Fool, Stop Trippin' Read online

Page 5

  “Daddy’s here.” Kayla comes running. I could tell she was listening because she came much too quickly. Normally, she would be so engrossed in cartoons I would have to call her at least three times before she hears me. Malik is slower to move, but he comes as well with Mya bringing up the rear.

  “Kentee, don’t have my babies around none of your women! Do I make myself clear?”

  “I am not one of the children.”

  “Could’ve fooled me.”

  “Ya’ll give Momma a kiss.” Six arms come at me at once and we have a group hug. One by one they let go and follow their father. Kentee leaves without saying another word.

  “Be good.” I close the door. “Yes!” I still can’t believe that Kentee is taking the kids on a regular basis and paying child support. I don’t know what happened to him while he was in jail a few years ago, but whatever it was, I’m thankful. Since Kentee started picking up the kids, I rarely bother Momma to babysit. She only takes the kids when she wants them and I feel better about that. I get the much-needed break from them to enjoy my life and take care of my needs.

  I dance into the bedroom to the imaginary music I hear playing in my head. I stop to call Craig and let him know the coast is clear.

  “Hey.” My voice is sultry, sexy, and suggestive.

  “Hey, yourself. Did he come?”

  “Yep, he sure did.” I’m sure he could hear the smile in my voice.

  “So we can begin our date now?”

  “Absolutely, the clock is ticking.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Wait, what should I wear?”

  “I thought we would bum around the mall, catch a movie, maybe, and play the rest of the day by ear. Does that sound okay, or do you have something else in mind?”

  “Oh, that’s cool with me. You know I never turn down an opportunity to shop.”

  “I know that’s right. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll be ready.” Realizing that I have no time for the long bath I was anticipating, I quickly jump into the shower. Humming a ditty, I want to shout for joy. Craig makes me so happy. I don’t have to pretend with him and this is so important to me. He knows all of my secrets and accepts me as I am. We have been dating for about two years and I find myself falling deeper in love with him with each passing day. I enjoy our time together so much. It doesn’t matter what we do, as long as we’re in the same place.

  With my shower finished, I spray my favorite perfume on all my pressure points. Naked as the day I was born, I rustle through my closet searching for yet another outfit. Since we’re going shopping, I decide on a pair of low-riding jeans and a tight tee. I complete the outfit with a pink shawl tied around my waist, accenting my butt. I lightly dust my face with makeup and am back in the living room in fifteen minutes. I can’t wait to get our date started. And by the grace of God, I didn’t wait lon. Craig blows the horn and I practically skip to the car!

  “Hey, you sexy thang.”

  “I beg your pardon. You give a whole new meaning to the word sexy.” Craig could easily pose for Esquire magazine and put those young boys to shame. He’s my six-foot chocolate bar with the most intense eyes I’d ever seen. He wears his hair close to his head with long sideburns that connect with his neatly trimmed beard.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I decided against shopping today,” he said.

  “No, baby, I don’t mind at all. Come on in and we can talk about what we will do for the next thirty-two hours. I do get all thirty-two hours, don’t I?”

  “Without a doubt I want to make every second count, but you are going to have to trust me. Can you do that?” His voice is very seductive, causing my panties to cling to my moist clit.

  “You already know I have trusted you with my most valuable possessions, my children and my heart.” I pull him toward me and plant wet kisses on his forehead, eyebrows and last, but certainly not least, his succulent lips. He sucks my tongue into his mouth as I try to trace his lips. A moan escapes, but I can’t tell who it came from, him or me. Gently, but firmly, he pushes me away.

  “You keep that up and we will never leave the house.”

  “And the problem with that would be?”

  “Let’s go.” Confused at his sudden desire to leave just when things are starting to heat up, I stare at him.

  “Go, where are we going?”

  “Trust me. Get your purse.” I grab my purse and follow behind Craig. His familiar Polo Black scent captivates my mind, body, and spirit. The route we are taking is familiar; we’re going to his house, a palace compared to mine. He has every modern piece of technology, including a stereo that plays all through the house at the click of a button on the remote control. Luther Vandross is playing as we enter.

  Candles are lit throughout the living room and leading up the steps. Rose petals align the steps as he gently pulls me toward his bedroom. I’m not disappointed with this change in plans and don’t mind one bit if he decides to spend the next thirty-one hours in bed with me.

  His bedroom is also lit with rose-scented candles. It smells romantic and intoxicating. Releasing my hand, he kisses my nose. He begins his seduction by lifting my shirt over my head. He keeps my face covered as he spends time licking and sucking my nipples, now exposed since I didn’t bother with a bra today.

  “My, my my, what have we here?” He slurps around my nipples causing them to become erect raisins. I want him to pull the shirt from my face so I can see his face as he sucks my titties, but I let him lead this dance.

  “Do you trust me?” he whispers.

  “Yes.” He pulls the shirt from my face and kisses me deeply. I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He pushes me away. He unbuckles my pants and pulls them down around my ankles. With my feet trapped, I can’t move but I don’t have to. He lifts me up and places me on the bed. I lay limp on the bed as he pays attention to my hips, waist, and thighs.

  “I’ll be right back.” My breasts are cold and in need of attention. I cover them with my hands, trying to keep them warm. My feet are still tangled in my jeans and I resist the urge to free them. Craig is running this train and I’m a willing passenger. His fore-play is creative, but he didn’t need to do all this to get me excited; I get excited just by looking at him.

  Craig comes back in the room totally naked, his dick pointing at me. My eyes grow wide as I look at his massive shoulders, tight abs, and his thunderous thighs. Made in America should be stamped on his chest. He is beautiful.

  “See something you like?” He strokes his dick and massages his balls.

  “I do indeed. Can I have some of that?”

  “Trust me, in due time.” He pulls my jeans from my feet as I prepare for him to enter me. My hands reach out to grab his dick, but he pushes them away. He lifts me from the bed and carries me to the bathroom. The fragrant smell of roses from the bath water overwhelms me. He gently lowers me into the warm water, even though I’m still wearing my thong. Bubbles rise over the top and water slops over the sides, but he doesn’t stop to wipe it up.

  He climbs in the tub behind me, causing more water to spill, and pulls my body back against his chest. I can’t suppress the low moan that escapes my lips. His body feels so good. His hands move up and down my arms, gently massaging them.

  “I’ve been waiting to do this all week. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you when I see you? I just want to grab you and eat you up.”

  “I know, baby, I feel the same way. I don’t want your co-workers all up in our business, but I wanna kiss you and hold you every time I see you.” Craig starts washing my body with some rose-scented soap. He washes my arms and my chest, but he is in no hurry. The water bubbling from the jet spouts is designed to maintain the temperature, but those jet streams have nothing to do with the rising temperature in the tub. Cupping his hands, he pours water on my head. Shock prevents me from turning around and slapping the shit out of him as water drips into my eyes. I can’t believ
e he would ruin my hairdo. I just got it done a few days ago.

  “Trust me,” he whispers into my ear, taking the fight out of me. He washes my hair, conditions it, and finger combs it. Lawd only knows what I’ll do with it after the bath, but I don’t care. His fingers are so relaxing. I’ve never had a man wash my hair before.

  “Sit facing me,” Craig instructs. I rise from the water, turning to face him. Water is still dripping in my face, so he hands me a hand towel to wipe it off.

  He washes my feet with a foot brush and removes the polish from my toes, filing my nails into perfectly round arches. He scrapes away the dead skin from the bottom of each foot and when he’s through, he licks my toes. He uses a small razor to rid my legs of the new growth I hadn’t had a chance to get to today in my quick shower.


  “You like?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” I rest my toes against his dick. It’s hard and throbbing. I want to reach out and touch it but I can tell from Craig’s body movements, he isn’t finished with me yet. He continues washing my body in his slow and deliberate manner.

  “Stand up,” he commands. I stand and he uses his hands to turn me around. He washes my butt like it’s fine china. He pays attention to each cheek and spreads them to wash the crevice.

  “Bend over, baby.” He uses the friction of my thong to excite me until he slides it down my legs and discards the thong on the floor. From clit to crack, he rubs the washcloth in rapid motion, creating just the friction I need to cum. I scream as I near release.

  “Oh, damn, baby, I’m cumin’.” He removes the washcloth and pulls me toward his mouth. He sucks all of my juices, leaving me weak at the knees. I struggle to stay standing as Craig washes my pussy clean with his tongue. From ear to ear, he’s all smiles. He rises from the tub. His massive dick points at me, mocks me, because I’m ready to back that thang up, but he has other plans.

  “Not now, baby, we have to set your hair.”

  What the hell is he talking about? I don’t know how to set my hair without looking like a Chi a Pet, which is why I wear it in a ponytail in between hairdresser appointments. I start to get upset until he utters the same two words he has been saying all day: “Trust me.”

  I sag against the towel he holds in his arms as he dries me off. He pushes me toward the vanity chair in his bathroom. I notice the bags from Sally’s Beauty Supply. In the mirror, I watch Craig dry off and pull on his boxers. His body is magnificent and his dick is still erect.

  Craig arranges the items inside the bag that he is going to use. First, he massages my scalp and roller sets my hair better than my hairdresser has ever done. The rollers aren’t flopping around on my head when I touch ’em. I’m so impressed with his skills.

  He takes my hand, removes the polish from my fingertips as well, and then he applies a fresh coat to my fingers and toes, a fire-engine red that he also has in the bag. I assume Craig’s through, but he has more surprises for me in that Sally’s bag.

  He carries me from the vanity bench to the bed so my toes will not get messed up. He lays me on my back and uses Orange Chocolate Shea Butter to massage my feet, legs, thighs, stomach, and arms. The aroma is heavenly. My legs feel like jelly and I’m so relaxed, I can’t stand up.

  “How’s that feel?”

  “Sweet. Thank you, baby. How did you know I needed this?”

  “This is for me as much as it is for you. I just want to pamper you today. Now get your clothes on and let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?” I thought we were going to spend the afternoon in bed, but it’s obvious he has other plans.

  “Just put your clothes on, woman.” His voice is stern, but he is smiling. I slither out of the bed, still feeling loose and relaxed.

  “My hair is still wet.”

  “We won’t be out there long, come on.”

  It’s warm enough outside that my hair will dry soon, so I’m not worried about catching a cold. I don’t like going out of the house with rollers in my hair, but I’m anticipating what else Craig has in store for me.

  “Let me take care of this, please. Just put some clothes on that fine ass before I change my mind.” I debate calling his bluff, but I’m curious. I scramble into my clothes as he gets dressed. He grabs me by the hand and leads me to his car. We drive a few short blocks to a day spa. Without saying a word, I follow him into the spa. Craig speaks with the woman behind the desk and he turns to me.

  “I’ll be back in about a couple of hours.” He walks out the door and I’m standing there with my mouth open.

  “Come this way,” the lady instructs. I’m led into a small, dimly lit room where I am given a facial. With the mask still on my face, they place me under a dryer and give me an Essence magazine to read. I’m floored by all the planning Craig has done to make this day special for me. I want to cry at his thoughtfulness, but my face is too tight from the mask.

  I’d never been to a spa before so I don’t know what to expect. Much to my surprise, it’s very private and I only see other people when I’m moved from treatment to treatment.

  “Would you care for a cup of apple cider?”

  “Yes, thank you.” I take my first sip and it’s delicious. I finish my cider and the technician washes my face clean of the mask. My pores are tingling. When my hair is dry, they style it for me. I’m feeling like a million bucks.

  “We are going to give you a makeover. Do you mind if we arch your eyebrows?”

  “Wow, a makeover too?” Overwhelmed, I can’t speak anymore, so I nod my head. She wheels over a small cart and brushes my eyebrows in the desired shape. She applies the wax and I brace myself for the sting, but shockingly there is little or no pain.

  “Your pores are open from the facial, so the hairs come out easier.”

  “I never knew that.” She smiles at me. We don’t speak again as she busies herself applying makeup. When she finishes, she spins me around to look in the mirror. The results please me. I never knew I could look this good. This has been a truly amazing day.

  “Do you like?”

  “Oh, yes, I do. I‘ve never worn these colors before. I normally use a green shadow on my eyes and that’s it. Can you write down what you used so I can buy it?”

  “Your husband has already taken care of that.” Husband, did she call Craig my husband? I start to correct her, but change my mind.

  “Wow.” I beam at my reflection, hardly able to believe the beauty staring back at me.

  “He has another surprise for you.” She hands me a white plastic garment bag and another bag.

  “You can change in here, you won’t be disturbed.” She quickly leaves the room, closing the door behind her. I unzip the bag, anxious to see what Craig got me. Never in my life has a man gone shopping for me. I fight back tears that will surely mess up my makeup.

  “Oh, my God.” I hold a denim Phat Farm jumpsuit with red pockets and trim around the collar in my hands. It’s the same outfit I’d seen in an Essence magazine last week. I grab the bag and the boots are there as well. How did he know? Squealing with joy, I pull off my clothes. I hold my breath as I slip my legs into the jumpsuit. After it passes over my ample hips, I allow my breathing to resume. It’s a perfect fit. I slip on the boots, anxious to find a full-length mirror so I can see how it looks. I open the door and step out. Craig is there holding two dozen red roses in his arms and wearing a bright smile on his face. Who needs a mirror? His eyes and smile tell me all I need to know.

  I start to run forward, but I catch myself. Instead, I strut around, letting him get the full picture. I don’t feel like a mother at this moment. I feel sexy and desirable. Craig hands me the flowers and kisses me on my nose.

  “I don’t want to mess up your makeup.” His voice is husky and I can see the imprint of his dick in his jeans.

  “Thank you, baby. This is so sweet and the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. How did you know that I needed this?”

  “Didn’t I tell you to trust me?”

sp; “That you did. That you did.”


  I’m still trying to get used to being a father. Sure, it was easy to claim it when you had a wife doing the majority of the work. It becomes a whole different ballgame when you’re left to do the work alone. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and all, but these weekend visits are draining me both financially and mentally. The bottom line is I want my wife back.

  When I got out of jail, I made a decision to do everything in my power to win Leah back, but so far she’s been resisting my advances. If I could get her to spend a little time with me, I know I could get her back.

  “Where we going, Daddy?”

  “How about we go over to your cousins’ house?”

  “Yea!” I knew this would be a hit with Kayla and Malik. The weekends are the only time that they get to spend with their family. I called my sister earlier and she agreed to let me take the kids out for some pizza at the skating rink. She would keep Mya while we skated. Four kids at a skating rink is not an easy thang, but I found out that a lot of single mothers bring their children to the rink on Sundays and they are normally more than happy to help out a nice-looking brother like myself.

  If I’m lucky, I might pick up a new flava of the week to occupy my time until I can convince Leah that I’ve changed.

  Kayla and Malik take skating lessons twice a week. They can roller skate and ice skate. I’m more a work in progress, but I can manage my way around without falling most of the time as long as one of those kids don’t push me. My sister’s kids have little skills on skates. They tend to hold my hand and allow me to lead them around the rink. This makes me a pure chick magnet.

  “Kayla, watch out for your brother, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.” Kayla’s very respectful to the point that I often look at her in amazement. I can’t help but to attribute their manners to Leah, ’cause Lawd knows I wasn’t around long enough to make a difference in their lives. This hurts me deeply. I can’t change my past, but I have every intention of changing my future. Despite all my moaning, groaning, bitching, and complaining, I’m happy to spend time with my kids. Child support, however, is kicking my ass. I would rather spend time with my wife and kids so we all could benefit. I would get some of her good loving and maybe, just maybe, I could stop the automatic garnishments of my check.