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  Forest Hills

  By: Sofia

  One of the most important elements of a community is the service that the community provides. Forest Hills has the best health care in the country. Kids under the age of ten get 50% off on all health care needs. There is also a doctor’s office open 24-7 for all ages. Doctors in Forest Hills were trained at the finest hospitals in the world. Also, there are free health care classes at the Community House on Thursdays at 5:00 PM. Classes include exercise, and information on diet and nutrition. Forest Hills cares about a healthy life. All the money you saved can buy you a car. Affordable healthcare is very important.

  Forest Hills has the best hospitals in the country. There are about 200 people who work safely in the hospital. So, the hospital has only A+ graduates from the finest Medical Schools in the world. Forest Hill’s hospital, FHH, has state of the art technology. They can detect a medical problem and have you in surgery in no time. While your waiting, you have a very comfortable living space and lots of privacy. With the technology and fine doctors and nurses, we can operate and have you on your feet in no time. As a result, F.H.H. is ranked in the top ten hospitals in the country. When in FHH you are in good hands.

  Experts agree that Forest Hills has the best police and fire departments. Recent studies have shown that towns with 24-7 crime and fire watches save millions of lives. That’s what you will get here in Forest Hills. Another study has shown that the least amount of crime is in Vermont. There are about 100 people working in the police and fire departments safely for Forest Hills. In fact, you will find a police officer patrolling every two blocks. The fire department has state of the art trucks and equipment. This means they can get to your house quickly in case of a fire. It’s important to have coverage for safety.

  Forest Hills has one of the biggest libraries in the world. The library has every book you can think of. This library is a whole lot bigger than Utopia’s library. Every town has regular small libraries, but this one is much bigger. It is four stories tall and 200 feet wide. It has over 2 million books in it. To get a book out, you can simply type in your password and name of your book and your done! In Forest Hill’s library everyone’s always happy. Community service is the reason why you should move here.


  Forest Hills


  By: Sofia

  Education is the key to happiness. The key to a great education is great pricing, amazing teachers, no homework and experiencing “Specials”.


  The Schools are so affordable whether you are wealthy or not. Forest Hills Schools offer a great education. People don’t have to work just so their children can go to school. Sure, schools in Forest Hills cost something, but in elementary school third, fourth and fifth graders cost ½ off the price for siblings. It’s hard to believe, but other towns education is much more expensive. You will not get the same education for the price of any other town.


  Even though it is not as expensive, it is ranked the number one school around. Not only for the education the students receive, but because of the teachers that are hired. Walking into school the first day you will feel comfortable and right at home. A smiling teacher will greet you every day. A happy student is a productive student. The teachers in Forest Hills are amazing. Every teacher has multiple master’s degrees. The teachers graduated from the best colleges around all with straight A’s. Forest Hills only hires the best! The teachers know how important your child is. Each student works at his or her own pace to guarantee success. Remember, you don’t have to pay a lot to get the best!

  In Forest Hills, the best doesn’t stop when your child leaves the classroom. Homework isn’t just for home in Forest Hills. Our students get 30 minutes of homework a day, so the students are never tried or worn out. They are in school for 6 hours a day from 8:40am to 2:40pm. During that time students are allowed “free time” which is 30 minutes to do homework. Forest Hills knows how busy our parents are and we never want our parents to feel like they are doing homework. Forest Hill Schools guarantees homework will be done only by your child and independently. If homework is too overwhelming the teachers want students to stop. The teachers will help students complete the homework at school. Homework is not a punishment, but a great way to reinforce all the amazing things your child has learned at school. So remember homework isn’t just for home!

  At home, you want your child to feel “special.” In, Forest Hills, at our schools; we have many exciting “specials” for your child. What is a “special?” Imagine the excitement of climbing a 15 foot rock wall or swimming laps in the heated Olympic size pool in physical education class or using a pottery wheel to create masterpieces in our art room. We have a state of the art technology room equipped with laptops and IPads for every student’s. Using that technology your child will step into one of our many language rooms and become fluent in another language of your choice before graduating fifth grade. “Specials” are for the very special students in Forest Hills.

  You are “special” in Forest Hills. The education is the best around! In a recent poll, 100% of those surveyed said they would never live anywhere else! Your children will always succeed , and you’ll never have to pay a lot money again for an education! You’ll be surprised how wonderful our teachers are and that your children will want to go to school. Never again will there be a complaint about homework. So remember here in Forest Hills education is the key to happiness!

  Forest Hills

  By: Sofia

  Forest Hills has the most activities, more than any other town. F.H. has skiing/snowboarding for everyone. F.H. give residents 50% off on skiing at our local mountain. If you have recently moved to town, F.H. will give you a new pair of skis or snowboard. F.H.’s lodge has great food and is in the center of the main area. There are mountains surrounding the lodge, so everyone goes down to the lodge. We have great skiing.

  Also, families can go hiking on the mountains in the summer. Every mountain has guide, so F.H. has a bunch, too. If you are new, you don’t have any outdoor gear. No problem though, F.H. have free gear at the community house every Friday. A lot of places have campsites, so, naturally, F.H. has great campsites too. A mountain is a great place to have fun.

  There is more than just hiking to mountains. F.H. have off road vehicles! There is all new equipment and high tech technology that keep people safe. If you don’t know how to ride a vehicle, F.H. has lessons for you on the mountain. F.H. also has new and improved race tracks that are safer and more secure. A mountain is a great place to learn.

  Block parties have been around forever. F.H. has a lot better food than Paradise Falls ’s block parties. Bingo has been around since your grandmother was a kid, so it’s one of the most popular games at the block party. The food is 25% off if you are a resident. The people who invented road races were Native Americans, so F.H.’s block party has them in their honor. A block party is a great way to spend your time. In all, activities are an important part of a community.



  By: Sophia


  Forest Hills has the best shopping of all the communities. Imagine a world where all the prices are low wherever you go. What’s so great about shopping in Forest Hills is that residents in Forest Hills get 25% off of all items. Our stores stock designer clothing with all the latest trends for men, women, children, and babies, and even your pets. In comparison to clothing stores in other communities, our stores are unique in that you can design your own clothing for only $9.95 an outfit.

  Soon you’ll see that Forest Hills has the best food stores in the communities. It’s hard to believe, but food stores in Forest Hills are just 2 miles away unlike any other local food stores in any other communities. You will find that all of our food is healthy but it tastes magnificent. By the way, Forest Hills has great food all year long. Each season in Forest Hills we have a
new food theme like cupcakes and slushies. In many ways Forest Hills gets terrific food and puts it on the shelves for historically low prices.

  Incredibly when compared to other communities, Forest Hills is a great place to do home improvement projects. Forest Hills has the best hardware in the communities. If you go to Forest Hills hardware stores we will get amazing deals like half off for siblings plus 2 dollars for 5 items. What more evidence do you need? Since 1992 Forest Hills stores have been local and affordable.

  To sum thing up, Forest Hills has the best shopping in all of the communities. Other communities can’t compare to the shopping in Forest Hills. Forest Hills is the best, don’t forget it!