Dominic's Star Read online

  Dominic’s Star

  Michael Mandrake

  Writing as RM Durand

  Editor Kiyle Brosius

  Cover Artist Fantasia Frog

  Copyright © 2020

  Published by Triad Literary

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Your nonrefundable purchase allows you access to one legal copy of this work for your own personal use. You do not have resell or distribution rights without the prior written permission of both the publisher and copyright owner of this book. This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer to another through upload, or for a fee.

  Disclaimer: This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable, which might include: male/male sexual practices and multiple partner sexual practices.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.



  Thanks So Much For Your Interest In The Books.

  Dominic’s Star

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Author’s Personal Note

  Want more MPREG from RM Durand?

  Michael Mandrake Bio


  For my family, especially my husband Adam and my lovely kids,

  my besties who’ve supported my work since day one.

  To Kiyle Brosius for brilliant editing and Deb for beta reading.

  Also, a special thanks to LM, Morticia, and Giovanna for collaborating with me in this series!

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  Dominic’s Star

  Renard isn’t the one for games, but the mouthy bear might be his ace…

  Dominic has always dreamed of being a ranked officer. After not accomplishing his ambition, Dominic sets out to prove he’s worthy of promoting. Achieving his goal is the redemption he needs to rid himself of the negative stigma tied to his last name.

  Renard is a cranky bastard. Renard’s choices were never his own, making him live up to that name. If he wasn’t born into G-Force, he wouldn’t risk his life for other creatures. Unfortunately for him, Renard’s happiness has always come second to the family’s legacy.

  When Dominic’s stupidity lands him in hot water, it’s Renard’s duty to get him to safety. That’s if he doesn’t kill the jerk before delivering him to his planet. But the bear shifter’s allure draws Renard in, making him damn near irresistible. Renard must choose between to stay in his father’s good graces or a possible future with Dominic.

  Will time run out before they get the chance to mate?

  Luck is not on their side.

  Dominic’s Star includes kidnapping, light violence, some space fights, and two MC’s that are born enemies. It’s part of the multiauthor G-Force Federation Mpreg, sci-fi series. Each book in the series can be read in any order. Join the G-Force Federation gargoyle warriors as they embark on their mission to protect and serve the Federation and possibly find their fated mates.

  Dominic’s Star

  Michael Mandrake

  Writing as RM Durand

  Chapter One


  Dominic hadn’t gotten enough sleep.

  The warm body next to him snored, passed out from exhaustion as he’d done. Dominic didn’t remember the name of the beast, nor did he care. It didn’t matter that he was a shifter either. Dominic hated sleeping alone.

  Too much partying! Never!

  Dominic warred with his own subconscious. He would drink everyone under the table until the mixtures of ale and Old World spirits took him down. Being a mutant wouldn’t save him from the horrid effects of his bad choices the night prior. Too bad Dominic couldn’t avoid the morning’s mandatory meeting to sleep off the liquor.

  However, knowing what would occur at this gathering, why would Dominic want to miss it? They were selecting lieutenants for the next takeover. Dominic was one of the favorites. Hopefully his superior wouldn’t use his past idiotic mistakes against him.

  Other than his bed partner’s snoring, sounds from neighboring caverns filled his room. The whizzing from aircrafts, taking off or landing in the area as well as the air creatures chirping or cackling off in a distance.

  The fragrant smell of stale sweat, and sex lingered around his nostrils along with the alien’s own putrid scent that made Dominic want to hurl. Though the alien’s stench wasn’t pleasant, it was the least of Dominic’s concerns.

  Memories of last night’s tryst played on loop in Dominic’s brain. One too many libations were consumed, along with rhubarb rhizomes a recreational drug for Gocarians. Locking lips with a hot stranger who turned out to be quite the fiend in front of his colleagues who wouldn’t let him live it down.

  Dominic rubbed his temples and blinked twice to relieve the pressure on his head. It didn’t work. He brought his arm up trying to avoid the light shining through the glass. During the discarding of clothes and flurried kisses, he must’ve forgotten to close the blinds.

  The sun rose in Gocara as it did on every other planet but being so close to the universe’s main star made the weather unpredictable. Despite that, the heat period as the Gocarians called it, didn’t last long. For once the planet rotated, harsh Cold Seasons would arrive, leaving these shifters the choice of staying in hibernation or temporarily relocating. Such was the life of Gocara’s residents who were used constant changes in their life, especially after their species had almost become extinct.

  Dominic groaned from the hurt in his head. His stomach roiled, groin full, and his ass burned. He had to piss, but the bed’s comfort kept him in place. Dominic had to stop this endless cycle, or he wouldn’t live much longer. His kind had survived the Old World’s mistreatment. He’d be damned if he ruined himself with drinks and drugs.

  Sighing, Dominic forced his eyes open to get started. Just as he turned over, a large, webbed paw grabbed his sho

  Dominic frowned, slapping it off. Why he’d decided last night’s delicacy to be a lizard cat mutant, he didn’t know. “Couldn’t you have waited to change forms until I’d gotten up?” He griped.

  “My sliminess didn’t seem to bother you last night.” The creature spoke telepathically.

  “That was a helluva drug. ‘Sides, you shape shifted on me lizard!”

  The creature roared in laugher. “I’m not sorry. I’m just as good in this form as I am in humanoid form. Anyway, enough chatter. I thought you might’ve wanted to play around a bit before work.”

  Although Dominic’s cock jumped at the thought, he fought the urge. “Nah, I’m good. Slither back to the hole you came from. I’m not interested in sloppy seconds… big emphasis on the sloppy.”

  “Are you sure? I can make it worth your while.” The alien slid his tongue inside Dominic’s ear, wiggling it around.

  Dominic ignored the alien’s advances and jerked back. “Nope. Got important things to do. Make sure you clean up before you leave.” Dominic whipped off the covers and dashed to the lavatory before the slimy creature could catch him with one of his tentacles.

  Gotta be more selective of my bed partners.

  The lizard’s eight appendages were pleasurable last night during the rhizome high, but on a clear head, not so much.

  Knowing a full day lie ahead of him, Dominic relieved himself then turned to the small corridor known as the shower stall. “Not too hot, Merkin. And, gimme something for this hangover.”

  “Not too hot,” the voice spoke back. Six water jets spurted simultaneously, and a hose lowered from the ceiling. “You wouldn’t need anything if you didn’t choose to get wasted last night.”

  “Shut up!” Dominic snapped as he stepped under the water. He sighed contently as the water spouted onto his body, relaxing his muscles and taking some of the discomfort away from his aching joints. The best thing about these newly equipped caverns was everything being voice controlled. Aware that Gocarians spent a lot of time in their bear forms, the scientists were geniuses.

  Enjoying the warm water, Dominic leaned back against the wall and rubbed his hand over his head. He needed to shift, but it would wait until after this sun light’s meeting. He’d have a good reason to run free, knowing he had this promotion in the bag. No one else was nearly as qualified as Dominic.

  “Sutton, it would behoove you not to get too comfortable.” The voice called Merkin remarked.

  “I’ve got plenty of time, Merk. Just get me my painkillers, will you? And a bottle of FreshWater?” Dominic barked, totally annoyed the computer used his last name. He hadn’t used that forever. The computer knew it was still a sticking point with Dominic and should’ve never blurted it out. That was the only drawback with these programs. They knew things about you others didn’t.

  Once Dominic finished his shower, he threw on his uniform. Dressing in his dark blue slacks and matching shirt with a gray tie, made him feel important. Like a new man. Hopefully that good feeling would carry on the rest of the sun light.

  Dominic left his cavern, jumping into his single rider ship he named Yancey, after his last boyfriend. Unlike the man, Yancey had been very dependable through the harshest cold and warm seasons to get Dominic where he needed to.

  Sunlight in Gocara meant the most activity. Gocarians didn’t allow the weather to deter them from their jobs or schooling. Everyone was aware all their hard work contributed to the planet’s and resident’s survival. With that united front, they assured themselves succeeding in anything.

  Within minutes, Dominic had arrived at the Oncubus, the main headquarters in Gocara’s center. From the corner of his eye, he caught one of his rivals, Stone, racing him to the sliding doors. Dominic got there first, placing his badge onto the sensory before Stone could. This was a regular routine for the two rangers. Thankfully Dominic had enough energy to beat him.

  “Fucking asshole.” Stone snarled, slapping the button for the lift.

  Dominic smiled smug. “You’re a step too slow, Stoney. Just like you’ll be when I get this promotion.”

  Brent Stone was a rival, but they were on good speaking terms. Blond hair and blue eyes made him the envy of many in the Messoli, even Dominic who’d tried dating him a while back.

  Stone snorted. “What makes you think you’re getting it?”

  Dominic straightened his tie. “Need I remind you, I’m more qualified and better looking?”

  Dominic served as a ranger in the Messoli, the Gocarian Armed Forces. After spending the last four or five cycles under someone’s foot, he wished to be ranked. Rangers weren’t as valuable. Expendable. The lowest in the army’s hierarchy. It was way past time for Dominic to be promoted. He’d more than proved himself a worthy candidate to lead.

  “Looks got nothing to do with it pretty boy. Bratzo could give a shit about your appearance.”

  “That’s not what I heard,” Dominic countered, chuckling. “He’s got the hots for me. Not like I’d ever take advantage of that shit because I’ve never been into men with more body hair than me.”

  Stone snickered. “Jerk face, we’re bear shifters. Why should that make a difference?”

  “Yes, animal shifters, meaning when we’re in human form, it would be nice not to fuck a fur coat. Just sayin’.” Dominic half chuckled.

  “You’re ridiculous.” Stone shook his head, stepping off the lift when it arrived in the top cavern of the Oncubus.

  “Maybe, but I always get what I want,” Dominic retorted, following Stone off the lift.

  The top floor of the Oncubus was pristine with linoleum and marble throughout. Pictures of Gocara’s first leaders along with various paintings of early existence covered the walls, from top to bottom.

  Sounds of people’s footfalls filled the hallways, along with endless chatter. Smells of the cologne and body odor ticked Dominic’s nostrils, making him nauseous. He gripped his stomach, willing it to go away to get through this meeting. If he could get through it without retching, he could rush back to his cavern and sleep it off.

  As Dominic passed through the cloisters, many greeted him and Stone, along the way in either English or their native tongue. Honestly, Dominic preferred English, but he’d never say that to anyone, knowing he’d be in for a ribbing.

  “Enjoying the night’s activities again, Sutton?” Stone said as they passed through the sliding doors to the main hall that looked more like a museum instead of a conference room. Grey marble flooring and walls, statues dedicated to leaders of the past. Dominic supposed the area was made to look that way to give Messoli rangers something to strive for. However, Dominic thought it was too plain. This was a place for gathering and combat, not for displaying art.

  Dominic followed Stone to the line of other rangers, gathering for morning roll call.

  “More than you, I’m sure.” Dominic said through gritted teeth, while rubbing his abdomen. Due to nervousness, his stomach rumbled. He fought with himself to stay upright or else the captain would have his hide.


  This was it.

  The moment he’d been waiting for his whole life. Almost every Gocarian lived for the time they’d be told they were good enough to serve and lead the Messoli on missions. Gocarians were a proud species and wouldn’t settle for less.

  “Nah, Lizard mutants aren’t my speed.” Stone whispered without making eye contact.

  “You’re too slow, then. They make great partners.” Dominic lied as they took their places. He glared at Stone, wondering if he was at the club last night. He hadn’t remembered, but then again, he couldn’t recall much after all drinks and drugs he’d consumed.

  Stone chuckled. “Surrre they do. Anyway, if you think you’re getting this promotion, try not to look so green.”

  Dominic grimaced and straightened, knowing the captain was on his way.

  The wall clock mocked him, echoing Stone’s sentiments. He’d be here at 0800 hours on the dot.

  Despite his be
lly being tied in knots, Dominic had to get himself together. His palms sweaty and mouth dry, he’d have to look confident even when he felt like shit. He was getting this damn promotion and nothing or no one would stand in his way.


  “Captain Renard. Come in?” The voice boomed from the ship’s speaker, woke Renard out of his own haze.

  “Go for Renard.”

  “Your mission to visit the planet of Gocara is coming up. How do you wish to proceed?”

  “I don’t.” Renard snapped at the assistant from the command center. “We’ve already tried speaking to those ignorant assholes and they’ve refused.”

  “I’m sorry Captain. Although I’m aware of that fact, we cannot ignore that they are within our jurisdiction.” The assistant’s tone softened.

  “Not really. They’re closer to the sun.” Renard argued, reaching over his head for the air. It was hot like Satan’s ass crack in the cockpit of his beloved ship, Baal. The old hunk of junk as he called it had served him well, and it was time for an upgrade. The new one, Canaan was almost complete and ready for missions. He’d complained long enough about Baal, finally getting a newer model to go traipsing around the universe with.

  “Still within our jurisdiction, Captain.” The assistant said sternly.

  Renard grit his teeth and huffed. He had no desire to go to this planet and speak with those foolish bears. For some reason his segment of the Federation selected him to be the peacemaker and cosmos negotiator. Renard didn’t have the temperament nor the patience to deal with assholes. “Listen, jerkface, send someone else talk with the furries, all right? I’m going to Megiddo. Renard out!” He slammed the green button, shutting off all communications with the command center. He wasn’t in the mood to discuss Gocara or it’s stupid residents for non-compliance of G-Force universal law.

  Surely, Renard would hear from his father about his refusal to follow orders. Wouldn’t be the first or the last time when that would occur. Renard’s dad was a decorated commander in the Federation and he wished for Renard to follow in his footsteps. A while back, Renard would’ve been okay with that, but these days, his priorities had shifted. Now he longed to love a life for himself doing something he would enjoy and not what would make daddy happy because nothing ever would.