Undoing the Swan Girl Read online

Page 5

  Valentina slowly pulled back from the kiss.

  “You know, Bella, if you play nice with me, I’ll make sure you are generously rewarded for it.”

  There was a gleam in her green eyes that caused bile to rise in Princess’s throat. Play nice? Just what was Valentina getting at? She didn’t make as much as a twitch in response.

  Valentina tossed her hair back with a chuckle. “You are an innocent little thing, aren’t you? You have no idea how two women can show affection for one another? Women know how to please each other. They are gentle, and treat each other’s body with respect. Not like a man who mauls your beautiful body, and who takes what he wants, when he wants it to satisfy his own ugly needs, and doesn’t care if he leaves you in tears.”

  Valentina then held Princess’s eyes with her own. “I bet you taste very sweet, Bella. I could spend hours and hours of pleasuring you.” She interlaced her fingers with Princess’s fingers.

  Princess quivered just then, and an intense heat rose from her core, and flushed her chest and face.

  “I’ve only wanted someone to love, you know.” Valentina’s expression turned suddenly serious. “I thought I might have found that with Tinsel…but…Tinsel betrayed me. Now, I am very bruised, and will not fall in love again so easily.”

  So, Valentina wasn’t faithful to her father after all! She had been in love all along with another woman! A concept that was still foreign in Princess’s mind. Quickly she pointed at the elaborate gold wedding band Valentina wore on her ring finger.

  “This?” Valentina twisted the band. “This is from the miserable louse who’s never had a drop of affection for me! Only to ravish my body!” She practically spat out the words.

  Was this true? Did her father only marry Valentina for carnal pleasures? Is it possible that she took her revenge by hurting his children? Princess couldn’t comprehend what she was being told. All Valentina’s words only served to further confuse her.

  “Well, I must get back now, Bella.” She looked around the small cell. “Perhaps we should move you out of the servants’ wing now, and over to where my pretty girls reside.”

  When she was gone, Princess tried to digest what had just happened. Was Valentina strongly hinting she wanted the two of them to become lovers? Her heart, her body, belonged only to Erich. But the fate of her brother was paramount. She could not refuse Valentina’s advances. If needed, she would return an ardor she did not feel. Suffer through the woman’s touches and advances.

  The remaining time could not pass quick enough. Luckily, the six weeks was near its end. In the short time, she already saw things with her eyes, experienced things she never knew could happen. Not understanding this strange new world she was cloistered from for nearly twenty years. Perhaps the sheltered home life she was held in really was her prison. It never allowed her to live life. Now she’d been cruelly cast into a new existence she could barely comprehend.

  More than anything, she wished to be back in Erich’s arms, safe and warm in their private little dream existence and to stay there forever. Yet she knew that even if she could smuggle her brothers out of the club, she could never have a forever love with Erich in this life. He was poison, toxic, ruined because of Valentina. Just the thought of Valentina taking away not only her father, her brothers, but the man she loved, it renewed all of the hate she felt for the woman, and the venom inside her doubled. Valentina nearly got in a little, almost got her to lower her defenses.

  Never again.

  Never again.

  Chapter Five

  Princess lay naked beneath Erich, and arched her body upward, greedy for his lovemaking. Still, he lay perfectly still above her, fingers stroking her hair. A gentle, contemplative look on his face, different from the wide-eyed, lustful way he usually looked at her when they made love.

  “I’m afraid I’m losing you, Princess,” he whispered.

  How could he think such nonsense? She was dedicated to loving him forever.

  Never. She mouthed the word to him.

  “Never say never. In just the time you’ve come into my life, and worked at the club, you’ve changed. There once was such innocence, a naivety, in your brown eyes, now replaced with a certain wisdom. I’m not saying this is bad, you understand, just a warning not to let the club suck you under. Once you go down far enough, you will never resurface,” he warned.

  Well of course she changed. The change thrust upon her. She had no choice in the matter. What she experienced with Erich, was the dawning of a new day, the blooming of the rose. Something she would cherish. The club, well, the club would never suck her under. This much she was certain.

  “You know, my Princess, our time is soon to part. Your brothers will return to themselves, and you will flee together, back to resume your lives.”

  How she wished for her voice again! Even if it were only a few words to let him know she would never leave him. Instead, all she could do was shake her head to make her point.

  He smiled then, but there was no happiness or joy emanating from him. In turn, it depressed her as well. Was their time together coming to an end? Would she be forced to say goodbye to him once and for all?

  “Just know that I love you, Princess, that I will always love you. This precious gift you’ve given to me has been a brief respite from the torturous world I live day in and day out.”

  Then he kissed her, and his cock found its way if by magic to her waiting womanly entrance, still damp with anticipation. She opened her legs a bit further, and he thrust inside her. The immediate liquid fire swept through her as he took her with long, languid strokes. Each erotic wave erasing from her mind the fear they would soon part forever.


  Valentina was waiting with a surprise for Princess the first night she would dance for the patrons of the Swan Club.

  From the small cell Princess was used to sleeping in for several weeks, she was moved to a much bigger room far away from the kitchen, and its various smells and noises.

  The room was fit for a princess done up in subtle shades of blue. The mattress of the bed, as well as the pillows, were overstuffed with feathers, and covered in silk. The bureau and night table were of the finest forest wood and intricately carved with marble handles. On the bureau was a tray of fine cosmetics, lotions, and potions. It was a feast for the eyes, and the senses.

  The room still lacked a window. Perhaps Valentina feared she would slip out during the night to meet a young man, and disappear forever. There was a lock, though. Now she could feel secure behind the door.

  Then Princess’s eyes caught sight of the illustrated book of lovemaking she inherited from Tinsel, and hidden so well under her bed. She blushed bright scarlet when she realized Valentina knew about the book.

  Valentina’s hand moved Princess’s hair from her neck, and caressed her delicate skin. Her fingertips were then replaced by her lips, causing a shiver to pass through her, and weaken her knees.

  When Valentina turned her to face her, she had a well pleased look on her face, her blood red lips curled into a smile. Maybe she thought she pleased Princess, but did not realize that all Princess felt was revulsion at the evil witch’s touches and attempts at romance.

  It would all be over very soon.

  Princess chanted the line over and over in her head.

  She felt nothing short of relief when Valentina exited the new room without touching her any further. Was she merely an object in a game of seduction by the woman; that over time, she would take more and more liberties with her body?

  That night, before Princess would take the stage, she used her seamstress skills, and altered her costume by adding sparkling threads, and hand sewed pearls to give an allover shimmer. She still did not have a white swan costume, something she coveted. She still was determined to have it before she left the club forever.

  It would be her swan song.

  When she walked out and stood on the stage, the crowd was enthusiastic, and she basked in their applause and mass love. When
she danced, it was the most glorious feeling. She felt that with the audience’s attention only on her, she could leap higher, spin forever, reach a dizzying pleasure that only Erich’s lovemaking could surpass.

  Later that night, she lay in bed in the total darkness waiting for sleep which would not come. Throwing back the silk sheets, she got to her feet, and eased open the door. Looking both ways, she saw no one, and exited.

  She walked the halls and corridors, and came to a dark stairway leading to an upstairs.

  Did she dare go up?

  A wild thrill at the possibility of being caught out of her room came over her. Perhaps by some wealthy patron from the club who became lost looking for the comfort facilities? Who would fuck her up against the wall, and beg her to run away with him forever.

  The thought was nothing more than a wild fantasy she conjured in her head. The only man she wanted was Erich. She ascended the stairs on tip toes, careful to avoid any creaking from the old wood beneath her feet.

  When she reached the top, there was nothing but a large, dark room with an open hatch. Shapes stood out in the dim light the moon cast. Princess felt around the various objects, as she made her way toward the hatch. Desperate to inhale the fresh air she’d been denied since her arrival. She recognized a few chairs, a couch, and a dressmaker mannequin.

  Finally, she poked her head out the open hatch. The touch of the gentle blowing breeze invigorated her senses. She could see nothing but the moon’s reflection on the lake. The same lake she and Erich rowed upon in her lucid dream. She leaned heavily against the wall. All of the memories of that night, and the tender way he made love to her flooded back, and caused a potent ache of loss and loneliness in her heart.

  It was time to leave, and creep back to her room before someone discovered her.

  At the first step, a sliver of light coming from between the slats of the floorboards caught her eye. Kneeling, she pushed back her hair, and focused her eyes on the vertical split.

  It took several seconds to register what she saw on the floor below her. In a sumptuously decorated room of warm gold, there were ten, twelve, maybe even more naked bodies entwined in various sexual acts. Not just couples, but threesomes, foursomes on mattresses of deep reds and blacks. A woman on hands and knees was mounted from behind by a man who ground his crotch against her bottom, while she took another man’s cock in her mouth, her large breasts swayed with each powerful thrust.

  A woman stood nude on a table, legs apart, and undulated ever so slightly and seductively. Eyes closed, her hands rubbed circles over her breasts. Before her stood a man his tongue was between her legs, licking her. His own hand furiously worked his cock, the sack behind his cock bouncing with each stroke.

  Princess could do nothing but stare at the feast of lust, open mouths, hard cocks, and pussies before her. Never in her wildest imagination could she conjure up such a sight! Even her secret book of illustrations was nothing more than a few erotically drawn squiggly lines compared to this. To make it even more delicious was the fact she was a voyeur to the spectacle below. They had no idea she was watching. If they did, would they invite her into their orgy of lust?

  Would she be a willing participant in the debauchery and decadence? Taking one man after another into her mouth, into her willing pussy?

  The thought caused the now familiar throb in her pussy. Balancing herself on one elbow, she moved her knees apart and guided her hand between her thighs, her pussy slick with her own juices. Gently at first, she worked her fingers over the hardened nub, and shuddered at her own touch. Her fingers gradually increased their speed in time with her own breath until she collapsed to the floor with the power of her own orgasm. Warm wetness coursed down her thighs. She pressed her ear against the floorboards, and listened to the muffled moans and groans from below.

  When she regained her senses, she got to her feet in haste, and hurried down the stairs, through the twisting and turning halls until she got back to her room, where she safely bolted the door.

  A secret, silent, laugh of delight and naughtiness bubbled up in her throat. She jumped on to her bed, and buried her face into the sweet scented pillow. Every day, every night since she was cast out from the only home she knew was a new discovery of what she’s been so long deprived of. She was wiser, and a lot less naïve. The loss of her innocence the old hag mentioned to save her brothers. The price was worth it, she decided. Turning onto her back, she closed her eyes.

  “Erich, I need you,” she whispered with a smile, and waited for his arrival.

  Chapter Six

  The night was finally upon her.

  At the stroke of midnight her brothers would return to their human form, and she must be ready to spirit them out of the club, before Valentina could react.

  Princess suffered through Valentina’s kisses and caresses that lasted longer and longer, and became bolder each day. She returned the affection with an ardor she did not feel so not to rouse her suspicions. When in her presence, she simply pretended she was acting out a scene in a twisted play whose ending was near. Perhaps the deception took Valentina’s thoughts away from further torturing her brothers, or plotting her next spell on them.

  This night could not have come quicker. She was sure Valentina would make her next move soon, requesting Princess in her bed, perhaps even that night. When she last saw Valentina only a few hours earlier, there was a look of lust and desire in her green eyes as she presented her with the white swan costume. A secret titillation tickled her as she accepted the costume knowing the woman didn’t have a single clue as to her identity, yet managed to not only infiltrate her club, but rise to the level of a white swan.

  Princess went through the usual motions of preparing for her performance at the club. She now expertly applied her own mask of colors to her face, and became the swan dancer, night after night. Her costumes were now more elaborate, but none as much as the white swan. As she twisted her hair in plaits before the mirror, she wondered if she stayed much longer, under Valentina’s spells and magical charms, would she somehow permanently become the swan girl, was that her plan all along? Was this what Erich spoke of when he admitted his fear of losing her forever to the club?

  She glossed her lips, and gave her costume a final pat into place, and took the stage.

  It was always the same. The excitement of the crowd when she danced was so strong, it vibrated to her core. It injected energy and a feeling within her that could not be topped—with the exception of when she was with Erich.

  Beneath the lights, she spun and twirled in perfect sync with the music that moved her. She smiled, and used her face and body motions to make every man there feel she danced for him, and only him.

  At the first stroke of midnight, she began to undo the swan.

  She released the pins from her hair, and the long plaits dropped to her shoulders. She cast to the ground the elaborate feather and gemstone adornments. Suddenly, she started to sing; her voice soared loud and clear over the strains of the band behind her. Her voice, once dead and buried, resurrected from her throat and exited her perfectly glossed pink lips. The ending of her bondage, now bridged to the beginning of her new freedom.

  The crowd roared in appreciation, yet she barely heard them. Her eyes tracked the position each of her brothers held at the doors.

  Yet as the clock continued to strike, her brothers remained in their mutant swan form. It was then Princess realized with a certain horror, had the old hag been wrong?

  When she stopped singing, the music quieted behind her. She stared out into the audience.

  “My good people, do you know that potentially every one of you are in danger from the proprietress of this club? The lovely Madam Valentina, who you fawn after every night, is nothing more than an evil conniving witch.”

  She pointed to her brothers who still stood guard at the doors. “Look what she has done to my brothers! Turned them into grotesque swan creations, to be enslaved and tortured! Forced my father to marry her, and abandon his
family! Turned the man I love into a deadly nightshade creature who can only live a normal life in dreams! She’s taken everyone I love from me, and I will no longer be silent!”

  The audience quieted all eyes forward onto Princess.

  Then the clicking of high heeled shoes came from beyond the stage.

  Valentina approached.

  Princess was strangely unafraid. If it was now her last minutes on this earth, she had spoken the absolute truth. She could exit this life at least knowing love, even if it was only in dreams.

  Hands on hips, Princess waited for her adversary to make her way on to the stage. Valentina’s face was an angry scarlet as she strode to Princess. With one swift motion, backhanded her cheek with such force, Princess had to catch her balance.

  “You bitch!” Valentina screamed. “You deceitful interloper, I should have killed you and your brothers when I had the chance! Now, your brothers will kill you!”

  She clapped her hands, and instantly the six brothers rushed the stage, leaping on to it with one mighty bound. To Princess’s horror, she would be torn into pieces by the people who once loved her the most.

  “Kill her, kill her immediately!” Valentina shrieked her command.

  As her brothers converged upon her, Princess made eye contact with her eldest brother, Xavier, as he raised a mighty wing to strike down her petite figure.

  She stood straight and tall, and did not cower in fear. “Xavier, do you not know me? Do you no longer remember your little sister, Princess?”

  He stopped mid swing, and her other brothers stepped back from her.

  Valentina grabbed a handful of his feathers, and ripped them from his flesh. Xavier doubled over in pain, as blood dripped onto the stage floor. At once, Princess rushed to him, wrapping her arms around him, and kissing his face, her tears falling freely from her eyes onto his cheek.