Amazon_Signs of the Secret Read online

Page 4

  The Queen dropped her eyes to the leather pouch at her side. Slipping it from her skirt, she pulled its’ ties open, and lifted out an amulet. A smooth green stone with the mark of The Warrior engraved upon it. She looked to me without words, but offered another smile before letting her eyes float back down to the sacred stone dangling her fingers. Placing her hand over mine, she turned my palm up, lowering the amulet to rest there. A virgin warrior, I gazed over the stone, captured.

  "This amulet is to remind you of your sacrifice and blood allegiance to the Amazons."

  I listened, her words soothing my ears like music. I had longed for these words for over a cycle’s time. The sound of them excited my soul, giving the beauty of the Queen exhausting competition. An ocean of sun filled the room, bathing us both in its’ light. It felt as if the woman’s words had coaxed the sun from its clouds.

  "It sings of your belonging, Askca. You are a daughter of the Nation. Of GarTaynia. Wear this in remembrance of your sisterhood. Everlasting unity. Protection in battle. An emblem of the ever watchful spirit of the Goddess. It is allegiance set in stone, Askca. You are reborn. Washed of blood. Born of fire. You are a warrior now. A woman. Once this amulet comes to rest around your neck, it shall remain. You wear it here, this day of your birth. Through battle. Through torture. Through death. It declares your name Amazon. This amulet is a symbol of what is to come, Askca. A symbol of your journey.”

  I looked down at the stone, a deeper green than the great river itself, touching my finger to the engraved symbol. The amulet shone more mystifying than the sun, moon, or her stars, and I knew this was it. This was the moment I had waited my entire life for. Queen Perseathea's eyes glowed, her gaze filling me. Warming me. Her acceptance, her pride for me, all of it shone bright in her eyes. I slid the amulet around my neck.

  "I will wear this amulet till it soaks in my blood. In death and into my next life. As a token of allegiance and unity unto my sister Amazons. But above all, I wear it as a symbol of my eternal allegiance to you, Queen Perseathea."

  Before the Queen could respond, Masseeia rushed into my hut. Her face flushed red and her dark eyes wild.

  "Queen Perseathea." The woman gasped, entering with a quick salute, struggling to catch her breath. "My Queen, you must come. An army is surrounding GarTaynia."

  Perseathea shot to her feet, eyes narrowing on her First Commander. "How long ago were they spotted?"

  "Word of the approach came from GreeElla's hunting party. Moments ago. They spotted the men on the edges of our territory."

  The Queen lifted an eyebrow. “Count?”

  Masseeia wet her lips, thinking before she spat out a number. “Ten thousand. At least. Black armor. War horses. They look as if they’ve come from north territory.”

  "We’re GreeElla’s hunters spotted?"

  "No…” Masseeia shook her head, her reply sounding uncertain, “at least that is GreeElla's word. The army is close, my Queen… arriving by midday. No later. We don’t have much time."

  Queen Perseathea stared out my window and into the thick jungles sloping the GarTaynian hillside. "Sound the battle horns, gather the warriors and go to the Temple.” She turned back to Masseeia. “Now!"

  "Yes, my Queen." The First Commander saluted, then sprinted back out into the day. Queen Perseathea turned her attention back to me.

  "Leave the weapons of your childhood. Go to the Temple. There you will receive your command."

  I stood frozen, breath caught in my throat. Heart trembling. Mind racing. I hadn’t anticipated a battle so soon. I just survived my allegiance ceremony. Now, just the morning after, I’m to face battle? As a brave I had dreamt of the glory of my first battle… but I had always envisioned myself prepared. But my wound blisters fresh on my chest. The healing herbs still haze my head. I’m anything but ready.

  "Askca,” the Queen paused, “do not fear this. You are a warrior now."

  Her words brought me determination with their comfort. A warrior is without fear. Fear of pain. Fear of suffering. Fear of death. Swallowing, I gave a stiff salute. Sixteen summers is not young for an Amazon to meet her first battle. Dropping my hands, I turned to ready myself. When I glanced back, Queen Perseathea was gone, and the battle horns began wailing throughout all of GarTaynia.

  Chapter 4

  I neared the Temple. The sun glared off of the great spectacle, blinding GarTaynia in a wash of white. Columns appearing to touch into the clouds circled the sacred place, embracing the women pouring into its halls. Young, bright eyed girls dotted the alabaster steps, exchanging whispers as the revered warriors streamed past in procession.

  Despite the swelter, a chill raised the hair on my neck. I had beheld this hallowed sight all of my life, but this day, it captivated me in a way like never before. This day, it summoned me. I looked to the braves spilling over the stone steps. Adolescent girls. Children. They gazed on me with envious eyes. But one day separated me from them. In one day, one evening, one moment… I had crossed over. A warrior. Not so long ago, I stood on these same steps, dreaming.

  Brushing the sandy hair from my eyes, I took a deep breath, looking under the archway. The warriors assembled. Anxiety struck, turning my stomach. I’m one of them now. I had always assumed that my Allegiance Ceremony would change, not only my name, but the truth of me. But I didn’t feel any more a warrior today than I did yesterday. I held the outward signs. My blistered chest, bound tight. My amulet. But my way of thinking lingered behind. I just didn’t see the warrior inside of me yet. That scared me. Ignoring the thought, I ran into the gathering, my bare feet cooling against the alabaster.

  After the last warrior joined us, the braves filed in at the back of the Temple. Then, Queen Perseathea entered, draped in her wolf headdress. A sigh of battle. As soon as she appeared, the braves kneeled and a hush fell over the crowd. We saluted. The Queen strode past the congregation, a battle axe in each hand. One axe, her own, stood as high as the woman herself, its’ blade wider than any other in the land. The other axe dwarfed in the shadow of the first. The smaller of the two was the blade of every Amazon warrior. Resting the axes on a marble alter before the Goddess, Queen Perseathea returned salute to her people, addressing the assembly at her feet.

  "An army is approaching GarTaynia." Her voice echoed, bouncing off the walls of the grand Temple. “They are, so far, unaware of our knowledge of their advancement. We are sending into Jaguar formation. Stalking our prey. Hunting the hunters. First Commander, your company will cover the southwest border, sneaking the edges of the only land passable by these mounted soldiers. Slip through the jungle unnoticed, gain position, and then follow them back here.”

  Masseeia nodded. “Yes, Queen.”

  Perseathea turned attention to her three Commanders. “Ella, take your warriors north. Laidea, your company is guarding the east wall. Arielle, take your company and stand guard throughout the village. Position a company of five braves to each warrior. Let them observe your tactics, yet only involve them in combat if necessary. Be ready for attack when I give word.”

  Laidea, Ella, and Arielle gave a collective salute, confirming their orders.

  The Queen looked to the elderly woman leaning at Commander Laidea’s side. The woman loomed deep into her age, in the fall season of her years, and appeared shriveled in comparison to Laidea’s lean and tall build. Withered as she may be, the woman knew things. Most things. And her wisdom was sought by the whole tribe. The Queen held her head high when she spoke to the aged woman, illustrating her esteem.

  “Elder Piphany, take the children and the league of elders beneath the Temple. Stay in the Hall of Divinity. Do not come out until I summon you.”

  The old woman narrowed her gaze. “It will be done, my Queen.”

  “Is everyone clear of their order?” The assembly gave a collective ‘yes’. “Then go. Protect our great Nation."

  The women fragmented into their commanded posts. The ranks ordered to the borders began shedding their leathers and body armor. Uncer
tain of where I would be, I began peeling off my skins as well, dropping my breastplate. I didn’t know which company I was going to enter, but knew I wasn’t likely to be guarding the wall. The east wall was a three hundred foot cliff drop. Steep and nearly impossible to climb, it served as a look out, its view reaching far into the horizon. It’s where the catapults sprung and the first wave of our archers held guard. If by chance advancements did overwhelm the wall, burning oil met the climbers. The wall watch required special training and tactics I had not yet mastered.

  The cool of the Temple breeze draped over my nude body. I felt exposed, but knew I would now be able to move through the jungle freely, blending into its’ greening deceptions. As I bound my hair back in a leather tie, I noticed the Queen approaching, pulling a familiar lump up my throat.


  “My Queen.” I stood rigid, feeling the urge to cover myself in front of her. My chest hid under its’ binding, but standing naked below the waist made me feel inadequate. At only sixteen, my body stood in contrast to that of the other warriors. I didn’t display the scars of battle, the muscle tone of combat.

  “You will be in First Commander Masseeia’s company."

  I lost my breath. “The First Commander?” I repeated, testing that I had heard correctly.


  “Masseeia’s company is the largest, most revered company, reserved for the top fighters.” I said again, more as a question. I wanted to make sure the numbing herbs weren’t confusing my mind. My hearing. The Queen placing me, a virgin warrior, in this company made no sense.

  “Do you question my decision?”

  “N… no. No, my Queen. Of course not.”

  Queen Perseathea palmed my shoulder. "You’ll be fine.” She dropped her hand, then presented the smaller of her two axes to me. “Your weapon.”

  I took the axe.

  “Follow the First Commander’s orders precisely. Do whatever she says. Do not question her, not even for a second. That second could be more than enough time for the enemy.”

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  “And Askca,” she drew me in under her arm, speaking into my ear, “this enemy is overwhelming in number. The men, for most of their count, will be bigger than you. Stronger.”

  My heart tightened in my chest. I swallowed, steadying myself. The last thing I wanted to do was show fear in front of this great woman.

  “This means you must be quick on your feet. Fast. Use the soldier’s heavy frame burdened with armor against him. Keep him off balance. You’re lighter. Smaller. Swifter in action.”

  “I understand.”

  The Queen slipped from me, focusing her intense green eyes on mine. “Do not try to beat brute strength with brute strength. Outwit. Draw on your advantages.”

  “Yes, my Queen.” I nodded, white knuckling my axe handle. And with that she turned, her wolf headdress flowing behind her as she proceeded off to Laidea’s company.

  This was it. I tightened my jaw, memorizing the Queen’s words. Ingraining them into my mind. Burning them there. I stared at my axe. I trained with it as a brave, but was never allowed to fight with more than the staff, dagger, or bow. The axe, like the sword, was a weapon of skill. The weapon of a warrior.

  After a few goodly moments, Laidea, the auburn haired Commander who had assisted in my ceremony, stood talking with the Queen. Ever so often her eyes would glance over at me. Study me. She nodded, indicating she understood whatever it was the Queen had just said. Then, she drew from her company, her focus pinning me to the marble as she drew near.

  My mouth went dry. I had admired Commander Laidea since childhood. We had never once spoken. She was an unreachable. Like the First Commander. Where Masseeia stood as Queen Perseathea’s right hand, Laidea stood as her left. Everyone in the Nation knew this woman’s name.

  "Askca." I froze at my name, even though it flowed warmly, even naturally off the Commander‘s lips. The woman handed me a bowl of Behto, blended mud and leaves. "Cover your body. It will blend you into the jungle."

  “Don’t you need it?” I managed to mutter.

  “My company is watching the wall.”

  “Thank you.”

  Laidea gave a gentle smile, her expression soft and comforting. So calm. So cool headed before battle. It awed me how at ease the Commander seemed to be at a time such as this one. Though it stood without doubt that this was not her first bout of combat, she’d seen countless battles, I still could not imagine being so collected. My stomach burned with twisting nerves.

  Laidea then leaned into me. “Keep the sun at your back. Many a battle has been lost to the sun’s blinding rays.”

  I smeared the mud across the healthy part of my chest, blotting my wrapped wound, careful not to soil my amulet. The Behto smelled of wet earth, cold and grimy against my skin, but it also stiffened my posture. Behto adorned only the warrior.

  After covering my body in the mud, I stood alone, naked and staring. That’s when I felt it. Eyes on me. I glanced around the hall, spotting Saratiese. Not fifteen paces away. The dark haired girl smoothed mud over her arms, staring back at me. No attempt to hide her eyes from me. I looked away as my palms began to sweat. Saratiese stood with Masseeia’s warriors as well. We were in the same company.

  "Askca. Come." Masseeia motioned to me. I hurried to the First Commander, chills sweeping my skin. "Still yourself." Her words dropped, strong and detached. Stonehearted was Masseeia’s legacy. Revered for her strength under torture, it was legend that the woman had not once in her life shed a tear. Not in grief, pain, or suffering. The Commander glowered down on me with an icy glare. Dipping two fingers into a bowl, she spread sticky lines of cold blood across my forehead.

  Smelling the blood, I stood solemn under Masseeia’s callous touch. Dipping her fingers again, the First Commander streaked thick blood in bold lines across my cheeks and nose. Her final stroke connected a line of red under my nose, smoothing down my waiting lips and over my chin.

  “This is your blood, warrior. Blood of the alter where you proved your allegiance as an Amazon. You have proved brave in ceremony. Now you must prove brave in battle. Allegiance, young warrior."

  "Yes, First Commander.”

  Masseeia nodded, then left me where I stood to taste my own cold blood. The tremble in my body rapidly surfaced, my hands shaking in a cold sweat. We were moving. I fell into line with my company. This was it. My first battle as a warrior. The Nation would forever remember what happened this day.

  The company stood ready, looking to Masseeia as the other companies poured out of the Temple behind the Queen. Wind whistled through the vast hall as our silent warriors filed out. The drums of war pounded, now echoing into the hall. My heart beat hard in my chest, hurting, as I followed the women out into the bright, enveloping heat.

  Chapter 5

  I crept through the muggy jungle, low to the ground. I kept vigilant not to make a sound. The colossal trees stretched high above me, blotching out the blue of afternoon sky. The jungle clawed my naked body, but I found comfort hiding in the lush flora and snaking vines webbing the forest floor.

  A short distance out of GarTaynia, Masseeia’s hand shot up. I dropped still as stone. The hum of the jungle surrounded us. A thousand locusts bussing. Birds squawking. I hunched deeper in to the warm soil, my heart racing as I balanced on perched toes and steady fingers.

  Approaching murmurs. I strained to hear over my own heavy breathing. Distant voices caught the breeze, mingling with the faint clapping of hooves. A chill prickled into me. An enemy on horseback could destroy a company on foot in under an hour. It more than doubled the men’s chance of victory.

  It doesn’t matter. We’re in Jaguar formation. We follow them back… we won’t fight here.

  Masseeia’s hand made a brisk swipe down and then shot back up, signaling us to the trees. I bolted, scrambling up the closest timber. I settled in the branches, weapon ready. Catching my breath, a stiff breeze rustled through the leaves, swaying my branch.
I held tight to the limb, balancing on perched toes, peering out from my leafy refuge… to see no one. My Behto painted sisters blended like the wind into the surrounding trees. The sound of clomping hooves came. Closer. Louder. I clung to the tree, turning my knuckles white. The moment I had dreamt of, even needed, now rose up before me in all its intimidating glory. This demon called Battle.

  Branches scratched at my skin as I convinced myself to be brave. To honor them. I forced my shaking frame still, my mind devoured and on edge. Sweat streamed my mud stained brow, trickling my face, running more of my ceremonial blood into my mouth, bitter and gritty on my tongue. I swallowed, staring down over the distant trees. A dark army marched into sight. Black armor. Warhorses. A count of at least a thousand men in the first wave. The soldiers streamed in below me now. Thudding and clanging. Tearing through the trees like hungry vultures searching a corpse.

  "Attack!" Masseeia’s shout rang out, that one word cutting through me like an ice dagger.

  “What?” Shock escaped my lips. I watched the trees shake violently, emptying Amazons into attack. Whether I expected to fight here or not, it was upon me. I held tight to my axe and jumped. Falling, I broke into two soldiers, bucking their steed into a wild panic and tossing all three of us to the ground. The larger of the two men screamed a high pitched squeal, a sound of agony like I’d never heard, clawing at his face. Bright red sprung through his fingers like a fountain. The weight of my fall, teamed with the push of my axe, had forced the blade through his head, splitting it on the side like a ripe melon. A large portion of his face fell prey to the slash, leaving parts of his bleeding skull exposed, and a meaty hole in exchange for his left eye and cheek. My mouth watered hot as the bloody hole stared up at me. I struggled to swallow, calming the gag forcing up my throat.