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Fortune's Unexpected Groom Page 3
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Page 3
A life built on a foundation of resentment held together by a mortar of obligation and duty.
She drummed her manicured fingers on the desk. Why was Tanner so eager, when he hadn’t even cared enough to call her since they’d said goodbye in late December? Was she selling her child short by not even considering the possibility of a life with Tanner?
The thought turned the skin on her arms to gooseflesh.
Could it work? She’d been so embarrassed seeing Tanner again for the first time since that night, she hadn’t even allowed herself to think about possibility and hope. That she and Tanner might be able to get married first and learn to love each other later.
Her pulse beat in her ears like a ticking bomb, and for a moment, she let herself go there. She imagined living together as a family, spending holidays together, rather than alternating time with their child as dictated by a custody agreement, celebrating all those milestones in their child’s life that Tanner had insisted he would be there for, whether she liked it or not. She imagined waking up in his bed—their bed—every morning. And then the reality bomb exploded when Tanner was absent from her vision. Instead, she saw herself waking up alone; he was nowhere to be found because he didn’t love her…or maybe it was because she didn’t love him.
Tanner wanted to marry her. Yet, he didn’t even know her. Not in the the-man-I-marry-will-know-all-about-me-and-still-love-me-despite-myself sort of way.
The way she’d always dreamed her marriage would be.
Jordana wanted to do right by her child and give the baby the best possible life. But agreeing to a loveless marriage simply wouldn’t be what was best for the child. The realization brought with it the kind of sadness that made her heart ache down to its very center.
She’d been so careful her entire life, saving herself for just the right man, and one careless move had changed everything. All her life she’d dreamed of falling in love and having a family of her own. In those dreams the man she loved had loved her back with a ferocity that could move mountains. If she agreed to Tanner’s impulsive, loveless plan, they would end up hating each other, and the one who would suffer the most would be their child.
Suddenly, what she needed to do was perfectly clear. She needed to have a frank conversation with Tanner—right now, outside of the office—and set things straight once and for all. The sooner he was on a plane back to Red Rock, the better off everyone would be.
* * *
John Michael Fortune had a bad reputation of being a hard-ass. But Tanner knew from personal experience a person didn’t get to Mr. Fortune’s station in life without being strong willed and having a clear-focused vision of what he wanted.
That’s why when John Michael entered the lobby as Tanner waited for Jordana, he greeted her father like an old family friend. Tanner had spoken with the Atlanta Fortune patriarch only on a handful of occasions, and was much closer to the Fortunes of his own generation, such as Scott Fortune, Jordana’s brother. But to his pleasant surprise, John Michael rewarded Tanner’s fortitude with a hardy clap on the back and a firm handshake.
“Tanner Redmond, good to see you,” he said.
“Mr. Fortune,” Tanner returned.
He hoped John Michael’s greeting was the beginning of a long and amiable relationship. Because it would make life much easier for everyone involved if he and the grandfather of his child were on solid terms.
“How’s business?” John Michael asked. “I heard Redmond Flight School took a beating in that tornado.”
“Business has never been better.” Tanner stood a little taller reporting this news, because it was true. “It was rough in the days following the storm, especially after one of my flight instructors, Gary Tompkins, died. But we worked hard and pulled everything together. Business had to carry on. I’m sure you know how that is.”
John Michael nodded. “I was sorry to hear Gary died. Scott told me he was a real asset to Redmond Flight School. But you have a good attitude. So is everything rebuilt and repaired?”
“Sure is. In fact, I’m looking into expanding. I want to begin offering charter services before the end of the year. I have a line on a Cessna Citation that’s on the market for a reasonable price. If I get it, I’m going to hire a crew and a pilot.”
John Michael’s right brow arched. “Sounds ambitious, but it also sounds like you know your stuff. I’m sure you have everything under control. What brings you to Atlanta? Are you here on business?”
Mustering his most sincere smile, Tanner responded, “I’m here to see Jordana. I’m taking her to lunch.”
John Michael did a double take and furrowed his brow.
“I didn’t realize you and my daughter were seeing each other.” The look on the older man’s face did not suggest objection; surprise and puzzlement, maybe, but not dissent. “Red Rock to Atlanta is quite a commute for a lunch date. Is this relationship serious? That daughter of mine never tells her mother and me anything.”
Tanner worried the button at the cuff of his blue oxford shirt as he considered how to answer the question. That’s when it hit him: his best chance at getting Jordana to marry him was standing right in front of him. If her father was on board with the wedding, Jordana would be more likely to agree. He looked the man square in his brown eyes—a feature Jordana had inherited from her father.
“Yes, sir, I believe we are serious. In fact, one of the reasons I’ve come all this way is to ask you a very important question—actually, I’d like to talk to you before I take Jordana to lunch. Would you happen to have a moment now, or should I make an appointment with you?”
John Michael’s expression suddenly sobered and he studied Tanner as if searching for weakness. Tanner redoubled his resolve to carry through with what he knew he had to do.
“Please hold my calls,” John Michael instructed the receptionist. “Come to my office, Tanner.”
Tanner let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He reminded himself that despite the man’s formidable reputation, he’d seemed easy enough to get along with. Of course, that was before John Michael realized Tanner had his eye on Jordana. Tanner could only hope his future father-in-law would be this even-tempered once he learned exactly how serious his and Jordana’s relationship had become.
* * *
Jordana made her way out to the lobby to collect Tanner, but when she got there he was gone. She glanced around the empty reception area.
“Where did he go?” she asked Marta. “Did he leave?”
“No, he’s in your father’s office.”
“What?” Jordana’s heart constricted then lodged in her windpipe. She had to clear her throat before she could muster a calm voice and ask, “How long have they been in there?”
Marta squinted at the clock on the wall, then pushed a strand of brown hair off her forehead. “Not very long. Your father arrived shortly after I buzzed you to let you know Mr. Redmond had arrived. Mr. Fortune asked me to hold all calls, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I buzzed him to say you’re looking for him and Mr. Redmond.”
Jordana stared out the floor-to-ceiling windows along the office’s front wall as the ramifications of what might be happening—that Tanner might be telling her father about the baby before she could—settled around her. The gorgeous view of the Atlanta skyline seemed to tilt a little. She steadied herself on the edge of the reception desk and shifted her gaze to the leather chairs in the waiting area.
“No, that’s okay. I’ll just wait until they’re finished.”
Like heck she’d wait. What in the world was Tanner doing in her father’s office? Well, there was only one way to find out.
As soon as she was out of Marta’s line of sight, Jordana speed-walked down the parquet-covered hallway toward her father’s office, her high heels tap-tapping on the wood. In the process, she
nearly ran into the intern, who was looking down at a stack of papers as he stepped out of the copy room.
“Oh, excuse me,” he said. “I’m sorry, Miss Fortune. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
She mustered her best smile and kept walking as she said, “No problem, Ben. I was… I’m sorry, too.”
When she reached her father’s office door, she paused before she knocked, composing in her head what she’d say to them.
Well, it would depend on her father’s demeanor. If he was in a good mood, then Tanner hadn’t betrayed her; if he was in a bad mood…it was a good thing she could run in heels. But then there would be the moral dilemma whether she should check on Tanner, because if he spilled the beans, her father would surely kill him.
And if her dad didn’t, she would.
Before she could knock, the door opened and she was standing in front of her father. Tanner, she noted, was a few paces behind him—still standing. No visible bodily harm.
For a moment that seemed to last a lifetime, Jordana held her breath as she gauged her father’s mood.
“Jordana, there you are.” He smiled.
Jordana exhaled. Good mood. He was in a good mood. Oh, thank God.
“Hi, Dad,” she said, infusing her smile with all the enthusiasm she could muster. “What are you doing?”
“I was just having a nice talk with Tanner.”
As if on cue, Tanner stepped out from behind John Michael, pulled Jordana into his arms and planted a kiss on her lips. For a split second, her body responded to him—to the sheer depth and breadth of the way his big body encircled her, just possessive enough to make her knees go a little weak. Her lips parted in response. The taste of him, the feel of his lips on hers reminded her of how good he’d tasted that night. How much she’d wanted him—
She managed to wedge both hands between them, ready to shove him away, but before she could, he pulled back and smiled down at her. If she didn’t know better, she might have thought that the way he looked at her…meant something.
“Hello, darling,” he said. “I’ve missed you.”
“What the heck, Tanner?” She dragged the back of her hand across her mouth, trying to erase the feel of his lips on hers.
John Michael frowned at her. “Jordana. That’s not a very nice greeting. Tanner flew in all the way from Red Rock to take you to lunch. What’s wrong with you this morning?”
What was wrong? Oh, if he only knew. Well, at least his asking that question suggested he didn’t know, and that was enough to help Jordana regain her bearings. But then again, her father had a great poker face. He wasn’t about to cause a scene in the office. But one thing was perfectly clear: her father seemed to think that she and Tanner were…together. A couple. She had no idea what nonsense Tanner had been flinging at her dad, but common sense dictated that she play along—at least for now—so that her father didn’t get suspicious. At least until she could break up with him over lunch.
“What are you doing here, darling?” she said to Tanner. “You’re a day early. I was expecting to see you tomorrow.” Jordana gritted her molars as she smiled.
Tanner grinned back, obviously game to play along. “Oh, I know, sweetheart.” His Texas drawl seemed exaggerated—or at least she’d never noticed it before now. “I missed you so much, I couldn’t wait another day. I decided to surprise you.”
“Well, yes, you certainly surprised me. What were you and Daddy talking about behind closed doors?”
She looked back and forth between Tanner and her father, who looked eerily smug…like he knew a secret. So she shifted her gaze to Tanner.
He smiled at her, and against her will, something in his eyes pulled her in. The same way it had when they’d danced at the wedding. Just as it had that day of the storm when she’d initially decided not to fly home with her family—because her gut instinct warned her of imminent danger. Then Tanner had stopped by the house that morning to say goodbye to everyone. After her family had left, she’d changed her mind and decided to join them after she’d learned he was on his way to the airport. Wanting to spend just a little more time with him, she’d gone against her instincts and better judgment. She’d been reeled in by the same…what was it…a look? His presence?
She’d been so shocked to see him this morning—and a bit humiliated to face him—that she’d been immune to his charms. But now, it was all coming back.
“We had a nice talk.” Tanner nodded. “Man-to-man. Spent some time getting to know each other.”
Her father was being eerily quiet. Something she couldn’t remember seeing ever in her entire life. He was letting Tanner take the upper hand, which was just downright weird.
“Yes, we did,” her father said. “I’m so grateful that Tanner was there to take care of you the night of the storm, Jordana.” He turned back to Tanner. “My other daughter Wendy might be a little scattered, but sometimes Jordana is a little too introspective for her own good. If she’d listened to us and just come with us to the airport like we’d planned, she wouldn’t have found herself in a mess and dragged you into it, too. But I guess it all worked out in the end.”
A mess? Jordana was paralyzed for a heartbeat. Did her father know about the baby? Of course he didn’t. The only way he could know was if Victoria told him. She may have blabbed to Tanner, but she wouldn’t dare tell her father. Would she?
Jordana took a deep breath and reframed the situation. If her father knew that Tanner Redmond had gotten her pregnant, he would not be standing here being so uncharacteristically personable. Cautiously, she gazed up at her father. He was a good head taller than she was—and so was Tanner, for that matter. Facing off, the two men seemed at once imposing yet somehow equally matched. At least right now. It would be a different story once her father found out. If Tanner knew what was good for him, he’d get as far away from here as possible before that happened. She was keeping this baby. She was raising her or him on her own. She wouldn’t sell out to a loveless sham of a marriage.
That was her final answer.
In an uncharacteristic burst of defiance, Jordana blurted, “If you’d listened to me in the first place, Daddy, none of us would’ve been in danger. I told you I didn’t think we should fly that day, that we should wait. But no. No one would listen to me.”
The words were spewing like the morning sickness that had seized her body the past few months. She couldn’t stop it; she knew if she tried she’d choke on the resentment. “If you listened to me every once in a while maybe a lot of things would be different.”
Whoa! She clamped her mouth shut before she said any more. Neither Victoria nor Tanner had told on her, but if she didn’t exercise a little self-control, she was going to tell on herself. Suddenly regretting her outburst, she braced for the inevitable backlash from her father. No one but no one talked back to John Michael Fortune without suffering the consequences.
Oddly, he stood squinting down at her with a neutral, if slightly bemused, look on his face. He shook his head and turned to Tanner. “Take her out to a nice, long lunch. In fact, Jordana, take the rest of the afternoon off. You obviously need a break.”
“I don’t want—”
“Jordana.” Her father silenced her with a single booming word. All traces of his earlier bemusement gone, replaced by the stern glare that was famous for making grown men cry. “Leave. Now. I don’t want to see you back in this office until Monday morning.”
John Michael shook Tanner’s hand. “It was a pleasure, but I need to get back to work. I’m sure we will be talking again soon.” He glanced at Jordana, but directed his words at Tanner. “Good luck, son. She’s been in a very strange mood lately.”
Jordana snorted, but before she could say anything, her father did something so uncharacteristic it nearly rendered Jordana speechless, any
way. He hugged her and planted a fatherly kiss on her cheek. Something else Jordana couldn’t recall him doing in recent memory.
Her heart sank low in her chest. What in the world had Tanner told him?
Chapter Three
Tanner and Jordana didn’t speak as they walked out of the office and into the mahogany-paneled elevator bank. She didn’t have to say a word for him to recognize she was furious. He could feel her anger radiating off her in waves as they waited for an elevator to arrive to carry them down twenty-two stories to the ground floor.
Tanner decided if he didn’t break the tension, Jordana might burst.
“Your father is a great guy.”
Jordana shot him a look.
“Really? Nice?” Jordana asked. “I’ve heard him described a lot of ways, but nice isn’t an adjective people usually use when they talk about John Michael Fortune.”
“I enjoyed talking to him.”
Jordana turned and faced him, eyes narrowed. “Yeah, about that—” The elevator interrupted her by announcing its arrival with a loud ding.
They entered the empty car, and as it started its descent, Jordana tore into him.
“What the heck are you doing, Tanner? Why did you come here and what did you tell my father?”
Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes glistened with fury. He couldn’t remember seeing her look more beautiful. Healthy and vital…and pregnant with his child.
“You know why I came. Do you really want to talk about it here?” he asked.
“Well, yes, because I don’t know where else we would talk about it. When we get off this elevator, I’m getting in my car and going home. You are getting back on your plane—or however you got here—and going back to Red Rock.”
“Actually, I was thinking we could go grab some lunch.”