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Some Things Never Change: An African American BWBM Urban Fiction Romance Page 2
Some Things Never Change: An African American BWBM Urban Fiction Romance Read online
Page 2
“I don’t think we should take anything from those guys.” Lou's advice went unheeded. The ladies took the drinks and made their way to the back of the club.
They passed a couple practically making love on the dance floor.
“Those two need to get a room for crying out loud.”
“Jealous?” Tammy asked.
“Maybe. It’s been awhile and those two reminded me of what I have been missing.”
Lou sipped her drink that she bought with her own money. That’s her, independent to the core. Besides she never saw the bartender mix it. No way was she gonna end up a victim of date rape. She had watched enough “lifetime” movies to give herself a hefty appreciation for her well being. She couldn’t take her eyes off the couple. Why did men always go for those ratchet chicks? Everything on her looked fake from her lips to her over-inflated breasts. The only thing left for her to do would be to rub her pussy on his face, everything else was already on display.
She never thought she had a type until she saw him. He was gorgeous. She herself was five ft. five so she placed him about five ft. 11. He wasn’t the usual dark chocolate she obsessed over. She was a huge fan of Idris Elba and Morris Chestnut. He was the complete opposite, LL Cool J lips, piercing dark brown eyes, with a body like Vin Diesel and similar complexion, he had mixed ancestry and was closer to white, with curly black hair. He wore a dress down bright blue cerulean suit with a white tee under it and matching white kicks. The only jewelry he wore was a ring, which she couldn’t make out the design since she was standing a few feet away and an expensive watch that blinged in the flashing lights. He had no visible piercings or tattoos and was very clean cut. He looked like the type you would be proud to have your parents meet.
Lou tried to distract herself by dancing to the music but she couldn’t resist glancing at the couple. She would never have the nerve to strike up a conversation with a guy just like that. She was old school and felt the guy should approach her. She didn’t want to be viewed as acting too forward or overeager. Some part of her wished he would look up so she could make eye contact with him but what next.
Just as she was puzzling it, he looked up and stared her dead in the eyes and winked. He knew Lou had been watching him the whole time. Lou instantly panicked, supposed he approached. He looked straight at her, oblivious to the crowd and the woman in his arms. Her heart started racing, it felt like it was pounding in her ear drums instead of her chest. She felt exposed and naked with his eyes on hers. It felt like the crowd had parted just so he could view her. Lou tried to calm her trembling hands and tamper down her errant thoughts.
She felt like his gaze was electric and it zapped her down to her nether regions. She felt wanton and wet, a very dangerous combination. When she heard her favorite song playing she lost it completely and started dancing to the sexy beat. His gaze never left her and it gently caressed her body.
Lou lost count of how many drinks she had somewhere along the line. She had closed her eyes while dancing in sheer bliss. When she opened her eyes the couple was long gone. She felt confused and adrift in the sea of people. Had it all been just her imagination? Clearly she needed to get laid very soon, if she was entertaining voyeurs these days. Tammy looked at her amused she had witnessed her humiliation.
“He led her to the restroom.” Tammy said through slightly slurred lips and a knowing smirk.
Lou didn’t respond, she continued dancing in a bid to sweat out the liquor. Just plain old fortifying water, no more liquor for the rest of the night. Since she was the most sober of the lot she would no doubt be driving them home to Tammy’s that night.
Out of nowhere the crowd seemed to separate into two sides. Five of the guys that she had seen by the entrance earlier had formed a human barricade against some scruffy looking men from getting at their leader. Both sides were constantly being joined by members of their gang and Lou began to wonder if there was more gang members than patrons in the club.
The DJ stopped the music and said that he wouldn’t continue playing until they took their fight outside. The DJ that was now playing was that slender twin that she observed earlier. He looked very cute on stage and had groupies surrounding him. The patrons watched the entire debacle, some with fascination others with apprehension. She fell in the latter, so much for living, wild and free. This night firmly served to reinforce her belief that the partying lifestyle wasn’t her thing. Lou felt uncertain, caged and out of place. She didn’t want to be caught in the crossfire if war broke out in the club.
She was glad when the fighters walked out taking half the crowd with them as they made their way outside the club. There was a lot of hooting, hollering and jeering from the crowd. No one knew the reason for the tension in the club and speculation was rampant.
She gathered up the drunken girls amidst the groans and jabs of being a party pooper and somehow managed to get them to the car. Lou breathed a sigh of relief that she and her friends got out of that den of inequity the same way they entered. She drove with fastidiousness, and never once looked back.
Chapter 2
Earlier that same Friday.
A short, lanky, brown-skinned adult stood beside an equally short fat dude with identical facial features. They were standing by the road waiting on their ride. They would be getting hammered at the party later and Sizzla was the designated driver. They were smelling good with expensive cologne and dressed to impress the ladies. Both wore matching Hugo Boss shirts and skinny jeans but in different colors. The fat one wore a wide platinum chain that hung low around his neck. They both had on the latest Yeezy Boost by Kanye West.
Fat Boy had just finished beating the crap out of some low life that had disrespected Powder when he hadn’t been around. He let that little shit apologize to Powder before he knocked some sense into him. Powder was blood, when you messed with one and dissed him, you insulted them both.
“Thanks bro for what you did back there.”
“Don’t sweat it man, it was nothing.”
“Look at the ass on that broad.”
They both stare wide eyed as a slim browning with a huge bumper walked passed them deep in thought. She paid them no mind as she crossed the road and went in to Big Benny’s Burgers. Fat Boy suddenly had a craving for more than just fast food. Powder shared a knowing smile and kicked a pebble across the sidewalk not worried about scoffing his brand new sneakers.
“She sure looked damn good. No way in hell she would go for guys like us.”
Fat Boy chuckled. “Speak for yourself, this nigga right here got more game than Biggie Smalls. If he could get Faith Evans and Lil Kim. I can get that beauty with her fat ass and pretty hazel eyes.”
“Dream on nigga, women like that are independent and stubborn, and will wear a brother down with questions. You can never do enough to please them.”
“That’s why I ain’t on them women being all in my business. I school them early and let them know their place from the get go. I learned the game early from watching Wayne and Sizzla in action. If they hound you, don’t spaz out and let them get suspicious. Just tell them you out making that paper so you can buy them nice gifts. Women like to know that the man they with is out there making money and handling shit.”
“I’ll believe that when I see you in a relationship that lasts longer than a month.”
Fat Boy laughed. “At least I date. Can’t say the same for you.” Powder didn’t like where the conversation was headed and quickly changed the topic.
“Fat Boy did you collect that money for Sizzla from the Bainbridge Boys?
“Naw man, I called and they said they didn’t have it. They had some bullshit sob story and wanted an extension on the deadline. When I called Sizzla and told him, he was pissed but said not to worry he would let Crazy T handle it.”
“Fuck them lame ass niggas, Crazy T gonna show them whose Boss, he’s one crazy Bitch, he will cut out their tongues and feed it to them.”
“I swear Crazy T be dipping in the shit he selling
, no other way to explain those mood swings.”
“I know right.” Powder walked up to a wooden street light post where a flyer was tacked on to it.
“Yeah man those flyers are everywhere.” Said Fat Boy
“What those papers say Fat Boy?” asked Powder.
“Ughhh…A.. T…T. I don’t know man when Wayne comes we’ll ask him.” Replied Fat Boy.
Powder look past the flyer and spotted Wayne bending the corner. “Wayne! Wayne! Over here.”
“Hey boys, what’s the latest?” Asked Wayne. He walked up to them with a cocky stroll.
“Read this man.” Fat Boy ripped the paper of the post and shoved the paper into Wayne’s hand. Wayne spared only a glance at the paper at first. Thought it was a normal everyday handout for some church activity, yard sale or a crappy job. At the twins expectant faces he took a longer look necessary for a closer inspection.
Wayne read it then paraphrased for the boys. “You know that network that brought us popular shows such as “She’s got game” and “The blacker the berry”? They are having a casting call next Friday for males and females ages 21-25.”
“Holy Shit! A chance to be on T.V. Where do I sign up man?” Asked Powder.
“Forget that! We too old man, Wayne said the cut off age was 25.” Fat Boy looked to Wayne for confirmation. Wayne nodded his head in support, before he could say anything more on the subject Sizzla pulled up with the SUV to take them to the venue. He stuffed this paper in his back pocket. He’d read everything later in the privacy of his home for he wasn’t turning 26 for another five months.
“It’s bad enough I got to carry your big ass through the drive through. Fat Boy don’t you eat that mess in my SUV, I just came from the car wash.”
“Sizzla you know I don’t like cold food, come on man, I swear I won’t drop any crumbs.”
“You better not or I’ll let you clean this SUV with your tongue.” Everybody laughed.
“That ain’t funny man.”
“It’s gonna be a tight squeeze boys we stopping to pick up Crazy T and the women. He better not have no underage girls with him this time. I don’t get down like that.” Sizzla stated with emphasis on the “tight squeeze”. The lecher in him was out and asking for trouble.
“Damn… Crazy T knows how to get all the hot bitches.” Pointed out Powder. All the guys turned to watch Crazy T swagger up to the SUV with a side piece on both arms.
Fat Boy let out a loud belch. “He even got Cherry with him, that girl is stacked, she got an ass that can swallow up a g string.” He idolized Kanye West a lot and often quoted his words as gospel. By the time they pulled up at Crazy T’s house Fat Boy had finished eating, true to his word he didn’t waste a crumb.
“Powder get your ass around the back and let Cherry come to the front.” Powder quickly complied he was no match for Sizzla’s ferocious temper.
“Bwoys how the rass uno take so long fi come, you see dis yah gal, when uno invite me no way don’t waste me damn time!” Cherry was a Jamaican hottie who Crazy T used as a drug mule.
In Jamaica she worked at a local bank during the day and partied hard during the nights. She always flew out over the weekends, rarely on a weekday unless it couldn’t be avoided. She didn’t want to arouse suspicion and get fired from her job. Cherry was beautiful until she opened her mouth. She had some crooked teeth but spoke the Queen’s English well. Only when she got angry (like she was now) did she lapse into heavy Jamaican Patois. She often bitterly complained about how she hated working in the bank. Stated often that it was just another form of modern day slavery. Her salary could only cover her rent as she lived uptown in one of the newly built condos in Kingston. Truth be told, cost of living was said to be high in Jamaica. Especially with the dollar continually sliding.
Wayne asked her one time in private if she ever regretted getting mixed up with Crazy T and she said no, she didn’t mind being the replacement and felt lucky. The girl who had set Cherry up with Crazy T had started working for the Colombians. She left because they offered her more money to do Cocaine than Crazy T ever would for bringing in a small package of weed to the United States. As far as the girl was concerned working for Crazy T was chump change. She could earn more in a month working for the Columbians than she did in a year with Crazy T. When she finally got tired of the game and saved up enough money to leave the Columbians behind. They followed her home and killed her entire family, cutting out all their tongues.
The irony was that the family had been clueless about her secret lifestyle. The Columbians did it as a warning to others who thought they could betray them by turning their backs on their hospitality. Cherry fervently admitted that if it wasn’t for Crazy T she wouldn’t be able to live this lavish lifestyle she was now used to. Crazy T paid her handsomely for the risks she took and she was free to stop any time she wanted, Crazy T trusted her. Often they flew Cherry in after a timely phone call that asked her to deliver a package of weed. How they hid the weed and got past security and their guard dogs was still a mystery. Wayne never asked, some things were best not known.
Anything that had to do with the drug side of the business Wayne stayed out of it. He knew it was only a matter of time before his luck ran out and he would have to get his hands dirty. He was spared his agonizing thoughts when they pulled up at the club. Some of the junior members of the crew rushed up to greet them. The party was lame until they walked in to stir things up. Wayne felt Cherry’s eyes on him the entire time. He knew she liked him but there was something about her, he couldn’t put his finger on it because she was fine but he just never returned her feelings.
“Wayne come and dance with me.” She wasn’t asking, she demanded his compliance.
“Suppose I don’t feel like it.”
“You got a problem with me?”
“No Babes.”
“Quit acting a fool then. There are many things we don’t feel like doing but we do them any ways because it needs to be done. Besides you’ll keep them hoodlums from approaching me. The only reason why I’m here is because of you anyways and don’t act like you don’t know it.”
“What can I say Cherry, I’m flattered. I never knew you cared.”
“Don’t let it get to you head now.” She said jokingly as she dragged him to the dance floor. He gave in, enjoyed the music and the beautiful woman that grinded on him. He caressed her curvy body and rubbed down her ass. Her breathing got heavier, her 38DD breasts bobbed up down as she danced. Her nipples hardened enough to poke out an eye or two through the thin material. All eyes were on them and he felt the envy burning a hole through his shirt. He was hard now and mindless with desire. He no longer cared who watched them. A slow song came on and he drew Cherry in closer and whispered in her ears.
“So how much are you feeling me now?”
“You know I want you.”
“How badly.”
“Let me show you.” She led him off the dance floor and into a nearby restroom. Damn she was serious about him. His ego grew and he was tickled by the idea of what was to come. The male stall was empty. They went in and bolted the latch. He leaned over and kissed her long and hard. His mind had long since left the building and his body was just following the motions. He didn’t feel any chemistry with her but he could use a good fuck to release his pent up frustrations.
“You feel better now.” His deep voiced turned her on.
Her response was a loud moan. He removed his three fingers from her wide pussy and bent her over the toilet seat to take her from behind. He quickly put on a condom and guided himself into her, her pussy was moist and wet. His nails marked her skin as he held her tight and slowly started thrusting. Then he gradually increased his pace enjoying the pounding he was giving her. Her loud cries was drowned out by the music. In no time, he felt her muscles clench and unclench around him. When it slowed he pulled out and pushed in again at full speed until he passed the finish line and nutted all over her. It was a fast fuck, just what he needed.
Cherry was beautiful but it wasn’t her that made his dick hard. The whole time he fucked her he imagined it was that pretty browning that had seemed to be dancing just for him. He felt guilty for his thoughts, like he violated Cherry just for thinking them but he couldn’t help himself. He removed some tissue and wiped her off then helped her get her clothes righted.
It was a struggle to come out of the bathroom as the club was now overcrowded. Thank God it was open air and he didn’t have to choke to death from the Hookah fumes the crowd had exhaled. He had never gravitated to smoking he preferred to get his high from alcohol.
Hookah was the latest fad making its way into events and parties. Crazy T had all the links where the drugs were concerned but Sizzla was the mastermind, he made things happen. He recruited his cousin Crazy T and convinced him of a master plan that he and his best friend Wayne had concocted. Wayne had suggested that they be the first to keep a series of Hookah parties in their neighborhood and Sizzla loved the idea. Sizzla was an opportunist and wasn’t about to allow such a lucrative trade to slip past his fingers. Under the guise of the hookah party he would get down to the real business of selling party drugs, nothing too serious just a little mix of cannabis here, some magic mushrooms there and some ecstasy, liquid or pill form, your choice.
The Dutty Bloodz were all bonafide hustlers making money. With the help of a few other neighborhood boys they had went to high school with, the Dutty Bloodz was formed. Now that the players were on the chessboard, the business had finally started to get underway. Wayne was the face of the organization he heavily promoted “Hookah Daze” which was held every Saturday night.
The Dutty Bloodz was a loud and boisterous set. They weren’t welcome in any of the finer establishments as their reputation preceded them. That’s where Wayne came in. As the face of the business, people were generally accustomed to seeing Wayne conducting meetings with the different managers of spots where they held their parties. They dealt with him because of his clean cut look, his politeness and how he carried himself. He wore well-tailored clothes no sagging pants with the butt crack that showed.