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Project Ouroboros
Project Ouroboros Read online
Kseniya Makovetska
Kseniya Makovetska
The novel
The author would like to express her special thanks to family, friends, editors and everyone who believed in her.
Thanks for translator - Marina Vlokh
For Victor
We come from dust; we return to dust. Life — an endless series of repetitions, the Ouroboros biting its own tail. Recovering after Hurricane Tiamat (destroyed human civilization on Earth) the world manages several secret organizations. One of the best military intelligence seeks to unravel the intrigues and find out who owns the right to the undivided world domination. The search leads him to an unexpected discovery, the time of the Universe plunged into darkness. The final correction is inevitable. But... Maybe all this is happening only in his head?
The cover design and illustrations reserved by author.
All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.
ISBN: 978-1516983339
ASIN: B012L85404
Copyright © 2015 K. Makovetska
Ecclesiastes 3:20 “All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.”
Nothingness to nothingness is the whole journey. Osho
Persian Gulf, year 2023 after CE.
“Attention, attention! All citizens of Anshan are to leave the city immediately! Leave the city immediately! Attention, a storm warning is announced, all citizens are to leave the city immediately!”
Courtesy of SAG television and radio broadcasting company’s archives:
“Citizens are leaving their homes in a hurry, taking only what fits in a car! The shipping companies fail to fulfil orders! It is useless to call taxi services! If you don’t have a personal car, call 000-4-777 and a municipal bus will pick you up!”
We are at the Meteorological Watch Office of Anshan! The incoming data analysis shows that a storm of more than 400 km per hour of the wind velocity is approaching the coast! Supposedly, in half an hour it will reach the city! No expert that we interrogated can explain the nature of this phenomenon. The weather warning was given only an hour ago as before everything was fine. I am turning the floor over to professor, doctor of technology in the field of meteorology, climatology and atmosphere protection – Ea Aonhi:
— The hurricane was recorded seventy minutes ago. It moves towards the city with huge speed. There were no conditions for its occurring. This morning, as well as yesterday, atmospheric background was quiet, without any aberrations. But now… the wind speed amplifies in geometrical progression, and it already reaches 190 kilometers per hour. According to preliminary forecasts, the peak is going to be reached at four o'clock in the afternoon; the increase of speed to 415 kilometers per hour is expected. Everyone who can, go to the north as quickly as possible!"
... broadcast interrupted...
"Our broadcast will proceed only by the radio. SAG television towers don't function any more, but the radio station still works! We are going to say goodbye to you soon, dear listeners, and then we will leave the city too. We inform you with pleasure that most of inhabitants are already taken out from the dangerous zone. Now social services transport goes to children's shelters and nursing homes, after completion of evacuation the city will be closed on quarantine. Don't worry, in some days you will be able to return to your homes... We have just received a message that the last bus is leaving the city right now. Those who were evacuated are already waiting in the north of the country, in Uruck. The wind has risen to a mark..."
... broadcast interrupted...
From the report No. 2023-03-14/17
To the Minister of Internal Affairs of Elam,
the colonel general Akami Roo
The hurricane Tiamat has destroyed 98% of the city of Anshan and 83% of the country’s territory in general. 5 478 569 people died, 3 564 675 more went missing.
Officially the reasons of the hurricane aren't established. Expertises are carried out by the Public meteorological service and the World research centre.
The results will be announced 15.05.2023.
Yours faithfully, doctor Ea Aonhi.
____ Signature ________ Date
From the report No. 2023-03-16/52
To committee on questions of disarmament and international security
To the secretary general of the United Nations
George Obé
The whence of the hurricanes Tiamat, Tiamat-2, Tiamat-3 and Tiamat-4 isn't established.
23 986 439 people in 15 countries died.
43 987 783 people in 18 countries went missing.
Emergence of five more hurricanes in different parts of the world is predicted.
The checked hypotheses:
1. Military development — rejected.
2. Natural anomalies — rejected.
3. Global warming — rejected.
I ask to prolong the investigation term till 15.06.2023.
Head of World research centre investigation service,
Palen Ort
____ Signature ________ Date
From the report No. 2023-18-06/123
Top secret
To the commander-in-chief of the research centre "Enki"
Aine Soph
Works are conducted according to the plan.
Processors status: normal.
Level of headquarters protection against the predicted hurricanes is satisfactory.
Cause of accident: electromagnetic radiation in the internal geosphere of the Earth, technical malfunctions and breaks in research.
Forecast: possibility of eight new hurricanes.
Termination of the project: within the time limits set.
Head of research expedition of "Merkhaba"
Trier Lugal
____ Signature ________ Date
30 years later…
Chapter 1
— Attention, attention! The train number thirteen "Uruck-Anshan" is arriving at the fifth right of-way, platform three. Please stand back from the platform edge! To attention of the welcomers! Please stand back from the platform edge! The train number thirteen "Uruck-Anshan" is arriving at the fifth right of-way, platform three!
The beautiful spacious station was deserted. The booming silence was only interrupted by the announcements and birds calls. The majority of the welcomers were standing at the information display, shifting lazily from foot to foot or aimlessly wandering across the central hall when bored to just stand around. Someone decided to walk to the platform, when the announcement was heard again. Nobody was waiting for relatives or friends, the administrative organizations, educational institutions and the first private enterprises sent their employees who had just got used to Anshan to the station. They were waiting for the new colleagues to arrive by train from the North wearily shifting from foot to foot and were holding the plates with names of the necessary people in their hands.
— The train number thirteen "Uruck-Anshan" has arrived to the fifth right-of-way, platform three!
Almost instantly the platform was filled with people of various age and nationality. All of them arrived to work and restore once beautiful city from ruins. Many were with families; some managed to get acquainted with new colleagues and neighbours on the train, and now briskly exchanged phone numbers before dispersing. Human voices and laughter overflowed the platform, and even s
houts of seagulls rolled in these sounds of life. Gradually Anshan was coming to life...
The woman in a jumpsuit was pulling along a huge suitcase on castors. She was distinguished from the noisy crowd because of her slowness, and the suitcase creaked so badly from its unreasonable weight that the beautiful face of the passenger screwed up because of the unpleasant sounds.
You would guess she was about thirty years old; her long golden hair was pulled into a tight bun at the back, accentuating sharp cheekbones and a strong chin. The woman had the beauty of the north, which was rarely to be found in Persia after the disaster: clear skin, big green eyes, a long, thin nose and full lips made her look like a profile of a Scandinavian goddess of classical epic paintings. Woman's facial features were so harmonious and attractive that even the horn-rimmed glasses with thick lenses did not spoil her look.
Myopia was progressing and no lenses could help any more — people looked like colourful spots even at arm's length, so she walked slowly, carefully reading the inscriptions on the plates, occasionally touching other passengers with her suitcase, but she paid no attention to it. Eyesight recovery — that's one of the reasons why she came here. After all, Anshan — one of the first cities rebuilt after the disaster — had become a scientific centre rising from ruins of the country, and here all the prominent doctors were gathered.
A short young man in a blue shirt with the name "Tekhina Ami" on the plate caught her eye. Yes, it's definitely her name.
— Good afternoon! Hopefully, there is just one Tekhina Ami for whom someone is waiting here – the woman approached the young man and held out her hand.
— Dingir Lugal — he introduced himself. — I'm a student of the National University, Dr. Ami. Come with me, I'll take you to the Rector's office.
Following Dingir who waded through the crowd to the main exit, Tekhina tried to explore the station, rather guessing what there was instead of the bright spots, of which the new beautiful building with large glass walls and neon lights consisted. Spacious room seemed immense, and the amount of light began to hurt her eyes. Tekhina realized what these strange boxes were only when she passed by and saw the automatic box offices and touch screens under the flickering signs with huge letters, "Information." Right in the middle there was a long aquarium with marine creatures that was twenty meters tall. Dr. Ami had come closer and touched the glass to see a strange creature that interested her. But it was only a small octopus, quietly hugging a grey stone.
— I was allowed to take the company car to meet you, — said the student. — I'm studying at the Faculty of Biochemistry. I was told that you, Dr. Ami will have your own laboratory, and I will be your lab assistant. At the university, being aware of your outstanding abilities and achievements, everyone is hoping that you will be a worthy representative of our institution at international scientific conferences. The University aims to contribute to world science.
Dr. Ami remained silent. When she came here, she was not hoping for an easy life. Tekhina knew she would have to work without sleep and rest, because the University wants not only to see her in the staff, but will also require all new results of her research. Then, however, she wasn’t enthusiastic any more. Only fatigue and irritation overwhelmed her: why not talk to her before sharing these plans with the students?
They did not go very fast, so that Tekhina had the opportunity to look around. And despite the fact that all the buildings and palm trees became blurred spots in the hot sun, it was interesting. The woman was interested in the history of Anshan and knew that the ancient beautiful city, which she had seen in the photos, was gone.
— Everything here has been destroyed? — She asked.
— Yes. Almost ... What remained was taken to the museum. We shall soon go past it. Here, you see? — Man gestured toward the huge dark grey spots on the horizon. From the postcards and photographs Tekhina knew that it was actually an iron dome, more like a sarcophagus, that hides an entire city. — There are whole houses and ancient temples, so it is huge, — went on Dingir. And then he changed the subject. — And where did you come from?
— From Norg, it is in northern Europe.
— Yes, I have heard about that country. And I'm local. Actually, my parents are from Anshan. And when the authorities decided to rebuild the city, they were among the first volunteers. That was five years ago ... Everything that you see was built right in front of my eyes. At first we lived in bunkers. It's practically the only thing that survived after Tiamat. Now so many houses were built so that half of them is still empty. The city administration hopes that soon people will start to come here to work and study without invitations.
— Norg, too, has been hit by the disaster, because the country is along the coast. All the survivors left. Now there are only fishing settlement, there is no need to return for the rest of people.
Tekhina took thought. The only memory of the catastrophe was the time when parents sent her with the other children on the bus, while they themselves have decided to go home, because there Perry, their favourite German shepherd, was waiting. Five-year-old Tekhina decided that her parents just left her, because she never saw them again. The memory was only a blurred image of two people seen from the bus window. And also the pain and resentment, which did not perish even after so many years.
Perhaps Tiamat was another reason why Ami came to Anshan: Tekhina somehow was convinced that it was in Anshan where the clue of what had happened thirty years ago lied. She wanted not only put everything in its place, but to calm down finally, not to think and not to scroll through those memories again and again.
— I’ve heard that rector already wants to agree with you the curriculum — Dingir broke the silence, twisting the steering wheel to the left to make another circle to the university, just on the other side of the city — and at the same time to discuss your new research.
— I see...
— I know about it, as I was assigned to be your laboratory assistant, if, of course, you consider my level of knowledge appropriate for the job ... Then we'll see each other not only in the classroom, Dr. Ami.
Something in these words she didn’t like. No, it was not them.
The tone. There was some latent complacency and boasting. Tekhina felt irritation again, for a moment, she even wished she had not come here. How unfortunate that will have to work with this person!
Tekhina was mostly interested in administrative buildings. At least Dingir told her that the huge ziggurats, made of concrete and glass, were public institutions and business centres. Each one was given the name "Gekko", with a unique numbering. Strange system. There was no town hall or city administration ... there was a Gekko-1. The court — Gekko-2. The National University of Elam — Gekko-3.
Dr. Ami looked back out of the window. Yeah, Dingir gave her a real tour of the reviving city: new perfectly designed houses, sparkling glass in the sun, deserted broad avenues, young trees, desert promenades ... The sea ... How long hasn’t she seen the sea! ..
Tekhina asked for a moment to dwell on the waterfront. Sea ... So warm and beautiful ... Ami let long hair down and took off her glasses. Here it was, the only real place in this lifeless artificial city.
— Dr. Ami, it's time!
The trip continued, but they remained silent.
Dingir felt Tekhina’s tension. He was happy because of the arrival of Professor Ami and did not understand how he has hurt her. He was thinking about his own issues the rest of the way: how to cope with all the work and help his parents in the lab, and what he would like to get from life. The guy was hoping he would be able to make friends with Dr. Ami, otherwise she won’t let him learn anything, and he already could cope with mopping or washing of flasks. It would be desirable that the University was content and parents were satisfied — they were counting on him so much.
Dingir sighed. Parents never really cared if their son wanted to continue the family business. They did not even allow the thought that it could be discussed. Tekhina was silent. The mood was sp
oiled by heavy thoughts, and it seemed to her that Dingir drooped as well. None of them said a word the rest of the way.
Chapter 2
The rough wind blew the sand off; the waves were beating furiously on the slippery washed ashore rocks. It was getting dark quickly, the thunder was getting closer and closer, the horizon was no longer the boundary between the sky and the sea, and the air was filled with the smell of salt and rain. The storm was approaching.
Through the crescent thunder blasts the rare passers-by could hear an amazing melody. Dissolving in the dusk, it made the heart quiver and left the minds guessing. What is it, a flute?.. No... Something more tender...
A golden-haired skinny guy in strange baggy clothes was sitting on a folding stool, playing an outlandish wooden instrument. The young man chose the site on the corner of two main streets, but in anticipation of the storm even this place was deserted: only six students gathered around him.
— What is it? — asked the girl of four years old, tugging the sleeve of her mother.
— It’s a pipe, honey — she replied.
— No, not exactly, but very close. This is a pan flute – the musician smiled. — A very ancient instrument.
The child stared in fascination at the wooden object that looked like tubes of different lengths glued together. On the surface of the flute there were white-red geometric patterns, resembling to the ethnic ones. Hardly anywhere in Anshan you could find anything of the kind, so surprising it was for people, who were accustomed to digital music.
— Once upon a time a man with goat horns and hooves was playing it! — Musician leaned toward the girl, putting his fingers to his head, representing the horns. — He lived in the woods, playing the pan flute and people thought he was the god of the wild!