The Coven- Complete Series- Books one to Six. Read online

  The Coven

  Complete Series


  M L Briers


  A B Lee

  Copyright © 2015 by M L Briers. A B Lee.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book.

  Table of Contents

  The Coven

  Complete Series

  The Coven









  The Coven


  Book Two









  The Coven


  Book Three








  The Coven

  Safe House

  Book Four





































  Books you might enjoy by ML Briers:

  Other books you might enjoy in the A B Lee and M L Briers series are:

  The Coven



  M L Briers


  A B Lee

  Copyright © 2015 by M L Briers. A B Lee.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book.


  Eloise knew she was in the right place the moment she hit the town. She could sense the magic that filled the air all around her. Her skin tingled with its touch and she basked in the feeling of security; the village was special and she wondered how many lay lines crossed its path beneath her very feet.

  It had been so long since she felt truly safe from the world around her. Now that she was here she knew what she had to do; follow the final pathway that would lead her to her new home. It was akin to all being laid out for her, destiny had spoken long ago and now she answered the call.

  She didn’t reach out with her magic tentatively as she normally would have for fear of being discovered, because in her mind she had a strong feeling that there was no need. Sanctuary awaited her and she was hungry for it. Finally she was coming home; but to no home that she had ever known before, just the promise of something special, a place to lay her head knowing that she could just be. That thought tasted good on her tongue as she opened up her magic to the world around her and reached out.

  The spirits would surely show her the way home. After all they had called her this far. Excitement bubbled inside her. She had found a sanctuary and she couldn’t wait to start her new life within its walls.

  Alex spotted the fire red of her hair from across the street and it called to him like a beacon on one of the greyest of days that he’d seen so far this year. She stood in the middle of the town square as if she was destined to be there, as if there wouldn’t be any consequences in her actions. Stupid witch.

  He shook his head in annoyance. This wasn’t how he’d expected to spend his day. Rebecca was putting together a lunch for them to share and then he thought he might just ease himself in her body for a time. The She-wolf had come to understand that they could play for now, without any obligation from either of them, until their mates came along. He’d been quite looking forward to it.

  Now he needed to deal with this menace. As an enforcer for the pack it was his job to deal with every little annoyance that came his way, and witches were an annoyance they could all live without. First he needed to make certain that the Alpha hadn’t given permission for her to be here; otherwise it would be his head on a plate and not hers. He reached into his back pocket and drew out his mobile phone. Three rings later and the alpha was on the other end.

  “There seems to be a package in town, possibly intended for the mansion…” Alex heard the sigh down the line.

  “Another witch?” Jethro had allowed one witch to settle on the outskirts of town in the old mansion with the proviso that one witch could be good for the pack. He’d made it more than clear at the time that there could be no mischief allowed either towards his pack or the townspeople, and that had held good for a few years now. Perhaps the witch was changing the game or perhaps this was just a visit, either way boundaries would need to be redrawn.

  “Just a little one.” Alex grinned to himself as he watched her. Witches weren’t to his particular taste but this one was a curvy little thing, with dimples in her cheeks and eyes the colour of Jade, and he wouldn’t say no if the chance came up.

  “Introduce yourself and see what she wants.” Jethro had the sneaking feeling that anything short of a visit to the mansion and the witch Wendy who dwelled there would go unanswered.

  “Will do.” Alex tucked the mobile into his back pocket and started across the street. His eyes were fixed on the woman before him. The closer he got, the more his beast scratched to get out. The wolf liked witches about as much as he did, and that didn’t say a lot.

  Then she seemed to sense his approach and he saw her body tense as she turned on her heels and looked straight at him. There was a moment of shock that crossed her face and then he saw her snap her fingers, but as nothing happened he expected that she was just placing shields or wards around herself for protection. It wasn’t hard for someone like her to know who someone like him was. All supernatural beings had an inbuilt sixth sense that alerted them to one another’s presence.

  The closer he got the harder he looked at her. He’d noted that fire red hair and the dimples in her cheeks, but now his body was noticing other things, like the swell of her large breasts and the way her hips curved out, and he couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to hold onto those hips and bury his length deep inside her. He didn’t really have a type, but the way his body responded to hers; he guessed if he did she’d be it.

  Eloise pulled her shields around her tightly the moment she saw the wolf in a man’s skin coming towards her. Her mind questioned her eyes. This was supposed to be sanctu
ary and yet there he was… Lycanthrope in the flesh. No, no, no that cannot be. This is sanctuary and there should not be a pack… what if he’s a rogue?

  “Turn back and I will not hurt you.” Eloise didn’t shout across the small distance between them, she didn’t need too, she knew perfectly well that he could hear her. She saw the slow predatory smile that grew on his lips and her heart beat faster within her chest. He kept coming…

  Now what? I can’t attack him out here… But then he can’t attack me either. Hold my ground? He saw her eyes scan the area and held up his hands in front of him as she considered what to do next. He neither needed her to attack him nor did he need her to run, either would be bad… for her.

  “Easy…” He started with the depth of tone that should have put her at ease, but he saw her eyes flare and her brow furrow a moment before the sound of a fast car coming towards them drew his attention away from her and towards it. It headed straight for him…

  Alex had no choice but to jump backwards out of the way as it came to a screeching halt. The witch Wendy leant over towards the passenger window and motioned for the witch to come to her. Eloise moved quickly as Alex started towards the car.

  “Sorry, didn’t see you.” Wendy lied to him and he sensed it even if the thought had been a ludicrous one to begin with.

  “Because I’m so hard to miss…” He growled back.

  “I did miss you, but if you’re stupid enough to be standing in the middle of the street…” The sound of the passenger door closing sent Alex’s eyes snapping towards Eloise sitting in the front seat and he growled again. “Gotta go.” Wendy announced as he was forced to take a step forwards if he wanted to keep the little witch where she was supposed to be. He lifted his index finger up to say something but she blasted the damn horn and he grimaced as his ears rang from the sound. A second later and she’d sped off leaving him standing there like an idiot.

  “Damn witches.” He muttered to himself. Now he needed to tell his alpha he’d lost the opportunity to interrogate the witch. Today just wasn’t going to be his damn day.

  Wendy turned in her seat to look at the newcomer. She was a powerful one and she could sense that power all around her. Eloise was eyeing her right back until she lifted her finger and pointed at the road ahead.

  “I’d feel better if you watched where you were going.” Eloise informed her and Wendy scoffed.

  “So you’re the one that they told me about.” She directed her gaze back to the road and Eloise carried on eyeing her. The woman was definitely a witch; she could feel her power reaching out to test her shields like a tap against her body. She reminded Eloise of the mother that she had lost when she was a child and for a long moment a feeling of sadness washed over her.

  “Who would they be?” Eloise asked with a certain amount of suspicion now that she’d been throw off balance by the wolf. She felt the woman hit every bump and crevice in the roadway. Perhaps she had driven better when she wasn’t paying attention.

  “The spirits.” Wendy frowned as if questioning the younger woman’s logic. “Not the big bad wolves.” Wendy teased and saw Eloise wince. “Too soon?” Wendy asked innocently.

  “I was expecting this place to be free of the supernatural.” Eloise admitted and saw the older woman smile.

  “Hmm, why would you expect that?” Wendy seemed to like to answer a question with a question and that was playing on Eloise’s nerves. She was hoping for answers not opening up to a shrink.

  “Because this is supposed to be a haven.” Eloise shot back and Wendy turned to take her in before she smiled knowingly, a glint of amusement in her eyes.

  “And what makes you think that it isn’t?” She sidestepped the issue again.

  “Hello, wolves. A pack.” Eloise shot back with a sarcastic edge to her voice.

  “Ahh.” Wendy offered and Eloise could have scratched her body from head to toe with the frustration that this woman caused inside her.

  “Huh?” She’d had enough. If she wasn’t going to get straight answers then she wasn’t going to engage in the conversation anymore. It felt as if she was back in school and that had never been a fun time in her life.

  “Sometimes there is a haven where we least expect it.” Wendy offered and Eloise sighed. That’s it, I’m done, stick a damn fork in me. It’s as good as talking in tongues.

  Eloise pushed down in her seat and folded her arms across her chest. She’d be on the next bus, train or car out of there, just as soon as this woman got to where she was going. She turned her head and watched the countryside pass her by.

  When the car slowed to make a turn; she looked at the long winding driveway that they were turning into. Trees stood tall and majestic on either side and lined the way of the road. The canopy’s reached for each other from either side and she couldn’t seem to take her eyes from it until the car came to a screeching halt and her eyes dropped to the large wolf that stood in their path.

  “Ah crap.” Eloise breathed out and heard the small chuckle from beside her. Glad she’s happy; he looks like a whole lot of trouble. Big and mean and hungry looking… Yep, I’m on the first bus outta here. Wendy popped open the door and Eloise nearly had a damn heart attack. “What are you doing?” She went to reach for her to pull her back in but it was too late…


  “Afternoon, Alpha. What can I do for you today?” Wendy called out and Eloise marvelled at how placid the woman was. I’ve either entered a damn parallel universe where wolves don’t eat witches or this woman is certifiable.

  Eloise eyes took him in. One moment he was a hulking great beast and the next he was a naked human hulking great beast… And as sexy as hell… wow, look at those muscles… look at that… Her eyes took in his thick length that hung around bobbing and weaving with the weight of it and she almost chuckled with excited amusement. The one good thing about wolfmen, they were fine.

  “Tell me that’s not a witch in your car and I’ll be happy.” Jethro growled out with more beast in his voice than he’d like when dealing with Wendy. She always seemed so damn placid that it half guilted him to growl at her.

  “Is there a problem?” Wendy asked as she turned to give Eloise a quick look over her shoulder. Eloise saw the alpha’s eyes snap towards her and she frowned hard.

  “Wendy, you know that would be a problem…” The alpha offered and Wendy gave a small shrug off her shoulders.

  “I do?” She offered back and Eloise could have chuckled as the alpha couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

  So it’s not just me she drives nuts with the answer a question with a question tact. Ha! Good for her, where he’s concerned, but I’d like some straight answers if you please.

  “It’s just supposed to be the one witch. You.” Jethro growled back and Wendy spread her hands in front of her.

  “Ah. It’s just a little witch.” Wendy smiled at him.

  “Yeah, that’s what Alex said. But the fact…”

  “There you go then. It’s good to know we can agree on something.” Wendy offered him an innocent smile.

  “The fact remains, one witch is acceptable, two is…”

  “A party.” Caleb strolled out from behind the trees and Eloise’s eyes almost popped clean out of her head.

  Vampire… Seriously? So much for a safe haven from the supernatural. It’s a bloody convention.

  “Really, Caleb.” Wendy berated him and he stopped in mid stride towards them and narrowed his eyes upon her.

  “Sorry mother.” He offered back with a wicked grin and the sarcastic drawl of a man who seemed more than familiar with the witch. He turned his attention towards the alpha. “Lose your clothes again, Jethro.”

  “Drop dead again, Caleb.” Jethro growled back at him. The vampire grabbed his chest over his heart and tipped his head to one side.

  “Wounded, but not dead.” Caleb offered with a gleam in his eye that said bite me. He turned his head to take in Eloise. “Yum, lunch?” He offered and watched the little witch scowl
back at him.

  “Give it your best shot and lose you God damn fangs.” Eloise muttered, but it was picked up by both of the supernatural beings with excellent hearing.

  “Hmm, she could be fun to play with.” Caleb offered and the alpha growled.

  “Could you behave like…” He started and Caleb snorted.

  “A human?” He offered and Caleb growled again.

  “A sane person.” Jethro offered and Caleb grimaced and shrugged.

  “Probably not, besides, teasing witches is so much fun.”

  “Not when they fry your backside, jerk.” Eloise muttered again.

  “Oh, somebody has their panties in a twist.” Caleb tossed over his shoulder as the alpha shook his head on a long sigh of annoyance.

  “I’m sure that yours are on the right way.” Eloise snorted her contempt for him. The alpha groaned. He didn’t need this. Sometimes he kind of wished he had the poise and patience that Wendy showed to the world, but he didn’t so he growled.

  “Can we get back too…?” He started and Wendy cut him off.

  “Oh, I have pies in the oven. Can we do this later?” She started to walk back towards her car and Eloise sat up and paid attention. Caleb grinned but the alpha growled again. The woman could be infuriating most of the time. He moved aside to let her drive towards the mansion and Caleb’s satin chuckle greeted his ears.

  “I think you just let the witch walk right over you.” He offered as he started to stroll away.

  “If you had kept your nose out…” Jethro shot back.

  “Let’s face it, alpha. Wendy is a master manipulator and you fell for it.” The vampire disappeared into the trees as the alpha stood there shaking his head. Then he nodded.

  “I guess I did.” He growled out.

  Eloise had meant to start right back off for town the moment her feet touched the ground, but with a pack and a vampire out there she was much happier sitting in the woman’s kitchen drinking tea. She watched as the woman fussed over her pies and then she brought her mug to the table and slipped onto the chair opposite Eloise. Her eyes still smiled along with her lips.