Hexes and Handcuffs: A Limited Edition Collection of Supernatural Prison Stories Read online

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  I shook my head and pulled away from him. “How can I believe you if you’re part of the Mielcarek Coven?”

  “Ceyla, I disavowed my coven and pretended to serve my enemy so that I could fight them from within, but I never offered them my wrist.” He showed me his unbitten wrist as proof that he hadn’t pledged his life to the coven leaders. “I found out that the Mielcareks were searching for you. They were planning to capture and convert all the surviving members of the fallen covens. Their power would grow and any thoughts of reviving the old covens would be gone. There would be no one left to oppose them.”

  I dropped to the floor when I heard that the Mielcareks wanted to convert me. After years of wondering why I was still alive, everything became clear. I wasn’t unlucky; I was cursed. I was innocent of my supposed crimes, but I’d never been sure why they believed I was responsible for the riot. Hearing that they planned to force me to become a Mielcarek, I clenched my fists. The heir to the Sabourin coven bowing to them and pledging allegiance to them would make for a grand show of power.

  “I will never bow to them.” I growled and jumped up from the floor to pace.

  “Ceyla, you aren’t meant to bow to anyone. That’s why I’m here.” He tried to put his hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it away. He stepped in front of me and stopped me from pacing. “The coven wants you alive, but you’re still in danger. Wesling is crazy and sometimes goes too far in punishing the students. The coven sent you here believing that Wesling could break you and make you submit, but the coven fears that Wesling will go too far and accidentally kill you. I stepped forward to be the coven’s spy so that I could keep an eye on Wesling and make sure you survived the conversion. The Mielcareks don’t know my true reason for being here.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?” I was furious that he had kept the truth from me and let me believe I was fighting alone.

  “I’m no one special, Ceyla, and I never felt worthy to be in service to you, so I helped you from the shadows.” He stepped forward to take my hand. “When you stood up to proclaim you were reforming the Sabourin Coven, I knew I had to help you reclaim your birthright.” He knelt down and extended his wrist to me. “If you believe me unworthy, I swear I will spend every day trying to prove myself to you.”

  The gesture sent a chill through me. He was offering to put his life in my hands so that he could serve me and the Sabourin Coven, just as his parents would have done. My heart thawed when I saw his eyes soften and a smile spread across his handsome face. I let my defenses fall enough to believe everything he said.

  Pushing his arm away, I shook my head. “I’m no leader, Landon. Yes, I’m angry and want to fight the Mielcareks, but I have no plan and no one believes in me enough to join me. Pledging yourself to me will only get you killed.”

  He sighed and lowered his arm. “If you won’t accept my pledge, then I offer myself to you.” He tilted his head and offered me his neck.

  Staring at his jugular, I couldn’t believe that he was offering himself to me. If I bit him and accepted his offered blood, it meant that I was claiming him as my lover.

  “Are you sure you want this, Landon? If the Mielcareks realize they can’t convert me and decide to kill me, they’ll burn you alive. There will be no second chance for you. Furthermore, if I claim you, no other female will have you. Do you understand what you’re doing?” Looking at his expectant face, I tried to figure out why he would want to be my lover and all the complications it brought.

  When he looked up at me, I saw a tear forming in the corner of his eye. I had never seen Landon express any real emotion during the time I’d known him. I crumbled completely when I saw this hard man look at me with such devotion in his eyes.

  “While I believe that you are strong enough to revive our coven, I’m offering you my neck because I’ve fallen in love with you, Ceyla. My little Pixie is the toughest, bravest, craziest woman I have ever met and I can’t imagine living my life without her.” His sincere smile made me blush.

  I laughed at the nickname and punched his shoulder. “Why were you trying to barter with me for sex?”

  He chuckled. “I had to get your attention somehow. I couldn’t show you my affection; otherwise, Wesling would see through my ruse. She figured out a while ago that I was spying for the coven since I’m not the first assigned to the task.”

  I stepped closer and ran my hand down his throat. Landon had always acted like a dick, but thinking back, he had protected me more often than I realized. Knowing what he had risked to help me, I felt humbled by his sacrifices. I couldn’t ignore my attraction towards him, even during the times I wanted to punch him. Seeing the real Landon kneeling before me, placing his trust in me and offering me his life, I couldn’t deny him.

  Gripping his chin, I stretched his neck even farther. “I thank you for your devotion to me and my family over the years. I promise to do what I can to end the reign of the Mielcareks and restore our coven.” I leaned down and licked up the vein protruding from his neck. I felt him shiver in anticipation as he let out a small groan. “I accept you, Landon, into my life.”

  “I am in your service, Ceyla Sabourin.” His voice was breathy and uneven, which made my pulse race.

  I sank my fangs deeply into his flesh and welcomed the sweet taste of his blood on my tongue. I nicked his collarbone to claim him and drank enough to complete the ritual though my stomach craved more. I released him and unbuttoned my torn skirt. His eyes watched it fall to the floor before slowly taking in the sight of my body.

  Running my claws down his cheek, he hissed. “Are you ready for me, Landon?”

  With one nod, his pent up desire was unleashed. He quickly stripped the panties from my body and gripped the backs of my thighs as he stood, lifting me in one swift motion. His tongue licked across my lip as a sign of submission and a pledge to fulfill my needs.

  He placed me on the metal table and spread my thighs wide as he released himself from his black trousers. Thrilled to see his enormous cock ready for me, I leaned back and closed my eyes so that I could fully enjoy his hard body sliding into me. Groaning, I held onto the table to keep from falling apart while he rode me fast and hard.

  I’d never been with anyone who cared about my needs and wants, so I was surprised when I felt him shift my bra and take my nipple into his mouth. I nearly lost control, but I bit my lip and clung to the back of his head.

  His hips found the perfect rhythm to set my body on fire. When I felt Landon lift me off the table, my eyes flew open in surprise. His hands held me in place as he drove in and out of me. Holding onto his broad shoulders, I stared into his eyes. I’d never experienced anything as intimate or fulfilling as his possessive eyes watching me shake from the intense pleasure building deep inside me. I came so hard that I accidentally dug my claws into his back.

  He shuddered and shook before throwing back his head and letting out a deep growl. He smiled as he carefully put me on the ground. “I swear that I will worship you properly when we have more time to ourselves. I know I can do better next time.”

  Laughing, I placed a kiss on his chest. “I don’t think I would be able to walk again if you worshipped me more fully than that.”

  He chuckled and kissed the back of my hand. “I’m happy to hear that I pleased you.”

  My smile faded when I remembered the trouble I was in. “Landon, I don’t want you to tell anyone about us. You were obviously right about Wesling putting pressure on me by offering rewards to anyone willing to attack me. Adriel and his men were nowhere in sight during the fight. If Wesling thinks that she can break me, she’ll come at me from every possible angle. I need you to stay in the shadows so that you can continue to spy on her. You have to find out what she’s planning.”

  Frowning, he ran his hand down my neck. “I want the world to know that I belong to you, but if you want us to continue as we were before I will oblige.”

  “Good. I need to gain more supporters while we figure out how to escape.�
� I traced the scar on his chest. “We are in this together, Landon. You’re not alone anymore.”

  “Neither are you, Ceyla.” He kissed my forehead and smiled at me. “Now, you need to knock me out.”

  Chapter Six

  “You have one last chance to open this door and come along peacefully.” Adriel’s muted voice threatened me through the thick door.

  Something heavy banged against the door again, rattling the hinges. One more hit and the door would give way.

  Landon, naked and passed out on the floor, was covered in his own blood from the various claw and bite marks from our supposed fight. I too was covered in wounds so that no one questioned Landon’s loyalties. My ripped clothing was sort of in place, though much of me was still exposed.

  The door finally gave way and landed in front of my feet. I crouched down, prepared to fight Adriel’s goons, though I wasn’t given the chance. Three stun batons hit me at the same time, sending me into shock. Thankfully, I didn’t lose consciousness, but I was unable to move.

  Adriel’s face appeared above mine. “Wesling wants to talk to you.” His sneering smile concerned me, but I clung to the truth that the Mielcareks didn’t want me dead.

  Paraded down the hallway once more, I noticed more eyes watching me than before. I was positive I was seeing things in my daze, but I thought I saw a few looks of respect, or perhaps fear, on some of the student’s faces. I wondered if my battle with Silas had convinced a few more people that I wasn’t going to submit to Wesling.

  My body fell into Wesling’s guest chair as Adriel stepped away.

  Wesling stood behind her desk and smiled at me. “You’ve had an interesting day. I’m not sure what prompted you to attack my students, but this act of brutality will not go unpunished. I can’t have you threatening the students whenever you lose your temper. Poor Silas is in the infirmary after your little stunt. Now, I hear that Landon is unconscious because he tried to show you a good time. Where will your reign of terror end?”

  I tried to move my lips to reply, but I couldn’t feel them.

  Adriel cleared this throat. “Headmistress, if I may. Ceyla injured a few of my men when we pulled her out of her hiding place. That alone should earn her an extra punishment.” The liar sounded almost giddy as he spoke, which urged me to fight through the numbness to speak.

  “You think…you have…me beaten. Yet…the students saw…they know. I won.” I tried to laugh, but the sound came out strangled and distorted, which sounded even creepier than I’d hoped.

  Wesling’s fake smile faded away, leaving a sinister sneer in its wake. “Defeating Silas will feel like a hollow victory once the pain starts. Send her back to the punishment room. I want to hear her screams from across the school. Skip the usual methods and go straight to the wood.”

  If I could widen my eyes, I would have. Wesling was past brute force and on to the deadly tortures.

  Dragged back down the hallway, I was strapped to a metal table, bracing for the worst torture I would likely ever feel. I finally understood why the Mielcareks had spies watching over Wesling. Torturing vampires with wood was a risky endeavor. Wooden slivers were driven into the area around the heart to weaken the body, while the fear of the wood piercing the heart tortured the mind. Some vamps had gone mad from the possibility of a slow death, never recovering from the experience.

  Adriel stood over me and poked my arm with a metal spike. When I recoiled from the pain, he smiled. “Good. You have feeling back in your body. Normally, I would gag you because the screams become tedious, but Wesling wants to hear your shrieks.”

  I winked at him. “You know, I could use a good torturer in my new coven. Interested?”

  For a split second, he appeared to consider my offer. With a quick headshake, he dismissed his thoughts and picked up the metal tray to dangle one of the shards for me to see. “This is going to hurt like hell.”

  He tapped my chest and felt around for my heartbeat. Once he was satisfied, he slowly moved the shard over my chest with his gloved hand. Seeing the shard so close to me, I tried to squirm away, but I was bound too tightly. Adriel was good at his job, but even he made mistakes.

  My body shook uncontrollably when my adrenaline spiked, causing the table to rattle.

  “Easy now. If you move too much, I can’t guarantee that you’ll survive.” His grin made me wonder if he actually wanted to kill me or if it was just for show.

  “Just imagine what the Mielcareks will do to you if I die. Me, I’ll be gone, but you’ll have to deal with the repercussions. Killing the heir to the Sabourin Coven would certainly cost you dearly. Do you think they’ll strap you to this table and shove wood into your chest, or do you think they’ll go right for your head and kill you instantly? If I were you, I would be very, very careful, Adriel.” I smiled as I tried to slow my breathing and control my fear.

  “Shut up, little one.” Adriel’s hand shook slightly as his eyes darted to my face.

  “All you have to do is nick the smallest edge and I will be reduced to dust. How will you explain that to Wesling? How long do you think you can hide my death? If the Mielcarek’s were smart, they would have someone loyal to them close by who can carry out their orders. How much time would you have to run before the Mielcareks hunted you down? I almost pity you, Adriel. I certainly wouldn’t want your job right now.” I could practically hear his internal thoughts processing my questions.

  “Shut up!” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stared unblinkingly at my chest.

  “One slip and we both die, Adriel.”

  His eyes darted back to mine and he let out a breath. He finally closed his eyes and swung his arm at the tray, spilling the wood onto the floor. “This isn’t over. You stay here and I will be back with new orders. I don’t care what Wesling says, I’m removing your tongue.” He stormed out of the room, granting me a short reprieve.

  Looking around, I tried to figure out how to get free of the bonds. Pulling and tugging at my arms, legs and chest, I cursed Adriel’s efficiency. I stilled when I heard the door open and swore to myself.

  The bluest eyes that I couldn’t properly name peered in at me. Kayden silently slid into the room and began loosening my bindings. “We need to go. I don’t know how you managed to send Adriel running from this room, but I’m grateful for it. Adriel and his men will be busy for a while, but I’m afraid he’ll send someone back to check on you.”

  Sitting up, I rubbed my sore wrists. “Where’s Adriel?”

  “Putting out a fire in Wesling’s office. She really shouldn’t keep a tea warmer in there.” He shrugged innocently as he helped me off the table.

  He tried to pull me out of the room, but I stopped him. “Why are you helping me?” While I was happy to be free, I needed to know if I now owed Kayden for his assistance.

  He bit his lip. “I wasn’t always a coward, Ceyla. I once held power and sway over anyone I met. Being turned into a vampire took all that away. Since then, I’ve been forced into subjugation. Seeing you rebel against Wesling has inspired me to take control of my life. Even if you hate me, I can’t stand by and watch you be destroyed.”

  Humbled by his words, I put my hand on his shoulder. “I was wrong about you, Kayden. I’m sorry.”

  He nodded and went to the door to see if the hallway was free. Stepping outside the door, he motioned for me to follow. Instead of heading towards the dorms, he turned right towards the maintenance area. I ducked under the low hanging pipes and scooted inside the laundry room.

  I realized too late that Kayden might be leading me to my doom, though I figured that killing me while strapped down would have been easier than taking me into a dark room to kill me.

  Kayden picked up a folded school uniform and tossed it to me. “I’m sure you’re tired of being half naked.”

  Grinning, I nodded and removed my torn clothes. He turned his back to give me some privacy.

  “You know what will happen if they find out you helped me, right?”

  He sighed. “You have no idea what it’s like to be a Bitten. You call me a Night Slave, but have you ever stopped to consider what that means? I am bound to the night, bound to the taste of blood and a lesser creature in the eyes of the purebred. I never asked for this life, unlike those who courted death and begged to be immortal. For the first time since becoming a vampire, my fate is my own. If I die doing what I believe is right, then I accept it.”

  Though I had never been friends with a Bitten, I saw how they were mistreated. “I’m sorry that you were turned against your will. The choice should have been yours. I can’t begin to understand what you go through on a daily basis, but are you sure you’re ready to accept the consequences of helping me?”

  The sorrow in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with a rage unlike anything I had ever seen. He shrugged off his blazer and pulled at the buttons on his shirt. Freeing himself, he slowly turned so that I could see his entire chest and back. What I saw made my stomach churn. Bite marks, burns, scars and welts covered most of his upper body. Bitten vampires healed slower than purebreds but they still healed. The damage inflicted upon him must have happened within the last day, which meant that he was constantly tortured.

  Without thinking, I reached out to touch a bite mark on his stomach but he recoiled from me. “Who did this to you?”

  He looked down at the marks and frowned. “Wesling likes to bite me as a reminder that she can do as she wishes to me. Adriel takes out his frustrations on me all the time. When he has a bad day, he likes to whip me. The rest of the bruises are from being hit in the hallway, beaten in the showers or after lights out. The Bitten are constantly tormented.”

  I had no idea that he’d suffered this kind of abuse daily. I felt guilty for calling him and the others names. Who was I to talk down to anyone?

  “Kayden, I swear that I will never call you a Night Slave again. I’m sorry that I was too self-absorbed not to understand your plight sooner. Though the covens treat the Bitten as lesser beings, it doesn’t make it right. No one should have to suffer as you have.” I offered him my hand as a way of apologizing.