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- Moerland, Scott; Clarke, Marnie; Gaspandrei
By Scott Moerland
‘Families, villages and entire communities died out; in some cases there were not enough people left alive to bury the dead. The sheer effort of throwing the dead into any available ditch was too much.
No one knew the cause; many prayed to their deities, many suicided, many sought refuge away from their infected communities, while they still could – and, unwittingly, spread the pestilence to wherever they travelled.
On top of this, tribes were at war all over what is now called the Middle East.
Modern-day research determined that up to half of the known world’s population perished.’
1300s AD.
For two years the crops had failed across what is now called Europe.
Chinese records tell of severe famine and pestilence. Although it is hard to determine exactly, the Chinese epidemic seems to have happened some years earlier than Europe’s.
Because of the lack of modern telecommunications and because the epidemic was indiscriminate with its victims, it was probably never fully determined in their time that this was a worldwide pandemic. The spread was further this time due to sailing ships reaching further. The numbers of dead were just as considerable as the previous plague.
It had many names, with the abundance of languages around, but the predominant descriptor was “black”.
In both catastrophes many causes were postulated, including the homeless Jews. Indeed, many were burnt alive by the frightened, the misguided or those who could gain from their deaths.
We now know that a single religion was not the cause – that was a far too narrow a focus:
For more than 2000 years and up until the events that would go down in history as the worst carnage the world had ever seen, we were taught in almost every religion that worships a deity that God always was and always will be!
To grasp this concept with the human mind is impossible. Eternity cannot be understood unless our minds are open to the concept of different dimensions.
There are several dimensions. They are essentially different plains of existence and time has different relevance on each one. Even earth, as it is referred to in the Bible, is not the planet earth in the literal sense but a metaphor for the physical universe we live in.
The highest dimension is what we as humans would call heaven. Heaven is a dimension as vast as it is beautiful almost beyond description. It is filled with what can only be described as a light that actually has substance, which originates directly from the Almighty himself. This light penetrates everything and fills whatever it touches with a love, peace and contentment not possible in lower dimensions. All negative vibrations are blocked out. No shadows are cast in heaven as light originates from the throne of the Lord. The streets are paved with crystal gold.
Heaven even has millions of houses and meeting places in which souls can live and socialise. The houses are made out of materials that seem alive and they, too, radiate peace and love. There is constantly music playing and everything in heaven radiates this music. It’s a music filled with love and you can actually see the music and soundwaves as they fly through heaven and radiate even more love to all they encounter.
Heaven as it stands today is a dimension that can accommodate both non-physical and physical beings. The non-physical beings are souls of human beings and the physical beings are angels who can alternate between the two at will. In their physical form angels look like humans. They have extremely bright blue eyes, which would become even brighter if they were using their powers.
They would also have wings they could make disappear at will by shrinking them and pulling them back into their bodies. They use these wings to fly their physical bodies around the landscapes of heaven and any other dimension they may find themselves in.
In their non-physical forms, however, they appear in heaven as figures that look like normal souls but far brighter, sort of like a hologram, and can appear to anyone they want to. The size of the holographic figure depends on the power of the angel.
If they adopt a non-physical form in another dimension, however, they cannot be seen with the naked eye but they can be felt and they can use this form to influence, warn and guide the minds of physical beings in other dimensions like earth. Angels are highly advanced beings that have passed certain tests from the light and they have been given incredible powers both in their physical and non-physical forms. Angels were created by God to do certain work.
At the beginning of time, before God created humans, in heaven there was a structured hierarchy of angels, each with a different role in the preservation of heaven and the Almighty’s throne.
Seraphim were the highest order of angels but there were other orders of angels, too, each with a different role. Usually when God spoke to someone he would communicate through a Seraph. Lucifer was one of the most powerful angels. His main ability was tempting. He was known as the light bearer and he was able to influence almost anybody. He did and still does this. Lucifer was a bright light of an angel; the light shone so brightly from him that even in his physical form you could see a faint light piercing his skin.
Some say he was God’s right-hand man and he was tasked with presenting the light of the Lord to other souls. Being as powerful as he was, it was only a matter of time before the ambition inside him overtook his mind.
God told the angels He was going to create another type of living being in the form of a human and He instructed the angels that their job would be to guide, serve and love the humans; Lucifer didn’t understand this.
Lucifer was astounded that God would ask them to worship such an inferior being.
The thought of guiding humans for them to be at one with God was infuriating to him.
Lucifer had been given so much power he was now no longer interested in being a Seraph; he wanted to overthrow the Lord and be God himself, with heaven and every other dimension under his control.
Lucifer, at this point, was struggling within himself to control his lust for power. Since he was created he would bow down to God but as time passed and God slowly granted him more and more power, he would bow down and then, when he had finished praising Him, he would go around the corner and put his hands on his face and violently shake his head. The hatred and jealousy was building in Lucifer. He had trouble hiding this from other angels.
After a millennium of this constant struggle within, as well as knowing that God was getting closer and closer to creating human beings, Lucifer had made up his mind. He now knew what he wanted to do but doing it would be the ultimate test of his abilities and power.
On one particular day in heaven, Lucifer was in the valleys where millions of angels were congregating to sing songs and bask in the light from God, which was radiating down on them. The light was filled with pure love in a form the angels could absorb into their physical bodies, almost like a drug.
Some angels would even praise Lucifer as a superior angel but some wouldn’t. These angels were sceptical of Lucifer’s intentions and concerned that God had given an angel so much power, as the basic law of the universe is that power can have the ability to corrupt. They all knew that only God was incapable of corruption as He was pure perfection and the source of all life in the universe.
Lucifer had the ability to read the minds of some less-powerful angels and he would hint at the idea of a takeover to the angels whose minds he could not read, to gauge their reactions. He knew instantly from reading the minds of the less-powerful angels which ones could be easily manipulated and which ones couldn’t, for when the time came.
As he walked around the
huge crowd of angels who were hymning intermittently and talking with each other, Lucifer would smile and greet some. All the while he was slowly but surely getting a feel for how much support he could get for his cause. He knew he did not need everybody’s support – just enough to stage a coup and topple the Lord’s throne.
Even in heaven the angels have physical bodies but their souls can leave the body and re-enter at will. The soul can be seen and heard by other angels in heaven. The angels’ amount of power determines how far across the beautiful landscapes their voices can be heard and their influence felt. Lucifer was the light bearer for God so if he were to adopt a non-physical form he would appear to every angel in heaven as a giant, bright, beautiful holographic vision.
Michael was one of the angels whose mind Lucifer could not read. Michael was one of seven archangels whose ability was physical combat. There are hundreds of thousands of warrior angels but none had been granted as much fighting prowess as Michael, as God knew that although he was stubborn, cheeky and had a strange sense of humour, he was loyal, loving and trustworthy.
Michael was the commander of God’s army and, along with the archangel Gabriel, the best physical combatant in the universe. Michael would answer to nobody but God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. All of the archangels carried a sword and they wore armour around their chest and forearms. Although the term archangel was a name given to the order of seven angels gifted in military prowess, the archangels were also members of other ranks and orders of angels. They could be Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Rulers, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, archangels and Guardian angels.
Because there had never been a need to fight, the archs spent the majority of their time in training and also guiding other souls in the ways of God. Michael was 6 feet 7 inches tall. In his physical form, he had the physique of an enormous body builder. Gabriel was slightly shorter and slightly less built but the two were tremendous rivals and the best of friends. They would joke with each other and kick the living daylights out of each other while training.
Michael was at the congregation standing next to Gabriel when Lucifer finally found them. Lucifer walked up and shook Michael’s hand. Lucifer knew that the archangels would be great allies if he were to one day attempt his devious plot.
Michael asked Lucifer how he was and when he was going to come back to training. Lucifer replied, “I have too much on my plate at the moment.”
Michael laughed. “Has being the Father’s right-hand man made your physical body soft or something?”
“Not likely,” Lucifer replied. They both sat down and Lucifer said to Michael, “Hey Mike, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.”
Michael had had his arms raised as he was looking up, absorbing the light. He lowered his arms and adopted a neutral tone.
“What’s that?” he inquired.
“Don’t you ever want more?” Lucifer asked.
“More than what? We are in heaven; we can absorb love in its purest form whenever we want, we get to guide others and I get to bash the crap out of this infidel whenever I want to.” He jokingly shoved Gabriel, who was also looking up, absorbing the light.
“Yeah, I know,” Lucifer said, “But you know what I mean. Don’t you ever want to have these idiots bow down to you just as they do for God?”
Michael’s smile turned to a look of shock. He said, “What you are saying is not right, Lucifer; you know these angels love you.”
“Yeah, I know,” Lucifer replied. “Forget I said anything, I’ll see you later.”
Michael sat with a puzzled look on his face as Lucifer got up and walked away. Gabriel said to Michael, “What do you make of that?”
“I don’t know but I’ve never trusted him. I’ve felt him in the past trying to read my mind.”
Lucifer knew now that Michael would not succumb to his twisted plot. He sought out other warrior angels in the congregation with the intention of first turning them against the archs and then against God himself.
The first he managed to convince was a great warrior named Sammael. Sammael was a fighter. He was constantly rebelling against the other angels and also against any form of authority in the ranks of God’s army. He considered himself, as Lucifer did, a superior being to the other angels.
It didn’t take long for Lucifer to bring him around. There was no turning back now; Lucifer had divulged his plot and gained an ally but they both knew the plot had to be kept secret for as long as possible. Sammael set about spreading lies about the archs, especially Michael.
Lucifer had his eyes firmly set on the ownership of heaven and he would lower the morale of the angelic army by appearing sporadically to random angels in the form of a smaller-than-usual hologram. His power allowed him to appear at will not only as himself but as other high-ranking angels and even friends of angels. He deceived several angels in the lower ranks but he knew he could not appear as a false angel to any of the higher-ranking key players; they would sense it immediately.
This went on until Lucifer decided it was time to make his final and most dangerous bid for support. He was preparing what he was going to say when he appeared as a giant holographic soul to all of the angels in heaven.
Meanwhile, Michael was summoned to the throne of God, where God spoke to him through another seraph. God commanded him to assemble the army and prepare for battle. Michael was shocked but asked God only who the army would be fighting.
Lucifer’s arrogance was a mistake. He knew he could never deceive God and get away with it. He tried anyway; God saw and heard everything. God knew of Lucifer’s plans all along but He had created every living thing to do exactly that – live – and He had allowed every living being one simple thing: freedom of choice, or free will.
Although God was saddened that one of His most loved and powerful creations was turning against Him He had given Lucifer the freedom to act as he chose, even at the risk of Lucifer turning other angels against Him, which Lucifer had done.
Michael was angered by what God had told him. He could not believe how many of his friends had been turned against Him and their perfect way of life in heaven.
He sat down and wrapped his wings around himself. His eyes turned a more intense blue, which was a sign he was about to use his powers.
He was preparing to adopt a non-physical form so he could appear to every angel in God’s army.
Though his physical body remained sitting in an unconscious catatonic condition his soul radiated out of his body in a giant holographic form that was visible across heaven. In this form in any other dimension he would not be seen, only felt, but in heaven he was seen by everyone. He ordered every angel still loyal to the Lord to gather on the east ridge of the vast empty valleys of heaven, a popular and well-known position for congregations.
Upon looking to the sky and seeing and hearing the soul of Michael appealing to his warriors, Lucifer learnt that his plot had been uncovered. He sat down and prepared to adopt a non-physical form but his eyes, rather than turning bright blue, turned a fiery red. By now Lucifer had filled himself with so much hatred, lust, greed and every other negative emotion he could think of he could no longer stand to even share the angelic colour of the archs.
As Lucifer’s soul shot out of his body and appeared to every angel across the vast space of heaven, he made an appeal to them. His manipulative speech was designed to gain as much power for himself as he could. He argued that the time had come to stop worshipping someone else and the angels should start going after what they desired with no regard for anybody else’s needs or wants. He used scare tactics, saying the angels would be forced to work for and guide inferior beings such as humans and that the humans should be hated not loved.
He promised freedom to every angel in heaven. He caused them to wonder if they had it as good as it could possibly get, or if they could get more. The angels who were overly ambitious, looked mainly within themselves and used their passion to drive th
emselves saw this as a chance to go after what they wanted, though they remained oblivious to Lucifer’s real intention to enslave everyone and everything.
Lucifer’s influence was great and he knew how to manipulate the masses. He inspired doubt, fear and greed and, most of all, lust for power to gain support for his cause.
There was massive contention in heaven. Friends were becoming enemies as they were torn between loyalty to God and the influence of Lucifer. Although Lucifer managed to recruit only one third of the angels in heaven for his cause, he managed to entreat some powerful angels to his side, including several warrior angels with the help of Sammael’s lies and rumours.
At this point in history there were no normal souls in heaven, only different ranks of angels, and they were flying in their physical form to the agreed battleground from all over heaven.
Michael instructed the seven archs to meet at the rear of the formations to reaffirm what they already knew they had to do.
Raphael was the first to arrive, followed by Amitiel, Uriel, Luke and finally Metatron. Gabriel was already there. He was waiting for his chance to dispel the evil in heaven that had developed silently under their noses.