Chase!”

  Relief fills him at the welcome sound of Cole’s voice. Chase rushes through the forest in the direction from which his brother’s voice had come. His heart is beating rapidly. His young mind struggles to figure out what has happened. Before he has much time to ponder the recent events, his feet carry him to a path. The untamed brush no longer holds him captive and the forest seems to welcome him again. Chase can see Cole up ahead.

  “Cole! Here I am! Cole!”

  Cole turns around and rushes towards his brother. The worry recedes from his ebony eyes and is instantly replaced with relief. Cole hugs Chase and warns him to never go off by himself again.

  “I was so worried. What happened to you? Are you okay? You feel a little warm. I’m glad you’re okay. Don’t do that again, you hear?”

  Chase just stands there looking up at his brother. He doesn’t know what to say. How can he answer the questions when he doesn’t have the answers himself? Whatever happened back there he will never forget, but it is something that he will probably never understand. He just wants to go home.

  “I’ve had enough of the fowist for today, Cole. Can we go home now?”

  “Of course.”

  They follow the path to the edge of the forest and head home. It is late in the afternoon and the sun shines in all its glory when they step into the familiar clearing in view of the familiar house on top of the familiar hill. Chase is somewhat disheartened that his journey is over but he is glad to be home. How he longs to curl up in under the blankets of his bed and sleep, hoping that when he wakes up it will all just be one strange dream. He looks up into the sky. There is not a single cloud. It is the perfect day to celebrate a birthday, but Chase doesn’t feel much like celebrating. There is a huge party, just like Kae had promised. There is cake and ice cream. Presents are piled on the table. Kae doesn’t try to give Chase any more kisses, not that he had noticed. Her present is a silver chain for his charm. She had to spend all of her allowance in order to buy it. Kae watches excitedly as Chase opens up the little jewelry box. Chase stares at it for a minute and then puts it aside. He isn’t in the mood for a party. He doesn’t care that the girls had spent all week preparing for this day. He just wants to be alone, “Why can’t you all leave me alone? I just want to be alone!” He darts to his room and slams the door.

  The others sitting around the picnic table are silent, surprised by Chase’s unexpected reaction. Kae stares at the little box. She takes it in her hands and dejectedly looks down. With trembling lips, she says quietly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin Chase’s burfday.”


  Kae kneels beside a lake. “So how’s the water today, Twiggy? Crystal-clear as always?” Her eyes follow the little stream that quietly flows from the lake and past the familiar cottage. The river meanders off into the mysterious distance, flanked by the trees of the forbidden forest. The lazy waters amble around a bend and she can only imagine where the path may lead. She sighs, “I wish I were a fish so I could just swim away from this place.”

  Chase sneaks up behind her. “Who are you talking to?”

  Kae turns in surprise. “Oh! You haven’t met Twiggy?”

  A baffled, somewhat worried, look crosses his face. “Who’s Twiggy?”

  Kae laughs as she averts her gaze back to the water. “He’s a fish, silly!”

  “You’re thirteen and talking to a fish? I don’t get you.”

  Kae turns around to look at him. “I don’t get you either. You just disappear and don’t come home until after dinner. Where do you go?”

  Chase just glances at her and shrugs. “Bye. Have fun with your fish.”

  Kae watches Chase as he walks off and she conspiratorially whispers to Twiggy, “I’m gonna follow him.”

  * * *

  Jessica leans out the door of the cottage, “Hey, Joel! Mrs. Maria told me to tell ya’ that she is making soup for lunch.”

  Joel bolts up, his short black hair mimicking his reaction. “The one with the red beans and tomatoes!”

  Jessica laughs. “It’s not lunchtime yet, Joel. We just had breakfast an hour ago. You’re silly.”

  “Am not! You … you have germs!”

  “Nuh-unhh.” She runs towards where Joel is and grabs his hand, “Come on, Joel. Let’s try to find a datrymia!”

  He looks confused. “What’s a datrymia?”

  Jessica releases his hand as she gesticulates, “Uncle Ashe told me all about them. They’re a rare bird that lives in the forest. Not even Uncle Ashe has seen one!”

  “They live in the forest? We’re not supposed to go in there alone.”

  Jessica’s golden hair flashes in the sunlight as she turns and gestures for him to follow her. A wry grin matches the mischief dancing in her lavender eyes. “We’re not alone. There’s two of us, isn’t there?”

  Joel sits back down. “I don’t know, Jessy. What if we get in trouble?”

  She sighs, “Maybe Uncle Ashe will come with us. I’ll go ask him. You just stay right here and wait for me.” She runs back into the house, eager to start the day’s adventure.

  Joel watches as she enters the house. “One of these days she is going to get me in a lot of trouble.”

  * * *

  Ashe is in the kitchen reading the Ilia World Herald, as usual. Wisps of brown hair shadow his emerald green eyes. Lara is sitting across from Ashe perusing a romance novel. She closes the book and sighs, “How romantic. Do you think that love like that really exists?”

  Ashe puts down his newspaper, “Like what?”

  Lara smiles and leans closer to Ashe, “They never realized they were in love until he was taken prisoner by an evil sorceress. But they couldn’t be together because she had no idea where he was held captive. She would have given her life to save him.” Tears fall from her golden eyes as she struggles to conclude her story, “When she thought he had died she grew desperate and was ready to sacrifice herself to the raging sea, but then she heard his voice … calling her. And they finally found each other and could live their lives together….”

  Ashe bites his lip. “Interesting.” He returns to his newspaper.

  Lara stands up and throws the book at him, “How can you be so nonchalant?”

  Jessica peeks in, “Uhh. Excuse me. Joel and I were … wondering … when the soup will be … ready.”

  Maria walks in behind her, brushing an auburn strand of hair away from her caring brown eyes, “I haven’t even started the fire for the oven yet, dear. Go on out and play. I promise I will call you when lunch is ready.”

  Jessica leaves. She smiles when she sees Joel still sitting where she had left him. “Perhaps we’ll hunt for the datrymia another day. I have a better idea.”

  Joel stands up and crosses his arms. “As long as we don’t get in trouble. Whatcha’ wanna do?”

  Jessica leans in towards Joel and smirks.
“We’re gonna get Uncle Ashe and Aunt Lara together.”

  Ashe smiles as he walks outside, his newspaper folded underneath his arm. He revels in the warmth of the sun and Lara is not too far behind him. She spies Joel and Jessica with their heads bent in conspiracy and she clears her throat. “And what might you two be up to?”

  Jessica looks up in surprise but quickly regains her composure. “We were just talking about how beautiful Uncle Ashe’s paintings are and we were about to ask him if he could paint another one.”

  Ashe proudly consents, “What would you like me to paint?”

  Joel can barely control his enthusiasm when he jumps up to tell his idea, “Paint Aunt Lara!”

  Jessica giggles when Joel nearly loses his balance due to the vehemence of his suggestion. Unable to resist the temptation, she gently nudges him and he falls to the ground. He glares up at her and pulls her down with him.

  Ashe and Lara laugh at this spectacle, both making futile attempts to suppress their mirth. Amidst the laughter, they catch each other’s glance. Lara averts her gaze as the mirthful sensation leaves her and is replaced by something newer. Something more powerful and much deeper than anything she has ever felt before.

  Ashe clears his throat, “Shall I, Lara? May I paint your portrait?”

  Lara shakes her head at the two children lying on the ground, still laughing and laughing harder as a knot forms in their stomachs. She lets out a breath. “Only if you keep it.”

  Ashe suspiciously stares at her. “Okay … but I’ll have to ask what you are up to.”

  Lara flips her hair as she turns. “I’m going to see if lunch is ready.” She quickly runs into the house, not daring to look behind her.

  Ashe crosses his arms as he watches Lara leave. Her brown tresses wave to him as if more of an invitation than a goodbye. A hint of a smile spreads across his face.

  * * *

  Chase looks around. He doesn’t see anyone so he quickly slips into the forest. Kae moves out from behind a rock and slowly proceeds towards the woods. She hesitates at the forest’s edge but decides to continue trailing him. She has never been in the forest before. She had always been afraid of it. She could never forget that day eight years ago when Chase had gone to the forest for the first time. When he came back, he had somehow changed. He had always kept to himself, but after that day he became even more isolated. More distant. Perhaps something had happened while he was in the forest that she was unaware of, but the notion that she had in some way triggered this alteration unremittingly troubled her. Her thoughts settle into a faint whisper as the melodious tune of the forest begins ringing in her ears. The essence of the woodland is one of harmony. The serenity washes over Kae like a gentle wave.

  A song fills the air, lifting her spirit and luring her deeper into the forest. The voice is sweet and pure. Her senses recede into the background, forgotten, as the harmonious string of notes becomes all that exists. The shifting world around her loses its substance as the sound materializes and solidifies. Trancelike she follows the music to the base of a mountain. She begins to climb, higher and higher. The melody amplifies and quickens as she ascends. Her heart races to match the deathly pace. She has to discover the source of the stunning voice. At the apex of the mountain rests a woman. A sheer gown cascades around her slender figure, accentuating her ample features. Rosy-red hair falls around her like a veil. Her bronze skin sparkles with the light of the sun. Her voice beckons Kae. Kae is completely enraptured by the celestial sound. Her hands reach for the creature. She feels as if she were flying. Floating on a soft cloud.

  “Kae!” Chase’s anxious voice awakens Kae from her trance.

  Her body is tumbling toward the earth. She is falling, plummeting ever faster to her death. Her muscles tense in panic. Brilliant flashes of light dance in front of her dilated pupils. She closes her eyes and screams. The crisp air pierces her lungs, leaving her breathless. Her eyes are welded shut by her stinging tears. A forced shriek steals from her dry throat as the muscles in her stomach constrict with queasiness.

  Arms close around her body. Her heart jumps. Her body uncontrollably shivers from the strain induced by her overpowering fear. A fear of falling. Forever falling into a black nothingness to never again see the light of day. Tears fill her eyes as the realization that she is still alive washes over her. She can see a blurred Chase gazing down at her, the sun shining brightly overhead.

  A warm hand smooths the hair away from her face. Her spent body is protectively cradled in Chase’s muscular arms. A gentle whisper, “Shhh. You’re okay. I’m here … I’m here.”


  Joel burst into the kitchen, “Look what the nice mailman brought us!”

  Ashe motions for the mail. Among the assortment of papers are two crisp white envelopes sealed with the stamp of melted green wax. Ashe recognizes it to be the seal of the Emerald Royal Guard. They are addressed to Cole and himself. He hands one to Cole and opens the other one.

  Everyone crowds around. “What does it say?”

  Cole skims through one of the letters and his face tightens. “We’ve been drafted. We’re to help the Nesthra Islands in their fight for freedom from Sentra rule.”

  Everyone is quiet. They remain motionless but the tension in their bodies is evident. War. An unspoken word in the Sylvan household. Of course, everyone knew what it was. It was something that tore families apart and splintered mighty nations. It was why they were all here, in this house. It was why they never knew who their parents were. The reason why they never will know.

  Now, the two people who had held this mismatched family together and who they look to for advice and guidance are leaving. With one letter their entire lives are thrown to the wind. Scattered and broken, more now than ever they yearned for the answer to a question that haunts them: Who am I?

  Lara is unable to manage her composure as the implications of the letter take hold of her and leave her breathless. She faints and falls to the floor. Ashe instantly goes to her aid, catching her before her head hits the floor. He gently kisses her on her forehead and brings her unconscious body into the fold of his arms. Her eyes flutter open and she tightens her grasp on him.

  “Ashe, don’t leave me.”

  Ashe helps her to her feet and leads her outside. The morning air is crisp and the verdant plain is wet with dew. They come to rest at an outdoor table overlooking the forest. The lush meadow comes alive with the caressing touch of the light breeze. Lara closes her eyes and lets the wind carry away her uneasiness. A little rabbit passes by, it’s button nose and gray ears twitching. Ashe watches quietly as it bounds off into the woods.

  Lara takes a deep breath. “I wish you didn’t have to go. I mean … war … people … they die in wars. Do you remember the last war?

  Ashe looks down. “The Lion Wars. Yes. But I wish that I didn’t. There was so much pain. It ripped this world in twain for so many centuries. Then one night it all ended. The kingdoms of Laentus and Jewel put aside their differences to fight for a common cause.”

  “Chase still has nightmares,” Lara whispers as she frowns and furrows her brow.

  Ashe looks up at her with concern. “Is he the only one?”

  Lara sighs, “No, Jessica has the same dreams. I don’t understand it. She wasn’t there. And she’s so young. It’s too early….” She looks up at him in earnest. “Should we tell them … before you leave?”

  Ashe shakes his head. “Now is not the time. They must find out for themselves.”

  A contemplative silence. A figure looms in the background. His eyes are intent on Lara and what she will say next. Is she only worried for Ashe? Why not call his name? Cole….

  Lara crosses her arms. “How long do we have?”

  “I’ve estimated that it will take at least fifteen days to reach the military base, and that’s taking the shortcut through the Southern Woods.” Ashe puts his head in his hands, “I have to catch the transport to the Nesthra Islands in a month.”

  Lara whis
pers, “A week. But that’s not enough time. It’s not fair. What if we never see each other again?”

  Ashe stands up. “Don’t say that. You’re not going to lose me. I’ll be with you always. Please don’t make it any harder than it already is. I feel as if my life is being ripped from me!”

  Lara rises. “Do you have any idea what this is doing to me? God help me, but I love you!”

  Ashe whips around. “What did you say?”

  Through tear-filled eyes she gazes at Ashe. “I love you, Ashe Sylvan.”

  Ashe falls to the ground as if the wind had been knocked out of him. He had no idea she felt this way. Those glances. The talks. He thought he had dreamt them. He thought so many things to be true except that which he wanted to hear … to say. He knew she was waiting for a response, but what should he say? How should he say it? He tears at his hair. Hadn’t he rehearsed this? Something about the moon and the stars….

  Lara sits down beside him and holds his hand. “You don’t have to say anything. Just stay close to me.” She rests her head on his shoulders. Her delicate hand on his heaving chest.

  Ashe strokes her hair. The smooth silky strands always send shivers through him. And her eyes. Oh! How he loves her eyes. He can get lost in them forever, losing all else save this one being that he cherishes the most. Her eyes shine with the brilliance of the stars to match the radiating warmth of her smile. And her melodic voice sweeps him away into a world of which dreams are made of. Their dreams. Their world. He brings her tear-stained face to his. A kiss. Sweet. Soft. Their lips have met before but never with such emotion. Such earnest. All their dreams focused on this one moment. In all his twenty-three years he had never felt more complete. More certain that no matter how long or how far he searched he would never find anyone as right for him as she was. Never had anything seemed more right. So perfect.